User Guide: Wonderware PAC
User Guide: Wonderware PAC
User Guide: Wonderware PAC
User Guide
January 2014 (Issue 5)
All rights reserved. No part of this documentation shall be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
otherwise, without the prior written permission of Invensys Systems, Inc. No copyright or patent
liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. Although every
precaution has been taken in the preparation of this documentation, the publisher and the
author assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for
damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.
The information in this documentation is subject to change without notice and does not represent
a commitment on the part of Invensys Systems, Inc. The software described in this
documentation is furnished under a license or nondisclosure agreement. This software may be
used or copied only in accordance with the terms of these agreements.
Preface ...................................................... 7
Revision Information ........................................................................ 7
Documentation Conventions ............................................................ 7
Acronyms ........................................................................................... 8
Reference Documents ....................................................................... 8
Technical Support ............................................................................. 9
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Stage 2: Creating the Execution Platform for the PAC DAServer ....
Stage 3: Creating a DINetwork (LIN Network Object) ................ 44
Stage 4: Adding DIDevices (Instruments) to the DINetwork ....... 47
Working with Redundancy .......................................................... 50
Stage 5: Binding LIN Data to ArchestrA Application Objects ..... 51
Manually Binding Objects ........................................................... 52
Using the LIN Data Browser to Bind Objects ............................ 54
Using the PAC Binding Tool ....................................................... 60
Block Binding tab ..................................................................... 62
Field Binding tab ..................................................................... 66
PostConfiguration Procedure ....................................................... 67
Using Store and Forward ............................................................ 68
Improving Productivity with the PAC Binding Tool ..................... 68
Chapter 3
Instrument Diagnostics............................... 71
Overview .......................................................................................... 71
Operator Interface .......................................................................... 72
Overview Display ......................................................................... 73
Example Overview Display No Faults ................................. 74
Example Overview Display Faulty Modules ....................... 75
Example Overview Display Communications Fault ........... 76
Example Overview Display Multiple Instruments ............. 77
Detailed Display ........................................................................... 78
Configuration .................................................................................. 81
Working with Redundancy ............................................................. 84
Symbol Parameters and PAC Device Field references ................. 84
Appendix A
Licensing.................................................. 89
Overview .......................................................................................... 89
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G
Appendix H
Revision Information
This is the fifth release of this document, which adds information on
how to configure the Windows 7 Firewall to allow successful EuroPRP
Documentation Conventions
This documentation uses the following conventions:
Used for
Initial Capitals
The following table elaborates on the acronyms used in this document:
Reference Documents
The Wonderware PAC system is based on the ArchestrA System
Platform and incorporates several Wonderware products. All of the
documentation written by Wonderware is relevant, and installed
during the System Platform installation. In addition to the base
System Platform documentation, there are documents that describe
Wonderware PAC-specific features.
System Platform documentation can be viewed by clicking the start >
Programs > Wonderware > Books menu. Additional help can also be
found within the IDE in the help menu by clicking help topics or
pressing F1.
Technical Support9
Wonderware PAC
Users Guide
Wonderware PAC
Device Integration,
Configuration and
Application Objects
Technical Support
Invensys Operations Management Technical Support offers a variety
of support options to answer any questions on products and their
Before you contact Technical Support, refer to the relevant section(s)
in this documentation for a possible solution to the problem or check
Invensys Operations Management Technical Support web site for
reported issues. If you need to contact local technical support for help,
have the following information ready:
The type and version of the operating system you are using.
The firmware version and hardware configuration of the
instruments being used.
Details of what you did to try to solve the problem(s) and your
Chapter 1
Introduction to Wonderware
Wonderware PAC is built upon the flexible ArchestrA framework,
allowing system integrators to architect a supervisory control system
using a familiar platform, and with familiar tools. A simplified
overview of Wonderware PAC is shown in the following figure. The
interconnections shown are logical connections, and not necessarily
physical connections making up the control or supervisory network.
G alax y d atab ase
S u p e rv iso ry sy ste m
H M I co n tro l &
alertin g
H isto rian
W o n d erw are P A C
(b a sed on A rch estrA )
C o n tro l sy s te m
D A S erve r
D A S erver
F o xb o ro P A C
in stru m en ts
L IN co n fig u ratio n
to o ls
L eg acy L IN
in stru m en ts
Galaxy database
LIN instrument configuration
stored within the Galaxy
IDE workstation
Instrument Configurations
downloaded to physical LIN
LIN instruments:
- Foxboro PAC T2750 or T2550, and
- legacy LIN-based devices
In Wonderware PAC, the ArchestrA IDE is the start point for any
configuration of the LIN control system. Wonderware PAC allows the
user to create, manage, and download LIN instrument configuration
files from within the IDE, using device configuration object templates.
From an instance of one of these objects, the user can launch LINtools
(and subsequently other configuration tools) to configure the strategy.
All configuration files are automatically associated with the
instrument configuration object, and stored in the ArchestrA Galaxy.
In order to communicate with Foxboro PAC instruments (and generic
LIN devices), a Wonderware PAC DAServer can be deployed and
configured through the IDE to any number of remote nodes. This is
accomplished through the use of a DINetwork object, which handles
the deployment of the DAServer, including the installation of
associated support software and automatic configuration. A DIDevice
object, deployed to a DINetwork, provides access to the actual
instrument data, supplying the entry point when referencing block
fields. Thus the instruments process values, alarms, and status is
exposed to the ArchestrA framework.
