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Strategic Research

and Innovation Agenda

February 2013


SRIA 2013

he Strategic Research and Innovation

Agenda of SNETP is composed of the
following documents:
The Executive Summary Document
The main Strategic Research and Innovation
Agenda Document (this document)
Contact: secretariat@snetp.eu







The Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform


ollowing its launch in 2007, the first

document issued by the Sustainable
Nuclear Energy Technology Platform
(SNETP) was the Strategic Research
Agenda (SRA) now named Strategic Research
and Innovation Agenda (SRIA). This document
formalised the common vision of more than
70 Member organisations into more accurate
research and development orientations and
programmes: the SRIA enables the
transformation of a shared vision into reality
and, thus, the Platform to contribute to
European energy policy and to the objectives of
the Strategic Energy Technology plan (SETPlan), in particular with the implementation of
the European Sustainable Nuclear Industrial
Initiative (ESNII).

scenarios say that the lowest cost scenarios of

decarbonisation are the ones with the highest
share of nuclear energy.
But also an important event has occurred during
this period with the Fukushima Dachi accident
which has raised concern about the safety of
nuclear energy especially in the public mind. It
has led to a renewed attention to the safety of
nuclear power plants, in particular in respect of
extremely severe external hazards. Research and
development is an essential tool for better
understanding the accident phenomenology and
thus for prevention and mitigation of severe
accidents. A key responsibility of nuclear
operators, and especially in the frame of
SNETP, is to take benefit of the lessons learned
from this accident. These research and
development programmes shall be defined and
implemented with the highest priority in the
update of the SRIA. In particular, the issue of
extremely severe and rare accidents shall be
considered in a more global approach to safety in
order to better understand the design margins
and the behaviour of nuclear reactors under
beyond design basis accidents. This will assist
the development of more robust measures to
prevent and mitigate their possible

Today more than three years after the first

edition of the SRIA, SNETP has grown to
more than 110 members and has structured its
activities: the launching of NUGENIA for the
safe and reliable operation of the present reactor
fleet (generation II) and the deployment of
generation III reactors; implementation of the
ESNII initiative which aims to prepare the
future deployment of the generation IV nuclear
system relying on fast neutron technology with a
closed fuel cycle; and the preparation of a future
industrial initiative on cogeneration for the
Lastly, this update of the SRIA takes into
supply of heat for industrial purposes.
account the achievements of the R&D
During this period, the role of nuclear energy programmes described in the 2009 version.
remains as strong representing about 30% of the
European electricity supply despite its share in This updated version of the SRIA has been
the energy mix reducing slightly to 20%. The elaborated to respond to this new situation and
importance of the role of nuclear energy is having in mind the following guidelines:
acknowledged in the European Commission
For each part of the SRIA NUGENIA, ESNII and
Communication on the decarbonisation of the
NC2I it was crucial to make the role of nuclear
economy (Energy roadmap 2050
safety more explicit as a key driver for the
COM/2011/885 of 15 December 15, 2011).
of R&D needs.
Electricity is expected to play a greater role in
In line with its expected role in the energy
the future energy supply. The scenario studies
roadmap 2050, nuclear energy is a long term
project a doubling of the electricity share in the
energy demand at 40% in 2050, and the same
resource for Europe and it will need to enhance its
Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda

sustainability by minimisation of radioactive

waste and by optimisation of the use of the
available uranium resources while maintaining its
This new edition of the SRIA is compatible and
complementary to the SNETP vision report and
the original SRA, but more detailed descriptions
are provided for the R&D needs to be
performed in the short and medium term.

With this updated Strategic Research and

Innovation Agenda, SNETP supports the role
of nuclear energy in European energy policy for
the benefit of its members and European
citizens with the highest priority to safety,
increased sustainability and consolidated
competitiveness for nuclear energy.

Yves Kaluzny
Chairman of the Executive Committee of the
Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform






Strategic Research
and Innovation Agenda
February 2013




The Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform

Executive Summary

or sustainable prosperity, an affordable
and secure energy supply with minimised
environmental impact is a primary need,
for Europe and beyond. With a growing world
population, global energy demand is projected to
increase one-third from 2010 to 2035 with an
increased share of electricity production. Europe
will have to face three energy challenges:
security of energy supply, limitation of
greenhouse gas emissions and sustained
competitiveness of energy-reliant economies.

the SET Plan recommends to act now to

complete the preparation for the demonstration
of a new generation of fission reactors with
increased sustainability.
The Communication from the European
Commission of December 2011, entitled
Energy Roadmap 2050, recognises the
importance of nuclear energys contribution in
Europe today. With approximately 122 GWe in
operation in Europe, 30% of electricity
generation (produced by more than 131 reactors
located in 14 countries in the EU-27), nuclear
fission represents the largest low-carbon energy
source in Europe (2/3 of the decarbonised

The European Council committed in March

2007 to very ambitious goals putting Europe at The primary priority and responsibility in front
the forefront of the fight against climate change. of European citizens for the nuclear energy
sector is, of course, nuclear safety. The
The 20-20-20 objectives for 2020 are:
Fukushima accident increased public concern

20% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions about nuclear energy and drew renewed
compared to 1990
attention to the safety of nuclear power plants.

20% energy savings

To be sustainable, nuclear energy production

20% share of renewable energies in the total

must contribute to the well-being of future
energy mix
generations, by reducing the use of natural
To achieve both these medium term goals resources and avoiding detrimental effects on
(2020) and a long term vision along this line public health and the environment, including
(2050), the European Commission launched in the minimisation of ultimate waste.
2007 the Strategic Energy Technology (SET)
Plan which identifies a list of competitive low Security of supply is a key factor in the role of
nuclear energy. With the current efficiency of
uranium in nuclear power plants and at the
technologies to be
The primary priority
2012 rate of consumption, the natural
and responsibility
resources may last up to approximately
deployed in Europe.
in front of European
100 years, depending on the nuclear power
The SET plan
rate in the next decades. Security of
identifies nuclear
be assured for thousands of years
fission as one of the
when fast neutron reactors are deployed.
key low carbon
energy technologies.
The contribution of nuclear energy to reduce
For the 2020 objectives, the intention is to
2 emissions could be further increased by
maintain the competitiveness in fission using it directly for heat intensive applications.
technologies together with long term waste A particular effective approach is using nuclear
management solutions. For the vision of 2050, reactors for cogeneration of electricity and heat.
Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda

financing schemes or by the operators. More

recently, the R&D effort is however being
increasingly shared internationally, in particular
through the EURATOM Framework
programmes. Thanks to the work performed
within SNETP, the present release of the
SNETP Strategic Research and Innovation
Agenda is able to present a more comprehensive
list of the issues that Platform members
acknowledge ranking at highest priority. Most
of these topics are also suitable for
NUGENIA, since its launching in March 2012, is an harmonisation at European level.
international association mandated by SNETP. Its
main role is to develop R&D supporting safe, The Fukushima accident has increased society's
reliable, and competitive second (present) and concern for the safety of nuclear power plants.
Although the detailed analysis of the accident
third generation nuclear systems.
The European Sustainable Nuclear Industrial will take many more years, it will result in an
Initiative (ESNII) was officially launched in increased emphasis on particular R&D. In the
November 2010 under the SET Plan. ESNII framework of this enhanced global effort, the
promotes advanced fast reactors with the objective SNETP Governing Board empowered a Task
of resource preservation and minimisation of the Group to investigate how the lessons learned
from the Fukushima accident could impact
burden of radioactive waste.
The Nuclear Cogeneration Industrial Initiative safety related R&D orientations and priorities.
(NC2I) aims at demonstrating an innovative and According to the conclusions of the Task Group,
competitive energy solution for the low-carbon no really new phenomena were revealed by the
cogeneration of process heat and electricity based Fukushima accident, but the Task Group
identified 13 main research subjects to be
on nuclear energy.
addressed with the appropriate priority, in the
areas of plant design and identification of
external hazards, analysis and management of
severe accidents (in particular new systems for
mitigation of their consequences), emergency
management and radiological impact.

More than 110 members coming from industry,

research & technology organisations,
universities, technical safety organisations,
organisations and associations have been
gathered in The Sustainable Nuclear Energy
Technology Platform (SNETP) to define a
common vision regarding the role of nuclear
energy and R&D needs for the safe, sustainable,
and efficient use of nuclear fission technology.
SNETP is structured around three main pillars:

In parallel, most of the countries operating

nuclear reactors have launched systematic
reassessments of the safety margins of their
nuclear fleet under exposure to severe natural
hazards. The European Council of 24-25 March
2011 requested that a comprehensive safety
assessment be performed on all EU nuclear
plants, in the light of the preliminary lessons
learned. The request of the Council comprised
Figure 1: The SNETP three pillars
stress tests performed at national level,
complemented by a European peer review.
Although the stress tests were based on
Safety vision
information available at the time and were not
primarily intended to specify areas for future
research, they also indicated the need for future
he safety of nuclear installations results studies and developments.
from a permanent process of
improvement to both reduce the Looking ahead, and considering in particular
probability of accidents and mitigate their the outcomes from the Fukushima accident, the
consequences and requires dedicated research regulators - according to the WENRA
and development. In the past, the bulk of safety objectives - will require enhanced safety for
research has been mostly carried out within reactors already in operation as well as so for
national programmes supported either by public those either in construction or to be built. To







address these new and more demanding

requests, pre-normative research is to be
promoted within SNETP to achieve the
inherent safety objectives. More generally,
research should contribute to allow best
estimate evaluation of the reactor systems
behaviour, up to the cliff edge threshold
resulting in their complete degradation.
More inputs from the analysis of the Fukushima
event will be generated in the coming years both
from the analysis of the situation on the site and
from the application of simulation codes to the
accident. It can be, however, already confirmed
that the main challenges identified from the
lessons learned from the accident are the

will be necessary to support the possible

evolution of the safety regulations and practices.
Specific emphasis will have to be put also on
emergency management, which has been
challenged during the Fukushima accident due to:
the concomitance of many events, the severe
environmental conditions and the mutual
interaction between the affected units on site
the complexity and the difficulty of the decision
making process which diminished the effectiveness
and promptness of actions and which generated
both confusion and delays
the practical impossibility of recovering a
workable and stable electrical supply source for
several days

To better characterise any natural events, like The improvement of emergency preparedness
earthquakes, floods, etc., including methodologies and response shall include the consideration of
for dealing with rare events.
several items:

To extend even more in-depth the safety response

the availability of more sophisticated tools to

to any type of initiating event, especially severe
provide to the operators with more reliable and
natural hazards and any combination of them. It
quick indications/measurements of reactor status,
shall be done for current reactors, Generation III
to help in the implementation of an appropriate
reactors and future reactors.
recovery strategy

To include more systematically at the design stage

the availability of redundant intervention means

the beyond design basis accidents to assure the
in the vicinity of the site
robustness of the defence in-depth and to avoid
cliff edge effects. The approach shall include the availability of better and faster environmental
monitoring systems, better models for
situations where all units on the same site are
predictions, health effects of
affected by a beyond design event.
low doses, and effect of contamination on

To develop wider and more robust lines of defence

the environment in particular the marine
with respect to design basis aggressions and
beyond design basis events, by defining additional
measures to consider in the design and new or a broader consideration of organisation and social
issues and cultural aspects
improved systems for mitigation of consequences.

better international cooperation/expertise which

It is therefore expected that safety analysis of the
could provide help with plant status diagnostics,
nuclear installations will include in the future,
with forecasting accident evolution and on
additional advanced elements, like:
mitigation strategies

Evaluation of the best estimate behaviour of the

nuclear installation systems for beyond design
basis accidents to assess possible challenges to the
fulfilment of safety functions.
Evaluation of the ultimate capacity of the systems
with respect to the load applied and precise
identification of the margins and provisions that
prevent non-linear or catastrophic damage.

This will require an extension of the capability

of physical modelling and computer tools in
different areas and in particular in the area of
severe accident and containment system
simulation, enhanced in order to derive the
radioactive source term due to the accident.
Experimental and theoretical research efforts


of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle

large number of studies have been

carried out worldwide, and particularly
in Europe but also within the
framework of the Generation IV roadmap, to
analyse the meaning of sustainability when it
is applied to the NFC. From that work, there is
clear consensus today that a sustainable NFC is
mainly linked to the durability of the solutions
addressing the three following issues:







optimum use of natural resources

nuclear waste minimisation

minimum impact on environment

These objectives must be pursued while
maintaining or increasing at the same time the
safety, the economic
competitiveness and
A higher burn-up
the protection against
indirectly leads to
a net reduction
undeclared nuclear
of natural uranium
material production

recycling for LWR and 100% plutonium cores

for HTR. The corresponding R&D challenges
have been taken into account in the NUGENIA

However, fast nuclear reactors can be designed

to reach conversion ratios equal or even greater
than one, in such a way that no more natural
fissile isotope is needed to sustain nuclear energy
since the reactors generate more fissile isotopes
than they consume to produce energy. These
reactors, called breeders need to be fed at
equilibrium with fertile isotopes (238U or
232Th) which are available in plentiful amounts,
both in nature and as leftovers from the present
The change to enhanced sustainability is a enrichment of the nuclear fuel in 235U.
progressive process that has already started. As a
matter of fact, some of the technologies for High level waste (HLW), which contains highly
plutonium-recycling fuels are commercially radioactive isotopes, significant quantities of
available and industrially operational, in long lived radio-nuclides and is strongly heat
particular in some EU countries, e.g. France, UK. emitting, is mainly generated by the operation of
nuclear reactors. HLW can be the spent fuel or
One of the most efficient routes to reducing waste from its reprocessing or from other steps
natural uranium consumption is to increase the of the NFC. The present solution for HLW is to
conversion ratio (ratio between the total amount condition it inside isolating and protecting
of artificial fissile material created inside the packages that are then disposed of in a Deep
reactor core and the total amount of fissile Underground Geological Repository (DGR). A
isotopes consumed) of present and future number of technological and geological barriers
reactors and to recycle fissile material.
are set up in this way to avoid any hazard to the
population or the biosphere. This solution has
been scientifically proven to be reliable and safe,
and most of its technologies are ready for
deployment. The first implementations in the
EU are expected in Finland, Sweden and France
within the next 7-20 years.

Figure 2: The closed nuclear fuel cycle illustrating

the recycling and optimisation of energy resources
and the minimisation of nuclear waste (Source: CIEMAT)

First improvements in the use of natural

resources could be made through advanced
LWR systems with higher conversion ratio and
improved fuel design, and the associated back
end of the fuel cycle. Attractive opportunities
have already been identified for Advanced
Generation III reactors, such as new core
designs and loading strategies, fuels
accommodating very high burn-ups for LWR
(>70 GWd/tHM) and improved capacity for
plutonium and reprocessed uranium recycling,
including 100 % MOX cores, plutonium multi12





To optimise HLW management, research

should focus on minimising several parameters
of the HLW: the mass and volume of
conditioned NW to be disposed of, the long
term radiotoxic inventory, the effective
lifetime of conditioned NW; the heat
generation of conditioned NW as function of
time and the long term radiological impact.
These objectives can be achieved conceptually in
two generic types of scenario:


A fleet of fast neutron critical reactors that

simultaneously produce electricity and transmute
all the actinides. The only input into the system
(reactors and fuel cycle facilities) is natural or
depleted uranium and the output is electricity and
residual Intermediate Level Waste (ILW) plus
HLW, including the fission fragments, activation
products and actinide reprocessing losses. In this
option, the minor actinides (MA) could be
homogeneously diluted within the whole fuel or
separated in the form of dedicated targets.

However the core design of these reactors has to

be optimised from the point of view of neutron
economy and safety performance, and the
feasibility of the associated fuel cycles should also
be addressed.

A double strata reactor fleet. The first stratum is

a set of critical reactors dedicated to electricity
production using clean fuel containing only U
and Pu. The reactors in this stratum can be either
present or future thermal reactors or fast reactors,
or an appropriate combination of both
generations. The second stratum is devoted to
transuranic elements (TRU) or MA transmutation
and is based on special fast reactors or subcritical
fast systems, Accelerator Driven Systems (ADS),
loaded with homogeneous fuels with high MA
The evaluation of this type of scenario indicates
that while maintaining the safety of operation,
they should ultimately be able to significantly
reduce the long term uranium consumption,
making the present reserves last for several
thousand years. At the same time, the HLW
long term radiotoxic inventory could be reduced
by more than a factor of 100 and its heat load by
more than a factor of 10, at medium and long
term. According to these studies the last figure
will allow the DGR capacity to be increased by
factors from 3 to more than 10 (in hard rock,
clay and tuff geological formations).
The deployment of these advanced fuel cycles
involves large technological challenges:

new fuels (targets) and fuel assembly designs

bearing significant amounts of MA, and their
fabrication technology
the technologies of FNR and ADS, including new
materials, thermal-hydraulics, simulation tools,
nuclear data and, in the case of ADS, the coupling
of an accelerator with a subcritical core
new recycling technologies based on advanced
aqueous and pyro-metallurgic reprocessing,
adapted to highly active and hot fuels containing
large amounts of Pu and MA, and minimising the
production of secondary wastes

taking into account updated nuclear policies of

EU Member States, technology deployment and
different options for the fast systems
deployments, needs still to be completed.
Finally, it should be mentioned that, although
currently there are no short or medium term
industrial prospects in Europe for the
deployment of the thorium cycle, thorium could
become an attractive option for the long term
due to its large European resource base and
potential role in the nuclear waste minimisation.
An interesting strategy for the long term could
be the combination of Molten Salt Reactors
(MSR) technologies. Both thermal and fast
neutrons MSR with the thorium fuel cycle could
become important long term research topics.

