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Math 8201 Homework 10 Fall 2014: Tianyu Tao November 25, 2014

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Math 8201 Homework 10 Fall 2014

Tianyu Tao
November 25, 2014
Problem 1:

p. 133 Exx 1.

Proof: Let : F [x] F [u] be the homomorphism which is the extension of

the homomorphism from F to F [u] (which equals identity on F ) and sends x
to u. From the problem we know that u is just the equivalence class of x in
F [x]/(f (x)), so is just the projection map x 7 x + (f (x)) = x, and F [u] '
F [x]/(f (x)). In particular (f (x)) = ker so f (u) = 0 in F [u]. In other words,
un = (a1 xn1 + an ) where ai F , thus one can reduce higher powers of u in
F [u] using the above relation, recall a general element in F [u] is a polynomial of
u with arbitrary degree, it follows then every element in F [u] has the form
b0 + b1 u + bn1 un1 , bj F
To see this form is unique, if there are b0j , bj F such that
b0 + b1 u + bn1 un1 = b00 + b01 u + b0n1 un1
then we have (b0 b00 ) + (bn1 b0n1 )un1 = 0, but f (x) is the minimal polynomial over F of u, and degree of f (x) is n which is bigger than n 1, so it must
be that bj b0j = 0 for each j.

Problem 2:

p.133 Exx 2.

Proof. By theorem 2.16 we just need to show f (x) = x3 + 3x 2 is irreducible

in Q[x]. Since f (x) is a polynomial of degree 3, irreduciblility will follow once we
show that f (x) has no rational roots, this is confirmed by the rational roots test:
the only possible rational root of f are 21 , neither of which works.

Math 8201 Homework 10

Tianyu Tao

Now (2u2 + u 3)(3u2 4u + 1) = 6u4 5u3 11u2 + 13u 3, use the relation
u + 3u 2 = 0 in F [u], we have it simplifies to 29u2 + 40u 13, and we have
(u2 u + 4)1 = 61 u + 16 since

6 = ((u3 + 3u + 4) (u3 + 3u 2))
1 3
u 1
= (u + 3u + 4) = ( + )(u2 u + 4).
6 6


Problem 3:

p.133 Exx 4.

Proof: Again, this is a polynomial of degree 3, all we need to check is that neither
0 nor 1 in Z/(2) is a root of f (x) = x3 + x2 + 1, this is straight forward:
03 + 02 + 1 = 1; 13 + 12 + 1 = 1 in Z/(2).
It then follows that Z/(2)[x]/(f (x)) is a field. There are eight elements
0, 1, u, u + 1, u2 , u2 + 1, u2 + u, u2 + u + 1
where u = x + (f (x)), since the relation u3 + u2 + 1 = 0 reduces element in
Z/(2)[x]/(f (x)) to quadratic polynomials with coefficient in Z/(2), which provides
23 choices for 3 spots for coefficients and 2 values for coefficients.

Problem 4:

p.133 Exx 8.

Proof: Recall on page 100, we have

i2 = j 2 = k 2 = 1
ij = ji = k, jk = kj = i, ki = ik = j,
in H. In particular, let a, b R with a2 + b2 = 1, then
(ai + bj)2 = a2 i2 + abij + abji + b2 j 2 = (a2 + b2 ) = 1
hence there are infinitely many u H with u2 = 1.

Math 8201 Homework 10

Problem 5:

Tianyu Tao

p.134 Exx 17.

Proof: The main point here is that if f (x) = axn and g(x) = b where a, b R,
then the product of the two polynomials f and g is
f g(x) = abxn
as in the definition of product of polynomials on page 120: we always write the
coefficient on the left. Then the proof of the formula goes through as stated in the
Problem 6:

p.140 Exx 1.

Proof: We follow the process describedPin the proof of theorem 2.20 on page 139:
the highest monomial degree in f = i,j,k6= x2i x2j xk is (2, 2, 1, 0, , 0), which is
the same in the product p2 p3 . We then consider the highest monomial degree in
f1 = f p2 p3 , and proceed...
The algorithm is infeasible... I got f = p2 p3 5p1 p4 10p5 in the end.

Problem 7:

p.140 Exx 2.
Proof: Since = i<j (xi xj )2 , let Sn , then
(x(i) x(j) ) = (1)m

for some m because is a bijection between

Q indices, if i < j, then either xi xj
or xj xi will be contained in the product i<j (x(i) x(j) ), then clearly square
makes it symmetric.
For r = 3, use the algorithm as in the proof of theorem 2.20, which is tediously
long: the highest monomial degree in 2 is (4, 2, 0), this gives the term (p1 p2 )2 ,
then in 2 (p1 p2 )2 , the highest monomial degree is (4, 1, 1), which gives the term
4p31 p3 , and in 2 (p1 p2 )2 + 4p31 p3 the highest degree is (3, 3, 0), gives 4p32 . Next
highest degree is (3, 2, 1), gives 18p1 p2 p3 , and by luck we find next step is the final
step: the highest degree is (0, 0, 2) gives 27p23
In summary one got
2 = (p1 p2 )2 4p31 p3 4p32 4p31 p3 + 18p1 p2 p3 27p33 .

Math 8201 Homework 10

Problem 8:

Tianyu Tao

Written. [????]

Proof. The formula in problem 17 page 134 says in any ring R, commutative or
not we have
f (t) = q(t)(t a) + f (a)
for f R[t], a R, and the polynomial q(t) is unique. Now consider the polynomial ring over the non-commutative ring Mn (R), where the any scalar a is identified
with the matrix aIn , note we have the factorization
f (t) = det(t A) = adj(t A)(t A)
where adj is the adjoint matrix. Comparison with the formula above gives the
remainder f (A) = 0In .
adj(t A) is the q(t) in problem 17 page 133, there it was showed that
q(t) =
where qj = aj + aj+1 A + + an Anj , and aj are the
j=1 qj (tIn )
coefficients of f (t) = det(t A).

Math 8201 Homework 10

Problem 9:

Tianyu Tao


Proof. Perhaps the most convenient relation between the resultant and discriminant is the following:
R(f, f 0 ) = (1) 2
which is given as an exercise on Dummit and Foote (page 621), this can be shown
quite easily: In class we showed
R(f, g) =

n bm

m Y
(ri sj )
i=1 j=1

if f (x) = a0 + + xn = (x r1 ) (x Qrn ) and g(x) = b0 + + xm =

(x s1 ) (x sm ). Then clearly R(f, g) = ni=1 g(ri ), take now g = f 0 , we have
n Y
g(x) = f (x) =
(x ri ) =
(x ri )

j=1 i6=j

So that

R(f, f ) =


f 0 (ri ) =

= (1)

(ri rj )


(ri rj )2 = (1) 2

And the resultant can be calculated from the associated Sylvester matrix, in
this case we have f (x) = xn + 0xn1 + + (a)x + (b), so we have a 2n 1 by
2n 1 Sylvester:

1 0, , 0 a b
0 0
0 1, , 0 0 a b 0

n 0, , 0 a 0 0 0

0, 0, , n
Compute its determinant... One should get
= (1)


[nn (b)n1 + (n 1)n1 (a)n ].

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