Sources of Media Bias: Chun-Fang Chiang February, 2007
Sources of Media Bias: Chun-Fang Chiang February, 2007
Sources of Media Bias: Chun-Fang Chiang February, 2007
Chun-Fang Chiang
February, 2007
During presidential campaigns, the media plays an important role by providing background information on candidates to the general public. However,
the media can be biased in favor of a specific candidate. This paper aims to
investigates the source of media bias by estimating the effect of electoral competition on news coverage. If media bias is generated to cater to the major
preferences in the media market, we should see more news coverage of the Republican candidate in markets where the majority of viewers is Republican.
However, if the media bias comes from the motivation to impact the outcome
of the election, we will see more media bias in media markets where the election
is more competitive. In this paper, a simple model is constructed to explain
how electoral competition affects media bias under the motivation to impact
the election outcome. In the empirical analysis, media bias is measured by the
relative length of presidential candidates sound bites in local TV news stories prior to the 2000 presidential election. The data shows that media bias is
greater in media markets where the election is more competitive, which implies
that media bias comes primarily from the desire to affect the election outcome.
I am very grateful to Brian Knight, Ross Levine and Pedro Dal Bo for their guidance and
encouragement. I also thank Ying Pan, Masaki Yamada, Ruben Durante for helpful discussions and
comments. All errors remain mine.
Mass media provides people with information to make decisions. However, the news
media is viewed widely as biased (Baron, 2004; Goldberg, 2002; Alterman, 2003).
During presidential campaigns, the media may provide unbalanced news reports in
favor of a specific candidate. On the one hand, media bias in an election could be
motivated by an incentive to impact the electoral outcome. On the other hand, media
bias could come from the desire to cater to major preferences of consumers in the
media market. By estimating the effect of electoral competition on media bias, this
paper aims to distinguish the sources of media bias.
Intuitively, if media bias is generated to cater to consumers preferences, there
will be more media bias in favor of the Republican candidate when there is more
Republican support in an area. However, when the area is not a Democratic or
Republican stronghold, there should be less media bias. If media bias mainly comes
from the desire to affect the election outcome, we should observe increased media bias
when the election is more competitive, since that is when the media is more influential.
The latter mechanism is somewhat intuitive but not very clear. Therefore, I construct
a simple model to explain how electoral competition will increase media bias under
the assumption that the news media cares about the election outcome.
In the theoretical model, media bias is generated by media outlets. When deciding
the optimal bias, the media outlet faces a tradeoff. The journalist may increase the
probability of having the preferred candidate elected by generating more media bias.
However, the reputation of the media firm may suffer in the process. The model
shows that the marginal benefit of media bias is larger in a close election. As a result,
the model has the prediction that media bias is greater when the election is more
In the empirical analysis, two different data sets are used to investigate the electoral competition effect on media bias: local news archives from the Norman Lear
Center in 2000 (Kaplan and Hale, 2001) and the believability surveys conducted by
the Pew Research Center in 2002 and 2004. From the data of local news archives,
media bias is measured by the relative length of presidential candidates speaking
time in local TV news stories prior to the 2000 presidential elections. The electoral
competitiveness is measured by vote returns in the last presidential election and the
daily price of vote share in the Iowa election market. The empirical results show that
media bias is greater in media markets where the election is more competitive.
The believability survey conducted by the Pew Research Center provides a subjective measure of media bias. It asks people to rate the believability of the local
media and the national media. The data shows that the believability of daily newspapers is lower in media markets where the election is more competitive, while the
believability of national papers is not affected by electoral competitiveness. Reported
believability of the news outlets could fall as competition increases because people
are more anxious or more skeptical when an election is close. However, these unobservable characteristics should also affect the believability of daily newspapers as well
as national newspapers. Since the believability of national newspapers is not significantly affected by the electoral competition , we know that the effect of electoral
competition on the believability of daily newspaper is not simply because people are
more anxious or skeptical. These empirical results imply that media bias does not
come from the majoritys preferences, but rather it comes from the desire to affect
election outcome.