NUGENIA - nuclear

fission technologies
for Generation II and III
nuclear plants

UGENIA (NUclear GENeration II &

III Association), established on
14 November 2011, developed the
roadmap which forms the basis for the
Generation II & III part of the SNETP SRIA.
The main mission of NUGENIA, which
received a mandate from SNETP, is to be the
integrated framework between industry, research
and safety organisations for safe, reliable and
competitive Generation II & III nuclear fission.

Additional fuel cycle scenarios studies are

required to complete the evaluation on the
feasibility of sustainable solutions for the
transition period from the present nuclear fleet
until the deployment of fast nuclear systems,
taking into account present perspectives for
deployments of advanced thermal reactors and
future FNRs. Similarly, the evaluation of the
impact of these technologies in the DGR designs,

Figure 3: Golfech NPP over the Garonne river

(Source: EDF)





The R&D under NUGENIA is organised in six

technical areas:


advanced safety assessment methodologies: safety

margins and best estimate methods, integrating
the deterministic and probabilistic safety
design of new reactor safety systems.

Plant safety and risk assessment

Severe accidents

Improved reactor operation

Integrity assessment of systems, structures and
NUGENIA Technical Area 2 (TA2) is devoted to
accidents. Despite the highly efficient
5. Fuel, waste management and dismantling
accident prevention measures adopted for the
6. Innovative LWR Generation III design
current Generation II and the still more
demanding ones for the Generation III plants,
plus two cross-cutting areas:
some accident scenarios may, with a low

probability, result in a severe accident (SA), as
enphasised with the Fukushima Daiichi

In-service inspection and inspection qualification

accident in Japan.
Each area coordinates its detailed roadmap
while ensuring proper transverse homogeneity.
eventually result in
Periodic updates of the roadmap (typically every
core melting, plant
3-4 years) will allow adaption to evolving Technical Area 2 (TA2) damage and dispersal
is devoted to severe of
contexts. The roadmap presented in this SRIA is
based on extracts from the detailed NUGENIA
materials outside the
plant containment,
public health and the environment.
NUGENIA Technical Area 1 (TA1), Safety and
risk of NPPs, is devoted to improving under- This risk can be substantially decreased when
standing and numerical representation for the state-of-the-art devices currently available for
relevant phenomena involved in incidents and prevention and mitigation of severe accidents
are installed. Lessons from the Fukushima
accidents at NPPs,
accident and consequences related to accident
in order to increase
provisions from the recently
the realism of plant
behaviour assess- Technical Area 1 (TA1) completed ENSREG stress tests and other
national activities will lead to further
to deals with Safety and
enhance the accura- risk of current Nuclear enhancement of the safety of NPPs.
cy of safety margin
Power Plants
Within NUGENIA TA2, general objectives are
defined and followed to further reinforce NPP
safety provisions through better understanding of
identified within this TA1 are:
some predominant phenomena, improving


challenges in the field of Probabilistic Safety

Assessment, including quantitative aspects,
methodologies to assess shut-down state, and
external events, assessing of risk related to spent
fuel pool, and best practice for probabilistic safety
assessment (PSA) application.
deterministic assessment of plant transients:
improving models for plant transients including
thermal hydraulics, design and evaluation of
passive safety systems, coupled multi-physics
codes, containment behaviour, fluid structure
impact of external loads (including electrical
disturbances) and other hazards on the safety




Severe Accident Management Guidelines

(SAMGs) and designing new prevention devices
or systems for mitigation of SA consequences.
The highest priority safety challenges are
described in the following sub-areas:


in-vessel corium/debris coolability

ex-vessel corium interactions and coolability
containment behaviour including hydrogen
explosion risk
source term
impact of severe accidents on the environment
severe accident scenarios
emergency preparedness and response

NUGENIA Technical Area 3 (TA3) is devoted to margins and harmonisation. While the
improved reactor operation. Safe and efficient assessment principles used in that context are
operation of the plants is the result of a blend of generally comparable in Europe, the actual
methodologies and
human, organisational and technological
aspects. The R&D topics developed to improve
reactor operation include the following issues:
Technical Area 4 (TA4)
addresses Systems,

human and organisational factors

Structures and

integration of digital technologies

Components (SSCs)
The objective of

core management

water chemistry and LLW management

to improve understanding, and to develop

radiation protection
methods and tools in order to increase the safety
and availability of systems, structures and
After the accident at Fukushima, studies on components needed for reliable and safe
Human and Organisational Factors (HOF) will management of nuclear power plant lifetime.
be mainly addressing human and organisational Research
performance in emergency conditions, to programmes have been identified as follows:
support preparedness for an emergency.

integrity Assessment, both for metallic

Digital technologies
components and concrete

quantification of the loadings, also for metallic

deployed in all Technical Area 3 (TA3)
components and concrete
is devoted to

materials Performance and Ageing, covering

improved reactor
generation plants
material properties, metallic components,
and also in large
materials, ageing and degradation
industrial plants. In
metallic component issues, issues for
the nuclear power sector, however, the regulatory
concrete structures, polymer materials and
conditions and financial risk are favouring
of ageing
extending the use of analogue systems, even
beyond their initially expected service lifetime, ageing Monitoring, Prevention and Mitigation,
including topics on ageing monitoring of metallic
and delaying the deployment of new
components, R&D topics on concrete material,
technologies. Implementation of digital
polymers and electrical equipment, and
technologies is becoming a more and more
prevention and mitigation of ageing for metallic
urgent issue for the life extension of the
components and concrete
Generation II reactors, as well as for the
deployment of the Generation III, offering a functionality, including R&D topics on equipment
unique opportunity for improving operational
reliability, industrial obsolescence, maintenance
performance while respecting safety margins.
and qualification
Other operational targets supported by research
in TA3 will be optimisation of core loading NUGENIA Technical Area 5 (TA5), Fuel
strategies, water chemistry management and Development, Waste and Spent Fuel
reduction of radiological dose for workers.
Management and Decommissioning, covers
development of nuclear fuel for existing,
advanced and innovative core designs, aspects of
NUGENIA Technical Area 4 (TA4) addresses fuel use in reactors (nuclear fuel behaviour
Systems, Structures and Components (SSCs). mechanisms) and the fuel management steps
Structural assessments of SSCs are an important manipulation, transport and interim wet and dry
storage. It also
part of NPP management programmes (e.g.
ageing management, maintenance and design
changes) to improve safety and availability.
These assessments are required, for instance, to
Fuel Development,
enable and improve the effectiveness of periodic
Waste and Spent Fuel radioactive waste, and
safety reviews. Aspects that need to be
Management and
considered include definition of integrity
the dismantling and
assessment over the whole life cycle, the various
decommissioning of
degradation mechanisms, ageing issues, safety
nuclear power plants.






Nuclear fuel production and use has reached a

relatively mature state; nevertheless there is
motivation to improve LWR oxide-based fuel
types; to increase burn-ups; to increase fuel reliability safety margins; to reduce reactor
operating costs (including fuel costs); to reduce
the amount and/or radio-toxicity of spent fuel;
to recycle existing waste (uranium, plutonium
and minor actinides from prior reprocessing
operations); to improve proliferation resistance.
In order to perform
this research it is
necessary to maintain
experimental infrastructures, such as
flexible high flux
irradiation facilities,
hot cells and PIE

Technical Area 6 (TA6)
is devoted to
innovative LWR design
and technology

The R&D work proposed to support existing

and new light water reactor concepts, will be
focused on achieving long term operation by
design; safety by design; innovative components
for reduced maintenance; and enhanced
Harmonisation is aimed at reducing any
substantial difference within a group of
countries in design and fabrication of systems
and components, in nuclear safety level and
requirements, as well as in safety assessment
processes and practices. It involves the search for
a long-term convergence towards the agreed
WENRA objectives.

Accordingly the objectives of the NUGENIA

harmonisation Technical Area are setting up the
R&D basis for an effective standardisation of
reactor component assessments and improving
the safety level of the nuclear installation
through shared design approaches and licensing
Decommissioning R&D will focus on waste processes.
minimisation strategies and on the development
of efficient dismantling technologies for struc- There are three main fields of endeavour:
tures and components, including remote pre-normative research (PNR) for new design and
dismantling techniques.
operating conditions, but also for definition of
limits, criteria and establishment of practices

establishment of shared codes and standards

NUGENIA Technical Area 6 (TA6), Innovative strategy providing smooth and efficient methods
LWR design. In advance of industrial
to progressively enlarge consensus among
deployment of the fourth generation of nuclear
reactors (ESNII), and considering the ageing of
the current European nuclear power plant fleet,
there will be an opportunity for preparing the
next Light Water Reactor generation for
For the development
electricity production throughout the 21st
qualification will be
of these fast reactors
the qualification of
within ESNII, it is of
R&D for the design and construction of reactor paramount importance procedures based on
new non-destructive
components will be a cross-cutting aspect that
to excel in safety,
testing technologies,
will apply to all Light Water Reactors, existing
reliability, radiological the optimisation of in
and new designs, in order to improve: safety &
commissioning, operability, sustainability, protection and security service inspection
frequency, to be based
economics and public acceptance especially
on risk reduction
following the Fukushima accident.
quantification, and the definition of
Knowing that new technology deployment at methodologies for pre-service inspection for
the industrial scale could be a long process, the new builds.
following time lines will be considered:


evolutionary technology for mid-term application

breakthrough technology for the longer term
advanced LWR designs such as with higher
conversion ratio or small modular reactors,
expected to be ready for commercial operation by
15 to 20 years






European Sustainable

accompany and support the development of

ASTRID to increase the lines of defence and
robustness of this technology, and allow the
goals of the 4th generation to be reached, not
only on safety and proliferation resistance, but
also on economy and sustainability.

Nuclear Industrial
Initiative ESNII

ne of the major concerns of society with

regard to the implementation of nuclear
energy is the high-level nuclear waste.
Fast spectrum reactors with closed fuel cycles
will allow a significant reduction in high-level
nuclear waste radiotoxicity and volume. Fast
reactors will also allow an increase in natural
resource (uranium) utilisation by a factor of
around 50. In this way, it is clear that the use of
fast reactors with a closed fuel cycle approach
will allow more sustainable implementation of
nuclear energy.

For the development of these fast reactors

within ESNII, it is of paramount importance
to excel in safety, reliability, radiological
protection and security.
The main objective of ESNII is to maintain
European leadership in fast spectrum reactor
technologies that will excel in safety and will be
able to achieve a more sustainable development
of nuclear energy. With respect to the 2010
evaluation of technologies, sodium is still
considered to be the reference technology since
it has more substantial technological and reactor
operations feed-back. The Lead(-bismuth) Fast
Reactor technology has significantly extended
its technological base and can be considered as
the shorter-term alternative technology, whereas
the Gas Fast Reactor technology has to be
considered as a longer-term alternative option.
The main goal of ESNII is to design, license,
construct, commission and put into operation
before 2025 the Sodium Fast Reactor
Prototype reactor called ASTRID and the
flexible fast spectrum irradiation facility
ASTRID will allow Europe to demonstrate its
capability to master the mature sodium
technology with improved safety characteristics
responding to society's concern of having the
highest possible level of safety. Therefore, the
design of ASTRID focuses on meeting the
challenges in terms of industrial performance
and availability, improved waste management
and resource utilisation and a safety level
compatible with WENRA objectives for new
nuclear build, whilst at the same time targeting
to achieve of the Generation IV goals. An
associated R&D programme will continue to

Figure 4: ASTRID design primary system (Source: CEA)

With MYRRHA, Europe will again operate a

flexible fast spectrum irradiation facility in
support of the technology development (in
particular for material, components and fuel
irradiation tests) of the three fast reactor systems
(SFR, LFR and GFR). Also, MYRRHA will
offer a wide range of interesting irradiation
conditions for fusion material research. Since
MYRRHA will be conceived as an Accelerator
Driven System, it will be able to demonstrate
the ADS technology, thereby allowing the
technical feasibility of one of the key
components in the double strata strategy for
high-level waste transmutation to be evaluated.
Due to the fact that MYRRHA will be based on
heavy liquid metal technology (namely leadbismuth eutectic), it can serve the role of Lead
Fast Reactor European Technology Pilot Plant
(ETPP) as identified in the LFR roadmap. An
associated R&D programme will accompany
and support the development of MYRRHA.
For the financing of the total investment cost of
these facilities, it will be of paramount
importance to establish the appropriate
consortium structure and legal basis, allowing
candidate consortium members to identify the
added value of the facility for their own interest.







In parallel to the realisation of ASTRID and

MYRRHA, activities around the Lead Fast
Reactor technology and the Gas Fast Reactor
technology should be continued, taking into
account their specific needs.
For the development of the Lead-cooled Fast
Reactor, maximum synergy of activities will be
sought with the MYRRHA development to
optimise resources and planning. For the LFR
demonstrator ALFRED, the main focus should
be on design activities typical for a critical power
reactor connected to the grid, as well as on R&D
activities on the lead coolant, addressing the
specific characteristics that differ from lead
bismuth. Design activities and support R&D
shall be performed in the next years to the
maximum extent compatible with available
resources and taking full advantage of feedbacks,
where applicable, from the ongoing design of
MYRRHA and related R&D programmes.
These activities will allow the LFR consortium
to reach the level of maturity needed to start the
licensing phase and then the construction of
ALFRED, provided that adequate financial
resources are made available.

Gas Fast Reactor concept. For the development,

guidance and implementation of this R&D
effort, a GFR centre of excellence will be
created. This centre could develop the technical
capability to launch the ALLEGRO gas cooled
Based on the ADRIANA project, a number of
supporting facilities for the different systems
and technologies have been identified. The
realisation and operation of these supporting
facilities, in particular a fast reactor MOX
production line, will be of primary importance
to reach the aforementioned objectives.
Raising the financial resources to carry out the
ESNII projects and to build the different
facilities will be a key factor of success. In this
respect, international collaboration through GIF
and bilateral or multi-lateral frameworks will be
sought to optimise resources. In the next years,
project financing capabilities may modify the
ESNII part of this Strategic Research &
Innovation Agenda.

Nuclear Cogeneration
uclear cogeneration relates to the coproduction of heat and electricity using
a nuclear reactor. Fossil fuels are today
by far the main source of heat for European
industry, transport and households. The
production of heat with nuclear technology is a
major innovation that can open a new and
significant market potential for nuclear systems,
whilst providing a notable contribution to
European energy policy in terms of curbing
CO2 emissions and increasing security of energy

Figure 5: MYRRHA Lay-out picture (Source: SCK-CEN)

In addition to the closure of the nuclear fuel

cycle in a sustainable manner, the Gas Fast
Reactor has the potential to deliver high
temperature heat at ~800 C for process heat,
production of hydrogen, synthetic fuels, etc..
The Helium cooled Fast Reactor is an
innovative nuclear system having attractive
features: helium is transparent to neutrons and is
chemically inert. Its viability is however
essentially based on two main challenges. First,
the development and qualification of an
innovative fuel type that can withstand the
irradiation, temperature and pressure conditions
put forward for the GFR concept. Secondly, a
high intrinsic safety level will need to be
demonstrated for this GFR concept. This will
imply dedicated design activities followed
probably by out-of-pile demonstration
experiments. These high priority R&D activities
should be embedded into an overall R&D
roadmap in support of the development of the





