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Magnetization Curves of A Spin-One Bethe Lattice: PH - V.rrc.c. L MR Wri, Shef/rrld, Sheffield 7Rh. Uk

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Volume 111 A, number





&~~rtn~~!~tof Ph_v.rrc.c.
L~mr~wri,~of Shef/rrld,
12 March

9 September





1985; revised manuscript




3 May 1985; accepted

for publication

24 June 1985

An exact calculation of the spontaneous

of a spin-one Ising model with the inclusion of biquadratic
and single ion anisotropy
on the Bethe lattice is presented
rhe magnetizition
curves exhibit some u&al
features as the
relative strength of the single ion anisotropy
is varied.

We treat a spin-one Ising model on the Bethe lattice

with the inclusion of biquadratic exchange and singleion anisotropy in addition to the usual bilinear exchange interactions. Our purpose is to show that the
presence of single-ion anisotropy can produce drastic
changes to the form of the magnetization curves under
certain conditions. We consider the hamiltonian




Ho,i = -JS,

Si - JS,2 C Si2 t OS02 ,



. .. So exp(-/3H)

m = c




.. . exp(-PH)


where fl= I/k,T, k, being the Boltzmann constant.

The symbol IZsii) indicates a trace over the states of
the appropriate spins. Using a generalisation of the
method of Katsura and Takizawa [l] as expounded
in ref. [2] we find that the magnetization can be expressed in the form
m = (aZ - b)/(a + bZ + c) ,

Hi ii = -JSi

Sii - JS;

Si + DS ,


etc. The index i runs from 1 to z, andj, k, . .. run

from 1 to z - 1, z being the coordination number. So
is taken as the central spin. J and J are the nearestneighbour bilinear and biquadratic exchange constants
respectively and D is the single-ion anisotropy. Each
spin has three eigenvalues 1, 0, - 1. Since the size of
the lattice is infinitely large, each lattice point is
equivalent and so the spontaneous magnetization per
spin can be calculated from

On leave from Department

West Bengal 743412. India.

of Physics,



03.30 0 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.
(North-Holland Physics Publishing Division)


a = exp[-(L2

+ L,)]

+ 2 exp(K - 0) cosh(K + L1),








given by



= (a/b)-l



= (a/~)-~



= (LI/c)~-~

Likewise, the quadrupolar


4 = tSi> is found

Volume 1 llA, number 4


9 September 1985

to be
q = (a z + bZ)/(a z + b z + e Z ) .



From these expressions, one can deduce the following

equation for the transition temperature T c
2 [(z - 1) sinh(Kc) ] z - 1 [(z - 1) sinh(Kc) - cosh(Kc) ]

X exp[(c~ - zcg)Kc]
= [(z - 1) sinh(Kc) - cosh(Kc) + e x p ( - a K c ) ] z - 1 ,
with K c = J / k B T c , eL = Y ' / J and ct' = D / J z . In the absence of biquadratic exchange this equation reduces
to that of Katsura [3], and also reduces to that of
Obokata and Oguchi [4] if the single-ion anisotropy
is also neglected.
Detailed calculations of the magnetization as given
by eq. (5) have been made for various strengths of the
interactions J, J ' and D and for several coordination
numbers z. Here only the results for z = 6 and J ' / J =
- 1 . 0 5 are presented since these are most interesting
and contact with the work of Chakraborty and
Morita [5] can be made. In fig. 1 the magnetization
as a function of 1/IJJ is shown for various values of ct'.
It is seen that for ~' = 0 the magnetization exhibits an
anti-Curie temperature Tac in addition to the Curie
temperature T C. As - a ' increases, the anti-Curie temperature moves to lower temperatures and the magnetization curve gradually starts to peak on the low temperature side. A t a critical value C~'c,which can be
shown to be - 0 . 0 5 for our choice of c~, the anti-Curie
temperature is predicted to be zero. In this case the
magnetization increases steadily with decreasing temperature from the Curie point, but in a temperature
range extremely close to zero it drops rapidly to zero
a t zero temperature. F o r values o f - t ~ ' greater than
this critical value the magnetization approaches unity
at zero temperature. Although for - a ' only slightly
greater than - ~ c the magnetization curve exhibits a
somewhat unfamiliar form, the conventional shape is
reached for relatively small values o f the single-ion
anisotropy (see the upper curve in fig. 1). We have also carried out extensive computations for other values of t~ and other coordination numbers. A full account o f these results will be reported in due course
when other aspects of our work, including a discussion of the quadrupolar m o m e n t and the phase transition are published.