All accesible data within Foxboro PAC instruments and generic LIN
devices are avilable through the PAC namespace. This is a complete
virtual representation of the data that exists in a set of instrument
configurations (offline namespace) and running instrument databases
(runtime namespace). An ArchestrA browser plug-in enables the user
to browse the namespace across multiple LIN instruments. The
namespace is thus browsable and hierarchical and each LIN function
block field is accessible through the use of this namespace via a blocks
reference string in the format:
<PAC Device Integration object name>.<LIN function block>.<LIN
System Architecture
The following figure shows an example network topology of a
highavailability Wonderware PAC system.
Galaxy database server
Historian server
Information server
Web clients
Redundant (optional) DA
Server (DINetwork) for
4000 LIN blocks
Redundant (optional) DA
Server (DINetwork) for
4000 LIN blocks
Generic LIN template ($GenericLIN) used to support other
legacy LIN-based devices, for which only a blank template is
Supported Devices
The following instruments are directly supported in Wonderware PAC:
Generic LIN, providing support for any legacy LIN-based device.
System Limits17
System Limits
The recommended maximum number of objects supported by
Wonderware PAC, per AppEngine is 2500, where:
PAC Binding
tool, showing
all current
bound objects
PAC Strategies
PAC Strategies.
Displays the PAC
Strategies window.
PAC Binding. Displays
the PAC Binding tool.
Configure UStoreForward.
Displays the UStoreForward
configuration window.
Help Topics (F1).
Displays the standard
ArchestrA help.
Like the toolbar buttons, the View menu also allows control of the
visibility of the PAC Strategies tab and the PAC Binding tool.
Click to show
the PAC
tab or PAC
Binding tool
The Extract LIN Project drop-down located at the top of the PAC
Strategies tab provides the ability to export the configuration files
from PAC Startegy Objects to an Operations Server and Viewer
(OPSS) project. If clicked, the user can select the location of the project
root (or create a new one) to export the strategy, as shown in the
following figure.
Chapter 2
Wonderware PAC Basics
Stage 1: Creating A PAC Instrument Configuration
Stage 2: Creating the Execution Platform for the PAC DAServer
Stage 3: Creating a DINetwork (LIN Network Object)
Stage 4: Adding DIDevices (Instruments) to the DINetwork
Stage 5: Binding LIN Data to ArchestrA Application Objects
PostConfiguration Procedure
Improving Productivity with the PAC Binding Tool
To deploy a Foxboro PAC instrument within the ArchestrA
framework, a series of steps must be followed to expose an
instruments LIN data to the ArchestrA framework. The necessary
steps to create such an installation are shown in the figure below:
Create an instance of
a PAC instrument
Create an instance of
a DINetwork object
Create an instance of
a DIDevice object
... clicking
the PAC
button ...
Editable fields
In the LIN Protocol Name field, enter the appropriate name for the
LIN network, if the default of NET is not appropriate.
In the Node Address (Hex) field, enter a unique node address for
the instrument, corresponding to the configuration switches on the
T2750. The entry should be a twodigit hex value between 01 and
Note: For Foxboro PAC instruments (T2750 or T2550), use only even
node address numbers. Odd numbers are reserved for redundant pairs.
For Generic LIN devices, odd or even node addresses are valid.
version of the
Current instrument
version is shown
Click the dropdown menu next to the Version field and select a
different instrument version.
Click OK to close the window, and after any other edits are
complete, close LINtools.
changed to
version v6.0
Advisory that
has changed
and therefore
needs to be
checked in
Note: The LIN Connection Setup tool is not required on remote nodes
to which a DINetwork is being deployed. The configuration is automatic
in these cases.
To configure the local LIN port:
Click here to
open the
Setup tool
status area
WinPlatform and
AppEngine objects
Drag the
template to the
Unassigned Host
folder, as shown
object moved from
the Unassigned Host
folder to under the
Check out and edit the new object so it can be configured. As with
all ArchestrA instances, doubleclick on the object to check it out
from the Galaxy and open it. The Network Configuration tab is
opened which allows the LIN network to be defined, as shown in
the following figure.
Note: Deploying a DINetwork instance for the first time can take
several minutes to complete whilst the PAC DAServer is being installed
and configured.
Drag the
template to the
Unassigned Host
folder, as shown
object moved from
the Unassigned Host
folder to under the
Check out and edit the new object so it can be configured. As with
all ArchestrA instances, doubleclick on the object to check it out
from the Galaxy and open it. The DIDevice configuration window
opens, with the General tab displayed.
The MyPID block has a field called PV, representing the process
value. This is a standard field for all LIN PID blocks.
The reference string for the PV block within the PAC instrument is
Highlight the PV attribute and locate the Source text entry box in
the Input extension group, as shown in the following figure.
In the Source field within the Input extension group, enter the
reference string determined earlier on. The following figure shows
this completed.
Highlight the PV attribute and click the ellipses button next to the
Source text entry box in the Input extension group, as shown in
the following figure.
Note: The blocks and fields shown in the righthand section of the
window do not contain live data. The information is taken from the
configuration files stored within the Galaxy. To view live data, use the
Object Viewer utility. For information on using the Object Viewer, see
the Object View Users Guide.
To aid linking the correct LIN function block field, each field is
highlighted as being write able or readonly. A filter can be
applied if necessary to only show write able or readonly fields (see
step 2 above).
Click on PV, which is located within the MyPID block. Notice that
the LIN Reference field now correctly identifies part of the
reference string as MyPID.PV, as shown in the following figure.
The PAC Binding tool has two tabs: Block Binding and Field Binding.
The Block Binding tab allows the automatic creation of associations
between an object and a LIN function block. The Field Binding tab
presents view of the individual field bindings of the currently selected
instance on the Block Binding tab (including those made manually
refer to "Manually Binding Objects" on page 52, and "Using the LIN
Data Browser to Bind Objects" on page 54).
The following figure shows the Binding Tool with the Block Binding
tab selected.