The term media bias has been defined in several ways. In Barrons paper, media
bias is defined relative to the truth (Barron, 2004). The ASNE1 found that some
people believe that media bias is favoritism of a particular social or political group,
which is closer to the meaning of media bias in this paper. Under this definition,
journalists could report the truth but favor one particular political party in his/her
selection of information to be reported. In the theoretical model, media outlets can
increase the probability of having their preferred candidate elected by increasing the
candidates positive coverage. In the empirical analysis of local news archives, media
bias is measured by the relative length of candidates speaking time. One assumption
behind this media bias measure is that both candidates try to maintain a positive
image and deliver clear information about themselves to the public. Therefore, when a
reporter gives one candidate more sound bites, the reporter helps the candidate deliver
messages to voters and also increases public familiarity. While these assumptions are
hard to test, this measure is easy to calculate and can be obtained without any
subjective judgement.
The empirical results from the local news archives suggest that media bias is
derived from the desire to affect election outcomes and therefore provide support for
the supply side approach. However, when there is more than one TV news station in
the media market, the motivation to affect election outcomes could also come from the
demand side, affected by the audience that shares political views with the media firm.
However, the finding from the believability survey can not be completely explained by
the demand side factors. There was only one daily newspaper in most media markets,
and if there were more than one daily newspaper in the media market, respondents
were asked to rank the one that they were most familiar with. Therefore, the demand
side factors are unlikely to completely explain the decreased believability of the daily
newspaper in a competitive election.
If we assume that the believability of the media is related to consumer welfare,
the consumer welfare is weakened when the election is more competitive. In terms
of election outcome and voters welfare, if the media bias is generated to cater to
the majoritys preference during the election, the election outcome is less likely to
be affected. However, if media bias is coming from the motivation to affect election outcome, undecided voters may get biased information, which may result in an
undesirable outcome.
This paper relates to the emerging literature that investigates the sources of media
bias. The theoretical literature can be divided into two approaches: the demand side
approach and the supply side approach. From the demand side approach, media bias
originates from consumer preference. Consumers may like to see news that confirms
their beliefs (Mullainathan and Shleifer, 2005). Even if consumers would like to choose
media that delivers accurate information, their choices may be still affected by their
prior beliefs (Gentzkow and Shapiro, 2006); therefore media outlets may have media
bias to cater to consumers beliefs. Empirically, Gentzkow and Shapiro (2006) found
that newspaper slants were largely explained by demand side, not supply side. Kim
(2008) found that newspapers endorsements of presidential candidates were mainly
Literature Review
There is little consensus about why the media is biased or how the competition
between media firms affect media bias. Most theories of media bias try to provide
a convincing story about where the media bias originates and predictions of how
competition between media firms affects media bias.
Under the assumption that readers hold beliefs that they like to see confirmed,
Mullainathan and Shleifer (2005) provide a theory about how consumer preference
and the competition between newspapers affect media bias. They find that if consumers beliefs are heterogenous, duopolist newspapers will differentiate themselves
by reporting extreme news so that they can charge higher prices. Gentzkow and
Shapiro (2006) make the assumption that consumers will update their belief based
upon the information they receive and, in addition, will choose a media firm according to reputation. In their model, consumers care for the reputation of media firms.
However, consumers judgements are still affected by their beliefs, therefore media
firms will slant the news to cater to consumers beliefs.
Media bias may also come from the supply side. Baron (2004) explains the persistent media bias based on incomplete information and the career interests of journalists. In his theory, media bias originates from journalists whose career interests lead
them to sacrifice current wages for future opportunities. A profit-maximizing news
organization tolerates bias only if it gains more on the supply side than it loses on
the demand side. Competition from a news organization with less bias could force a
higher bias news organization to reduce the discretion granted to its journalists. However, competition between two news organizations with opposing biases can result in
Dalton, Beck, and Huckfeldt (1998) find that the editorial stance of local newspapers
is correlated with local perceptions of candidates in the 1992 presidential election.
Erikson (1976) and Gunther (1992) also provide similar findings. While it is hard to
distinguish between the demand side factors and the supply side factors, Gentzkow
and Shapiro constructed media slants of newspapers using language selection from
2000 to 2004 and found that most variation in media slants were explained by consumers preference. Kim (2008) found that newspapers endorsements of presidential
candidates were mainly affected by owners preference.
The Model
In this section, we present a model to explain how the electoral competition affects
the medias motivation to report unbalanced news. Under the assumption that media
owners care about the election outcome, the model predicts that there will be more
media bias when the election is more competitive.