Additionally, short-term opportunities for

households such as district heating, and
desalination to solve fresh water shortages, and
long-term opportunities for reducing fossil fuel
usage in transport, by generating synthetic fuels
via nuclear powered hydrogen production, add a
significant market and carbon emission
reduction potential.
Nuclear cogeneration is already a reality. In
Europe, more than 1000 GWh of lowtemperature heat was produced in 2006 in
Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania,
Slovakia and Switzerland. Water reactors have


extensive operational experience, including in 3. Long term: 950C or beyond (primary side)
requires change and thus development of
temperature cogeneration from a fast neutron
structural material for applications such as
reactor was proven for desalination in the case of
thermo-chemical H2 production and other high
one Kazakh plant (BN-350). Significant
temperature processes
development is however needed before nuclear
The R&D efforts for nuclear cogeneration
cogeneration can be considered for medium
implementation can be subdivided into three
level temperature applications.
parts: generic R&D, R&D towards
High temperature reactors (HTR) on the other demonstration of nuclear cogeneration using
hand provide significant perspectives for high temperature reactor technology and R&D
medium and high temperature cogeneration to broaden the potential of HTR technology.
applications. The HTR features high efficiency,
The following nuclear cogeneration R&D
due to elevated
subjects are generic, as they are relevant for all
nuclear systems operating in cogeneration
temperatures, and a
mode, but their importance and relevance
allows high flexibility
very high level of
depend strongly on the nuclear system
in terms of power
inherent safety. The
envisaged, and the process it is connected to:
rating and
HTR technology
builds on the

tritium transport reduction to secondary and

developments in
tertiary systems
Germany in the

impact of process transients on cogeneration

1980s, as well as in previous research in UK and
supply unit, and vice versa
USA, re-established and revived in several
coupling technology including energy buffering
national and European framework programme
adaptation of existing LWR and future SMR to
projects from the year 2000 onwards. The
meet strongly growing demand for district cooling
coupling of HTR with end-users for high
and seawater desalination in arid countries
temperature cogeneration has still to be
R&D towards demonstration of nuclear
Two HTR design concepts use the same high cogeneration using high temperature reactors
safety standard TRISO fuel particles either mainly concerns safety demonstration, licensing
embedded in graphite spheres for the pebble bed support and technology innovation to maintain
core or in compacts inserted into graphite blocks and strengthen the HTR knowledge base and
in the block-type core. The present major support demonstration, possibly through
realisations of the design are the test reactors international collaboration.
HTR10 (pebble bed) in China and the HTTR Beyond demonstration, the potential of nuclear
(block-type) in Japan. The HTR design allows heat sources can be further broadened by
high flexibility in terms of power rating and appropriate R&D. Of particular relevance is the
temperature. In addition, its inherent safety research in the following areas:
characteristics, including limitation of fuel
for HTR: increased primary coolant temperature
temperature in case of accidents and the
(950C) for enhanced efficiency and broader
threefold containment of radioactivity in the
application perspectives
TRISO fuel particles, complemented by the
inert helium coolant, underscore the high safety
alternative fuel cycles, including thorium, to
credentials of HTR.
conserve fuel resources, minimise waste and
optimise cycle length
For HTR-development, the design options can
be classified into:
Major investments are needed in modern
experimental infrastructure and facilities to
1. Short term: indirect cycle, steam production
enable the above R&D to be performed
550-600C (current coal fired power plant
adequately. The following facilities are essential:
conditions as reference), power/heat split
depending on demand

new irradiation facilities for the investigation,

characterisation, development and, ultimately,
2. Mid term: follow materials development
and qualification of HTR fuels and
towards higher temperature applications in fossilmaterials.
testing requires development
fired plants, possibly switch to a heat carrier other
of novel and specific irradiation test facilities and
than steam






equipment. Additionally an in-pile helium loop is

needed to assess material behaviour under
representative primary coolant flow and
irradiation conditions

out-of-pile testing facilities such as accident test

helium loops

modern hot cells with heating tests and state-ofthe-art PIE possibilities to enable the generation
of the appropriate data for code development and
validation, and to increase the fundamental
understanding of material and fuel behaviour

fuel manufacturing laboratory, also able to handle

transuranic elements
These facilities serve two purposes: on the one
hand they are essential for appropriate R&D to
be performed, on the other, they form the basis
for the design, licensing and operation of a
demonstration plant.

Cross-cutting R&D topics

n the present SRIA the R&D topics have
been organised according to the related reactor technologies, however some topics have
intrinsic cross-cutting nature. This is the case for
fuel cycle technologies bridging different reactor
generations, in particular the fuel reprocessing.
Education & Training and Knowledge management are also topics affecting to all nuclear
technologies. Knowledge management is essential as it allows storing and disseminating the
results of research.

Many opportunities to improve the optimal

utilisation of natural resources and nuclear waste
minimisation are open by the reprocessing of the
nuclear fuel after its use in nuclear reactors. The
fuel reprocessing allows separating materials that
can be reused in thermal or fast nuclear reactors,
either to produce additional energy or to minimise
the final waste to be sent to the geological
repository. Indeed, the reprocessing of used nuclear
fuel is a critical component of all the strategies for
long-term sustainability of nuclear energy.
Reprocessing of the fuel used in the present LWRs
is a common industrial practice in France, and
similar technologies also available in the UK. The
plutonium and uranium recovered are partially
recycled in the same LWRs in the form of MOX
and the rest is saved for use in future FNR.






The challenges for the R&D in fuel

reprocessing, include the industrialisation of
laboratory technologies for separation of minor
actinides from the high level wastes of the
reprocessing of the fuel used in the present
reactors; the development of reprocessing of
advanced fuels foreseen for future reactors
(FNR, ADS, advanced thermal reactors and
HTR); technologies able to perform joint
extraction of several actinides; and the
minimisation of secondary wastes in all these
strategies. These developments should be
performed coherently with the technologies for
advanced fuel fabrication and characterisation.
In the short term,
the required R&D
for nuclear waste
reprocessing can be
performed in several
validation facilities,
but in the medium
term demonstration
plants for the
reactors, fuel fabrication and advanced
reprocessing technologies will be needed, both
at national and European levels. At long term
the R&D should focus on the industrial
With regards to E&T
the key challenge
is still to raise the
attractiveness for
qualified young people
of studies and
professions related to
nuclear technologies

With regards to E&T the key challenge is still

to raise the attractiveness for qualified young
people of studies and professions related to
nuclear technologies. This challenge has been
enhanced by the impact of the Fukushima
accident. Systematic approaches are under
preparation to develop solutions tailored to meet
the challenges that nuclear E&T is facing in the
near future.
Of particular relevance is the relationship
between nuclear education and training and
nuclear research: First, the quality of nuclear
research directly depends on the interest and
engagement of highly qualified scientists and
engineers in those activities. Second, research
plays a crucial role for the qualification of young
scientists and engineers by providing know-why
and other important competences required to
solve relevant technological and safety issues and
to ensure the capability for leadership in
organisations involved with nuclear energy


Strategic Research
and Innovation Agenda
February 2013


SRIA 2013


The Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform

of of
Message from the SNETP Chairman




Safety vision



The Fukushima accident and its implications
Outcomes of the European Stress Tests
Priority research items identified by the SNETP Fukushima Task Group
New directions and challenges in safety research

Sustainability of the nuclear Fuel Cycle



1. Introduction
2. Nuclear Fuel Cycle
3. R&D to improve sustainability of Nuclear Fuel Cycles


NUGENIA - nuclear fission technologies for Generation II and III nuclear plants
TECHNICAL AREA 1 Safety and risk of NPPs
TECHNICAL AREA 2 Severe accidents
TECHNICAL AREA 3 Improved reactor operation
TECHNICAL AREA 4 Systems, Structures and Components
TECHNICAL AREA 5 Fuel Development, Waste and Spent Fuel Management and Decommissioning
TECHNICAL AREA 6 Innovative LWR design and technology

ESNII fast reactor systems for sustainable fuel cycles



The ASTRID Project (Advanced Sodium Technical Reactor for Industrial Demonstration)
The MYRRHA Project (Multipurpose Hybrid Research Reactor for High-tech Applications)
The ALFRED Project (Advanced Lead Fast Reactor European Demonstrator)
The ALLEGRO Project


NC2I - Nuclear Cogeneration Industrial Initiative


Challenges: Research, Development and Innovation
R&D Infrastructure: the bridge to deployment
R&D to bring innovation to the market


Cross-cutting R&D topics

Fuel reprocessing
Education, training and knowledge management


Conclusions and way forward





Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda



The Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform

from the SNETP Chairman
aunched in September 2007, the
Technology Platform (SNETP)
gathers more than 110 members from
at least 22 European countries. The SNETP
issued the first Strategic Research Agenda in
2009 defining three pillars of the platform.
These pillars evolved into functional working
bodies with a defined European outlook and
identified representatives.

The first pillar integrates and develops further

R&D capabilities to maintain the safety and
competitiveness of existing technologies.
SNETP has mandated the international
association NUGENIA established in March
2012 to take over the work originated in the

Since 2011 the third pillar, focused on

developing new industrial applications of nuclear
power, is represented by NC2I Task Force.
The period 2007-2013 has witnessed the
consolidation of SNETP within the European
framework, as well as the defining of priorities
and deployment strategies. The publication of
an updated Strategic Research and Innovation
Agenda (SRIA) allows the platform to update
after 4 years since the first issue the priorities
and strategic approaches. The content of the
second edition of the SRIA has been open to
broad consultation and represents the viewpoint
of various stakeholders representing utilities,
vendors, technology providers, research
organisations, technical safety organisations,
universities, consultancy companies and nongovernmental organisations.

In the second pillar are gathered actors with the I would like to express my gratitude to all of
aim of developing a new generation of more them.
sustainable reactor technologies. ESNII was
launched as an industrial initiative recognised by
the SET-Plan in September 2010.
F. Pazdera
Chairman of the Sustainable Nuclear
Energy Technology Platform

Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda



The Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform

1. Introduction

or sustainable prosperity, an affordable

and secure energy supply with
minimised environmental impact is a
primary need, for Europe and the rest of the
world. With a growing world population,
global energy demand will increase one-third
from 2010 to 20351.

SNETP aims at promoting the research,

development and demonstration of European
nuclear fission technologies.

1 - IAEA World
Energy Outlook

This second edition of the Strategic Research

Agenda, issued four years after the first one, is
now called Strategic Research and Innovation
Agenda (SRIA), to underline the importance of
Innovation in the framework of the nuclear
fission technology road-map. It takes into
consideration changes occurring in recent years,
both due to the economic crisis, and due to the
Fukushima accident and its implications at
political level. It also takes into account that
development of nuclear technology should be
Figure 6: Increase of Energy Consumption Worldwide
done in a progressive way, to warranty that safety
2010-2035 (Source: IAEA World Energy Outlook 2011)
is respected and the very large investments
involved are protected, along the whole process
Currently the major share of energy needs is
from conception to demonstration.
covered by fossil fuel resources; consequently
increased geopolitical tensions and energy price
This issue includes
SNETP aims
volatility have a negative impact on the economy.
an assessment of the
at promoting
Energy security has become a global concern.
achievements and
the research,
The target to decarbonise Europes economy by
since the
development and
80-95% by 2050 implies a major reduction in
previous release, an
demonstration of
greenhouse gas emissions. Moreover, an
evaluation of the
European nuclear
affordable, secure and sustainable energy supply
lessons learnt from
fission technologies
is necessary to preserve prosperity in Europe.
The International Energy Agency (IEA) has
accident (including conclusions from the
highlighted the critical role of governments and
SNETP Fukushima Task Force) and an update
underlined the need for urgent action.
of the present SNETP vision of nuclear
The Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology research, making more explicit, both, the role of
Platform is the European Technology Platform safety on all points of the nuclear R&D
gathering stakeholders involved in the research programmes, and the principle of enhanced
and innovation and in the demonstration and sustainability by the minimisation of waste and
deployment of nuclear fission reactors and fuel optimisation of the use of available resources,
cycle facilities, and the associated education and while maintaining competitiveness.
training. More than 110 members from industry,
research & technology organisations, universities, Over 100 scientists, researchers and engineers
technical safety organisations, service providers, have contributed to the update of this
non-governmental organisations and associations document. NUGENIA and the rest of the
share a common vision on the role of nuclear Working Groups in SNETP have collaborated
energy and on the need for a safe, sustainable, and in the creation of the Strategic Research and
Innovation Agenda.
efficient use of nuclear fission technology.
Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda


For the vision of 2050, the SET Plan

recommends us to act now to complete the
Europe has to face three energy challenges: preparation for the demonstration of a new
security of energy supply, limitation of generation of fission reactors with increased
greenhouse gas emissions and competitiveness sustainability.
of energy-reliant economies, while keeping the
global temperature increase below 2C and thus
avoiding dangerous impact on climate.
Role of nuclear energy in Europe
The European Council committed in March
2007 to very ambitious goals putting Europe at The Communication from the European
the forefront of the fight against climate change. Commission in December 2011 entitled
The 20-20-20 objectives for 2020:
Energy Roadmap 20504, recognises the
importance of nuclear energys contribution in

20% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions Europe today. With approx. 122 GWe in
compared to 1990
operation in Europe, that equates to 30% of

20% energy savings

electricity generation (produced by more than

20% share of renewable energies in the total 131 reactors located in 14 countries in the EU275), nuclear fission represents the largest lowenergy mix
The EU is currently on track to meet two of carbon energy source in Europe (2/3 of the
those targets, but will not meet its energy decarbonised electricity).
efficiency target unless further efforts are made2.
The European Council has also given a longterm commitment to the decarbonisation path
with a target for the EU and other industrialised
countries of an 80 to 95% cut in emissions by
2050 compared to 1990 levels.

Context of energy policy

2 - Energy Efficiency Plan COM(2011) 109

3 - Communication from the
Commission COM (2007)
723 final, see this link:
4 - Communication from the
European Commission (COM
2011) 885 final, see this
5 - European Nuclear
Society July 2012:

Figure 7: EU GHG emissions towards an 80% domestic

reduction (100% = 1990) (Source: Low-Carbon
Economy Roadmap March 2011 - European Commission)

Figure 8: Electricity generation shares in EU-27 in 2011

(Source: Eurostat / Electricity production
and supply statistics)

Thus, nuclear energy is the most important low

carbon technology in Europes energy mix. It is
estimated (see the platforms Vision Report) that
compared to a representative mix of alternative
base-load capacity (essentially gas and coal),
Europes nuclear power plants represent a saving
of almost 900 million tonnes of CO2 per year,
The SET plan identifies nuclear fission as one of i.e. approximately the level of emissions from
the key low carbon energy technologies which the whole transport sector.
Europe must develop and deploy. For the 2020
Access to secure and
objectives, the intention is to maintain the
Nuclear energy
affordable energy is
competitiveness in fission technologies together
vital if society is to
with long term waste management solutions.
meet these needs.
one-third of EU
This can be translated as maintaining at least the
Because of its polyvaelectricity and
current level of nuclear energy in Europes
electricity mix (around 30%) through long-term
two-thirds of its
operation of existing plants and an ambitious
carbon free electricity electricity is particularly important.
programme of new build.
To achieve both the medium term goals (2020)
and the long term vision (2050), Europe
launched in 2007 the Strategic Energy
Technology (SET) Plan which identifies a list
of competitive low carbon energy technologies
to be developed and deployed in Europe3.







Security of supply is a key factor in the role of

nuclear energy. With the current efficiency of
uranium in nuclear power plants and at the
projected 2012 rate of consumption, the natural
resources may last approximately 100 years7,
depending on the nuclear power growth rate in
the coming decades. The security of supply will
be assured for thousands of years if fast neutron
reactors with closed fuel cycle are deployed.
Figure 9: Greenhouse gas emissions (in tonnes of CO2equivalent) per GWh for different electricity production
means, (Source: World Nuclear Association)

To be sustainable, energy production must avoid

endangering the well-being of future generations, not only by reducing the use of natural
resources but also by minimising detrimental
effects on public health and the environment,
including the production of ultimate waste. In
particular, electricity production must achieve
high levels of safety and limit harmful emissions
over the full lifecycle of the plant (cradle to
Nuclear energy is the most cost competitive
carbon free form of electricity generation. The
share of new power generation and investment
shows how renewables are often capitalintensive, representing 60% of investment for
30% of additional generation.

Figure 10: Share of new power generation & investment

in 2011. (Source: World Energy Outlook, IEA)

The Fukushima accident increased public

concern about nuclear energy and drew a new
attention to the safety of nuclear power plants.
As an immediate action after the accident, the
SNETP Governing Board decided to set up a
dedicated task force to assess the lessons learned
from the Fukushima accident, in order to
identify the appropriate measures and
adaptations of SNETPs work programme. The
results and conclusions of the Fukushima Task
Force report are reflected in this edition of the

6 - Socio economic role of

nuclear 2020-2050
7 - Uranium: Resources,
Production and Demand
Red Book 2011, OECDs

SNETP considers nuclear safety as its prime

priority and responsibility in front of the
European citizens. Nuclear energy is and will
need to remain a key element in meeting
Europes needs for security of energy supply,
competitiveness, and the fight against climate
Mandated by the European Commission, the
European Committee for Standardisation
- CEN - and the European Committee
- CENELEC - are entitled to develop
European Standards (EN) for the nuclear sector.
They encourage European research and
development activities to feed relevant results into
the international standardisation organisations
and support new initiatives to enlarge the process
of standardisation of nuclear codes.

Furthermore the European nuclear industry is a

Technology Platforms
big job creator in the low carbon energy mix.
Based on the scenario Delayed CCS of the EU
European Technology Platforms were estabEnergy Roadmap 2050 (where nuclear
lished by the European Commission as
contributes nearly 20% in 2050) the nuclear
industry-led stakeindustry will create 347,000 additional jobs in
Technology platforms holder forums in 2003
Europe coming from Lifetime extension, new
play a key role
to promote research
build, decommissioning and geological disposal
in ensuring the high and
programmes, over and above the jobs created by
impact of EU research in
the regular operation (900,000 jobs). The
domains. They proin leading markets
corresponding total "valued added" for the
vide a framework for
and technological
European economy can be estimated to 70
stakeholders, led by
billion per year6.






industry, to define research and development priorities, timeframes and action plans on a number of
strategically important issues where achieving
Europe's future growth, competitiveness and sustainability objectives is dependent upon major
research and technological advances in the medium
to long term.8

NUGENIA is now, since its launching in March

2012, an international association mandated by
SNETP. Its main role is to help develop R&D
supporting safe, reliable, and competitive second
and third generation nuclear systems. NUGENIA
has currently 59 members from 17 countries.
The European Sustainable Nuclear Industrial
Initiative (ESNII) was officially launched in
November 2010 under the SET Plan. ESNII
promotes advanced reactors with the objective of
resource preservation and the minimisation of the
burden of radioactive waste. The Initiative has
already 22 members and is continuously growing
with its four projects: ASTRID, MYRRHA, ALFRED
The Nuclear Cogeneration Industrial Initiative
(NC2I) aims at demonstrating an innovative and
competitive energy solution for the low-carbon
cogeneration of process heat and electricity based
on nuclear energy. NC2I was officially launched at
the SET-Plan Conference in November 2011.
Recently, a group of industrial heat users
manifested its interest in High Temperature
Reactor (HTR) technology, although other
technologies are not excluded. International
cooperation (e.g. with China or the US) could lead
to a joint development of a demonstrator.