Refresh button to
manually force the
tool to refresh object
information or
revalidate bindings
Check in automatically
checked out objects
List of available
objects that the
Binding tool can
process. Any
objects are
LIN block
bindings still
being loaded by
the Binding Tool
The toolbar is common to both the Block Binding tab and the Field
Binding tab, and contains the following buttons:
LIN Block
The value shown in the LIN Block column represents one of three
states as described in the following table.
LIN Block value
Please wait
Ensure the Binding Tool is open, and select the object instance to
be bound. Click anywhere in the LIN Block column on the
appropriate object instance row. An ellipses button appears, as
shown in the following figure.
Click the ellipsis button on the row of the desired instance. The
Browse for LIN blocks window opens, as shown in the following
PAC DIDevice instance ...
... and associated strategy configuration
Blocks within
the strategy
that are of
the correct
type to be
bound to the
for selected
Type of
In the righthand side of the window, select the desired PID block.
In this example, the MyPID block has been selected. The LIN
Reference field and Type fields are change to reflect the selection.
Alternatively, the block name can be typed manually in the LIN
Reference field if it is known. As each part of the reference string
is entered, the text is displayed in red until an exact match is
found in the tree-view displayed in the right-hand window; at
which point, the text turns black. When a period is entered, to
continue refining the reference string, the tree view updates
expanding the relevant section providing information on the
available LIN fields.
If the object was not checked out for edit before the binding process
was performed, the PAC Binding tool checks the object out
automatically. At this stage, the Check In button becomes
available, and can be used to check in all the objects automatically
checked out in one operation. Click the Check In button to
automatically check these objects in.
Note: Any objects already checked out prior to the binding operation
are not checked using the Check In button. These objects need to be
checked in manually. The Check In button only functions for those
objects that were automatically checked out.
PostConfiguration Procedure67
UDA Extension
The items in the UDA Extension column are a complete list of expected
bindings. If no binding information is available against a single (or
multiple) UDA Extensions, the associated LIN Field selection entry
shows "---". Fields showing "---" can be indicative of incorrect or
incomplete binding. This may occur if only manual binding has been
performed on a subset of available UDA extensions, or the tool has
been upgraded since the binding was last set and addition attributes
that can be bound are available.
PostConfiguration Procedure
Having completed stages 1 to 5, the Foxboro PAC instrument exposes
its runtime values to the ArchestrA environment. Other LINbased
instruments can now be set up in a similar manner, or InTouch can be
used to build pages in order to visualise and control the instruments.
Wonderware PAC DINetworks and DIDevices are deployed in the
usual manner as with all other ArchestrA objects. Initial deployment
of a DINetwork can take some time, whilst the DAServer is installed
and configured on the remote node. Once a DINetwork has been
deployed, the DAServer runs in demo mode if no license is found. The
demo mode functions for 120 minutes allowing time to check the
configuration, before having to undeploy and redeploy the DINetwork
to restart the server.
After deployment of a DINetwork or DIDevice, it is recommended that
the Object Viewer, launched from within the IDE, is used to test
communication between the LIN instrument and ArchestrA. Checking
that the instrument can communicate (in both directions) at this stage
can be helpful in diagnosing any subsequent communication issues. If
communication issues do occur after deployment, it is recommended
that the steps in Appendix E, "Troubleshooting Communication
Errors," are followed before contacting the various support routes.
Chapter 3
Instrument Diagnostics
Operator Interface
Working with Redundancy
Symbol Parameters and PAC Device Field references
A DINetwork instance (a PAC DAServer) provides the interface
between the LIN network and the Galaxy. It is necessary to assign the
physical instruments (DIDevices) to the DINetwork instance. This
ensures the PAC DAServer is able to communicate with the PAC
instruments (and any generic LIN devices).
PAC DIDevice objects provide the mechanism for a DINetwork to
communicate with the LIN device. Each DIDevice instance is
associated with an instrument configuration strategy, found in the
PAC Strategies tab.
Note: If more than one block of the above types is running in the PAC
device, then it cannot be defined which block will be used.
In addition to the above LIN function blocks, various alarm fields must
also be enabled in the TACTICIAN and EIO_DIAG blocks. If the
Wonderware PAC strategies were created through the IDE, these
alarms are already enabled by default. Refer to "Symbol Parameters
and PAC Device Field references" on page 84 for details of which
alarms need to be enabled.
Full support for redundant configurations is provided. Refer to
"Working with Redundancy" on page 84 for details on how to configure
the $PAC_DIDeviceDiag object for use in redundant systems.
Operator Interface
Two primary views are offered for the diagnostics symbol:
Operator Interface73
Overview Display
The overview display indicates fault conditions through the use of a
traffic light system as follows:
Traffic Light
Traffic Light
battery low
primary license failure
secondary license failure
Green. When illuminated, the health of the
Foxboro PAC instrument is good (no major or
minor faults detected).
Operator Interface75
No faults reported
A module fault being shown for the modules at site one and site
three, causing the symbol to report a major fault. This would be
the case where the expected module does not match that fitted, or
when the primary (or secondary in duplex operation) does not
report a healthy status for the site exhibiting a faulty condition.
Any sites that do not have a module fitted (not shown in this
example), are shown as empty.
Operator Interface77
No faults reported
Detailed Display
The detailed view symbol is displayed when the overview symbol is
clicked. The detailed view contains a set of tabs categorising the
information available. These categories are:
Major fault
conditions being
monitored and the
current status
Communication configuration of
the instrument, including the
instruments IP address and LIN
node address
Information related to the loaded strategy
and the synchronisation state. Control of
duplex operation can be performed here.
Operator Interface79
Note: The Sync, Desync and Changeover buttons are not enabled,
and any duplex-related fields are not visible, when the Simplex object
attribute is set to TRUE.