There are two candidates in the election. Candidate D is from the Democratic party
and candidate R is from the Republican party. Citizens are divided into three groupsDemocrats, Republicans, and Independents. Democrats and Republicans will vote
for their candidate. Independents will vote for Democrat or Republican candidates
depending on the information they receive from the media. Let D , R , and I
denote, respectively, the fraction of voters who are Democrats, Republicans, and
There is only one media outlet. Two candidates are sending out positive information about themselves in equal amounts to the media. However, the media outlet can
choose to give one or the other candidate more positive news reports. Unbalanced
news reports will hurt the media firms reputation and affect their long run profits.
Therefore, the media firm will monitor the news reported by the journalist working
for the firm. The journalist cares about who will be elected in the election and the
wage affected by the quality of news. Suppose that the journalist is a Democrat, the
journalists utility function can be expressed by the following:
U = PD uD + (1 )u(Q),
of candidate D to be elected is
PD = P rob(D + rD
I > R + (1 rD
)I )
= P rob(rD
> +
The information from the media firm can affect an Independents decision by increasing the
candidates charisma (Andina Diaz, 2004). The assumption that an Independents decision depends
on one information from the media could be too simple. However, as long as pID is a function of b
with the properties pID (1/2) = 1/2 and pID 0 (b) > 0 , the results we have in the model will not change.
|R D |
be a
measure of the electoral competitiveness. We can classify these situations into the
following three cases:
Case 1: |R
> 1 . In this case, the election is not competitive. PD is either
In this case, there are more Democrats in the media market. Given the probability of an Independent voting for the candidate D, pID , the fraction of IndepenI
dents voting for the candidate D, rD
is approximately distributed as a normal
distribution with mean pID , and variance pID (1 pID ). Let = (pID (1 pID ))1/2 ,
we have
1 D R
+ b)),
= ( (
1 1 D R
= ( (
+ b)).
is decreasing in
|R D |
+ (1 )u0 (b) = 0,
where u0 (b) is u0 (Q)Q0 (b). u0 (b) is negative because bias will hurt the performance of the journalist. The second order condition is
+ (1 )u00 (b) < 0.
From the first order condition and second order condition, we have the effect of
|R D |
on the optima b :
|R D |
uD P
+ (1 )u00 (b )
0 ( 1 ( D2
+ b)))
2 2
uD P
+ (1 )u00 (b )
< 0. (8)
Therefore, when the election is more competitive, the journalist will choose to
generate more bias.
Case 3:
|R D |
In this case, there are more Republicans in the media market. Similar to case 2,
the Democratic journalist could increase PD by choosing positive b and equation
(8) still holds. Therefore, bias b will still increase when the election is more
competitive. However, in case 3 we can see
is decreasing in b as long as
The main prediction from the model is that when the election is more competitive,
the journalist will choose higher bias. When deciding the optimal bias, the journalist faces a tradeoff between increased probability of having the preferred candidate
elected and the decreased reputation associated with bias. As we can see in the
model, when the election is more competitive, the marginal benefit of media bias
from the increased probability is larger due to the property of the underlying normal
distribution. Therefore, the optimal bias for the journalist will be higher when the
election is more competitive.
In the above model, there is only one media firm in the market. However, it is not
difficult to expect the situation with two media firms. In a market with two media
firms with opposite political views, each firm will generate media bias in favor of the
preferred candidate. As the number of media firms increases, a single media firm may
lose some of their audience and become less influential. The number of media firms
may also increase media bias in some firms since firms may use target different groups
of audience. Therefore, the number of media firms may have an ambiguous effect on
media bias. However, in the equilibrium, the positive effect of electoral competition
on media bias will still hold.
White House panels recommendation of airing 5 minutes of candidate centered discourse (CCD)
a night in the last 30 days of a campaign
The media bias measure of station i on date t is constructed by the relative length of
candidates speaking time :
biasit = (
)2 ,
Repit + Demit 2
where Repit and Demit denote the number of seconds given to the Republican and
Democratic president candidates from station i and date t.