Technology Platforms play a key role in

ensuring the high impact of EU research in
leading markets and technological areas with the
overall objective of closing the gap with global
innovation leaders and driving jobs and growth.
European Technology Platforms will support
the European Commission in implementing
The Innovation Union and Horizon 2020.

8 - http://cordis.europa.eu/

The Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda

is one of the most important outputs from a
Technology Platform, as it provides decisionmakers as well as the scientific community at
large with research, development and
demonstration roadmaps to achieve a shared
vision. Due to its vital role, it is important to
keep the document up to date.

SNETP 2007 - 2012

The Sustainable Nuclear Technology Platform

is now nearly six years old. During this time, Public and stakeholder communication
SNETP has achieved efficient collaboration
between its stakeholders and has also developed SNETP also identifies efforts to resolve the
a common vision regarding the future concerns raised by the public and stakeholders.
contribution of nuclear fission energy in Europe.
The nuclear industry
The three pillars of the platform have evolved in
Nuclear safety is
makes more and more
different ways:
the first priority of
efforts to inform popall activities, being a
mandatory condition
and an underlying

nuclear installations,
in particular through
the use of local information committees.

Against the background of the Aarhus

Convention, the national authorities of all
European Member States engaged to provide
information to any citizen representative body,
and to listen to the questions raised regarding
the potential risks of nuclear installations.
This may involve developing new research items
in the field of social sciences, but also
highlighting some new technical fields for
studies devoted to answering questions from

Figure 11: The SNETP three pillars







the art and the challenges nuclear energy has to

face in the short and medium term.

Structure of the Strategic Research

and Innovation Agenda
This new Strategic Research and Innovation
Agenda of SNETP maintains the objective of its
first edition to address the short-(around 2015),
medium-(around 2020) and long-term
challenges (2050), as the SET-Plan does, with
respect to fission technologies.
The first chapter of the updated version of the
SRIA is focused on safety. The Fukushima
accident has raised public concern about nuclear
energy and has drawn more attention to the
safety of nuclear power plants. This chapter
identifies the challenges nuclear energy is
currently facing in this new situation and the
relevant areas of R&D that will play an essential
role in future utilisation of nuclear power.
The second chapter addresses the R&D
challenges for improving the current fuel cycles.
The current reactors are only able to use less
than 1% of the uranium extracted in nature. To
enhance the use of uranium and minimisation of
the final waste the closed fuel cycle and
advanced neutron reactors play a vital role. This
chapter identifies those R&D measures that
optimise natural resources in the short term.

ESNII fast reactor systems are treated in the

fourth chapter. The European Sustainable
Nuclear Industrial Initiative focuses on the more
sustainable development of nuclear energy and
its fuel cycle. This chapter deals with the current
status, state of the art and R&D challenges of
the four ESNII projects: ASTRID, the Sodium
Fast Reactor Prototype, MYRRHA, a flexible
fast spectrum irradiation facility, ALFRED, the
Lead Fast Reactor Prototype and ALLEGRO,
the Gas Fast Reactor Prototype.
The fifth chapter addresses another potential
market for nuclear energy, the cogeneration of
heat and electricity using a nuclear reactor,
mainly for industrial heat application. Fossil
fuels are currently the main source of heat for
European industry. This chapter addresses High
Temperature Reactor (HTR) technology, due to
its large potential for these new applications, as
well as other technologies.

The sixth chapter focuses on cross-cutting

activities: fuel reprocessing and Education and
Training. Technical topics addressed as crosscutting in the SRA 2009, like materials, prenormative research, simulation tools and
The third chapter deals with the R&D to make infrastructures have been integrated in the three
advances in the safe, reliable and efficient main technological chapters.
operation of nuclear power plants, which is
covered by NUGENIA. Key issues have been This new edition of the SRIA is compatible and
identified to meet safety requirements. This complementary to the SNETP vision report, the
chapter is structured in line with NUGENIAs original SRA, and associated documents, but
eight Technical Areas: plant safety and risk more detailed descriptions are provided for the
assessment; severe accidents; improved reactor R&D needs to be performed in the short and
operation; Integrity assessment of systems, medium term. Longer-term topics, described in
structures and components; fuel, waste less detail in this update are not less important.
management and dismantling; innovative LWR Indeed, the SNETPs Strategic Research and
Generation III design; harmonisation; and in- Innovation Agenda is a living document and will
service inspection and inspection qualification. continue to be periodically reviewed and
This chapter also focuses on the current state of updated.














The Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform

Safety vision

1. Introduction

The safety related R&D has been already

addressed as a cross-cutting issue, in the 2009
edition of the SNETP Strategic Research
edicated research and development, and
Agenda, which identified a series of safetypervasive safety culture, are key factors in
specific tasks both for current and advanced
the permanent process of improvement
reactor systems.
of nuclear installations and their safety.
Thanks to the work performed within SNETP Safety of nuclear installations has undergone
the Gen II/III WG, the NUGENIA association
continuous efforts since the beginning of the
and the ESNII and Cogeneration task-groups
nuclear era and has been since then a relevant
the present release of the SNETP Strategic
driving force for research and development
nuclear technology. This trend is expected to be Research and Innovation Agenda is able to
strengthened in the future also as a consequence present a more integrated selection of the issues
that Platform members acknowledge as ranking
of the recent events at Fukushima.
at highest priority, and also suitable for
Needs for safety research are expressed by the harmonisation at European level.
main stakeholders - designers, operators,
regulators and TSOs - from their respective Looking ahead, and considering in particular
perspective. Part of this research - mainly the outcomes of the Fukushima accident, the
data-base regulators9 - according to the WENRA
generation and modelling - can be performed objectives - are to require enhanced safety for
jointly, also relying upon contributions from reactors already in operation as well as for those
universities and research centres, to allow the either in construction or to be built. On the
substantiation of common knowledge, while the other hand, the operators will continue to be
complement - addressing design, operation and seeking continued amelioration of the efficiency
applied technology issues - is to be carried-out and availability of the plants e.g. through
independently, to guarantee full independency improved fuel utilisation, nominal power
increase and extended service time.
among the actors in
the nuclear field.
Dedicated research
To address these new and more demanding

9 - http://www.wenra.org/

and development,
Up to now, the bulk
pervasive safety
of safety research has
culture, are key
been carried out
factors in the
within national programmes supported permanent process
of improvement of
by either public
financing schemes, or nuclear installations
by the operators, in
and their safety
the respective fields
of endeavour. Presently, the R&D effort is largely shared through EURATOM framework
programmes and, at international level, through
the OECD/NEA programmes, and in compliance with the IAEA programmes and

requests, pre-normative research is to be

promoted within SNETP to allow achieving the
inherent safety objectives, thus providing the
stakeholders with better optimised definitions of
safety criteria. Moreover, suitable R&D
programmes are needed to support any possible
evolution of operational practices.
More generally, research should contribute to
allowing best estimate evaluation of reactor
system behaviour beyond design loads, up to the
cliff edge threshold resulting in their complete
The present chapter takes into account the
lessons already learnt from the Fukushima
Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda


accident so as to identify the need for new

R&D programmes and/or new aspects to
complement the programmes already ongoing,
also accounting for the results of the work
already carried out since publication of the
first SRA in 2009.

2. The Fukushima accident

and its implications

he accident occurring at the Fukushima

Daiichi nuclear power plant on 11
March, 2011 has raised public concern
about nuclear energy and has drawn new
attention to the safety of nuclear power plants,
in particular in the case of extremely severe
external hazards.

The accident was triggered by a combination of

two main initiating events:

An exceptional magnitude earthquake which

caused the sudden loss of almost all the off-site
power supply. The reactors 1-2-3 were
automatically shut down. The residual heat
removal systems were started immediately,
relying on electricity supplied by emergency power
sources (diesel generators and batteries).
The associated tsunami caused the flooding of the
site under a wave about twice the size considered
previously in the risk evaluation, highlighting a
serious underestimation of the risk by the
operator as well as a defect in the supervisory
function of the safety authority. The wave led to
both the loss of all the emergency power supply
systems and of the heat sink.

through validation, especially for severe accident

simulation tools. It will also provide a valuable
input to the upcoming improvement of severe
accident management and emergency
preparedness measures.
defueling, decommissioning
decontamination activities on the Fukushima
Daiichi site will take many years, likely 30 to 40,
to be completed. They will also require many
actions, some of which have already been
identified by TEPCO, mainly the development of:

inspection methods and devices for inspection of

leakage points in the containment vessel, and for
operation in high-temperature, high humidity
and high-dose environments
remote sampling and decontamination methods
technologies and methods to repair leakage
points, including underwater repair
systems to prevent the dispersal of radioactive
core defueling and fuel debris removal

These needs will likely represent an opportunity

for R&D cooperation between Europe and
Japan and for the integration of this knowledge
into European organisations.

Even if a fully detailed analysis of the system

deficiencies is still difficult, there are already
lessons learned providing indications for future
R&D and safety improvements. The
investigation of the Fukushima accident is in
fact generating a new scale of priorities with
specific focus on managing extreme external
events and their combinations, on common
mode failures and human behaviour, and on the
The immediate challenge for the emergency assessment of their impact on the robustness of
response team was to recover cooling capabilities defence in depth. Results from this R&D can
in a situation where the off-site power supply then be translated into real safety upgrades.
required about 11 days to be effective again. All
the reactors in operation or loaded with fuel
were affected and experienced core melting of
various degrees, hydrogen explosions,
radioactivity release and contamination of air, 3. Outcomes of
ground and seawater. The spent fuel pools were
the European Stress Tests
affected as well.

A wide activity to reconstruct the accident

scenario, investigate the phenomenology of the
events and pile-up data has already been carriedout and is presently ongoing. It will continue for
several years, on the basis of new information
which will be made available, and it will
contribute to enhancing knowledge and
improving the reliability of computation





number of initiatives have been

undertaken in many countries and at
international level to take into account
the lessons learned from this accident for the
improvement of nuclear reactor design and
safety provisions and for the improvement of the
organisation for managing an accidental


Most of the countries operating nuclear reactors

have launched systematic reassessments of the
safety margins of their nuclear fleet under severe
natural hazards. The European Council of 2425 March 2011 requested a comprehensive
safety reassessment to be performed on all EU
nuclear power plants, with respect to extreme
initiating events and consequential loss of safety
functions. The request of the Council included
safety reassessments performed at national level,
complemented by a European peer review.
This multilateral exercise covered over
150 reactors in European countries operating
nuclear power plants. The stress tests focused on
three topics:

natural initiating events, including earthquake,

flooding and extreme weather
loss of electrical power and loss of ultimate heat
severe accident management

The stress tests consisted of three steps. In the

first step, following the ENSREG
specifications, the plant operators performed an
assessment and made proposals for safety
improvements. In the second step the national
regulators performed an independent review of
the operators assessments and issued additional
requirements. The last step was a European peer
review of the national reports, consisting of a
desktop review, followed by a two week
assessment of the report during topical review,
completed by additional discussions during the
country reviews.

4. Priority research items

identified by the SNETP

Fukushima Task Group

n the framework of this enhanced global

effort, the SNETP Governing Board
empowered a Task Group to investigate
how the lessons learned from the Fukushima
accident could impact safety related R&D
orientations and priorities. The Task Group
concentrated on short and medium term R&D,
in particular on the development, updating and
validation of methods and tools for areas which
are not considered as enough understood or
covered, and has issued a report11 which, even if
it can be considered as a first step of the process,
already catches very important features which
are summarised here below.

10 - Joint statement of
ENSREG and the European
Commission on 26 April
11 - Identification of
Research Areas
in Response to the
Fukushima Accident 2013,
Fukushima Task Force

On a longer timescale
several years the
outcomes of future
expertise acquired
from the reactors and
Fukushima Daiichi
site will be very
valuable for the qualification and validation of
the results of the R&D tasks and for the
definition of new targets.
According to the
conclusions of the
Task Group, no really
new phenomena
were revealed by the
Fukushima accident

According to the conclusions of the Task Group,

no really new phenomena were revealed by the
Fukushima accident. However the TG
identified 13 main research subjects to be
considered with the appropriate priority, in the
following areas:

a) plant design and identification of external hazards

As a result of the stress tests, 17 national reports b) analysis and management of severe accidents
by the respective safety authorities, a peer review c) emergency management and radiological impact
report for each of the seventeen participating
countries, and a final peer review report
(developed by the Stress Test Peer Review Board In particular, the issues related to extremely
and endorsed by ENSREG on 26 April 201210) severe and rare accidents will to be considered in
were prepared. The review focused on the a more global approach to safety in order to
better understand the design margins and the
identification of strong features, weaknesses and
behaviour of nuclear reactors under beyond
possible ways to increase plant robustness in the
design basis scenarios.
light of the preliminary lessons learned from
The 13 items are:
Although the stress tests were based on a)
information available at the time and were not
primarily intended to specify areas for future
research, they nevertheless indicated the need b)
for future studies and developments.

systematic assessment of vulnerabilities to

defence-in-depth and safety margins for beyond
design basis loads
human and organisational factors under high
stress and harmful conditions






improved methods for external event hazard

use of the probabilistic methods to assess plant
safety in relation to extreme events
advanced deterministic methods to assess plant
safety in relation to extreme events
advanced safety systems
material behaviour during severe accident
advanced methods for the analysis of severe
improved procedures for management of severe
assessment of the radiological effects of severe
improved modelling of fuel degradation in spent
fuel pools
methods for minimisation of contamination in the
NPP surroundings and for treatment of large
volumes of radioactive waste
accident management in the framework of the
integrated rescue system

To develop wider and more robust lines of defence

with respect to design basis aggressions and
beyond design basis events to define additional
measures to consider in the design and to improve
or to develop systems for mitigation of
It is therefore expected that safety analysis of the
nuclear plants will evolve in the future, defining
more advanced objectives, like

evaluation of the best estimate behaviour of the

plant systems during beyond design basis
accidents, to assess possible challenges to the
fulfilment of safety functions

evaluation of the ultimate capacity of the systems

with respect to the load applied and to identify
when the level of damage becomes non-linear or
This will require an extension of the capability
of physical modelling and computer tools in
different areas and in particular in the area of
severe accidents and containment system
simulation enhanced in order to derive the
radioactive source term due to the accident.
Special attention shall be devoted to how the
Both experimental and theoretical research
research outcomes will be implemented and
efforts will be necessary to support the possible
transferred into standard industrial practice.
evolution of safety regulations and practices.

5. New directions and

challenges in safety research

ore inputs from the analysis of the

Fukushima event will be generated in
the coming years both from the
analysis of the situation on the site and from the
application of simulation codes to the accident.
It can be however already affirmed that the main
challenges identified from the lessons learned
from the accident are the following:


To better characterise any natural events, like

earthquakes, floods, etc., including methodologies
for dealing with rare events.
To extend even more in-depth the safety approach
to any type of initiating event, especially severe
natural hazards and any combination of them. It
Figure 12: PHEBUS (Source: IRSN)
shall be done for current reactors, Generation III
reactors and future reactors.
Specific emphasis will have to be put also on
To include beyond design basis accidents more emergency management, which has been chalsystematically at the design stage to assure the lenged during the Fukushima accident due to:
robustness of defence in-depth and to avoid cliff
the concomitance of many events, the severe
edge effects. The approach shall include situations
environmental conditions and the mutual
where all units on the same site are affected by a
interaction between the affected units on site
beyond design event.





the complexity and difficulty of the decision

making process which altered the effectiveness
and promptness of actions and which generated
both confusion and delays

the practical impossibility of recovering an adequate

and stable electrical supply source for several days
The improvement of emergency preparedness
and response shall include the consideration of
several items:

the availability of more sophisticated tools to

provide the operators with more reliable and
quicker indications/measurements on the reactor
status to help in the implementation of an
appropriate recovery strategy
the availability of redundant intervention means
in the vicinity of the site

the availability of better and faster environmental

monitoring systems, better models for predicting
contamination, health effects of low doses, and the
effect of contamination on the environment in
particular the marine environment
a broader consideration of social issues and
cultural aspects
better international cooperation/expertise which
could provide help on plant status diagnostics, on
the forecasting of accident evolution and on
mitigation strategies

The 13 items and new directions and challenges

identified by the Fukishima TF are discussed in
the R&D needs and priorities within the
following chapters.














The Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform

Sustainability of
the nuclear Fuel Cycle
1. Introduction
large number of studies have been
carried out worldwide, and particularly
in Europe but also within the
framework of the Generation IV roadmap, to
analyse the meaning of sustainability12 when
applied to the NFC. From that work, there is
clear consensus today that a sustainable NFC is
mainly linked to the durability of the solutions
addressing the three following issues:

taining or improving safety and economic competitiveness, and minimising risks of


12 - The general UN
definition of sustainability
is Meeting the needs of
the present without
compromising the ability of
future generations to meet
their own needs

The change to enhanced sustainability will be,

most probably, a progressive process that has
already started. As a matter of fact, some of the
technologies for recycling fuels are commercially available and industrially operative in
particular in some EU countries, e.g. France,
UK. The combination of these and other existing technologies with improvements in the
present reactor designs allows to progress
towards both optimised use of natural resources
and economic competitiveness.

optimum use of natural resources

nuclear waste minimisation

minimum impact on environment

This chapter describes the potential and
These objectives must be pursued while at the required R&D associated with these advanced
same time maintaining or increasing safety, fuel cycles.
economic competitiveness and protection
against diversion or undeclared use of nuclear
material or technology.
2. Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Present light water reactors are only able to use
less than 1 % of the mined uranium. With such
n the broadest sense, the Nuclear Fuel Cycle
a low efficiency, the presently identified
(NFC) encompasses all steps and facilities
worldwide U resources are sufficient for about
to produce electricity in nuclear
100 years , depending inter alia on the
uranium mining and
acceptable uranium cost and on the nuclear
power growth rate during the coming decades. preparation of the fuel which will be used in
In order to make nuclear fission energy nuclear reactors, that is the front end of the
sustainable in the long term, new technological fuel cycle, and the back end or management of
solutions improving the usage of this natural the fuel after its use in the reactors (the spent
resource by around 50 times are being fuel), with two main options (both implemented
in Europe):
The new technology

direct disposal of spent fuel, called the open

The new technology
for waste
for waste minimisaminimisation

recycling of valuable materials, called the closed

tion and resource
optimisation is based resource optimisation
on the combination
More precisely, the nuclear fuel cycle includes
of fast neutron sys- combination of fast
the following steps:
with neutron systems with

The front end of the fuel cycle, which consists of

multi-recycling of the multi-recycling of the
uranium (or thorium) prospection, mining and
fuel in advanced fuel fuel in advanced fuel
on-site purification, uranium (or thorium)
cycles. This will be
(to obtain pure UF6, UO2 or metal,
achieved while main

Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda


depending on its future use), uranium enrichment

(if needed), and fuel fabrication.
Fuel irradiation in nuclear reactors to produce
electricity and heat.
The back end of the fuel cycle, which consists of
interim storage of spent fuels, recycling (which
includes reprocessing of the spent fuel to recover
recyclable materials and fabrication of new fuels
with these materials, if this option is
implemented), transportation of radioactive
materials (spent fuels, conditioned radioactive
waste, etc), final disposal of nuclear waste (spent
fuel for open cycle option or ultimate waste for
the closed cycle).

of Nuclear Fuel Cycles

3.1 Optimum use of natural

resources: from the short to the
long term
There are only two kinds of natural resources
for nuclear fission:

Uranium, containing mainly 2 isotopes: one

fissile, 235U, which constitutes only 0.71% of
natural uranium and one fertile, 238U, which
constitutes 99.29 % of natural uranium.
Thorium, containing exclusively one isotope,
232Th, which is a fertile isotope (producing the
fissile isotope 233U). Although technically
possible, the fuel cycle based on thorium requires
an initial supply of a fissile isotope (235U or
plutonium) to be deployed and is not
implemented on an industrial scale today in any
European country.

The optimisation
The optimisation of
resources, of natural resources
to maximise the
is progressively
electricity obtained
achieved by the
per unit of uranium industry at each step
mined, is progres- of the Nuclear Fuel
sively achieved by the
industry at each step
of the NFC, through operation of the market
and with growing technical knowledge. This is
the case for example in the front end through
the selection of cut grade of uranium deposits or
tail enrichment; by fuel management inside the





Optimisation at each step of the NFC implies

R&D programmes. However, the front end
steps of the NFC, such as uranium prospecting
and mining or enrichment process and fuel
fabrication (UO2), are more a matter for
industry, and in the phase of commercial
competition. Consequently, the SRIA will
rather focus on
enhancing the usage
An efficient way of
of mined uranium
reducing the natural and
uranium consumption plutonium in present
is to increase the
and future reactors,
reactor conversion
and on the NFC back
ratio and to recycle
end options.
fissile material

3. R&D to improve

reactor; by improving reactor designs; or by

spent fuel recycling, in the back end.

Nuclear reactors are

able to convert a part
of the fertile isotopes which are loaded in the
fresh fuel into fissile isotopes, e.g. 238U into
239Pu. The ratio between the total amount of
artificial fissile material created inside the
reactor core and the total amount of fissile
isotopes consumed is called conversion ratio.
A part of the artificial fissile isotopes is burned
in situ contributing to the generation of
electricity and saving natural fissile isotopes.
However, the part of the created artificial fissile
isotopes which is not burned in situ remains in
the spent fuel when unloaded. The recycling of
this part can further contribute to saving natural
fissile isotopes.
Consequently, one of the most efficient routes to
reducing natural uranium consumption is to
increase the conversion ratio of present and
future reactors and to recycle fissile material.
First improvements in the use of natural
resources could be made using advanced light
water reactor systems with higher conversion
ratio and improved fuel design, and the
associated back end of the NFC, as well.
Attractive opportunities have already been
identified for Advanced Generation III reactors,
such as new core designs and loading strategies,
fuels accommodating very high burn-ups
(>70 GWd/tHM) for LWR and improved
capacity for plutonium and reprocessed uranium
recycling, including 100 % MOX cores,
plutonium multi-recycling for LWR and 100%
plutonium cores for HTR. The corresponding
R&D challenges, included in the objectives of
the recently created NUGENIA association, are
discussed in the corresponding chapter.


However, fast nuclear reactors can be designed to

reach conversion ratios equal or even greater than
one, in such a way that no more natural fissile
isotope is needed to sustain nuclear energy, since
the reactors generate more fissile isotopes than
they consume to produce energy. These reactors,
called breeders need to be fed at equilibrium
with fertile isotopes (238U or 232Th) which are
available in plentiful amounts, both in nature and
as leftovers from the present enrichment of
nuclear fuel. In this way, fast reactors will allow
increasing the use of the natural uranium
resources by a factor of around 50.

emitting, is mainly generated by the operation of

nuclear reactors. HLW can be the spent fuel, or
waste from its reprocessing or from other steps
of the NFC. The present solution for HLW is to
properly condition it inside isolating and
protecting packages that are then disposed of in
a Deep Underground Geological Repository
(DGR). A number of technological and
geological barriers are set up in this way to avoid
any hazard to the population or the biosphere.
This solution has been scientifically proven to be
reliable and safe, and most of its technologies are
ready for deployment. The first implementations
in the EU are expected in Finland, Sweden and
France within the next 7-20 years. The
associated R&D, technology development and
implementation are the topics of another
Geological Disposal, IGD-TP) and will not be
further discussed here.

Therefore it must be underlined that breeder

reactors, in practice Fast Neutron Reactors
(FNR)13, are the only solution which can lead to
the long term sustainable development of
nuclear energy, with regard to the optimum use
of natural uranium resources. Because of this
critical role in nuclear energy sustainability, a
specific chapter of this SRIA is devoted to To optimise HLW management, research
should focus on minimising several parameters
the HLW:
FNRs, where the
associated R&D for consists of radioactive

the mass and volume of conditioned NW to be

feasibility and natural residues produced by
disposed of
resource optimisation electricity generation

the long term radiotoxic inventory, which is the

are addressed.
in fission reactors and
sum of activities of each radioisotope in the NW
The efficiency of are considered as not
weighted by the dose factor that indicate the risk if
those technologies
this material would be dispersed within the
depends on the
availability of other facilities of the fuel cycle like the effective lifetime of conditioned NW
those for reprocessing discussed later in this

the heat generation of conditioned NW as function

chapter, and of deployment strategies. The
of time, due to the radioactivity of its unstable
efficiency of different deployment strategies and
radioisotopes. This parameter strongly affects the
the appropriate coupling of the different
DGR capacity
elements of the nuclear fuel cycle should be

the long-term radiological impact, that is the

optimised with the help of scenario studies.
calculated biological effect on living species of
possible radioactive releases into the biosphere
3.2 Nuclear waste minimisation
once part of radionuclides (or their radioactive
daughters) has reached the surface
Nuclear waste (NW) is classified in various ways
in different European countries, but generally,
according to its intrinsic risk and management A first way to minimise nuclear waste is to
route. The main parameters14 are the level of reduce the amount of radio-nuclides produced
specific radioactivity, the decay half life and the by nuclear reactors. For fission products the
specific heat produced by the radioactivity of the production is directly proportional to the
unstable isotopes contained in the NW. electricity generation, so that the only way to
Industrial solutions to handle Low Level Waste reduce their amounts is to increase the electrical
(LLW) and most of the Intermediate Level efficiency of nuclear power reactors.
waste (ILW) are already implemented in several Cogeneration with direct utilisation of the
nuclear heat, e.g. for industrial process, could be
EU countries.
used to reduce the amount of NW per unit of
High level waste (HLW), which contains highly useful energy generated. On the other hand,
radioactive isotopes, significant quantities of there are several means to influence the
long lived radio-nuclides, and is strongly heat production of the different actinides, including





13 - In principle breeder
could also be designed with
thermal neutron energy
spectrum using thorium
based fuels.
14 - The specific
radioactivity of one object is
the number of
disintegrations per unit of
time in a given unit volume
or in a given unit of mass.
The half-life on an isotope
is the time interval required
for its radioactivity to get
reduced by half.


the choice of reactor type (neutron spectrum) or

even the choice of fuel cycle (for example,
thorium based fuel which could generate much
smaller amounts of minor actinides in the long

implications on the reduction of the number and

size of DGRs and other societal aspects need to
be considered in the fuel cycle optimisation.
In this sense, three types of objectives are

integral management of all actinides in a long

term sustainable nuclear fleet
integral reduction of the transuranic actinide
specific reduction of some Minor Actinide
inventories (Np, Am and possibly Cm)

These objectives can be achieved conceptually in

two generic types of scenarios:

Figure 13: The closed nuclear fuel cycle illustrating

the recycling and optimisation of energy resources
and the minimisation of nuclear waste (Source: CIEMAT)

Once the waste has been produced, if the spent

fuel is directly disposed of, there is in fact no way
to act on the previously indicated optimisation
parameters, except the enhancement of
confinement and its durability (waste matrix or
waste container) and the time before disposing
of the NW. This research could also contribute
to reducing the long-term radiological impact.
These topics fall outside the scope of the
SNETP, but are addressed by IGD-TP SRA in
its key topic 2 "Waste forms and their
If the spent fuel is
The general
reprocessed, many
technical options are
conclusion is that
open to produce waste minimisation in
improvements in the advanced fuel cycles
five NW parameters should be considered
quoted above.
within a global
objective of
In this regard,
studies, carried out,
in particular, under
European R&D programmes, such as REDIMPACT and PATEROS, and the conclusions
of the NEA/OECD expert groups from the
Working Party on scientific issues of Advanced
Fuel Cycle (WPFC), have shown that one of the
most promising routes is the Partitioning and
Transmutation of selected radio-nuclides
(particularly actinides). The general conclusion
is that waste minimisation in advanced fuel
cycles should be considered within a global
objective of sustainability. Furthermore the





A fleet of fast neutron spectrum critical reactors

that simultaneously produce electricity and
transmute all the actinides. The only input into the
system (reactors and fuel cycle facilities) is natural
or depleted uranium and the output is electricity
and residual HLW plus ILW, including the fission
fragments, activation products and actinide
reprocessing losses. In this option, the MA could be
homogeneously diluted within the whole fuel or
separated in the form of dedicated targets.
However the core design of these reactors has to
be optimised from the point of view of neutron
economy and safety performance and, in addition,
the feasibility of the associated fuel cycles should
also be addressed.
A double strata reactor fleet. The first stratum
consists of a set of critical reactors dedicated to
electricity production using clean fuel containing
only U and Pu. The reactors in this stratum can be
either present or future thermal reactors or fast
reactors or an appropriate combination of both.
The second stratum, devoted to TRU or MA
transmutation and representing a small fraction
of the total installed power, would be based on
special low conversion ratio fast reactors or
subcritical fast systems, ADS. These reactors would
be loaded with homogeneous fuels with high MA
content, and would have to be optimised from the
point of view of neutron economy and safety

The process of deployment of these advanced

fuel cycles with partitioning and transmutation
will necessarily be progressive. In first instance,
economic competitiveness will favour the life
extension of present reactors or their
replacement with advanced Generation III
LWRs. Later, as U resources become scarcer and
waste inventories grow, the fast nuclear systems
(FNR and/or ADS) will appear more attractive
and will eventually be progressively introduced.


The evaluation of this type of scenario indicates

that while maintaining the safety of operation,
they should ultimately be able to strongly reduce
long term uranium consumption, making the
present reserves last for several thousand years.
At the same time, the long term radiotoxic
inventory of HLW could be reduced by more
than a factor of 100 and its heat load by more
than a factor of 10. According to available
studies, quoted above in this section, the last
figure will allow the DGR size to be reduced by
factors from 3 to more than 10 (in hard rock,
clay and tuff geological formations). In the case
of large nuclear reactor parks, waste
minimisation could help to minimise the
number of required DGRs. Countries with
smaller fleets might need to participate in
regional solutions involving cooperation with a
country with a large nuclear fleet to improve the
partitioning and transmutation efficiency and its
economic feasibility.
The deployment of these advanced fuel cycles
involves large technological challenges on:

performed by SNETP members or which are

under discussion.
However, additional efforts are required to
complete studies on the feasibility of sustainable
solutions for the transition period from the
present nuclear fleet until the deployment of fast
nuclear systems, taking into account present
perspectives for deployment of advanced thermal
reactors and future FNRs. Similarly, the
evaluation of the impact of these technologies on
the DGR designs, taking into account updated
nuclear policies of EU Member States, technology
deployment and different options for fast systems
deployment, needs still to be completed.
Scenario studies, including industrial
implementation aspects and, possibly, economic
evaluations, should take into account the
combination of various reactor types, including
FNRs or ADS, in order to identify potential
synergies, including with current LWR parks.
Furthermore, these scenarios should allow
indicators for decision making that include all
aspects of the problem to be quantified: overall
safety, consumption of natural resources, nuclear
material inventories to be managed,
environmental impact, costs, reactor fleet
composition, time projection to reach
equilibrium, industrial capacities required for
fuel treatment and fabrication (including MA
bearing fuels or targets), technical difficulties,
secondary waste generation, occupational
exposures, proliferation concerns, need for (cross
border) transport, public acceptance, etc.

new fuels (targets) and fuel assembly designs

bearing significant amounts of MA, and their
fabrication technology

the technologies of FNR and ADS, including new

materials, thermal-hydraulics, simulation tools,
nuclear data and, in the case of ADS, the coupling
of an accelerator with a subcritical core

new recycling technologies based on advanced

aqueous and pyro-metallurgic reprocessing
technologies, adapted to highly active and hot
fuels containing large amounts of Pu and MA, and
The feasibility of alternative fuel cycles should
minimising the production of secondary wastes
be investigated also for HTR fuel, which could
The first two points are further developed in the become the mainstream technology for nuclear
ESNII chapter for each of the fast system types. cogeneration. These alternative fuel cycles may
On the other hand the development of the comprise transuranic and minor actinide
reprocessing of irradiated fuel is discussed in the recycling, use of thorium fuel to stretch the
resource base and to reduce minor actinide
chapter dedicated to cross cutting activities.
production, plutonium burning and deep-burn
concepts as well as core/fuel management to
the cycle length between fuel
3.3 Advanced fuel cycle scenario

A continuous effort on Scenario Studies of

nuclear material management and the impact of
advanced fuel cycle technologies on the final
Deep Geological Repository, DGR, is
maintained by several laboratories in different
EU Member States, and as contributions to
NEA/OECD and IAEA studies. Regional and
global considerations as well as transition effects
are important aspects of all studies recently

Finally, it should be mentioned that currently

there are no short or medium term industrial
prospects in Europe for the deployment of the
thorium cycle. However, thorium could become
an attractive option for the long term due to its
large European resource base and potential role
in the nuclear waste minimisation.
An interesting strategy for the long term could
be the combination of Molten Salt Reactors







(MSR) technologies, both with thermal and fast

neutrons, with the thorium fuel cycle. MSR, by
its intrinsic reutilisation of fuel in the reactor,
could allow using all the thorium natural
resources, in an efficient way, while
simultaneously reducing by large factors the
production of transuranic elements. R&D on
MSR, and its utilisation within the Th cycles, is
required to clarify the feasibility and potential
benefits of MSR and of the Th fuel cycle.

The SNETP vision on R&D needs for both

MSR15 and the Thorium cycle16 are unchanged
from that documented earlier. These annexes
describing those R&D needs are still valid and
supported by the present SRIA. They show the
significant long-term potentialities and the
significant challenges to make industrial
implementation of these systems and the
associated R&D priorities.