An example of the Time tab is shown in the following figure. The Time
tab shows the instruments current date and time, along with the time
configuration mode.
Standard ArchestrA icons are used for the data quality status for each
of the parameters in the detailed view symbol tabs. These can be
changed for a Galaxy from within the ArchestrA IDE (see ArchestrA
IDE help topic for "Setting the Appearance of a Status Element"). By
default, the icons used are shown in the following table:
The PAC_DIDeviceDiag is configured using the Object Editor like
other standard ArchestrA objects. The symbol also has two attributes
that need to be set prior to deployment.
Note: Before configuring a PAC_DIDeviceDiag, be sure that the
Instrument Configuration instance that the PAC_DIDeviceDiag
represents has been created; it need not be fully configured, but the
instance should exist.
To configure a PAC_DIDeviceDiag:
Select the UDAs tab and locate and select the Simplex
[$PAC_DIDeviceDiag] entry in the Inherited UDAs section.
Close the object and save the changes. The object is now ready for
Symbol attribute
Symbol Parameter
Hardware Fault
Symbol Parameter
Primary Fault
Seconday Fault
Battery Fail
Real-time Clock
Brown Out
Power Failure
Symbol Parameter
Note: If any of the LIN blocks described above are not in the PAC
strategy, then the MajorFaultAlm UDA is set.
The following table shows those LIN function block alarm field
reference which need to be enabled to support the minor faults
Symbol Parameter
Battery Low
Symbol Parameter
Primary Licence
Seconday Licence
Note: If any of the LIN blocks described above are not in the PAC
strategy, then the MinorFaultAlm UDA is set.
Run-time attributes for the other detailed view symbol fields can be
found in the online help within the Wonderware PAC IDE for the
$PAC_DIDeviceDiag object.
Appendix A
The PAC DAServer requires a license in order to operate. A license is
required for each machine hosting an instance of a DINetwork.
The Wonderware PAC system uses the same style of license as the
System Platform, and the process to install and maintain licenses is
the same.
To install a license, the System Platform License Utility is used.
Follow the procedure below to install a license.
To install a license
Launch the License Utility from the Start menu by selecting Start
> All Programs > Wonderware > Common > License Utility.
90 Appendix A Licensing
DA Server starts
License exists?
Run in
Pause 30
License found?
Run in licensed
Running time
<120 mins?
Run in limited
functionality mode.
92 Appendix A Licensing
Appendix B
Advanced Binding Tool
Exporting Binding Configuration
Manipulating Binding Configuration
Importing Binding Configuration
The PAC Binding tool allows the current binding configuration to be
exported to a comma separated value (csv) file, which can be
subsequently edited in any text editor, or in other csv-compatible
readers (such as Microsoft Excel).
Once exported, the configuration can be edited and duplicated so as to
enable a quick and efficient method to import large and complex
configurations. Using an appropriate editor, the configuration file can
be used to quickly define the mappings between ApplicationObjects
and LIN blocks, which when reimported into the Galaxy, can be
automatically instantiated and bound.
During an import operation, new instances are created and bound
using the information specified in the imported file. Block bindings on
pre-existing objects are overwritten if those instances are not checked
Application Object #1
Application Object #1
Exported as a csv file,
duplicated and manipulated,
and re-imported into the
Application Object #2
Application Object #3
Application Object #n
PAC Instrument /
Generic LIN Device
Binding information
Binding information
Binding information
Binding information
Binding information
Ensure the PAC Binding tool is visible by clicking the PAC Binding
toolbar icon, or by selecting PAC Binding from the View menu.
Note: The Export button is disabled whilst the PAC Binding tool loads
the binding information from the Galaxy. In a large configuration, this
background task can take several minutes to complete.
Block 2
Block 3
Block 1
The first line is a header line, and is not part of the configuration. The
line can be deleted, but it is recommended it remains as a guide to the
field contents. It is especially useful when the file is viewed as a
The second line indicates the following:
If this were added to the configuration file, the entire file would look as
shown below:
Instance,Template,Block 1,Type,Block n,Type
This file could then be imported into the Galaxy using the PAC
Binding Import tool.
Note: If the ArchestrA object, PAC_PID_002 already existed, the line
defining PAC_PID_002 is ignored.
For more details on the import process, and how existing objects are
handled, refer to "Importing Binding Configuration" on page 97.
Ensure the PAC Binding tool is visible by clicking the PAC Binding
toolbar icon, or by selecting PAC Binding from the View menu.
The Import Bindings File window appears. Locate the binding file,
select it, and click the Open button.
The import function (see "Importing Binding Configuration" on
page 97) allows the user to populate the Galaxy with a set of bound
ApplicationObject instances with a .csv file which has been manually
edited. At the stage of importing, none of the specified DIDevice
instances, associated PAC Strategy instances or actual LIN blocks
need exist. This allows the user the import the configuration and then
develop the DIDevice instances and instrument strategies afterwards.
Having potentially imported User-Defined Attributes with missing
LIN references, the validation function detects and then alerts the
user if there are any validation issues. The validation is performed:
Appendix C
Configuring Store and
Historical data is an important part of any production quality
requirement. Therefore, loss of any data resulting in gaps in the
historic information is not acceptable for many batch and monitoring
Within a fully configured and functioning Wonderware PAC
environment, data from Foxboro PAC instruments flows into a
WinPlatform object (LINOPC and a PAC DAServer) and into
Historian (and the Wonderware Alarm Database). Should this
communication fail, it is possible that Historian will develop gaps in
the historical data.
