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Grade Level: Grade 1

Subject: Music

Week of Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
the Learning develope online) (provide a
Quarter resources r link if online)
/ available
Week 1/ identifies the difference between sound and silence accurately
Week relates images to sound and silence within a rhythmic pattern

Performs steady beat and accurate rhythm through clapping, tapping
chanting, walking and playing musical instruments in response to sound
Week 3- o in groupings of 2s
5/Q1 o in groupings of 3s
o in groupings of 4s

Week 6- creates simple ostinato patterns in groupings of 2s, 3s, and 4s through
8/Q1 body movements

Week of Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
the Learning develope online) (provide a
Quarter resources r link if online)
/ available
Week identifies the pitch of a tone as high or low
Week of Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
the Learning develope online) (provide a
Quarter resources r link if online)
/ available
Week sings simple melodic patterns ( so –mi, mi –so, mi – re-do)
Week sings the melody of a song with the correct pitch
3/Q2 e.g. greeting songs, counting songs, or action songs
Week identifies similar or dissimilar musical lines
identifies the beginning, ending, and repeated parts of a recorded
music sample
Week 6- Performs songs with the knowledge when to start, stop, repeat or end the
8/Q2 song.

Week of Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
the Learning develope online) (provide a
Quarter resources r link if online)
/ available
Relates the source of sound with different body movements
Week e.g. wind, wave, swaying of the trees, animal sounds, or sounds produced
1/Q3 by man-made devices or machines.
Week 2- Produces sounds with different timbre using a variety of local materials
Week identifies volume changes from sound samples using the terms loud and
4/Q3 soft
Week 5- relates the concepts of dynamics to the movements of animals
6/Q3 e.g. big animals/movement = loud; small animals/movement = soft
Week 7- applies the concept of dynamic levels to enhance poetry, chants, songs,
8/Q3 drama or musical stories
Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson LR Link (if Assessment
Quarter/ Exemplar/ developer available (provide a
Grading Learning online) link if online) Grade Level: Grade 2
Period resources Subject: Music
Week of
1/Q4 demonstrates the Most Essential
basic conceptsLearning
of tempo Competencies
through Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
the movements (fast or slow) Learning develope online) (provide a
Week 2/Q4 uses body movements or dance steps to respond to varied resources r link if online)
Grading tempo available
Period - slow movement with slow music
Week 1/Q1 - fast
relates movement
visual images towith fastand
sound music
silence using quarter note ,
Week 3/Q4 uses varied tempo to enhance poetry, chants, drama, and
beamed eighth notes
musical stories and quarter rest in a rhytmic pattern
Week 2/Q1 maintains a steady beat when
Week 4-6/Q4 demonstrates awareness of texture replicating a simple series
by identifying soundsof rhythmic
patterns (e.g. or
that are solo echo clapping,
with walking, tapping, chanting, and playing
other sounds.
musical instruments)
Week 4-6/Q4 distinguishes single musical line and multiple musical lines
Week 3- reads
occurnotations in rhythmic
simultaneously patterns
in a given songwith measures of 2s, 3s and
4/Q1 4s
Week 7-8/Q4 sings two-part round songs
e.g. Are You Sleeping, Brother John?
Week 5- writes stick
Row, notations
Row, Rowto represent
Your Boat the heard rhythmic patterns
Week 7- creates simple ostinato patterns in measures of 2s, 3s, and 4s with
8/Q1 body movements

Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson LR Link (if Assessment
Quarter/ Exemplar/ developer available (provide a link
Grading Learning online) if online)
Period resources
Week 1-2/Q2 identifies the pitch of tones as: high (so), low (mi); higher
(la); lower (re)
Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson LR Link (if Assessment
Quarter/ Exemplar/ developer available (provide a link
Grading Learning online) if online)
Period resources
Week 1-2/Q2 responds to ranges of pitch through body movements,
singing, or playing instruments
Week 3-4/Q2 sings children's songs with accurate pitch
Week 3-4/Q2 * demonstrates melodic contour through:
a. movement
b. music writing (on paper or on air)
c. visual imagery
Week 5-6/Q2 demonstrates the beginning, ending and repeats of a song
- movements
- vocal sounds
- instrumental sounds
Week 5-6/Q2 identifies musical lines as
- similar
- dissimilar
Week 7-8/Q2 * creates melodic or rhythmic introduction and ending of

Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if Assessment
Quarter/ Learning resources developer available (provide a
Grading available online) link if
Period online)
Week 1/Q3 replicates different sources of sounds with body
Week 2/Q3 identifies the common musical instruments by their
sounds and image
Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if Assessment
Quarter/ Learning resources developer available (provide a
Grading available online) link if
Period online)
Week 2/Q3 recognizes the difference between speaking and singing
Week 3-4/Q3 performs songs with appropriate vocal or sound quality
(from available instruments)
Week 5/Q3 distinguishes the dynamics of a song or music sample
Week 5/Q3 uses the words “loud”, “louder”, “soft” and “softer” to
identify variations in volume
Week 6-8/Q3 Performs songs with appropriate dynamics

Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Learning develope online) (provide a
Grading resources r link if online)
Period available
Week 1-2/Q4 follows the correct tempo of a song including tempo

Week 1-2/Q4 distinguishes “slow,” “slower,” “fast,” and “faster” in

recorded music
Week 3-4/Q4 identifies musical texture with recorded music
- melody with solo instrument or voice
- single melody with accompaniment
- two or more melodies sung or played together at the
same time
Week 5-6/Q4 distinguishes between single musical line and multiple
musical lines which occur simultaneously
Week 7-8/Q4 distinguishes between thinness and thickness of musical
sound in recorded or performed music
Grade Level: Grade 3
Subject: Music

Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Learning develope online) (provide a
Grading resources r link if online)
Period available
Week 1/Q1 * relates images with sound and silence using quarter
note , beamed eighth note , half note , quarter
rest and half rest within a rhythmic pattern
Week 2/Q1 maintains a steady beat when replicating a simple series
of rhythmic patterns in measures of 2s, 3s, and 4s (e.g.
echo clapping, walking, marching, tapping, chanting,
dancing the waltz, or playing musical instruments)

Week 5-6/Q1 plays simple ostinato patterns (continually repeated

musical phrase or rhythm) with classroom instruments
and other sound sources
Week 7-8/Q1 creates continually repeated musical phrase or rhythm in
measures of 2s, 3s, and 4s

Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Learning develope online) (provide a
Grading resources r link if online)
Period available
Week 1/Q2 identifies the pitch of a tone as:
- high – higher
- moderately high – higher
- moderately low – lower
- low – lower
Week 2/Q2 matches the correct pitch of tones
Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Learning develope online) (provide a
Grading resources r link if online)
Period available
- with the voice
- with an instrument
Week 3/Q2 recreates simple patterns and contour of a melody
Week 4/Q2 identifies the beginning, middle, ending and repetitions
within a song or music sample
Week 5/Q2 identifies musical lines as
- similar
- same
- different
Week 6-8/Q2 performs songs with accurate pitch from beginning to end
including repetitions
Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Learning develope online) (provide a
Grading resources r link if online)
Period available
Week 1/Q3 recognizes musical instruments through sound
Week 2/Q3 uses the voice and other sources of sound to produce a
variety of timbres
Week 3/Q3 distinguishes “loud,” “medium,” and “soft” in music
Week 6/Q3 responds to conducting gestures of the teacher for “loud”
and “soft”
Week 7-8/Q3 applies varied dynamics to enhance poetry, chants,
drama, songs and musical stories

Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Learning develope online) (provide a
Grading resources r link if online)
Period available
Week 1/Q4 applies correct tempo and tempo changes by following
basic conducting gestures
Week 2/Q4 distinguishes among fast, moderate, and slow in music
Week 3-4/Q4 performs songs with appropriate tempo (use songs from
the locality)
Week 5-6/Q4 distinguishes between thinness and thickness of musical
Week 7-8/Q4 demonstrates the concept of texture by singing “partner
songs” (local or foreign song samples)
1. “Leron, Leron Sinta”
2. “Pamulinawen”
3. “It’s A Small World”
4. “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands
Grade Level: Grade 4
Subject: Music

Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Learning develope online) (provide a
Grading resources r link if online)
Period available
Week 1/Q1 identifies different kinds of notes and rests (whole, half, quarter,
and eighth)
Week 2-3/Q1 reads different rhythmic patterns
Week 4-5/Q1 performs rhythmic patterns in time signatures 2 3 4
4, 4, 4