15 - SRA Annex: Molten

Salt Reactor Systems
16 - SRA Annex: Thorium
cycles and Thorium as a
nuclear fuel component








The Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform

NUGENIA - nuclear fission

technologies for Generation II
and III nuclear plants
1. Introduction

In order to gather and share the best available

knowledge, skills, facilities and technologies, the
work of NUGENIA is organised in six technical
UGENIA (NUclear GENeration II &
III Association), established on 14
November 2011, developed the 1. Plant safety and risk assessment
roadmap which forms the basis for the 2. Severe accidents
Generation II/ III part of the SNETP SRIA.
The main mission of NUGENIA is to be the 3. Improved reactor operation
integrated framework among industry, research 4. Integrity assessment of systems, structures
and components
and safety organisations for safe, reliable and
competitive Generation II & III fission.
5. Fuel, waste management and dismantling


Innovative LWR design

plus two cross-cutting areas:

Figure 14: Golfech NPP over the Garonne river

(Source: EDF)

In-service inspection and inspection

The roadmap presented in the following

subchapters is based on extracts from the
detailed NUGENIA roadmap of the 6 technical
areas above. Harmonisation topics are described
in this introduction and the in-service
inspection and qualification topics are addressed
in technical area 3.

A transverse objective of NUGENIA is the

harmonisation, which is aimed at reducing any
substantial difference within a group of
countries in design and fabrication of systems
and components, in nuclear safety level and
requirements, as well as safety assessment
processes and practices. It involves the search for
a long-term convergence towards the agreed
Defining detailed roadmaps and R&D priorities
WENRA objectives and the shared way to
Facilitating the emergence of projects implement- achieve them.
ing R&D in the field of Generation II & III
The objectives of the NUGENIA
Identifying all relevant funding sources for
Harmonisation Cross-Cutting Area are
Generation II & III R&D
therefore: supporting the deployment of nuclear
Generally promoting European nuclear energy within the European market setting-up
Generation II & III collaborative R&D
the basis for an effective standardisation of
Facilitating cooperation with international reactor component assessments; improving the
counterparts on Generation II & III R&D
safety level of the nuclear installation through

SNETP mandates NUGENIA to act as the

body in charge of coordinating at EU level the
implementation of the R&D within this
technical scope. Under this mandate,
NUGENIA is in charge of the following

Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda


shared design approaches and licensing operation, safety-survey and safety-assessment.

Thus it appears as a favoured place to create
harmonisation through scientifically funded
Three main fields of endeavour are likely to consensus. That way it can complement the
support R&D programmes:
activity on standardisation already going on in

acquisition of data, through pre-normative

research PNR for new design and operating
conditions, but also for definition of operational
limits, establishment of practices and safety criteria

establishment of shared codes and standards

search for strategies providing with smooth and
Safety and risk of NPPs
efficient methods to enlarge progressively the field
of consensus among stakeholders
In the design of new
plant or systems, the
adoption of advanced
combining defencein-depth,
riskinformed and safety
margin approaches
underlines the need
for new research

i - Scope and objectives

Extended sharing of
operating experience
among stakeholders
has to favour the
adoption of common
best practices

The objective for development of codes and

standards - while keeping coherence with the
already existing efforts - should be oriented
support to the development of EU standardisation
and regulatory frameworks for the safe operation
of the nuclear installations

development of handbooks and codes of best

practice relying upon European Standard
Extended sharing of operating experience
among stakeholders has to favour the adoption
of common best practices.

echnical Area 1 is devoted to evaluating

the risk caused by the existing NPPs
during their operation up to situations with
core degradation, therefore developing and
optimising the use of methodologies to
evaluate their safety level. This implies
improving the assessment of numerical
simulation uncertainties and of safety margins.

Due to the general reduction of nuclear risk

through improved system safety features,
reduced parameter uncertainty, and better
evaluation of the nature and intensity of
aggressions and hazards, the causes of residual
risks become comparatively more important.

There process of harmonisation in the nuclear

Figure 15: Phebus reactor pool and the experimental
reactor core down 8 meters (Source: IRSN)
industry at European - and international - level
is supported by industrial organisations, and the
European regulatory authorities have defined This residual risk is mainly originated from:
safety objectives that are referred to in the EU

the increasing heterogeneity among a plant fleet,

Nuclear Safety Directive.
due to the generic improvements and the
The harmonisation strategy is not aimed at
integration of the R&D outcomes, which cannot be
issuing new safety directives, but at finding
performed at the same time in all the plants of a
practical methodologies to reach the above
mentioned safety objectives, for instance

the non-compliance of the plants with the

through appropriate safety criteria and practices.
reference state, which is increasing with the life,
It should rely upon a systematic and continuous
due to the build-up of intervention and
dialogue between the stakeholders.
manipulation errors, the non-conformity of system
and material assembling, the unavailability of
NUGENIA gathers those stakeholders that
spare parts
adopt the regulations and rules for design,






the a priori assumptions in the modelling, such as

symmetry and homogeneity, and the errors in the
design data-set computation
SNETP should play
components of the
a driving role
risk can be neither
easily investigated in supporting these
approaches which
nor detected, so that
can contribute
it must be considered
significantly to
occurrence in the improving the safety
safety demonstration.

In order to overcome the current limitations on

accuracy, other safety evaluation methodologies
such as those relying upon decision-making
theory and/or economic models, but also riskspace based methodologies should also be
investigated and evaluated.

ii - State of the art

o far the activities have used inputs from
international organisations, EC Framework
Programme, and international initiatives; the
main reference programmes in the safety
evaluation are:

In practice, the following sub-areas have been

identified to progress upon:

Contributing to further development of common

understanding and usage of risk assessment
techniques based on probabilistic safety
assessment (PSA). In the field of input data, a
special attention will be devoted to the evaluation
of different kinds of dependency and human
performance effects, and associated reliability
Improving the deterministic assessment of plant
transients with conservative assumptions and
extended coverage of validation and extending
consensus on methodologies for transients
Improving methodologies to assess the impact of
external loads and hazards on barriers and on
structures, systems and components. Following
Fukushima lessons, the effect of both single and
multiple external events on safety function
degradation need to be considered. Time (and
feasibility) for recovery and the influence of nonsafety systems on barrier strength are important
to position.
Among external events, a special focus will be put
on the impact of electrical disturbances from the
grid on plant safety systems and safety functions:
the objective is to secure safety system
Integrating the deterministic and probabilistic
safety assessments in order to better evaluate
safety margins with best estimate methods, in
particular determining the data, methods and
knowledge needed to assess safety margins in
components such as pipe/vessel and system
(strength and weaknesses of NPPs).

Designing of reactor safety systems to handle

obsolete components and to up-grade them to
handle new safety demands.

for probabilistic methods the main programmes

working group, APSA-network, ASAMPSA-2, and
for deterministic assessment of plant transients:
for impact of external loads and hazards on the
Safety functions: NORTHNET, SAFIR, OECD
for impact on the safety functions of external
electrical disturbances: OECD DIDELSYS, BWRclub, NPSAG, IAEA (NS-G-1.8, D-NG-T-3.8)
for advanced safety assessment methodologies:

iii - Challenges
1.1 Challenges in the field
of PSA methods

1.1.1 Quantitative aspects of PSA

For quantitative aspects, the following gaps
should be covered: development of
methodologies to quantify initiating event
frequencies for low probability events, including
external events and Common Cause Failures
(CCF) events, combination of events (including
internal and external events), methods used for
establishing component failure rates with focus
on components with low failure rates and also
failure rates due to specific loads (such as loads
due to fire, severe accident conditions), data







and methods used to assess CCF inside specific

system and trans- systems interactions at
component level and at subcomponent level,
development of methods for assessing human
reliability and establishing a database with
reference cases for supporting common risk
assessments of human performance, methods to
handle time dependent assessments in PSA,
methods and data for quantifying the effects of
aging on PSA-outputs, methods and data for
assessing failure frequencies of digital
components, methodology and data for
performing fire PSA.
For the PSA dedicated to source term issues
(level 2 PSA) recommendations on the best
strategies to couple level 1 and level 2 PSA
should be done, and methodologies to assess
shut-down state or external events should be

The R&D topics providing estimation of overall

risk of plant operation are:

1-2 Deterministic assessment of

plant transients
In the assessment of plant transients, new
challenges are arising but recurrent studies still
need large efforts to be performed with effective
results. Indeed, plant behaviour is the result of
complex multidimensional physical phenomena;
moreover, phenomena are tightly coupled:

1.2.1. Improved thermal hydraulics

evaluation for the existing plants
To fulfil these goals, the main challenges in
thermal-hydraulics are:
a better understanding and modelling of the
multi-dimensional phenomena, in particular in
vessels and pools

a better understanding and modelling of the

multiphase (steam/water, non-condensable
gases) phenomena

the interaction with neutronic (in particular in

reactivity transients), mechanic (fluid-structure
interaction in steam generator for example), and

the experimental validation

the uncertainties evaluation

Some specific topics are given hereafter:

1.1.2. General aspects of PSA results

developed and harmonised RIDM methodology

is even more necessary.

considering several plants simultaneously affected

notably in case of external events
benchmarking of existing PSA-studies to support
comparability of PSA studies and to support use of
safety goals in plant management
developing guidance to use safety goals in reactor
safety assessments
assessing of risk related to spent fuel pool
modelling techniques for functional dependencies
in electrical and safety instrumented systems
administration of PSA models and related
documents, including review, considering recurring
updates and use of special models for separate
analysis in support of various safety related
assessments due to changes to the licensing basis
establishing methodologies for level 3-PSA (up to
health effects) including integration with level 2-PSA

1.1.3. Best practice

for PSA application

stratification in pools and vessels, in particular for

BWR- condensation pools when steam flow is low
mixing in pools and vessels, in particular at low
flow rates, including vessel pressurised thermal
shock and boron mixing in reactor vessels
better predicting of the margins of instability in
BWR-cores, in particular coupling 3D thermalhydraulics with neutronic codes
3D flows in the reactor pressure vessel.
assessing effects of non-condensable gases in
pipes for scenarios with gas intrusion

Even if quite advanced PSA tools are well

developed and extensively used, it requires also 1.2.2. design and evaluation
applying them correctly and in the most useful of passive safety systems
manner in specific Risk Informed Decision
Management (RIDM) applications. If good The major challenge to a generalised adoption
methodology for development of basic PSA is of passive systems for safety purposes is the
necessary the need of a large practice of well- achievement of a convenient and exhaustive full






scale demonstration of their reliability in

transient conditions. Specific R&D is to be
devoted to provide evidence of the system
reliability despite the approximations and
assumptions in the validation experiments and
to clear the way to extrapolation.

1-3 Impact of external loads and

hazards on the safety functions

The external events have to be characterised by

loads and frequency as well as by the risk for coincident occurrences and the effects on nonsafety systems on the safety system. The
potential for successful preventive and
mitigating human actions has to be considered.
1.2.3. Coupled multi-physics codes,
Methods for frequency/magnitude assessment
for events with short and long return periods
Couplings such as neutronics and thermal- (from 100 to more than 1000 years) need to be
hydraulics have to be developed, for example for further developed in view of the major
re-criticality scenarios in which several control uncertainties involved. Estimates of the effects
rods partially scram (BWR).
of climate change also indicate substantial
impacts on the frequency and magnitude of
certain natural external events even in the near
future, which needs to be considered in the
1.2.4. Containment behaviour
analysis of external events.

Particular phenomena need to be better Methods and methodologies to identify single

and multiple external events are also necessary to
assess effects on a multi-unit plant, as well as

non condensable gas flows in the containment how the effects of external events on non-safety
with and without spraying
systems could affect safety systems.

heat transfer in the gas phase of the containment

including the interaction with walls and pipes

leak rates through containment up to containment 1-4 Impact of external electrical

disturbances on the safety

clogging phenomena in strainers and fuel and

associated assessment methodology

fire and gas explosion simulation methods and Among the external hazards, particular attention
has to be paid to grid disturbance effects on the
applications to reactor safety
plant through the internal electrical buses and
other electrical components important to safety.
It includes assessment of the effects originating
1.2.5. Fluid structure interactions
either from lightning or from motor magnetic
on modern electronics and/or digital
Special models need progresses:
equipment which are far more sensitive to

turbulent flows and its effects on component aging magnetic fields than components used in the
past. Other equipments like plant electrical and

fluid-structure interaction in steam-generator

equipment, or diesel generators for

water hammer assessment

emergency power may be also affected. The

coupling between CFD and system codes

design of plant control and protection systems

heat transfer along piping and vessel walls during has to be based on an increased understanding of
turbulent flows
these effects and the sources of these effects have
to be investigated.

1.2.6. Fire risk

comprehensive characterisation of different fire

fire suppression models and suppression
methods and criteria to assess malfunction of
electrical equipments considering combined effects
of soot and thermal stress

1-5 Advanced safety assessment

The general challenge in this sub-area is to
increase knowledge about the existing safety
margins of a plant. Several methodologies can
be further developed in order to improve the
accuracy of evaluations:







Risk informed methodologies, usually developed

by operators, based on decision-making theory
and/or economic models can still be improved in
order to optimise the risk accuracy evaluation,

Understanding the safety margins and best

estimate methods, i. e. integrating the
deterministic and probabilistic safety assessments,
is another possible route to improving accuracy.
This includes development of methodologies (such
as Dynamic PSA and Monte-Carlo assessments or
a combination) are used in parallel with existing
methods for probabilistic and deterministic
A particular challenge for these methods is to
better model/predict dynamic behaviour and
also time dependent scenarios while not
affecting the assessment of uncertainties.

Application of these developments should

address better evaluation of safety margins for
RPVs, main containment, passive system and
pipes in case of LOCA or PTS events, but also
for beyond design situations or natural
circulation conditions.

nuclear power plants (NPP) show high levels of

robustness and low probabilities for severe
accidents (SA). But, despite the highly efficient
accident prevention measures adopted for the
current Generation II and the still more
demanding ones for the Generation III plants,
some accident scenarios may, with a low
probability, result in SA, as recently emphasised
with the Fukushima Daiichi accidents in Japan.
This SA can result in core melting, plant
damage and dispersal of radioactive materials
outside of the plant containment, thus
threatening public health and the environment.
This risk can be substantially decreased when
state-of-the-art devices currently available for
prevention and mitigation of severe accidents
are installed. Lessons from the Fukushima
accident and consequences related to Accident
Management provisions from the recently
completed ENSREG stress tests and other
national activities will lead to further
enhancement of the safety of NPPs.

1-6 Design of reactor safety


Within this technical area, general objectives are

defined and followed by specification of research
and innovation challenges to further reinforce
NPP safety provisions.

Among the challenges for the design of safety

systems the most important are:

ii - Objectives

design of digital system with integration into

existing plants
increased diversification and robustness of safety
use of passive system for safety function
methods for reactivity measurements under
accident conditions
design of level measuring systems to withstand
high temperatures

ome predominant phenomena require a

better understanding in particular to improve
Severe Accident Management Guidelines
(SAMGs) and to design new prevention devices
or systems for mitigation of SA consequences.

Seven technical sub-areas address the 6

objectives listed below, the three first ones being
directly linked to mitigation processes:
in vessel corium/debris coolability

ex-vessel corium interactions and coolability

reducing source term

impact of severe accidents on the environment

severe accident scenarios

improving the emergency preparedness

New experimental efforts will be needed in most
sub-areas accompanied by modelling
development and validation.


Severe accidents

i - Scope
he main public safety goal for nuclear power
is to prevent a societal calamity and huge
economic loss. With appropriate site risk
evaluations, plant designs and management,
current Generation II and future Generation III






The knowledge gained and the modelling

improvements will allow the optimisation of
SAMGs and the improvement of prevention
and mitigation systems such as core reflooding


systems, filtering systems, venting systems or with presence of corium and/or solid debris, by
water addition to limit or terminate the SA inrecombiners in the containment.
vessel progression.
The impact of the further analysis of the
Fukushima accident will be taken into account,
and, conversely, R&D will be important for the
plants decommissioning.

iii - State of the art

onsiderable knowledge has been gained
about SA phenomenology through studies
carried out during the last 30 years. It is based
on experimentation, mostly out-of-pile, with a
few in-pile programmes like Phbus FP, and
theoretical simulations, as the accidents at
TMI2 in 1979 and at Chernobyl in 1986 were
the only major NPP reference cases until the
Fukushima Daiichi accident.

Since 2004, the state of the art is periodically

updated in the frame of the SARNET network
(Severe Accident Research NETwork of
Excellence), coordinated by IRSN in the 6th
and 7th Research Framework Programmes of
the European Commission (see www.sarnet.eu). In particular, the ranking of R&D
priorities has been recently reviewed to take into
account early feedback from the Fukushima
Daiichi accident (and such update will continue
in the next years according to the progress of the
understanding of this accident). The identified
challenges account also for the results of all past
and ongoing international programmes
(Euratom-FP7, OECD/NEA, ISTP).

