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Adams Et Al. 2002

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Blackwell Science, LtdOxford, UKBIJBiological Journal of the Linnean Society0024-4066The Linnean Society of London, 2003

Original Article

Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 78, 4349. With 3 figures

Epigenetic regulation of trophic morphology through

feeding behaviour in Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus
Fish Biology Group, University Field Station, Institute of Biomedical and Life Sciences, University of
Glasgow, Rowardennan, Loch Lomond, Glasgow G63 0AW, Scotland, UK
Received 11 December 2001; accepted for publication 13 August 2002

Several models of speciation suggest that in species that are phenotypically plastic, selection can act on phenotypic
variation that is environmentally induced in the earliest stages of divergence. One trait that could be subject to this
process is foraging behaviour, where discrete foraging strategies are common. One species which is highly plastic in
the expression of phenotype, the Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), is characterized by discrete variation in the
anatomy of the head and mouthparts. These traits have been shown to have a functional significance, but the expression of which is thought to be at least partly phenotypically plastic. Here we test the hypothesis that foraging behaviour may regulate the anatomy of the head and mouthparts in Arctic charr. In a dyad experiment, size-matched pairs
of fish from a mixed family group were fed a diet of either Mysis (a hard-bodied shrimp) or Chironomid larvae. Nine
morphometric measures of head dimensions that describe wild trophic morphs were measured at the start of the
experiment and 24 weeks later. Principal component scores of size-corrected morphometric measures showed highly
significant differences between fish exposed to the two diets. Univariate ANOVA analysis of the head morphometric
variables showed that fish fed on Chironomids developed longer, wider jaws, longer heads and a larger eye for a given
body length than did those fish fed upon Mysis. We conclude that foraging anatomy in Arctic charr is phenotypically
plastic and that variation in foraging behaviour that results in feeding specialization in the wild could induce variation in head anatomy. This in turn could reinforce foraging specialization. Very rapid epigenetic divergence into
distinct feeding morphs (as demonstrated here) would allow selection to act at more than one mode and thus
could promote rapid evolutionary divergence, initially prior to genetic segregation, in species which are highly
plastic. 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 78, 4349.

ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: environmental regulation evolution phenotypic plasticity speciation.

Several models have shown that diversifying evolutionary forces operating at the very earliest stages of
speciation could act on phenotypic variation that is
environmentally induced in a single gene pool, i.e.
epigenetic variation (West-Eberhard, 1989, 1998;
Wimberger, 1994, Sklason, Snorrason & Jnsson,
1999). This occurs when the gene pool has the ability
to produce more than one discrete, alternative phenotype for a given characteristic; that is, where the population is phenotypically plastic. When this occurs,

*Corresponding author. E-mail: C.Adams@bio.gla.ac.uk

selection may be able to operate on two or more discrete phenotypes simultaneously resulting in divergence (West-Eberhard, 1989). An important element of
these models is that phenotypic divergence may occur
prior to any genetic segregation (West-Eberhard,
1986, 1989, 1998; Wimberger, 1994; Sklason et al.,
1999). The type of phenotypic variation on which these
epigenetic evolutionary mechanisms are most likely to
act initially is variation in behaviour. A likely candidate for selection to act upon is foraging behaviour,
because of the possibility of alternative strategies for
successful foraging and its potential effects on fitness
(see West-Eberhard, 1989; Wimberger, 1994; Sklason
et al., 1999).
In nature, the existence of more than one discrete