Fig. 1. The magnetization, m, as a function of k B T / J for J'/J
= - 1.05 and z = 6. The successive curves from (a) to (b) are
forD/Jz = 0, -0.01, -0.03, -0.05, -0.08, - 0 . 2 and - 0 . 6
respectively. The curve for - 0.05 falls sharply to the origin
at T = 0 from its maximum value shown.

It is timely to comment on the very recent work of

Chakraborty and Morita [5]. The lower magnetization curve in fig. 1 corresponding to the absence of
single-ion anisotropy can be compared directly with
the result shown in that paper. (Note that there the
biquadratic exchange is defined with the opposite
sign.) Although the Curie and anti-Curie temperatures
agree, the most noticeable difference is that there the
magnetization is a factor " 6 smaller than our exact
result. We can show that their theory leads to the result of eq. (5) but with the exponents z replaced by
z ( z - 1). This difference can be traced to the singlesite distribution function implicit in the theory used
in ref. [5] to calculate the magnetization. On the other hand, in the absence of biquadratic exchange and
single-ion anisotropy, our expressions are consistent
with those of Tanaka and Uryfl [2]. We have also shown
that our results for the Curie temperature, the magnetization and the quadrupolar moment agree with
those obtained by Takahashi and Tanaka [8] who
used a variational constant-coupling approximation

Volume 111A, number 4


with two parameters to treat the same spin-1 Ising

system on a standard lattice.
In order to study the stability of the solutions a
knowledge of the free energy is required. Morita [6]
has deduced that the free energy per site for the
Bethe lattice is equivalent to the one given by the
cluster variation method. His general method [7] of
calculation of the free energy has also been applied
by several authors to a variety of problems, see e.g.
refs. [3,9,10], and the equivalence of the cluster variation method with the constant-coupling approximation under certain conditions has been shown [11].
However, a direct calculation of the free energy from
the partition function for our Bethe lattice where the
surface effects have been neglected from the outset
is not possible as it is nol clear how the thermodynamic limit is to be taken [12]. However, from the above
observations we intuitively expect the equivalence of
our results for the Curie temperature and the order
parameters with those of the constant coupling approximation applied to the Ising model on an ordinary lattice to extend also to the free energy. We have
thus adopted the expression for the latter to calculate

9 September 1985

the free energy of the magnetization curves of fig. 1.

It was found that they have a lower free energy than
the corresponding paramagnetic solutions - a necessary condition for their stability.

[1] S. Katsura and M. Takizawa, Prog. Theor. Phys. 51
(1974) 82.
[2] Y. Tanaka and N. Ury~, J. Phys. Soc. Japan 50 (1981)
[3] S. Katsura, J. Phys. A12 (1979) 2087.
[4] T. Obokata and T. Ogucbi, J. Phys. Soc. Japan 25
(1968) 322.
[5] K.G. Chakraborty and T. Morita, Physica 129A (1985)
[6] T. Morita, Physica 83A (1976) 411.
[7] T. Morita, J. Math. Phys. 13 (1972) 115.
[8 ] K. Takahashi and M. Tanaka, J. Phys. Soc. Japan 46
(1979) 1428.
[9] S. Ohkuro and S. Katsura, J. Phys. A13 (1980) 1501.
[10] I. Nagahara, S. Fujiki and S. Katsura, J. Phys. C14
(1981) 3781.
[11] T. Morita and T. Tanaka, Phys. Rev. 145 (1966) 288.
[12] F. Peruggi, J. Phys. A16 (1983) L713.


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