2.2 Ex-vessel corium interactions

and coolability
For ex-vessel corium situations, the major safety
challenge is to preserve containment integrity
against rapid failure (steam explosions, Direct
Containment Heating or DCH) or slower
basemat melt-through (by Molten-CoreConcrete-Interaction or MCCI) and/or
containment over-pressurisation.

iv - Challenges
he highest priority safety challenges are
described in the following sub-areas:
In-vessel corium/debris coolability, Ex-vessel
Containment behaviour including hydrogen
explosion risk, Source term, SA impact on the
environment, and emergency and preparedness
management. One transversal sub-area concerns
the SA scenarios.

2.1 In-vessel corium/debris

Substantial knowledge exists concerning cooling
of intact rod-like core geometry. The main
challenge for long term R&D will be to address
the remaining uncertainties concerning the
efficiency of cooling a degraded reactor core,

The highest priority R&D topics for this challenge

are: debris bed formation and cooling; for invessel melt retention, corium pool coolability in
the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) lower head,
especially for BWRs with presence of control rod
and instrumentation guide tubes; critical heat flux
and RPV external cooling conditions.

The highest priority R&D topics for this challenge

are: fuel-water premixing and debris formation
and coolability; complementary MCCI research to
cover oxide-metal layer interaction and all reactor
concrete compositions; assessment of MCCI top
flooding; and finally analytical work to transpose
MCCI experiments to reactor scale.

2.3 Containment behaviour,

including hydrogen explosion
The containment represents the ultimate barrier
to prevent or limit the release of fission products
(FP) to the environment during a SA. If local
concentrations of combustible gases (hydrogen
and carbon monoxide) are present, gas
combustion might occur and cause a pressure
increase that could eventually lead to
containment failure.
Efforts in the short and mid-term should focus
on extensive simulations of gas distribution in
the presence of mitigation systems using both
Lumped-Parameter and CFD (Computational







Fluid Dynamics) codes in order to interpret a

whole set of different experiments with
consistent models. Reliable models of
deflagration and deflagration-to-detonation
transition should be developed in order to
improve the present modelling mainly based on
empirical correlations.

The highest priority R&D topics for this challenge

are containment atmosphere mixing (including
BWR containments with nitrogen atmosphere)
and gas combustion, which imply the following
phenomena: gas distribution in the containment
with the influence of mitigation systems, pressure
increase during hydrogen combustion, and
deflagration to detonation transition. Scaling
(qualitative and quantitative) of phenomena from
experimental facilities to actual containments
should also be addressed with priority.

2.4 Reducing source term

The source term to the environment refers to the
amount, chemical speciation and isotopic
speciation of all radio-elements that can be
released to the environment. At present, the
increased safety requirements in both existing
plants and new designs aim at reducing the
source term by proper measures for limitation of
uncontrolled leaks from the containment and for
improvement of the filtering efficiency of
containment venting systems.

2.5 Impact of severe accidents

on the environment
The SA impact on the environment in the nearfield around the NPP must be assessed as part of
the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of
an NPP in accordance with European and
national legislation. Here only the atmospheric
dispersion of radio-nuclides is addressed. This
will allow an interface between PSA Level 2 and
assessment of radiological consequences and it
will improve the emergency planning and
zoning and the post-accidental situation
Research efforts on atmospheric dispersion
modelling over recent decades have produced
several models; some of them are already used in
the preoperational or operational framework in
case of radiological emergency. Despite this
effort, some issues still need to be tackled in the
preparedness phase, in the response phase (to
anticipate properly the situation in order to
protect the workers and the surrounding
population in time), and in the post-accident
Strong links should be established in the future
with the NERIS platform (European Platform
on Preparedness for Nuclear and Radiological
Emergency Response and Recovery: see

The Fukushima accident underlined the need

for studying the impact on the source term of
the filtered containment venting systems which
are important radionuclide-removal processes.


The highest priority R&D topics for this challenge

are: impact of filtered containment venting
systems on source term and development of
improved devices; oxidising environment impact
on FP release from fuel, in particular for
ruthenium, i.e. under oxidation conditions or air
ingress for high burn-up and MOX fuels; high
temperature chemistry impact on FP behaviour in
the Reactor Cooling System (RCS), i.e. improving
predictability of iodine species exiting RCS towards
the containment; containment chemistry impact
on source term, i.e. improving the predictability of
iodine chemistry in the containment.




The highest priority R&D topics for this challenge

are: accurate atmospheric dispersion models, in
particular accounting for chemistry of radioelements (integrating on-site experiments and
use and development of specific CFD models);
accurate evaluation of source term to the
atmosphere (by using inverse atmospheric
modelling and comparisons with the
environmental measurements); adaptation and
development of ensemble computations (i.e.
variations of calculations for different initial
weather data) for atmospheric dispersion of
radio-elements from NPP.

2.6 Severe accident scenarios

Integral codes (or system codes) are essential for
simulating all SA scenarios including the
evaluation of the source term into the
environment, as well as the evaluation of SAM
measures and the efficiency of mitigation
systems. The highest priority is to continue to


capitalise on knowledge gained from using these

codes, particularly the ASTEC code (IRSNGRS), and to feedback the interpretation of the
Fukushima accident in the coming years.
Attention should be paid in particular to models
of BWR core degradation and to their

lies with the operator who has to take actions

which may stabilise the plant and/or mitigate
the consequences of the accident. The longer
this phase, the more time there is to implement
recovery action and the better are measures that
can be taken to protect the population around
the plant.

In addition, the Fukushima accident has

underlined the importance of the behaviour of
spent fuel pools in case of loss of cooling and the
need of new SA instrumentation for SA
diagnosis and management, as well as for early
source term predictions and emergency
preparedness outside the NPP site.

Capabilities to overcome the accident require

the availability of reliable information, the
capacity to operate correctly under high stress
and harmful conditions, and to dispose of
efficient and reliable tools.

Another essential issue is the need to store in

reliable and durable databanks the results of the
huge amount of SA experiments that were
performed over more than 30 years. They should
remain available for any further analysis of SA
phenomena and for validation of simulation

Reliable information comes first from the plant,

in which the main systems for safety have to be
backed up, including with externally diversified
sources, but reliable information needs also
reliable instruments and good interpretation in
order to discard spurious signals. In that
prospect, human and technical redundancy is
Operating correctly in high stress conditions
needs first to know how to behave as a function
of the plant and how to recover from specific
situations. Indeed, the correct operation needs a
fully developed planning phase (see sketch
above) with severe accident management
strategies, plans and procedures to cope with
short term reflex actions and accurate diagnosis
capabilities to prepare prognoses corresponding
to different worsening hypotheses on future
evolution. This asks for preparedness in terms of
scenarios, information, fast and reliable
computation, adaptation capacities, and technical
systems not destroyed by the ongoing accident.

The highest priority R&D topics for this challenge

concern the continuous capitalisation of
knowledge in the integral codes, particularly
ASTEC, and the improvement of their applicability
to spent fuel pools. The latter will need further
R&D on the following phenomena: large-scale
flow convection, impact of partial dewatering of
fuel assemblies on thermal runaway and fuel
degradation, clad and fuel mechanical behaviour
in an air-steam atmosphere. Other challenges will
be to investigate on one hand new SA
instrumentation and on the other hand critically For meeting that objective, redundancies are also
risks in case of spent fuel pool dry-out or of useful in terms of technical means and
damage NPP core.
evaluation teams in order to secure the diagnosis
and prognosis.
2.7 Improving the emergency
Last but not least, reliable tools encompass, well
preparedness and response
exercised information systems and emergency
instrumentation, fast computer
In the emergency preparedness and response
multiple future scenarios,
area, an accident can be roughly broken down
teams with
into two phases: the emergency phase (in red on
the diagram) and the post-accidental phase (in experts in informatics, reactor physics, reactor
green). The post-accidental phase is the focus of operation, meteorological data, and integration
another project integrated in the NERIS SRA, of all the different aspects.

and the scope dealt with in this paragraph is the

emergency phase, itself composed of a threat
phase and a release phase.

Between the onsite emergency declaration

(reactor out of normal operation) and the release
of a radioactive plume, the main responsibility

In the domain of research several fast running

computer systems are already available, but
several issues still remain open, mainly in the field
of human behaviour and organisation. Technical





means and trained personal are systematically Capitalising - in guidelines and suitable
developed by the operators with support from the
computation tools - the outcome from the
local organisation for civil security. The STATIC
operating experience feedback, the periodical
programme studies a part of the human and
crisis exercises, the studies and R&D programmes
organisational factors during crisis, but
carried out within national and international
organisation-dealing aspects still need to be
improved: it appears useful to improve
knowledge on human behaviour under stress
conditions, to extend redundancy among teams
without slowing down the engineering capacity; TECHNICAL AREA 3 international cooperation, beyond existing Improved reactor operation
reporting systems, it may be useful to share online
data and support expertise; this requires
evolution of the existing international conventions i - Objectives and motivation
and formatting information to common standards.
afe and efficient operation of the plants is the
result of a blend of human, organisational
Moreover, it should be worth:
and technological aspects, and R&D in all these

Providing the national Safety Authorities with fields can play an important role in continuously
technical support furnished with fully online
improving operational
updated data, developed technical means, and
practices. Important
Safe and efficient
formatted exchanges with the operators, in order
issues related to
operation of the
to create redundant expertise contributing to
plants is the result of operation are also
release threat resolution through advice to the
a blend of human, discussed in other
safety authority,
organisational and NUGENIA

Extending general knowledge of SAM and

technological aspects
capitalising it within fast running computing tools;
aspects are discussed:
benchmarks could be organised in that field, with
respect to the possible source term evaluation, Human and organisational factors
including the capacity to use environmental data Integration of digital technologies
to fit it to reality,

Core management

Dispatching emergency mobile means for Water chemistry and LLW management
monitoring the releases,

Radiation protection

Integrating for each site the multiscale dispersion In service inspection and inspection qualification
calculations with multiscale meteorological
The rationale for collecting these issues together

Developing suitable monitoring in-situ and is to try to integrate them into a common
mobile devices,
advanced vision of the operation, supported by

Enhancing the awareness of the socio-economical the implementation of modern digital

context (public acceptance, media coverage),

Figure 16: Emergency management phases (Source: IRSN)







ii - State of the art and challenges

To develop theoretical models of the sociotechnical system as well as effective methods and
tools to benchmark operational practices and to
assess human performance.
The Fukushima accident revealed significant
weaknesses in the on-site and off-site response
to extreme, unforeseen events, in particular
when the functioning of the emergency
organisation itself is weakened by the event.

3.1 Human
and organisational factor
The Human and Organisational Factors (HOF)
community is promoting R&D in various
international connections e.g. in the
OECD/NEA working Group of Organisational
and Human Factors (WGHOF).
A road map in this field was recently developed
by the partners of the MMOTION project.
They proposed four research programmes:

Risk-informed decision-making in design and


Culture and practices for safety

Integrated design approaches

Technological requirements in nuclear and other

high risk industry
The aspects which are considered as utmost
priority in this field are evaluation of human
reliability analysis, operational culture and work
practices. Important challenges are to strengthen
the objectivity of safety judgments by using
methods of risk-oriented decision making in the
human reliability area, to improve the
effectiveness of safety provisions, to harmonise
operational principles across Europe and to
minimise the negative impacts of complexity on
operation and safety.

To understand human and organisational

behaviour under high stress and harmful
To develop reliable solutions for interorganisational collaboration (including plant,
utility, emergency services, regulator and
government agencies), and for taking time-critical
decisions based on dynamic and partially
unreliable information.

3.2 Integration
of digital technologies
Digital technologies are nowadays deployed in
all modern power generation plants and also in
large industrial. The situation in the nuclear
power sector differs from other sectors in the
following key aspects:
the use of analogue systems is being extended
beyond their initially expected service lifetime

regulatory uncertainty and associated financial

risk concerns are delaying the deployment of
already available new technologies
Implementation of digital technologies is a key
issue for the life extension of Generation II
reactors, as well as for the deployment of
Generation III, because it offers an unique
opportunity for improving operational
performance in respect of safety margins.
Several European plant operators have gone
through relevant modernisation programmes,
often performed under the constraint of both
minimising the impact on the traditional plant
operating, managing and maintaining modes
and practices, and searching of solutions to
immediate needs. Due to the fast evolution of
these technologies, this approach is not
sustainable in the long term.

To develop advanced and harmonised methods,

solutions and tools for evaluation of operating
experience about human and organisational
To develop tools for risk-informed decision
making support and manage socio-technical
systems complexity at the design level.

Organisational safety culture and operating

practices influence the safety level. Research
should define the conditions required for
ensuring the robustness of the organisations in
charge of operating NPPs, based on a deep
understanding of practices and culture and of
change impact on the socio-technical system.

It would be particularly important to consider

how individuals, teams and organisations
function and interact within the plant within a In USA a huge research programme is being set
specific safety culture, and how they are up, intending to develop standards and
supported by tools, artefacts, procedures, rules.
guidelines to facilitate the transition to digital






technology and its deployment across the USA 3.3 Core management
nuclear fleet, potentially influencing the R&D
Core optimisation, based on increased fuel
activity also in Europe.
utilisation and on a more accurate evaluation of
the safety core characteristics, is achievable
through the continuous improvement of the

To develop a new advanced digital information design and analysis tools, as well as through the
and control architecture to integrate all plant improvement of the monitoring instrumentation.
applications, respecting safety constraints, and to
collect and organise data from all types of sources This task can be translated into large challenges
in basic nuclear data, neutronics, material science,
of condition-monitoring data.
thermo hydraulics, fuel fabrication, reprocessing

To provide technical studies and guidelines for a and partitioning. Coupling all these aspects
wide implementation of digital technologies.
(multiphysics) and assuring modern quality
In parallel to the use of programmable digital software are the drivers to replace the current
electronic systems in nuclear safety applications, suites of simulation codes. Better accuracy has to
to overcome the difficulty of maintaining be justified either against experimental data or
analogue electronic assemblies and to take against benchmark calculations.
advantage of functions enabled by digital logic,
attention is needed regarding the increase of the
potential for component-level faults due to
engineering mistakes.

To enhance core modelling capability using the

modern methods of calculation of power
distributions and reactivity.

To collate operational data from the NPPs to

To develop methods for analysis of the safety

validate modern method of the calculation.
software to ensure the reliability of the software
for regulatory assurance and the safety of To develop method for evaluation of uncertainties
for core state in abnormal conditions.
instrumentation and control systems.
Nuclear instrumenTo achieve better integration of technical,
tation is still mainly
human and organisational factors, more focus is
based on safe but
needed on the efficient integration of HOF in
and measurement
conservative techthe design of control rooms and on assessing the
methods, and
nologies. Present
future working conditions through the active
efficient signal
and future competiparticipation of HOF specialists and end users.
analysis, can increase
tiveness depends also
on the accurate and
predictive knowlperformance and

To develop engineering procedures for integration

of human and organisational factors in to the
instrumentation and measurement methods,
overall design process.
and efficient signal analysis, can increase relia
To develop advanced alarm systems capable of bility, performance and competitiveness.
improving operator performance, permitting
better recognition and comprehension of alarms.
Several kinds of mobile communication/computing devices may be used to provide continual plant To explore, develop and define new strategies and
status and control capability anywhere in the plant,
approaches in core monitoring.
improving the performance of field workers. Tools To estimate and reduce measurement
using virtual reality models and technologies could
be used to develop computer aided maintenance
procedures and to train maintenance personnel.
3.4 Water chemistry
and LLW management


To develop suitable procedures and advanced Water chemistry management has the main
tools to support field workers and maintenance scope to optimise the primary, secondary and
auxiliary cooling systems chemical parameters.





Water chemistry has been the subject of large

basic and applied research programmes, in
particular in USA under the EPRI coordination.
EPRI continues nowadays to update water
chemistry guidelines, as well as to update
optimisation tools to mitigate corrosion, to
achieve and maintain fuel performance standards
and to minimise radiation fields in the plant.
Water chemistry strongly influences the
operational safety of reactors by affecting
formation of deposits, which may cause heat
transfer degradation and enhance localised
corrosion. A good control of water chemistry
can significantly reduce various operational
problems, including corrosion, erosion,
deposition of corrosion products, hence
increasing the life of systems and components.
This mainly consists of two essential parts:

chemicals added to adjust the pH to minimise the

corrosion rate of structural materials
mitigation of the concentration of chemical
impurities, which catalyse the degradation of
materials, coolant and protective oxide coatings

3.5 Radiation protection

The strong attention for radiation protection has
recently led to the establishment of the
Multidisciplinary European Low Dose
Initiative (MELODI) platform, with the aim of
better understanding the health effects of
exposure to low dose ionising radiation. In 2011
this platform issued a Strategic Research
Agenda, which defines a series of topics suitable
to be considered in a long-term perspective.
There are however several topics in the radiation
protection area which can be appropriately
considered in the framework of NUGENIA,
since they are very tightly related to the everyday
plant management activities.

Development of cost-effective chemistry

optimisation tools and techniques to improve
plant availability and safety.

Development of dedicated software tools to

improve chemistry control and diagnostic
The pressure to reduce the radiation exposure of
the workers as well as the radioactive release into
the environment requires constant improvement
of processes and technologies for LLW
treatment and for conditioning of liquid waste,
potentially able also to reduce the costs.