2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 78, 4349




alternative phenotype in a population (polymorphism)

is relatively common in a wide range of animal groups
(see reviews by Sklason & Smith, 1995 and Smith &
Sklason, 1996). Although the functional significance
of many polymorphisms remain to be tested, a large
number of described polymorphisms are the result of
variation in the anatomy of feeding apparatus (trophic
polymorphisms) clearly indicating a functional
role in foraging (Sklason & Smith, 1995; Adams &
Huntingford, 2002a).
Amongst the fishes, the clearest example of a
trophic polymorphism is in the parasitic scale-eating
cichlid Perissodus microlepis (Boulenger). This species
shows discrete polymorphism in the handedness of its
jaw morphology with left- and right-handed morphs
specializing in feeding on alternative sides of its host
(Hori, 1993). The functional significance of this polymorphism is intuitively clear, and although this
trophic specialism may appear to be the result of the
unusual foraging habit of this species, trophic polymorphisms in fish appear to be common. In a review,
Sklason & Smith (1995) listed 15 fish species within
which a discrete polymorphism with a presumed foraging link had been described.
One freshwater fish species which exhibits a very
high degree of phenotypic plasticity is the Arctic charr,
Salvelinus alpinus (L.). In addition to the expression
of broad phenotypic variation between populations
(Alexander & Adams, 2000), there have been a large
number of reported cases of polymorphic populations
living in sympatry. These often take the form of feeding behaviour specializations, frequently associated
with discrete body size variations (Savvaitova, 1969;
Nyman, Hammar & Gydemo, 1981; Nordeng, 1983;
Klemetsen et al., 1985; Hindar & Jonsson, 1993), in
some cases with discrete variations in foraging anatomy (head and mouth parts; Snorrason et al., 1989;
Adams et al., 1998; Fraser, Adams & Huntingford,
1999). For many sympatric Arctic charr polymorphisms, the relative role of genetic and environmental
factors is not known. However, for two systems where
the trophic polymorphisms show discrete variation in
trophic anatomy, laboratory rearing experiments have
been conducted.
In common-environment rearing experiments,
Arctic charr from four morphs from Thingvalavatn in
Iceland showed that there was a strong genetic
component controlling the ultimate morphological
form of these fish (Sklason, Noakes & Snorrason,
1989). Similar experiments on sympatric forms from
Loch Rannoch, Scotland and Fjellfrosvatn, Norway
showed both genetic component and environmental
components to the expressed phenotype in the wild
(Adams & Huntingford, 2002b; Klemetsen et al.,
In a model of the early diverging processes in

incipient species, presented by Sklason and his coworkers (Sklason et al., 1999), they hypothesize that
stable alternative feeding strategies could result in
epigenetic variation in morphological features seen in
some polymorphic species. The specific objective of the
present study was to test the hypothesis that differential prey consumption can create variation in the
morphology of the feeding apparatus in Arctic charr
from a single gene pool.

Ova stripped from female Arctic charr collected by gillnet from Loch Tay, Perthshire, Scotland, were fertilized immediately with milt from males and allowed to
hydrate. Fertilized eggs from approximately ten families were combined and transported within 12 hours
to standard incubation facilities at the University
Field Station, Loch Lomondside.
At first feeding, alevins were transferred to a 1 m
tangential flow, through-flow tank and fed a standard
powdered salmon diet (BOCM Pauls). When fry
reached a mean fork-length of 78 mm, 35 pairs of individuals of equal length ( 1 mm) were selected from
across the size range. These individuals were anaesthetized, marked with a unique alcian blue tattoo
mark then weighed, measured (fork-length) and, for
subsequent measures of head morphology, photographed on an appropriate scale in lateral view, with
a 35 mm SLR camera, using extension tubes to
increase magnification and slave flashguns to allow
even illumination. To create a matched pair, dyad
experiment, one individual of each pair was allocated
to each of two 60 cm diameter, tangential throughflow circular tanks, with a water capacity of 60 L and
an exchange rate of c. 6 litres min1. To increase density to an appropriate level for this species, a further
15 individual charr, selected at random from the stock
tank were added to each group. Fish in each tank
were then exposed to one of two feeding conditions.
One group was fed only Mysis, a hard-bodied crustacean, similar to species commonly found in the diet of
charr. The second group was fed only Chronomid larvae, a long, approximately cylindrical shaped, soft
bodied prey of charr (Adams et al., 1998). Fish were
fed with moist prey at the rate of 2% per day (dry
weight) of total biomass in each tank. Total daily food
allocation was presented as two meals at approximately 08:30 and 15:00 h each day and adjusted for
fish biomass changes every seven weeks as fish
grew. After 24 weeks, the mean fork-length of the
experimental fish had reached 123 mm and all fish
were again anaesthetized, measured (fork-length),
weighed and photographed in lateral view on a
scale to enable head morphometric measures to be

