Raffles Junior College Jc1 Promotion Examination 2008
Raffles Junior College Jc1 Promotion Examination 2008
Raffles Junior College Jc1 Promotion Examination 2008
Higher 2 September 2008
3 hours
Write your name, exam number and CT group on all the work you hand in.
Write in dark blue or black pen on boih sides of the paper.
You may use a soft pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
Do not use slaples, paper clips, highlighters, g{ue or correction fluid.
Where unsupported answers from a graphic calcu{ator are not allowed in a question. you are
requked to present the mathematical steps using mathematical notations and not calculator
You arc reminded of the need for clear presentation in your answers
At the end of the examinaiion, fasten all your work securely iogether-
The number of marks is qiven in brackets [] at the end of each question or part queslion
ct J3'dr.
[::r-+:] : , x€R, r+ 2,
g.,"+-x' , r€R,.r<d.
(i) Sketch the graph of f. Ill
(ii) Fiod l-1 , the inve6e tunction of f. t3t
(iii) Fiod the largest value ofd so that the composite function lg exists. I2l
(ii) r. t3t
The graph of-y = g(Jr) has asFptotes t =2at:dt=4 n. It aLso has a maximum potnl
whose Jc coordinate is 3. Given that g(jr) : g(4 - r) for all real values ofr in the dornain of g'
sketch one possibl€ graph ofy = g(ir)-
grcph tlldt lhov
fYour sketch shoutd demonstrote .karu all the appropriate features of the
that the given conditions are satisfed.l t3l
(N) Find
J', ller dr. tlt
(ct U.erhesubstrurio"
" '^il ro rrnd lhe exacl *rr.ot Jt-f.a, . I4l
1",r rl ^ -t
(u Prove algebraically that, if th€ sequence converges, then it converges to eith€r I or 2. [21
When rr = 1.001, by considering x,,,, -.r, and usrrrg the graph grcn rbo\e. sho$ that
;r.., > x. fbr all integen a ) l. I2l
The above diagram shows the points l(0, l) and a(5,4). P is a variable poinl widl
coordinates (r, 0), where x > 0. t,et f(Jc) b€ the length ofthe path IPB (t.e. AP + PB).
Show that
qa= J7*o* (5 i)']+lb. It
By diff€rentiation and without using a graphic calculator, find the value of -r that minimizes
f(r)- Hence find the minimum leogth ofthe path,{PB. Ist
In arr experiment, glucose is infused into the bloodsfeam at a constant rate of B mglmin.
Glucose is also conveated and removed from the bloodstream at a rat€ proporiional to the
amount of glucose, r mg, present in the bloodstrean al time I minutes aficr thc start of thc
experiment. Ifr = 150, the amount ofglucose in the bloodstream remains constant.
Show ihat
9{= l,rrn,.,' I2l
ril I 50
Find.n in tefins of-B and , given that the bloodstream contaifls 70mg of glucose wheo I = 0.
(iii) The region R is bound€d bythe line,y=-Jr,apa(of lhe curve -yr =6 -x and the
t-axis, as shown io the diagram. Find the volume ofthc soiid fomcd when R is rotated
through 2z radians about the I axis. giving your answer co rrect to two dcc imal places-
l0 (i) Without using a calculator, solve the rnequalrly / r 422 , lea\rng your ans\rer
_ir _r+ I
exact form. t41
(ii) Hmce. solve the inequality /'4e' -?L.1*r,;ng yo* unswer in exact form t3t
(i) Determine the range of values ofJ. for which t the sum to infrnity exists. 13l
F ind the Mac [au.in's serie s for ], up to and including the term in jrr . t6l
Th€ diagram shows the graphof/ = f(n). The graph passes through the points ,.{(0,2),
A (2,0) and C (3, -2)- The equations ofthe ast mptotes are) = 0 andr: a.
G) r=-.f(r. 13l
(iD Copy the above sketch ofl = f(.r) and by dmwing a sketch of anothcr suitable
curve on the sarne diagram, state the number of real roots ot the equation
[f1;r;]'--,r+r = o. t2t
-L (1') +c
Note that the.arge ofl - R\ {l}
IL '-1i'! "P r:, tl rcL?,r+L
(iii) J1
Hcnce, required .ate = l0z crn'?/ ;n. C
rcqdircd ratc =
F "'t,",.
l- 'I rans late the graph 4 unils in the negat ive r.-d;r€ct ion. lhcn
I Reflect the Araptt about/in they-axis
L Reflect the grap,r abou/in the'-axis. then
IL Trans late thc graph 4 uni ts in thc posilive r dir€ction.
6(0 l: I or2.
The range ofthe linction isu,2l.
7 Hence (J.) is minimum when r : l5l?, and on substituting jr gives f(t) = .,fi4 or8.60
(to 3.s.t
.r = 150 -80c
e(D Coordinates of the points of intersection are (-3, 3) and (2, 2).
(ii) 125
un(s' or 20 8 unrts2 1to 3 s 11
0-r< j or r>l
", ,',-'l:;)
lr(i) r" -r(-r+l);-1.62<r<0.618, r+ 1,0. (roundcd offto 3 s.t)
6 l0
-25 t9
(ii)rb) Leastn=ll
.,.-n =(" )('.]'.' j"'.$'')
,t=!t s= !
(ii) L rr I )
6 2l2'+1,
(iiD I
36 l0 5
1s(D We have v, = l, yr = -t'",=r =2. \=_i=_,