It is difficult to measure electoral competition for every media market everyday during
the campaign period in 2000. One possible source is the polls conducted at the state
level. However, those state polls are conducted by various institutions and some
states have little polls data available. Therefore, three electoral competition measures
are constructed: The electoral competition measure over markets based on the vote
return in 1996 election, the daily electoral competition based on the Iowa election
market, and a predicted electoral competition measure constructed from the above
information under the assumption that people in different states change their political
attitude in the same way.
A. Measure of electoral competition over markets
To construct an electoral competition measure for each media market, we first
construct a competition measure for each state. The state competition measure is
constructed by the election return data in the previous presidential election. The
state competition measure used for the 2000 regression is defined by the square of the
difference of vote share in 1996 :
= (
V Dem1996
V Rep1996
)2 ,
1996 + V Dem1996
V Rep1996
where V Rep1996
and V Dem1996
are the votes for Republican and Democratic candis
dates in state s in 1996.
For any media market that is covered by a single state, the above measure is the
competition measure for the media market. For the media market that spans across
several states, the electoral competition measure is weighted by the total votes in
each state within the media market. Consider the media market across n states. The
competition measure for the media market m can be expressed as follows:
ws Com1996
where ws are the total votes in state s within market m in the 1996 election.
B. Daily electoral competition measure
The price of the vote share in Iowa election market is used to measure electoral
competition over the 30-day period prior to the election.
P Rep2000
P Dem2000
= (
)2 ,
P Rept + P Demt
P Rept + P Demt
where P Rept is the price of the Republican candidates vote share at time t from the
Iowa election market.
C. Predicted electoral competition
While Competitionm measures the electoral competition over each market by using the data 4 years before the election, Competitiont measures the electoral competition over the 30-day period prior the election. To get a better competition measurement for each market near the election in 2000, we combine the information
from the 1996 election return and the tracking poll in 2000 to construct the variable
P redicted Competitionm,t . The first step is to predict the fraction of people who
support the Republican candidate in states in 2000 at time t:
+ (P Rep2000
V Rep1996
= V Rep1996
N ational ),
where V Rep1996
N ational is the national vote share for the Republican candidate in 1996.
The second term in the bracket is the national change in Republican supporters. This
method implies the assumption that people in different states change their political
attitudes in the same direction and by the same magnitude.
The Iowa election market was closed at midnight every day. Therefore, the vote share price on
the midnight is matched with the TV news data in the next day. The tracking polls conducted by
Gallup group could be also a source to generate the daily electoral competition measure. However,
it was a three day average poll and the poll number was released on the day after the three day
period. The matching will be less precise in terms of the timing of matching.
= (
)2 .
Again, for the media market across several states, we generate the competition measure by weighted state competition measure.
ws Compredicted
The main prediction of the model is that electoral competition will increase media
bias. The baseline specification for the test of the this prediction is:
biasit = competitionm 1 + competitiont 2 + Xm + i + it ,
where bit is the media bias measure of station i at time t.
Competitionm and
competitiont are the electoral competition measure over market and over time constructed by the methods in section 2. Xm include some characteristics of the media
markets. i is the random component for each station.
The competition measures increase when the election is more competitive. Therefore, we expect if the supply side factors are dominant, we expect 1 and 2 to be
positive, as predicted by the supply-side model. If the demand side factors of media
bias are dominant, then we should see negative 1 and 2 .
In principle, media bias could also affect electoral competition. If the media
generate a large amount of bias in favor of one political party, then the voters political
preference could change due to the media bias. This could change the electoral
competition. Therefore, the competition measure could be endogenous. However, if
the media bias makes the election less competitive, the results will favor the story
that the bias is generated to cater to the preferences of major consumers.
Consider the electoral competition measure over media markets. This measure is
driven from the vote return of last presidential election. It could be endogenous if
the media bias of the TV stations between two presidential elections are correlated.
Since some TV stations may make the election more competitive while others make
the election less competitive, overall, the correlation between media bias and electoral
competition caused by the endogeneity should be weak. Consider the daily electoral
competition measure. Since there are 210 media markets in the U.S, the causality
of the media bias from one local TV station on the national electoral competition is
even weaker.