2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 78, 4349



Table 1. Factor loadings for PC1 and PC2 derived from a

principal component analysis of the residuals of each of
nine morphometric head anatomy characters regressed on
fork-length in fish exposed to two feeding treatment groups
at the beginning (week 0) and end (week 24) of the experiment (all groups pooled). See Fig. 1 for definition of
Factor loadings

Figure 1. Nine morphometric measures of head anatomy

used in this study. HDO head depth at the operculum
(landmark 12); HDE head depth at the eye (landmark
34); HL head length (landmark 135); ED eye diameter (landmark 67); ML maxillary bone length (landmark
85); LJL lower jaw length (landmark 910); MW maxillary bone width (landmark 1112); SL snout length
(landmark 35); SW snout width: maximum tangent
length from line 35 to the top edge of the head.








rections were made to critical probability values. For

clarity P-values are expressed as the conventional
unadjusted equivalents (Sokal & Rolf, 1995).



To determine head morphology, nine separate measures of the head and mouth, known to define trophic
polymorphism in some populations (Adams et al.,
1998) were made from photographs at the beginning
(week 0) and end (week 24) of this experiment. Photographic prints were made at around eight times
magnification and nine linear measurements of head
morphology made between easily ascribed landmarks
directly from the prints using a dial gauge micrometer
(Fig. 1). Each photograph was calibrated for scale

As measured head morphology variables were dependent on body size, size independent measures of head
anatomy were derived as the residuals of each head
anatomy character regressed on fork-length (Reist,
1986). To determine the effect of diet on the overall
head shape, a single measure of head shape was
derived using multivariate principal component analysis. Principal component factor scores for each fish
were then analysed using ANOVA. Paired t-tests were
used to compare univariate, size-corrected head anatomy measures. To reduce the risk of Type I errors
associated with multiple comparisons, Bonferroni cor-

The first and second principal components (PC1 and
PC2) derived from Principal Components Analysis of
all nine head morphometric variables explained 48.2%
and 16.6% of the variance, respectively. All successive
principal components explained less than 10% of the
variance and are not considered further here. Factor
loadings show that PC1 is a general measure of head
anatomy robustness (all loadings are positive and the
range of weightings small; Table 1). PC2 in contrast,
weights measures of head depth (HDO and HDE)
positively and snout width (SW; Fig. 1) negatively
(Table 1).
There was no difference in the component scores for
fish from each of the two diet treatments at the beginning of the experiment for either PC1 (F1,64 = 1.24; P =
0.268; Fig. 2a) or PC2 (F1,64 = 1.27; P = 0.263; Fig. 2b).
In contrast, at the end of the experiment principal
component scores for both PC1 and PC2 showed
highly significant differences between treatments
(PC1: F1,64 = 37.6; P < 0.000001; PC2: F1,64 = 6.63;
P = 0.012).
Paired t-tests on the size-corrected residuals of each
morphometric variable regressed on fork-length for
each size-matched pair showed that six of the nine
head size morphometric variables were significantly

2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 78, 4349



Principal component score







Week 0

Week 24


Principal component score








Week 0

Week 24

Figure 2. The mean and standard error of the principal component scores at the beginning and the end (week 24) of the
experiment derived from all nine head morphometric characters measured for fish exposed to a diet of Mysis or Chironomid.
(a) PC1: week 0, no significant difference; week 24, P < 0.000001. (b) PC2: week 0, no significant difference; week 24,
P < 0.012.

different after 24 weeks exposure to the treatment

groups (Fig. 3). In all of these, fish fed upon Mysis had
a smaller size-corrected measure of head anatomy
than those fish fed upon Chironomid larvae.