If Store and Forward is configured (the Foxboro PAC instrument
strategy has Recording Groups defined, and the History Extension is
enabled for ArchestrA objects), the Store and Forward tool can be used
to repair gaps in Historian data if the communication between the
Foxboro PAC instrument and ArchestrA fails.
For this to function, the following setup is required:
The objects within Wonderware PAC for which the values are to be
archived in Historian, must have their History Extension enabled.
specify the path where the .usf files are created (USF file folder
field). The default location is the same path as configured in
the main Store and Forward utility.
<Historian Server> is the name of the Historian server
<PAC instrument> is the DIDevice representing the PAC instrument.
The window displays the results for either the Historian mapping, or
the Wonderware Alarm Database mapping, dependant upon the
selected tab on the left-hand side. For both set of mappings, the results
are split into three separate tabs across the top.
The tabs are:
Historian section:
After checking any abnormalities in the various result tabs, launch the
Store and Forward User Interface to configure the Store and Forward
process. Refer to the Foxboro PAC Store & Forward Users Guide
(HA030835) for further information.
Appendix D
Importing Existing LIN
Strategies to The Galaxy
Importing Existing Strategies Into The Galaxy
If a strategy already exists for a Foxboro PAC instrument (T2750 or
T2550) or a generic LIN device that were created before
Wonderware PAC was installed, for example then the strategy can
be imported into the Galaxy.
Important: The instrument configuration type (T2750, T2550, or a
generic LIN device) must match that of the device being imported into
the Galaxy.
Note: The DIDeviceDiag diagnostic symbols require specific LIN
blocks to be included in a strategy in order to function, and the alarms
enabled. Stategies imported into the Galaxy using the technique
described in this chapter (that is, strategies not created from scratch
using the T2550/T2750 object) therefore require the alarms enabling
and the standard diagnostic blocks placed in the strategy.
The LIN blocks required are: TACTICIAN, EIO_DIAG, DB_DIAG,
The alarm field from certain function blocks must also be configured as
enabled. For a list of the alarm fields, refer to "Symbol Parameters and
PAC Device Field references" on page 84.
Launch LINtools
Open a Windows
Explorer window from
within LINtools
..and select
from the
Set the default database to match the name of the database just
imported. To do this, select Instrument Folder Properties from the
File menu (or right-click on the top-level folder in the Contents
window and select Properties). In the Instrument Folder
Properties window, select the default database in the Default DB
field. Once complete, click the OK button to close the window.
Appendix E
Communication Errors
Troubleshooting Procedures
Troubleshooting Tools
Namespace Updates
Troubleshooting Procedures
Depending at which stage a communications problem is encountered,
the method to troubleshoot changes accordingly. Refer to the following
list to determine which flowchart to follow to help diagnose the
communication problem.
Network Explorer
Check cross
subnet settings
Network UNH
Check physical
connection to
Check general
networking setup
(eg, IP address,
subnet mask, etc)
Windows Networking
Check instrument
network settings*
Event Viewer
* Refer to documentation
supplied with instrument
for instructions.
Troubleshooting Procedures113
Check the
database is
DI objects
Object Viewer
Network Explorer
System Management
Console (DA
Server Manager)
Use the SMC to
investigate nondeployment
Check the DI
object is linked to
the correct
strategy config.
Check DINetwork
settings, including
cross subnet
DAServer node
Part 2
Check DAServer
Manager for
running status of
Console (DA
Server Manager)
Check any
installed firewall is
not blocking
LINOPC comms
Windows /
3rd party firewall
Logger (via the
Check the
Windows Event
Event Viewer
Part 2
Follow the procedure to
troubleshoot at Strategy
Download time
Check ArchestrA
security settings
Check the
Windows Regional
ArchestrA Security
Windows Regional
Settings Control Panel
Check the
Windows Event
Troubleshooting Tools115
ArchestrA System
Management Console
Check the
Windows Event
Troubleshooting Tools
A number of tools are available to aid the process of identifying and
fixing PAC DAServer operation issues. To be able to diagnose some
issues, access to the platform onto which the DA Sever is installed is
necessary. This can be either physical access, or remote using a form of
Remote Desktop / Terminal Services / VNC-type of tool.
A fundamental software component for communication between
ArchestrA and a LIN device is the LINOPC server. This is a software
communications server with an OPC interface that enables the
communication between LIN devices and other applications running
on the computer. LINOPC is installed on any node that acts as a
DAServer, and also on the local Engineering Workstation. Many of the
troubleshooting tools interact with LINOPC, and also provide
diagnostic information.
The tools that can be used to help diagnose and resolve communication
issues are summarised in the following table.
Network Explorer(page
Network UNH(page
Check physical
network connection to
Windows Networking
Configuration (page
Check general
networking setup
View diagnostic
information within an
System Management
Console (page 121)
IDE Object
Configurator (page
Windows / ThirdParty
Firewall (page 126)
Troubleshooting Tools117
ArchestrA Security
Editor (page 128)
Windows Regional
Settings (page 128)
Wonderware Logger
(page 124)
Foxboro PAC
Diagnostic Symbol
(page 129)
Shutdown LINOPC
Utility (page 121)
Manually check
LINOPC configuration,
including IP address
Namespace Updates
(page 129)
Force namespace
update and
Network Explorer
The Network Explorer tool allows the user to browse the locally
connected LIN-based network/s and view a status summary for each
device. In doing so, LIN connectivity to the instruments can be
confirmed. Information presented for discovered instruments includes
the instrument type, current database, run state and synchronisation
state. The status area at the bottom of the window can also provide
diagnostic information.
The Network Explorer tool can be launched from the IDE workstation,
by selecting Network Explorer from the Invensys subgroup on the
Start menu. The following figure shows an example of the Network
Network UNH
The network UNH file is stored within LIN instruments, and is used
to configure the instruments Ethernet communication, including the
cross-subnet configuration.