Another possible data source to generate the daily electoral competition measure is from the
daily tracking poll conducted by the Gallup group. While using the daily tracking poll to generate
daily electoral competition measure, the results depend on the way to deal with the time issue. The
daily tracking poll is a three day average poll. If the poll data is matched with the second of three
days the poll was conducted, the result will be more media bias as the election is more competitive
. However, if the poll data is matched with the date on which the polling results are released, which
is the day after the final day of polling, there will be less media bias when the election is more
The variable number of local TV stations is the total number of TV stations in the
media markets, including commercial and non-commercial TV stations. It is used as
a proxy of competition between local news programs. Intuitively, the influence of one
media firm will be lessened when there are more media firms. Therefore, we should
see less media bias when there are more TV stations in the media market. However,
this variable is not significant in most specifications.
The variable total speaking time is the sum of two candidates sound bites. This
variable has statistical meaning rather than economic meaning. If a journalist is fair
to each candidate, when there are more sound bites available in the news stories, we
expect to see the fraction of one candidates sound bites closer to 1/2. This variable
is significant in all specifications.
In the election period, candidates could alternate visits to the battleground states,
within days of each other, and the result would be a larger variation in the sound
bites of one candidate over time. To make sure the competition effect on media bias is
not simply reflected by the daily variation in sound bites caused by candidates visits,
a media bias measure for each station is constructed by the mean of the fraction of
Bushs speaking time:
biasi = (
)2 ,
Repit + Demit 2
Table 3 column 1 shows that there is more variation in the fraction of Bush
speaking time caused by the electoral competition. Column 2 and 3 present the OLS
results that the stations in the media market where the election is more competitive
still have more bias, however, the effect is only 10 percent significant.
While the above media bias measure reflect the relative coverage of candidates, the
fraction of reporters speaking time measures the possibility of reporters trying to add
more personal opinion in the news story.6 While the assumption behind this measure
Center of Media and Public Affairs analyzed the candidates sound bites of ABC, CBS and NBC
evening news programs during the presidential election period from 1988. While they did not find
is strong, it has the advantage that it will not be affected by the alternative visits
of candidates. The results of using this media bias measure are presented in Table
5. The electoral competition does not affect the variation of this media bias measure
and has a positive effect on media bias for this media bias measure for each station.
Since electoral competition affects the news coverage in the local TV news programs,
it may also affect the way people think about the media if they are aware of the bias.
If the media has more bias in the area where the election is more competitive, people
who live in that area should be less likely to believe the media.
In the believability survey conducted by the Pew Research Center in 2002 and
2004, the survey question asked people to rank the medias believability. By comparing the effect of electoral competition in the media market on the believability
of local TV news, daily newspaper and some other major national news outlets, we
can test if the local news outlets are less believable in an area where the election is
more competitive. The survey question is ....Please rate how much you think you
can believe each organization I name on a scale of 4 to 1. On this four point scale,
4 means you can believe all or most of what the organization says. 1 means you
believe almost nothing of what they say.... The news organizations include media
outlets such as ABC News, CNN, FOX News, local TV news , USA today, The New
York Times, the daily newspaper as well as other news outlets.
I use the ordered Probit model to examine the effect of electoral competition on
the believability of the media. The dependent variables are the believability of the
daily newspaper, local TV news, USA today and ABC news. Dependent variables
include competition measure in the market, education, income and city size. The
results are presented in Table 4. The believability of daily newspapers is significantly
lower in the market where the election is more competitive. However, the believability
of the TV news is not significantly affected by the electoral competition, although it
is more affected than the national media.
any significant difference in the fraction of candidates sound bite, they found that the fraction of
the speaking time given to the candidates is particularly low in 2000.
The empirical results show that media bias increases in the media market where the
election is more competitive. The empirical finding is consistent with the supply side
story that the media firm or the reporter has its own political preference.
From the demand side approach, when there is more than one media firm in the
market, the electoral competition effect on media bias is less clear. One the one hand,
the major preference still matters; on the other hand, media firms may target different
group of people and the news reports will be affected by the audience. The audience
may prefer more bias as the election is competitive with the incentive consistent with
the spirit of the model.