Week 5-6/Q1 uses the bar line to indicate groupings of beats in 2 3 4

4, 4, 4

Week 7-8/Q1 identifies accented and unaccented pulses

Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Learning developer online) (provide a
Grading resources link if online)
Period available
Week 1/Q2 recognizes the meaning of the G-Clef (treble clef)
Week 2-3/Q2 identifies the pitch names of the G-clef staff including the ledger lines and
spaces (below middle C)
Week 4/Q2 identifies the movement of the melody as:
- no movement
- ascending stepwise
- descending stepwise
- ascending skipwise
- descending skipwise
Week 5/Q2 identifies the highest and lowest pitch in a given notation of a musical
piece to determine its range
Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Learning developer online) (provide a
Grading resources link if online)
Period available
Week 6/Q2 sings with accurate pitch the simple intervals of a melody
Week 7-8/Q2 creates simple melodic lines

Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Learning developer online) (provide a
Grading resources link if online)
Period available
Week 1/Q3 identifies aurally and visually the introduction and coda (ending) of a
musical piece
Week 2/Q3 identifies aurally and visually the antecedent and consequent in a musical
Week 3/Q3 recognizes similar and contrasting phrases in vocal and instrumental music
1. melodic
2. rhythmic
Week 4/Q3 performs similar and contrasting phrases in music
1. melodic
2. rhythmic
Week 5/Q3 identifies as vocal or instrumental, a recording of the following:
1. solo
2. duet
3. trio
4. ensemble
Week 6/Q3 identifies aurally and visually various musical ensembles in the community
Week 7-8/Q3 applies dynamics in a simple music score using the symbols p (piano) and
f (forte)
Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Learning developer online) (provide a
Grading resources link if online)
Period available
Week 1/Q4 uses appropriate musical terms to indicate variations in tempo
1. largo
2. presto
Week 2/Q4 identifies aurally and visually an ostinato or descant in a music sample
Week 3/Q4 recognizes solo or 2-part vocal or instrumental music
Week 4/Q4 identifies harmonic intervals (2 pitches) in visual and auditory music
Week 5/Q4 writes samples of harmonic intervals (2 pitches)
Week 6-8/Q4 performs a song with harmonic intervals (2pitches)

Grade Level: Grade 5

Subject: Music

Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Exemplar/ developer online) (provide a
Grading Learning link if online)
Period resources
Week 1/Q1 identifies the kinds of notes and rests in a song
Week 2/Q1 recognizes rhythmic patterns using quarter note, half note, dotted half
note, dotted quarter note, and eighth note in simple time signatures
Week 3-5/Q1 identifies accurately the duration of notes and rests in 2 3 4 time
signatures 4, 4, 4

Week 6-8/Q1 creates different rhythmic patterns using notes and rests in time
Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Learning developer online) (provide a
Grading resources link if online)
Period available
Week 1/Q2 recognizes the meaning and uses of F-Clef on the staff

Week 1/Q2 identifies the pitch names of each line and space on the F-Clef staff
Week 2/Q2 describes the use of the symbols: sharp (# ), flat (♭), and natural (♮)
Week 3/Q2 recognizes aurally and visually, examples of melodic intervals
Week 4/Q2 identifies the notes in the C major scale
Week 5/Q2 determines the range of a musical example
1. wide
2. narrow
Week 6/Q2 reads notes in different scales : Pentatonic scale, C major scale, G major
Week 7-8/Q2 creates simple melodies
Week 7-8/Q2 performs his/her own created melody

Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Learning developer online) (provide a
Grading resources link if online)
Period available
Week 1/Q3 recognizes the design or structure of simple musical forms:
1. unitary (one section)
2. strophic (same tune with 2 or more sections and 2 or more verses)
Week 2/Q3 creates a 4- line unitary song
Week 3-4/Q3 creates a 4 –line strophic song with 2 sections and 2 verses
Week 5/Q3 describes the following vocal timbres:
1. soprano
2. alto
Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Learning developer online) (provide a
Grading resources link if online)
Period available
3. tenor
4. bass
Week 6/Q3 identifies aurally and visually different instruments in:
1. rondalla
2. drum and lyre band
3. bamboo group/ensemble (Pangkat Kawayan)
4. other local indigenous ensembles
Week 7-8/Q3 creates music using available sound sources
Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Learning developer online) (provide a
Grading resources link if online)
Period available
Week 1-2/Q4 uses appropriate musical terms to indicate variations in dynamics:
1. piano (p)
2. mezzo piano (mp)
3. forte(f)
4. mezzo forte (mf)
5. crescendo
6. decrescendo
Week 3-4/Q4 uses appropriate musical terminology to indicate variations in tempo:
1. largo
2. presto
3. allegro
4. moderato
5. andante
6. vivace
7. ritardando
Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Learning developer online) (provide a
Grading resources link if online)
Period available
8. accelerando
Week 4/Q4 describes the texture of a musical piece
Week 5/Q4 performs 3-part rounds and partner songs
Week 6-8/Q4 uses the major triad as accompaniment to simple songs