To edit the network UNH, open the instrument configuration editor for
a strategy within the IDE, and click the Instrument Options button.
The Ethernet settings are configured within the Network Settings
Troubleshooting Tools119
Ping is a standard network diagnostic tool used to test whether a
particular host is reachable across the IP network. This allows a check
of the physical network connection to a LIN instrument. The ping
command is available through a Windows command prompt. There are
many ways to display a Windows command prompt, but the method
shown below should operate on all versions of Windows.
Display the Run window by clicking on the Start Menu and choose
Run (or press the Windows key and R). The Run window displays.
Enter cmd in the window and press the Enter key. A command
prompt appears.
If communication with the remote host fails, the ping tool displays
Request timed out. Otherwise, the size of the reply, time taken,
and time to live (TTL) values are displayed, indicating a successful
response from the instrument.
To close the command prompt, type exit and press the Enter key.
The command prompt window closes.
Object Viewer
The Object Viewer utility offers the ability to show an objects data
value, data quality and the communication status of the object. In
addition, the tool can be used to show performance and diagnostic
information about ApplicationObjects. The use of Object Viewer is
strongly recommended when deploying a DIDevice as it provides a
convenient way to test that the LIN data that the DIDevice exposes is
readable within the Wonderware PAC framework.
Using the Object Viewer, it is possible to:
View the data type, data quality, data value, timestamp, and
communication status of ApplicationObject attributes
The LINTools application is the primary tool for the creation and
maintenance of LIN instrument strategies.
In a trouble-shooting context, LINTools can provide information about
the live status of an instrument by using the Online Connect facility.
This allows the user the view the current state of the LIN function
blocks within the instrument, and confirm that the correct database
has been downloaded. If the instrument isnt running in a live
environment, the database can be re-downloaded, if desired.
Caution: Downloading a strategy to an instrument running in a live
environment will temporarily disrupt control.
Troubleshooting Tools121
Launch the SMC from the start menu on the node for which
diagnostic information is required. The SMC is located in the
Program Files > Wonderware subgroup. The SMC opens.
Troubleshooting Tools123
The SMC also provides access to the log viewer, and specifically the
WinPlatform onto which the DAServer is installed can reveal
important diagnostic information. Refer to "Wonderware Logger" on
page 124 for more information.
Wonderware Logger
The Wonderware Logger can provide information on Wonderware PAC
issues, and in particular concerning license issues for the DAServer.
The Wonderware Log is viewable using the SMC, and has its own
top-level folder structure.
Launch the SMC in the usual manner, and expand the Log Viewer
folder tree. The following figure shows where the log viewer is located
in the SMC.
Troubleshooting Tools125
Click start, and then click Control Panel. Click Performance and
Maintenance (if viewing Control Panels grouped in categories),
and then double-click Administrative Tools. Finally, double-click
Event Viewer.
the correct LIN Protocol Name, and Node Address (in hex) has
been assigned to a DINetwork object
Troubleshooting Tools127
After opening the list of control panels, locate and double-click on the
LIN Ports Editor control panel to open it. The LIN Ports Editor control
panel opens displaying the configured LIN ports.
Locate the ELIN (Ethernet LIN) ports on the left. There may be one or
multiple ELIN ports defined. Click the appropriate ELIN port to view
the configuration for that port.
Check that the Protocol Name and LIN Node/Address fields match
that as expected from configuration within the Galaxy. The following
table shows the mapping between the field titles in the LIN Ports
Editor window, and the relevant attributes for a PAC_DINetwork
within the IDE.
PAC_DINetwork attribute
field name
Protocol Name
Correct any obvious mistakes. Then check the Advanced Port Settings
configuration section, and confirm these are as expected.
Online help is available within the the LIN Ports Editor, and helpful
messages are displayed near the bottom of the window for each
selected field.
Close the LIN Ports Editor control panel window by clicking on the
Apply button. If any changes were made to the configuration, the
LINOPC server may need to restart to apply the changes. A dialogue
box is displayed to confirm this operation if it is required.
Click Yes to allow the LINOPC server to restart with the new
Namespace Updates129
Namespace Updates
The Wonderware PAC namespace is a complete representation of the
data that exists in a set of instrument configurations. It is a
fundamental lookup table for the operation of Wonderware PAC.
When changes to the configuration are made in the Galaxy, a PAC
DAServer needs to know about any namespace changes. This is
especially applicable if new objects have been added. The distribution
of the namespace information to the node(s) where the DAServer is
running is automatic when instrument configurations are checked into
the Galaxy. The configuration-time namespace is updated when a
database is saved from LINtools.
The LIN Data Browser tab within the Galaxy Browser tool does not
use the distributed/runtime namespace. Instead, it uses the offline
configuration-time namespace. If the expected namespace information
is presented in the Galaxy Browser, this does not imply that the
runtime namespace is 100% complete.
The runtime namespace is a distributed copy of the offline
configuration-time namespace. It is only available when a platform
from the relevant Galaxy is currently deployed to a node. The offline
namespace is always available, regardless of which objects are
currently deployed, and this is why configuration interfaces (like the
Galaxy Browser) do not use the run-time namespace.
If namespace update issues are suspected, then the respective
namespaces can be forced to be updated for a particular object.
To force an update for the runtime namespace:
Appendix F
Using LINtools in a
Wonderware PAC Context
Disabled Commands
Wonderware PAC UserInterface Changes
General UserInterface Changes
Workflow Changes
Users familiar with LINtools may notice some changes to the user
interface within LINtools when working in the context of Wonderware
PAC. The changes are minor, but necessary because some of the
commands and menu options are not applicable in the Wonderware
PAC context. The following sections show the differences.