Our results demonstrate that a relatively short period
of enforced feeding of juvenile Arctic charr from the

2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 78, 4349




Size-corrected residuals





















Figure 3. The mean and standard error of size-corrected residuals of each head morphometric character for charr fed
either a Mysis or Chironomid diet, measured in week 24. (*P < 0.05; **P < 0.001).

same genetic group on different diets can cause significant divergence in the anatomy of the head and
mouthparts. Thus we show that head anatomy in this
species can be modified by the environment and is
phenotypically plastic (sensu West-Eberhard, 1989).
In the experiment presented here, the feeding environment to which charr were exposed resulted in significant differences in six of nine body-size-corrected
morphometric measures, four related to jaw shape,
plus head length and eye diameter. These same variables are known to segregate sympatric morphs of
Arctic charr from some sites where they are found in
the wild, with a more robust head morphology for a
given size typical of morphs feeding upon zoobenthos
compared with morphs feeding upon plankton
(Snorrason et al., 1989; Adams et al., 1998; Fraser et
al., 1999). Here charr forced to feed upon a zoobenthos
prey item common in their natural diet developed a
more robust head morphology (longer head, longer
upper jaw, etc.) than individuals foraging upon a zooplankton prey. Previously it has been shown that head
and mouth size is one of the constraints upon prey
choice in morphs of charr (Adams & Huntingford,
Thus the hypothesis that feeding behaviour can
modify morphology within a single animal's lifetime
(Sklason et al., 1999) is supported. In this study the
exposure to food was enforced (animals were not given

the choice of diet). However, alternative foraging strategies that result in significant diet differences within
a single population have been commonly reported in a
wide range of animals and are thought to arise stochastically or though behavioural traits that govern
prey choice, such as search image formation and the
development of prey handling skills (Guilford &
Dawkins, 1987).
Dietary influences on morphology have been
described in other fish species. In the cichlids Cichlasoma spp. and Geophagus spp. diets have been shown
to have an influence on trophic morphology (Meyer,
1987; Wimberger, 1991). In three-spined sticklebacks
Gasterosteus aculeatus L. exposure to larger prey
resulted in the development of deeper heads and
larger mouth gape (Day & McPhail, 1996).
The experiment presented here does not provide any
evidence for the mechanism through which the variation in head morphology arose. This has, however,
been examined experimentally in charr by Erikson
and his co-workers (Eriksson, Sklason & Snorrason,
1999) and in cichlids by Meyer, 1987), both concluding
that heterochronic growth (variation in allometric
growth relationships) resulted in the observable differences in trophic morphology. The charr used here
approximately doubled in length over the experimental period and although this was not specifically
tested, the diet-induced variation in trophic morphol-

2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 78, 4349



ogy demonstrated in this study is consistent with heterochronic growth of these characters.
The fact that epigenetic factors, such as choice of
prey, can influence trophic morphology in charr
has a number of general and specific evolutionary
Firstly, as behaviour is highly labile and as expressed behaviour plays a significant role in the ultimate fitness of an animal, there can be significant
selection pressures influencing behavioural systems.
If, as we have shown here, behavioural processes
can modify anatomical characteristics in rapidly developing pre-maturation individuals within a single
lifetime, this provides a mechanism through which
selection forces may act upon morphological characteristics at an epigenetic level. Secondly, as available
prey in relatively simple high latitude freshwater
systems such as those inhabited by Arctic charr, often
fall into 23 very discrete prey types (such as macrobenthos and plankton; Wimberger, 1994), this may
further drive rapid divergence into discrete feeding
modes, with different feeding behaviour characteristics, which in turn may lead to more than one morphological phenotype mode upon which selection can act.
Possibly, at least initially, this may occur without reproductive isolation, and thus could act at a speed that
is much greater than that predicted by selection acting
upon trait variations that are genetically controlled
(West-Eberhard, 1989).

We thank S. Snorrason and S. Sklason and F.
Huntingford for helpful discussion, the Tay District
Salmon Fishery Board for help in obtaining the fish
and Vivien Cameron, Jenni Devine and Caroline
Askew for help with husbandry and in the laboratory.

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