Grade Level: Grade 6

Subject: Music

Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Exemplar/ develope online) (provide a
Grading Learning r link if online)
Period resources
Week 1/Q1 identifies the values of the notes / rests used in a particular song
Week 2-3/Q1 differentiates aurally among 2 3 4 and 6 time signatures
4, 4, 4 8
Week 4-5/Q1 demonstrates the conducting gestures of 2 3 4 and 6 time
signatures 4 4 4 8
, ,
Week 6-8/Q1 creates rhythmic patterns in 2 3 4 and 6 time signatures
4 4 4 8
, ,
Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Learning developer online) (provide a
Grading resources link if online)
Period available
Week 1-3/Q2 sings and plays solo or with group, melodies/songs in C Major, G Major,
and F Major
Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Learning developer online) (provide a
Grading resources link if online)
Period available
Week 4-6/Q2 creates simple melodies
Week 7-8/Q2 sings self-composed melodies

Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Learning developer online) (provide a
Grading resources link if online)
Period available
Week 1-2/Q3 identifies simple musical forms of songs from the community:
1. binary (AB) -has 2 contrasting sections (AB)
2. ternary (ABA)-has 3 sections, the third section similar to the first;
(ABC) – has 3 sections
3. rondo (ABACA) -has contrasting sections in between repetitions
of the A section (ABACA)
Week 3/Q3 uses the different repeat marks that are related to form:
1. Da Capo (D.C.)
2. Dal Segno (D.S.)
3. Al Fine (up to the end)
4. D.C. al Fine (repeat from the beginning until the word Fine)
5. ║: :║
6. ┌───┐┌───┐
1 2
(ending 1, ending 2)
Week 4/Q3 describes the instrumental sections of the Western orchestra
Week 5/Q3 distinguishes various musical ensembles seen and heard in the community
Week 6-8/Q3 uses varied dynamics in a song performance
1. piano (p)
2. mezzo piano (mp)
Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Learning developer online) (provide a
Grading resources link if online)
Period available
3. pianissimo (pp)
4. forte (f)
5. mezzo forte (mf)
6. fortissimo (ff)
7. crescendo
8. decrescendo

Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Learning developer online) (provide a
Grading resources link if online)
Period available
Week 1/Q4 identifies the different tempo in a music sample:
1. allegro
2. andante
3. ritardando
4. accelerando
5. largo
6. presto
7. vivace
Week 2/Q4 demonstrates the different kinds of tempo by following tempo marks in a
song from the community
e.g.: “Pandangguhan”
Week 4/Q4 identifies different textures from music samples
1. Vocal
a. solo voice
b. solo voice with accompaniment
c. duet, partner songs, round songs
Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Learning developer online) (provide a
Grading resources link if online)
Period available
2. Instrumental
a. solo
b. ensemble
Week 5/Q4 distinguishes monophonic, homophonic, and polyphonic textures
Week 6/Q4 distinguishes the sound of a major chord from a minor chord
Week 7-8/Q4 uses major or minor chords as accompaniment to simple songs

Grade Level: Grade 7

Subject: Music

Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Learning develope online) (provide a
Grading resources r link if online)
Period available
Week 1/Q1 describes the musical characteristics of representative music
selections from the lowlands of Luzon after listening
Week 2/Q1 analyzes the musical elements of some Lowland vocal and
instrumental music selections;
Week 3/Q1 * identifies the musical instruments and other sound sources from
the lowlands of Luzon
Week 4/Q1 explores ways of producing sounds on a variety of sources that is
similar to the instruments being studied;
Week 5/Q1 improvises simple rhythmic/melodic accompaniments to selected
music from the Lowlands of Luzon;
Week 6/Q1 performs music from Luzon lowlands with own accompaniment;
Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Learning develope online) (provide a
Grading resources r link if online)
Period available
Week 7-8/Q1 evaluates music and music performances with rubrics on musical
elements and styles.

Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Learning developer online) (provide a
Grading resources link if online)
Period available
Week 1/Q2 describes the musical characteristics of representative selections of Cordillera,
Mindoro, Palawan and of the Visayas after listening;
Week 2/Q2 explains the distinguishing characteristics of representative music from
Cordillera, Mindoro, Palawan and of the Visayasin relation to its culture and
Week 3/Q2 identifies the musical instruments and other sound sources from Cordillera,
Mindoro, Palawan and of the Visayas;
Week 4/Q2 discovers ways of producing sounds on a variety of sources similar to
instruments being studied;
Week 5/Q2 improvises simple rhythmic/melodic accompaniments to selected music
from the Cordillera, Mindoro, Palawan and of the Visayas;
Week 6/Q2 performs music from Cordillera, Mindoro, Palawan and of the Visayas, with
Week 7-8/Q2 evaluates music and music performances using rubrics on musical
elements and style.
Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Learning developer online) (provide a
Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Learning developer online) (provide a
Grading resources link if online)
Period available
Grading resources link if online)
Period available
Week 1/Q3 describes the musical characteristics of representative music selections from
Mindanao after listening;
Week 2/Q3 identifies the musical instruments and other sound sources of representative
music selections from Mindanao
Week 3/Q3 analyzes the musical elements of some Mindanao vocal and instrumental
Week 4/Q3 discovers ways of producing sounds on a variety of sources that is similar to
the instruments being studied;
Week 5/Q3 improvises simple rhythmic/melodic accompaniments to selected music
from Mindanao;
Week 6/Q3 perform music from Mindanao with own accompaniment
Week 7-8/Q3 evaluates music selections and music performances using rubrics on
musical elements and style.

Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Learning developer online) (provide a
Grading resources link if online)
Period available
Week 1/Q4 identifies musical characteristics of selected Philippine festivals and theatrical
forms through video or live performances;
Week 2/Q4 describes the origins and cultural background of selected Philippine festival/s;
Week 3/Q4 describes how the music contributes to the performance of the musical
Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Learning developer online) (provide a
Grading resources link if online)
Period available
Week 4/Q4 describes how a specific idea or story is communicated through music in a
particular Philippine musical theater
Week 5-6/Q4 improvises music accompaniment in relation to a particular Philippine festival;
Week 7-8/Q4 performs selection/s from chosen Philippine musical theater;

Grade Level: Grade 8

Subject: Music

Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Learning develope online) (provide a
Grading resources r link if online)
Period available
Week 1/Q1 listens perceptively to music of Southeast Asia;
Week 2/Q1 analyzes musical elements of selected songs and instrumental pieces
heard and performed;
Week 3/Q1 explores ways of producing sounds on a variety of sources that would
simulate instruments being studied;
Week 4/Q1 improvises simple accompaniment to selected Southeast Asian
Week 5-6/Q1 performs music from Southeast Asia with own accompaniment;

Week 7-8/Q1 * evaluates music and music performances using guided rubrics
applying knowledge of musical elements and style.
Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Learning develope online) (provide a
Grading resources r link if online)
Period available

Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Learning developer online) (provide a
Grading resources link if online)
Period available
Week 1/Q2 listens perceptively to music of East Asia;
Week 2/Q2 analyzes musical elements of selected songs and instrumental pieces heard
and performed;
Week 3/Q2 explores ways of producing sounds on a variety of sources that would
simulate instruments being studied;
Week 4/Q2 improvises simple accompaniment to selected East Asian music;
Week 5-6/Q2 * performs music from East Asia with own accompaniment;
Week 7-8/Q2 evaluates music and music performances using guided rubrics applying
knowledge of musical elements and style.

Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Learning developer online) (provide a
Grading resources link if online)
Period available
Week 1/Q3 listens perceptively to music of South Asia and the Middle East;

Week 2/Q3 analyzes musical elements of selected songs and instrumental pieces heard
and performed;
Week 3/Q3 explores ways of producing sounds on a variety of sources that would
simulate instruments being studied;
Week 4/Q3 improvises simple accompaniment to selected South Asia and the Middle
Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Learning developer online) (provide a
Grading resources link if online)
Period available
East music;
Week 5-6/Q3 * performs music from South Asia and Middle East with own
Week 7-8/Q3 evaluates music and music performances using guided rubrics applying
knowledge of musical elements and style.

Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Learning developer online) (provide a
Grading resources link if online)
Period available
Week 1/Q4 identifies musical characteristics of selected Asian musical theater through
video films or live performances;
Week 2/Q4 describes the instruments that accompany Kabuki, Wayang Kulit, Peking
Week 3/Q4 describes how a specific idea or story is communicated through music in a
particular Asian musical theater;
Week 4/Q4 improvises appropriate sound, music, gesture, movements, props and
costume for performance of a chosen Asian traditional musical and theatrical
Week 5-6/Q4 performs selection/s from chosen Asian musical theater;
Week 7-8/Q4 evaluates music and music performances using guided rubrics applying
knowledge of musical elements and style.