Disabled Commands
The following menu commands have been disabled within LINtools:
Menu Command
Instrument Name
Outside the Wonderware PAC context, LINtools displays the folder
name in the Contents window under Instrument. As folders have no
significance within Wonderware PAC, the name displayed is the name
of the instrument as defined within the IDE.
Read-only Configurations
In Wonderware PAC, a second user may check out a read-only copy of
an object if another user currently has the same object checked out.
Similarly, a user may decide to check out an instrument configuration
in an read-only state. When LINtools is launched, and the
configuration object is in a read-only state, the words read only are
appended to the LINtools title bar. In this mode, LINtools opens the
configuration as readonly, so no modifications can be saved. It is
possible, however, to download the strategy or go online to the
Instrument Properties
Right-clicking on the top-level folder in the Contents window and
selecting Properties now displays the Instrument Folder Properties
window instead of a standard Windows Explorer window. This is
beneficial to the user because unnecessary information is not shown.
The same window can also be displayed by selecting Instrument
Folder Properties from the File menu within LINtools.
The Instrument Folder Properties window allows the type of
instrument and the version to be changed, as shown in the following
figure. Outside of the Wonderware PAC context, the window also
allows the modification of the node address.
Editable fields by
using the drop-down
Node address is
specified from within
the Wonderware PAC
instrument options
screen, so not
available to be
changed here
Instrument Options
To change instrument options and network settings for a device, the
Instrument Options window can be opened by right-clicking on the
top-level folder in the Contents window and selecting Instrument
Workflow Changes
In some cases, the way a user performs an operation is different within
the Wonderware PAC context. This section shows the changes.
Appendix G
Enabling Cross-Subnet
Cross-subnet communication is an advanced feature only required if
instruments are on a separate subnet from the Engineering
Workstations, DINetworks, or InTouch application servers. An
example scenario of such an architecture is shown in the following
Subnet A
Subnet B
LIN Control
Ethernet Network
DINetwork (DAServer)
Supervisory Ethernet
Configuring a system to work across subnets involves several steps, as
Instrument Configuration
Refer to the example figure shown in the Overview section. When first
configuring a LIN instrument to communicate on the network, any
instruments located in subnet B must be configured to communicate
with workstations and nodes in subnet A. This requires the
modification of the network.unh file on the flash card within each
instrument, using a card reader and the Instrument Options Editor.
To edit the instruments network.unh file
Insert the flash card from the instrument into a flash card reader
connected to the Engineering Workstation (or any system with
Wonderware PAC installed).
Within the file system for the flash card, locate and open the E
Under the LIN category, ensure All subnet is set to on, as shown in
the following figure.
Appendix H
Windows Firewall
Open the Windows Control Panels by clicking the Start button and
selecting Control Panel.
Click Advanced settings from the context menu on the left of the
window. The Windows Firewall with Advanced Security window
Select Inbound Rules from the choices on the left and sort the
resulting list by name to locate all entries for EuroPRP, as shown
in the following figure.
For each EuroPRP Blocking rule, check the profile column. If the
profile matches your instrument network type, then delete the
rule. Repeat for each EuroPRP Blocking rule.
Select Port as the rule type and click the Next button. The protocol
and ports configuration is displayed, as shown in the following
Select the UDP and Specific local ports radio buttons. Enter 1264
as the port number. Click the Next button.
You can either allow the connection on all network types, or allow
it only on your instrument network type. Select the appropriate
tick boxes.
Finally, name the new rule EuroPRP and click the Finish button.
Application Engine
A scan-based engine that hosts and executes the run time logic
contained within AutomationObjects.
Application view
ArchestrA Object
Area Object
attribute reference
Server (AOS)
backup AppEngine
base template
binding tool
A DAGroup that is triggered by the user or another object after all the
required data items are set. The block of data is sent to the external
data device. When the block write is complete, it indicates the
completion status.
change log
The revision history that tracks the life cycle activities of ArchestrA
Objects, such as object creation, check in/check out, deployment, and
change propagation
check in
IDE operation for making a configured object available for other users
to check out and use.
check out
IDE operation for the purpose of editing an object. It makes the item
unavailable for other users to check out.
The act of saving to disk the configuration, state, and all associated
data necessary to support automatic restart of a running
AutomationObject. The restarted object has the same configuration,
state, and associated data as the last checkpoint image on disk.
compound object
contained name
DAServer Manager
(DAS Manager)
Deployment view
The part of the Application view in the IDE that shows how objects are
physically dispersed across Platforms, Areas and Engines. This is a
view of how the application is spread across computing resources.
Derivation view
The part of the Application view in the IDE that shows the parentchild relationship between base templates, derived templates and
derived instances. A view into the genealogy of the application.
Device Integration
Object (DIObjects)
DIDevice Object
DINetwork Object
Engine object
event record
The data that is transferred about the system and logged when a
defined event changes state. For example, an analog crosses its high
level limit, an acknowledgement is made, or an operator logs in to the
Galaxy database
Galaxy Database
Galaxy Repository
Generic LIN
hierarchical name
The name of the object in the context of its container object. For
example, Tank1.OutletValve, where an object called Tank1 contains
the OutletValve object.
The time series data storage system that compresses and stores high
volumes of time series data for later retrieval. For the Industrial
Application Server, the standard Historian is IndustrialSQL Server.
Application Server
Environment (IDE)
InTouch View
InTouch View Clients are InTouch run time clients that solely use of
the Industrial Application Server for its data source. In addition,
standard InTouch run times can leverage the Industrial Application
Server with the addition of a Platform license.