Another possible explanation from the demand side is that people do not care
about the election when the election is not competitive. And only when the election
is competitive, do people want to watch the election news that share their political
views. Therefore, the results are due to the higher demand for news in a competitive
election. However, the number of election news stories is not correlated with the
electoral competition across markets, which means the demand for news does not
In this paper, a simple model is provided to explain how electoral competition affects
media bias under the motivation to influence the election outcome. The prediction
of this model is that there will be more media bias when the election is more competitive. From the TV news stories prior to the presidential election in 2000 and
the believability survey, I find support for the prediction. Rather than catering to
the preferences of major consumers, the desire to affect the election outcome remains
While the election is more competitive, information from the media is more important for voters when making voting decisions. However, from this study I find that
it is even more difficult to get unbiased information when an election is more competitive. If consumer welfare is related to the believability of newspapers, consumer
welfare is weakened when the election is more competitive.
This study provides support for the general worries about media bias. If the
media bias is generated to cater the majoritys preference during the election, the
election outcome is less likely to be affected. However, if media bias is motivated
by a desire to affect election outcome, undecided voters may get biased and thus
inaccurate information.
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Table 1: The effect of electoral competition on media bias in 2000. (Using voter return in 1996)
Dependent variable
Predicted Electoral Competition
Total Speaking Time
Number of local TV stations
5/30 stations
Date(time trend effect)
Log of population
Notes: Dependent Variable Biasit is the absolute difference between fraction of Bushs speaking time
and 1/2 in the news stories from station i on date t. The variable Competition measure over market is
based on the vote share of two candidates in 1996 Presidential election, as defined in section 4.2. The
variable Daily Competition Measure is based on the midnight prices of the vote share of two candidates
in the previous day, as defined in section 4.3. The variable Total Speaking Time is the total speaking
time of Bush and Gore in the news stories from station i on date t. The variable 5/30 stations is a dummy
variable to indicate if the station made the 5/30 commitment according to White Houses suggestion of
airing 5 mins of candidates coverage in the 30 minutes evening news Absolute value of t statistics in
parentheses. *significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%; *** significant at 1%.
Table 2: The effect of electoral competition on media bias in 2000 (Using state polls in 2000)
Dependent variable
Media bias
Predicted Electoral Competition
Total Speaking Time
Number of local TV stations
5/30 stations
Date(time trend effect)
Log of population
Notes: The variable Biasit is the absolute difference between fraction of Bushs speaking time and 1/2 in the
news stories from station i on date t. The variable Competition measure over market is based on the state
polls in September 2000, as defined in section 4.2. The variable Daily competition measure is based on the
midnight prices of the vote share of two candidates in the previous day, as defined in section 4.3. Total
speaking time is the total speaking time of Bush and Gore in the news stories from station i on date t. 5/30
stations is a dummy variable to indicate if the station made the 5/30 commitment according to White
Houses suggestion of airing 5 minutes of candidates coverage in the 30 minutes evening news. Absolute
value of t statistics in parentheses. *significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%; *** significant at 1%.
Notes: Variance is the variance of the daily fraction of Bushs speaking time given a station. The variable Bias is the
media bias measure on the station basis, defined by the absolute difference of the average fraction of Bushs speaking
time and 1/2. 5/30 stations is a dummy variable to indicate if the station made the 5/30 commitment according to White
Houses suggestion of airing 5 minutes of candidates coverage in the 30 minutes evening news.
Absolute value of t statistics in parentheses.
*significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%; *** significant at 1%.
Notes: The variable Variance is the variance of the daily fraction of the reporters speaking time given a
station. The fraction of reporters speaking time is measured by 1-(fraction of bushs speaking time)-fraction
of gores speaking time. The variable Bias is the average of daily fraction of reporters speaking time for
each station. 5/30 stations is a dummy variable to indicate if the station made the 5/30 commitment
according to White Houses suggestion of airing 5 minutes of candidates coverage in the 30 minutes
evening news. The variable Log of population is the log of population in the media market.
Absolute value of t statistics in parentheses.
*significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%; *** significant at 1%.
Daily newspaper Local TV
USA Today
ABC News
Education dummies
Number of Observations
Notes: Dependent Variable is the believability of the media ranked by the respondents. 4 means
the respondent can believe all or most of what the organizations says. 1 means the respondent
believes almost nothing of what they say. Education categories include 7 categories from none, or
grade 1-8 to post-graduate training. Family income categories include 8 categories from less
than $10000 to $100,000 or more. City size categories include 4 categories from a large city
to a rural area.
Absolute value of t statistics in parentheses.
*significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%; *** significant at 1%.