Grade Level: Grade 9

Subject: Music
Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Learning develope online) (provide a
Grading resources r link if online)
Period available
Week 1/Q1 describes the musical elements of selected vocal and instrumental
music of Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque music;
Week 2/Q1 explains the performance practice (setting, composition, role of
composers/performers, and audience) during Medieval, Renaissance
and Baroque periods;
Week 3/Q1 * relates Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque music to other art
forms and its history within the era;
Week 4-5/Q1 * improvises appropriate accompaniment to selected music from
Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque Period;
Week 6-7/Q1 * performs music from Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque Period;

Week 8/Q1 * evaluates music and music performances using guided rubrics

Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Learning developer online) (provide a
Grading resources link if online)
Period available
Week 1/Q2 describes musical elements of given Classical period pieces;
Week 2/Q2 explains the performance practice (setting, composition, role of
composers/performers, and audience) during Classical Period
Week 3/Q2 relates Classical music to other art forms and its history within the era;
Week 4-5/Q2 improvises appropriate accompaniment to selected music from Classical
Week 6-7/Q2 performs selected music from the Classical period;
Week 8/Q2 evaluates music and music performances using guided rubrics.
Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Learning developer online) (provide a
Grading resources link if online)
Period available
Week 1/Q3 describes musical elements of given Romantic period pieces;
Week 2/Q3 explains the performance practice (setting, composition, role of
composers/performers, and audience) during Romantic Period
Week 3/Q3 relates Romantic music to other art forms and its history within the era;
Week 4-5/Q3 improvises appropriate accompaniment to selected music from Romantic
Week 6-7/Q3 performs selected music from the Romantic period;
Week 8/Q3 evaluates music and music performances using guided rubrics.

Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Learning developer online) (provide a
Grading resources link if online)
Period available
Week 1-2/Q4 explains the plot, musical and theatrical elements of an opera after
watching video samples;
Week 3-4/Q4 performs themes or melodic fragments of given selected songs;
Week 5-6/Q4 improvises appropriate sounds, music, gestures, movements, and costumes
for a chosen opera.
Week 7-8/Q4 evaluates music performances using guided rubrics

Grade Level: Grade 10

Subject: Music
Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Learning develope online) (provide a
Grading resources r link if online)
Period available
Week 1/Q1 describes distinctive musical elements of given pieces in 20th century
Week 2-3/Q1 explains the performance practice (setting, composition, role of
composers/performers, and audience) of 20 century music;
Week 4-5/Q1 relates 20th Century music to other art forms and media during the
same time period;
Week 5-6/Q1 performs music sample from the 20th century

Week 7-8/Q1 evaluates music and music performances using guided rubrics

Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Learning developer online) (provide a
Grading resources link if online)
Period available
Week 1/Q2 describes the historical and cultural background of Afro-Latin American
and popular music;
Week 2-3/Q2 analyzes musical characteristics of Afro-Latin American and popular music
through listening activities;
Week 4-5/Q2 explores ways of creating sounds on a variety of sources suitable to chosen
vocal and instrumental selections;
Week 6-7/Q2 performs selections of Afro-Latin American and popular music in appropriate
pitch, rhythm, style, and expression;
Week 8/Q2 evaluates music and music performances using guided rubrics
Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Learning developer online) (provide a
Grading resources link if online)
Period available
Week 1/Q3 narrates the life of selected contemporary Filipino composer/s ;
Week 2/Q3 analyzes the musical characteristics of traditional and contemporary
Philippine music;
Week 3-5/Q3 improvises simple vocal/instrumental accompaniments to selected
contemporary Philippine music;
Week 6-7/Q3 performs selections of contemporary Philippine music;
Week 8/Q3 evaluates music and music performances using guided rubrics.

Week of the Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
Quarter/ Learning developer online) (provide a
Grading resources link if online)
Period available
Week 1/Q4 describes how an idea or story in a musical play is presented by watching a
live performance or video excerpt;
Week 2-3/Q4 explains how theatrical elements in a selected part of a musical play are
combined with music and media to achieve certain effects;
Week 4-6/Q4 creates appropriate sounds, music, gestures,movements, and costume using
media and technology for a selected part of a musical play;
Week 7-8/Q4 performs an excerpt from a 20th or 21st century Philippine musical and
highlight its similarities and differences to other western musical play.

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