I/O count
Number of I/O points being accessed into the Galaxy. I/O points are
real I/O and are not equivalent to InTouch tags. I/O count is based on
the number of I/O points that are configured through an OPC Server,
I/O Server, Data Access Server (DAServer) or InTouch Proxy Object,
over the whole Application Server namespace, regardless of how many
PCs are in the system.
Log Viewer
Message Exchange
Model view
The area in the Application view in the IDE that shows how objects
are arranged to describe the physical layout of the plant and
supervisory process being controlled.
object extensions
Object Viewer
A utility in which you can view the attribute values of the selected
object in run time. This utility is only available when an object is
deployed. Object Viewer shows you diagnostic information on
ApplicationObjects so you can see performance parameters, resource
consumption and reliability measurements. In addition to viewing an
objects data value, data quality and the communication status of the
object, you can also modify some of its attributes for diagnostic testing.
Modifications can include adjusting timing parameters and setting
objects in an execution or idle mode.
The state of an object that indicates it is idle and not ready to execute
its normal run time processing.
PAC instrument
package definition
file (.aaPDF)
The standard description file that contains the configuration data and
implementation code for a base template. File extension is .aaPDF.
package file
The standard description file that contains the configuration data and
implementation code for one or more objects or templates. File
extension is .aaPKG.
Platform count
Platform Manager
Platform object
primary AppEngine
proxy object
During configuration
Redundant Message
relational reference
remote reference
scan group
scan state
The Scan State of an object in run time. This can be either offscan or
ApplicationObjects at run time are mapped to the objects by userdefined roles. These roles can be mapped directly to existing groups in
a Microsoft Domain or workgroup.
System Management
Console (SMC)
System object
The unique name given to an object. For example, for a given object, its
TagName = V1101 and its HierarchicalName =
Template Toolbox
The part of the IDE Main Window that hosts template Toolsets,
containing templates. The Template Toolbox shows a tree view of
template categories in the Galaxy.
User Defined
Attributes (UDA)
UserDefined object
WinPlatform object
Wonderware PAC
$PAC_DIDevice 20
$PAC_DIDeviceDiag 19, 20
$PAC_DIDeviceDiag alarm blocks 72
$PAC_DINetwork 19
acronyms 8
advanced binding tool operation 93
Archestra security editor, using 128
basics - Foxboro PAC 29
manually binding objects 52
using the LIN data browser 54
PAC binding tool 60
advanced binding tool operation 93
creating instances without the binding
operation 97
exporting binding configuration 94
importing binding configuration 97
manipulating binding configuration 95
validation 99
binding LIN data to ArchestrA objects 51
changes to
galaxy browser 24
menu and toolbar options 18
template library 19
the IDE interface 17
view tabs 22
changing the instrument version 38
demo mode - licensing 90
diagnostic examples
communications fault 76
faulty modules 75
multiple instruments 77
no faults 74
configuration 81
detailed display 78
operator interfaces 72
overview display 73
DINetwork object 44
disabled commands in LINtools 131
document revision Information 7
documentation conventions 7
downloading strategies to a PAC
instrument 42
editing the strategy for a PAC instrument 36
enabling cross-subnet communication 135
engineering station 14
exporting binding configuration 94
Extract LIN Project 22, 23
Foxboro PAC basics 29
Foxboro PAC diagnostic symbol, using 129
licensing 89
LIN connection setup tool 40
LIN data browser 24
LIN network, creating 44
LIN ports editor control panel, using 126
LIN strategy download 42
LINtools differences
overview 131
disabled commands 131
general user-interface changes 133
user-interface changes 132
workflow changes 134
LINtools in a Foxboro PAC context 131
manipulating binding configuration 95
manually binding objects 52
network explorer, using 117
network topology 14
network UNH, using 118
object viewer, using 120
objects specific to Foxboro PAC 15
overview of Foxboro PAC 11
PAC binding tool
overview 60
block binding tab 62
Wonderware PAC Users Guide
shutdown LINOPC utility, using 121
SMC, using 121
store & forward
analysing the results 104
configuring store and forward 101
filename syntax 104
further reading 102, 106
overview 101
preparing the tool to run 103
using the Configure UStoreForward
tool 103
strategy editing 36
subnets, enabling cross-subnet
communication 135
supported devices 16
system architecture 14
system management console, using 121
technical support, contacting 9
$PAC_DIDevice 16, 47, 72
$PAC_DIDeviceDiag 16, 21, 47, 48, 72
$PAC_DINetwork 15, 21, 44
$PAC_genericLIN 15, 21, 31
$PAC_T2550 15, 20, 31
$PAC_T2750 15, 20, 30
$RedundantDIObject 50
Foxboro PAC object templates 19
trouble shooting tools
overview 111
ArchestrA security editor 128
firewall 126
Foxboro PAC diagnostic symbol 129
LIN ports editor control panel 126
LINtools 120
namespace update time, checking 129
network explorer 117
network UNH 118
object viewer 120
ping 119
shutdown LINOPC utility 121
system management console 121
Windows event logger 124
Windows firewall 126
Windows networking configuration 119
Windows regional settings 128
Wonderware logger 124
troubleshooting the PAC DA server 111
user-interface changes in LINtools 132
using LINtools in a Foxboro PAC context 131
using the LIN connection setup tool 40
using the LIN data browser to bind objects 54
validation of binding data 99
walkthrough example
overview 30
stage 1 - creating a PAC instrument
configuration 30
stage 2 - creating the DA server platform 43
stage 3 - creating a DINetwork (LIN
network object) 44
stage 4 - adding instruments to the LIN
network 47
stage 5 - binding LIN data to ArchestrA
objects 51
Windows event logger, using 124
Windows networking configuration, using 119
Windows regional settings, using 128
Wonderware logger, using 124
workflow examples 29
working with redundancy 50
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