Priorities in the treatment of liquid radioactive

waste are to obtain higher decontamination and
volume reduction factors, lower on-site
processing costs, reducing solid radioactive
waste generation rates and minimise corrosion.

To develop updated systems for tritium, carbon 14C

and boron management.

To develop new technologies and tools for

managing information related to the radiological
dose to plant workers.
To develop improved tools for radionuclide release
minimisation and for the analysis of the
consequences on the environment.

3.6 In service inspection

and inspection qualification
In-service inspection (ISI) of nuclear power
plants (NPP) by non-destructive testing (NDT)
is a very important part of the NPP ageing
management or predictive maintenance. R&D
topics in this field are mainly focused on
qualification of NDT systems and riskinformed in-service inspection (RI-ISI)
methodologies, with the objective increase their
effectiveness and efficiency and to respond the
new challenges resulting from NPPs long term
operation and new build.
The European Network for Inspection and
Qualification (ENIQ) is recognised as one of
the main contributors to todays global qualification situation along with other initiatives like
the PDI on the United States of America. The
inspection qualification methodology developed
by ENIQ is also accepted by the IAEA as recommended practice to be followed for nuclear
inspection qualification all over the world.

To develop advanced filtration and innovative

removal processes to monitor, control and limit
activated corrosion product transport.
To look for materials with lower content of cobalt,
and with lower cationic release rates under LWR
water chemistry conditions.
To study updated procedures for the chemical The main challenges for NDT qualification are
on the new procedures based on phased array
decontamination of surfaces.






ultrasonic testing,
diffraction ultrasonic
testing, computed
radiography, as well
as the extension of
applicability to other

Qualification of NDT
systems should
enable efficient
structures and
condition monitoring
by NDT in order to
improve maintenance
of plants.

changes). These assessments are required for the

effectiveness of periodic safety reviews. Aspects
that need to be considered include definition of
integrity assessment over the whole life cycle,
the various degradation mechanisms, ageing
issues, safety margins and harmonisation issues.

The Structures, Systems and Components (SSC)

that need to be considered are those important
for safety and availability, those that require high
NDT systems should
costs to replace and those that cannot be replaced
enable efficient structures and components without a significant long term refurbishment
condition monitoring by NDT in order to programme. Components like Instrumentation
improve maintenance of plants.
and Control (I&C) which are of high safety
significance also need to be addressed.
Support extended use of computer modelling and
Develop a recommended practice for computed
radiography qualification and Phased Array
qualification under ENIQ type Methodologies.

The present challenges on the RI-ISI field are

on pre-service inspection (PSI) for new build,
risk reduction quantification and optimising ISI

Analysis of the role of RI-ISI in defence-in depth

and development of procedures to determine the
achievable level of risk reduction.
Development of RI-ISI and qualification guidance
for a new build, for non-pressure boundary items
and for the use of expert judgement.
Development of alternative methods and
guidance (to ISI) for managing risk.
Produce specifications for quantification of
Probability of Detection (PoD), including MonteCarlo approach, and define the role of quantified
PoD in risk reduction.

While the assessment principles relating to

SSCs are generally comparable in Europe, the
actual methodologies and codes are different in
the various European countries. With the longer
term objective of European harmonisation in
mind, it is necessary for the differences to be
fully understood and for the lessons learned
from Generation II nuclear power plants
(NPPs) to be taken into account when
developing and/or revising best practice
guidance for the safe operation of SSCs with
satisfactory, but not over-conservative safety
margins. This is required in order to ensure high
integrity and high performance in the case of
internal and external loads. Post-Fukushima
lessons imply that investigations of beyond
design loads are also required to be considered.
This technical area roadmap comprises integrity
assessment, description of loads, materials
performance and ageing, ageing monitoring,
prevention and mitigation, functionality and

ii - State of the art

ntegrity Assessment of SSCs takes into

account material properties, component
geometry, loading and degradation mechanisms
and effects, using essentially fracture mechanics
methods. The assessment of for example RPV
TECHNICAL AREA 4 integrity assessment under Pressurised Thermal
Systems, Structures
Shock (PTS) loading and in leak before break
(LBB) analysis in piping is of critical importance
and Components
to the safe operation of a nuclear power plant.
Codes, standards and procedures are commonly
i - Scope + Objectives
used for integrity assessment. These are
generally well founded and validated but in
tructural assessments are an important part many cases they can have inherent levels of
of NPP management programmes (e.g. conservatism, particularly when considering
ageing management, maintenance and design plant life extension.







and external hazards (seismic event, aircraft

impact, explosion) on civil structures.

iii - Challenges
4.1 Integrity Assessment
There is a need to
There is a need to
properly understand
of properly understand
the levels of
conservatism in the
integrity conservatism in the
assessment methods
current integrity
with a view to assessment methods
revising the guidance
with a view to
and procedures. Such revising the guidance
aspects as effects of
and procedures
load history, crack
arrest, treatment of thermal and weld residual
stresses and warm pre-stressing effects need to
be considered with regards to this aim. Lessons
learnt from Generation II NPPs in terms of
integrity assessment validation should be
considered and implemented.
The modelling of integrity assessment is
important in order to be able to translate the
mechanistic understanding to simulation tools
and assessment procedures to predict theoretical
margins for the safe operation of NPPs, taking
into account structural features, real or
postulated flaws, loading conditions and relevant
material characteristics including ageing effects.

4.2 Description of Loads

Accurate knowledge of applied loads and
resulting stresses (and strains) is needed for
reliable SCCs. Increased computing power over
recent years, coupled with advanced modelling
capabilities, has resulted in enabling the accuracy
to be evaluated in greater detail. Examples of this
include piping system loads and stresses, stresses
resulting from pressurised thermal shock loading
and residual stresses resulting from fabrication
processes such as welding.

Development of best practice procedures for

assessing structural performance of multi-metal
components, including cladded components.
Development of a probabilistic approach on safety
critical systems integrity assessment for long term
operation and harmonisation of probabilistic
safety assessment (in close link with Area 1).
Treatment of non-crack like defects (Corrosion,
thinning, pitting, erosion, flow induced corrosion,
Integrity of RPV internals for long term operation
considering also load effects like the dynamic
response of reactor internals to Loss of Coolant
Accidents (LOCAs); develop validated models for
the assessment of structural integrity of in-vessel
components under high doses of irradiation.
Gain understanding of modelling approaches
adopted in different European countries on life
time evaluation of civil structures including creep
behaviour and the influence of cracks.
Develop probabilistic and deterministic
methodologies to evaluate the impact of internal
events (hydrogen explosion, pipe whip impact)

Development of guidance in order to more

accurately predict fluid to component wall heat
transfer (CFD, Computational Fluid Dynamics) for
thermal fatigue analysis and fluid structure
interaction under turbulent flow conditions.
Establishment of the methodologies to rank
external loads for deterministic and probabilistic
Treatment of secondary and residual stresses.
Investigation of combined fatigue and tearing
fracture resistance under high asymmetry cycles
and random high cyclic loads.
Containment phenomena in dry-well like
stratification and heat transfer into the
condensation pool and load assessment from
source to loads on walls under different voiding
conditions in the condensation pool with the aim
of reducing uncertainties.
Increase the understanding of hydrogen
production and hydrogen venting during service
accident conditions and of hydrogen from
zirconium oxidation and from radiolysis in water
and hydrogen transport and absorption in water,
gas phase and on civil structure walls.

4.3 Materials Performance

and Ageing
The major challenge is to justify properly that all
components affected by an ageing mechanism
remain within the design and safety criteria.
performance of materials relevant to structural
components and the effect of ageing
mechanisms on their performance are key issues
from the start to the end of life of each NPP.







Basically, ageing management should follow a

well-defined procedure that consists of i)
identification of the SSCs that are subject to
ageing, ii) analysis, understanding and
modelling of the main relevant ageing
mechanisms concerning each SSC (potential or
encountered) and finally iii) setting up of
measures to justify the integrity of each SSC
based on codes & standards, regulations,
specifications & guidelines and scientific
knowledge of the ageing mechanisms.

of NPPs. Important as well is that the effects of

the ageing and degradation mechanisms should
be considered for the specific type of SSC
material being assessed. Guidance and/or data
are generally available for the projected lifetime
but very scarce for allowing beyond design long
term operation. Moreover, ageing management
for long term operation has to take into account
not only the physical ageing of materials but also
the technological aspects (obsolescence). There is
therefore clearly a need for further R&D to be
undertaken in several of the areas referred to in
order for a better fundamental understanding of
the ageing and degradation mechanism to be
realised and to lead to realistic assessment

Figure 17: Reactor in Cadarache in French Provence

(Source: EDF)

An in-depth understanding of ageing

mechanisms, determination of ageing.
Close definition of damage rate and fitness
Implementation of monitoring, surveillance and
in-service inspection.
Mitigation and repair measures taking into
account the industrial capacity and obsolescence.

4.3.1. Ageing and

Degradation Mechanisms

Ageing management addresses physical ageing

that could result in degradation of systems,
structures and components such that safety
functionality could be impaired. Thus,
degradation modes, including fatigue, irradiation
embrittlement, stress corrosion cracking,
irradiation assisted stress corrosion cracking,
thermal ageing, general corrosion, erosioncorrosion, strain ageing, environmental fatigue,
creep, creep-fatigue and thermal fatigue, need to
be fully understood to ensure a good SSC status.
It is therefore very important to be able to
properly evaluate their positive or negative effect
on start of life properties as they may become
limiting factors for the safe and reliable operation





Investigation of microstructural and mechanical

effects in RPV steels caused by long term
irradiation leading to the improvement of RPV
safety assessment of existing European LWRs
under long-term operation and Generation III
reactors under construction (supporting RPV
ageing management and plant life extensions).
Investigation of crack initiation by irradiation
assisted stress corrosion cracking (IASCC).
Investigation of growth (swelling) and creep
under irradiation in internal structures by
numerical methods for microstructure evolution
and in situ verification of swelling macroscopic
effects by in-plant measurements.
Investigation of thermal ageing effect on the
performance of the materials for long term
Investigation of galvanic corrosion on concrete
reinforcement in the vicinity of the main cooling
water pumps.
Evaluation of chloride initiated corrosion of
concrete reinforcements.
Evaluation of polymeric material in concrete
constructions and sealing applications.
Investigation of polymer ageing mechanism,
specifically irradiation ageing (influence of dose
rate, synergy with vibrations, synergistic effects of
irradiation, heat, moisture) and ageing affected
by manufacturing.

4.3.2. Modelling of Ageing

The high variability of ageing and degradation
mechanisms necessitates predictive tools to
allow transferability and interoperability of
the knowledge gained from limited


experimental/empirical data (surveillance, infield monitoring). In this regard, one long

term aim is to develop fully validated multiscale
based models that link the nano scale through to
the macro (i.e. structural) scale based on a multidisciplinary approach. Better understanding of
the physical mechanisms affecting the ageing of
metallic materials
combining advanced One long term aim is
to develop fully
investigations with validated multiscale
the use of up-to-date
based models that
modelling methods,
link the nano scale
those through to the macro
developed through
(i.e. structural) scale
based on a multiapproach. Important
is to investigate in disciplinary approach
depth the local
phenomena and their interaction by using
powerful numerical tools allowing an accurate
prediction of ageing, not only of the components
that are accessible for inspection, monitoring
and repair but of all others. This extrapolation
needs to be based on experimentally validated
models using data from both in-pile and out of
pile experiments.

4.4 Ageing Monitoring,

Prevention and Mitigation
Component ageing needs to be monitored over
the nominal and extended service life of SSCs in
order to be able to correctly determine or anticipate the relevant ageing mechanisms and to
evaluate the extent of degradation that may
occur. The overall goal is to monitor and understand environmental conditions in the NPPs as
well as their impact on the functionality of safety relevant components and structures in order
to determine/predict/mitigate the effects limiting the lifetime of the
The overall goal is to
safety relevant commonitor and
ponents. One way is
to correlate the evoenvironmental
conditions in NPPs as microstructure and
well as their impact
material damage with
applied loadings and
on the functionality
environmental condiof safety relevant
tions. This will be
components and
useful in
the case of infrequent
transients and will enable the operator to verify
the suitability of maintenance programmes and
in-service inspection, thus ensuring that operation remains within allowable limits.

Development/improvement of models to predict

crack initiation and growth under various ageing
temperature, 4.4.1. Ageing Monitoring
irradiation, loads ).
Simulation of welding, manufacturing processes The monitoring of ageing is largely in its infancy
and thermal ageing of critical components and much work is needed to satisfactorily meet
the overall needs.
(pipes ).
Investigation of radiation induced loss of ductility
and embrittlement, of reactor components by
multiscale modelling taking into account the Development of online monitoring tools for
metallurgical variability of materials and their
advanced water chemistries in BWRs and PWRs.
usage conditions.

Investigation of ultrasonic on-line monitoring in

Development of computational fluid dynamics
NPPs to improve methods for risk-informed
(CFD) based methodology for more accurate
inspection of piping and internals.
predictions of the operating conditions of each

Development of modelling capabilities to ensure

the reliability of in-service monitoring tools.
Investigation of the mechanisms influencing the

Development and provision of effective

dimensional stability of components (such as
operational methodologies for inspection and
swelling, creep, fretting ).
tools for extended operation by consideration of
Development of models to represent the effect of
such aspects as tightness of reactor containment,
RAG ISA and other pathologies on concrete
serviceability of waterways and the integrity of
mechanical properties and civil work structure
cooling towers.
thermo-mechanical behaviour.

Development of methods for assessing the current

Development of simulation methods to predict
permeability of concrete structures by sensing and
ageing in safety critical components and buildings.
monitoring the quality of the concrete.






Development of non-destructive examination

(NDE) methods for concrete (e.g. ultrasonic
Detection of local and global degradation of
cables and establishing a correlation for residual
life estimation by using in-situ non-destructive
electrical techniques for in-service full length
measurements (for medium and low voltage
Development of monitoring techniques from the
Motor Control Centre (MCC) providing remote
assessment of the complete supply loop of
electrical appliances.
Sharing of best practices and the development of
new techniques to detect ageing and to limit the
degradation of I&C components and the
evaluation of new technology and methods to be
used for the purpose of I&C modernisation.
Determination of a lifetime criterion for non-LOCA
cables that are important for safety and also for
non-safety critical cables.
Determination of ageing monitoring methods for
cables under the fire protection layer.

Reduction of radiation effects on an RPV including

by fuel management and annealing.
Optimisation of the secondary side water
chemistry to minimise oxide deposition.
Implementation of a condition information system
supporting condition based maintenance (CBM)
supported by worldwide experience and relevant
Development of improved mitigation techniques
to limit the occurrence of stress corrosion cracking:
development of mitigation measures to be applied
in the field including overlay welding, crack
Development of advanced primary water
chemistry for VVER and PWR systems based on
coolant treatment for radioactive waste reduction
and lifetime extension of primary system
Development of a corrosion protection of concrete

4.5 Functionality

4.4.2. Prevention
and Mitigation of Ageing

4.5.1. Equipment Reliability

mitigation of both
Prevention and
ageing mechanisms
themselves and their
mitigation of both
resulting damage and ageing mechanisms
failure has been a themselves and their
long term challenge resulting damage and
for engineers and
failure has been a
scientists in many long-term challenge
industries. However,
for engineers and
this is an area where
scientists in many
further studies and
required. The issue is
components that are usually very difficult and
expensive to replace and may not be readily
Many components are usually very difficult and
expensive to replace, which requires the
implementation of management and mitigation
planning at the level of each NPP. However,
collaborative R&D is badly needed both to
maximise the efficiency of the different plans
and to increase the reliability of system





The reliability of each equipment is of critical

importance even if it has no direct impact on the
system safety as almost no component is
operating in a stand-alone manner. Thus, the
incremental development of each NPP to
implement the improvement of the safety
approaches necessitates a great R&D effort to
establish if the systems are able to perform their
intended function in a reliable and safe manner
throughout the lifetime of their required use.

Investigation of the reliability of relevant

equipment for long term operation.

4.5.2. Industrial Obsolescence

NPPs are per definition designed to operate for a
long time period during which a substantial
technological and societal changes occur.
components/systems that are no longer
manufactured or maintained properly during the
lifetime of an NPP. A common European
approach should be developed with the help of
NUGENIA either to create versatile technologies,


possibly with other industries, or to adapt nuclear TECHNICAL

procedures to even faster evolving domains.

AREA 5 Fuel Development, Waste

and Spent Fuel Management
and Decommissioning

Development of unified EU technical obsolescence

management methods and procedures for
i - Scope
components such as cables, electronics and
echnical area 5 (TA5) covers development
of nuclear fuel for existing, advanced and
innovative core designs, aspects of fuel use in
4.5.2. Maintenance
reactors (nuclear fuel behaviour mechanisms)
and the fuel management steps manipulation,
transport and interim wet and dry storage. It
also includes factors
Fuel behaviour in

Justification of the monitoring systems supporting

condition based maintenance (CBM).
both normal
operation and

Integration of operational feedback (experience)

accident conditions radioactive waste, and
provided by the monitoring systems into the
planning of maintenance activities (CBM).
currently is, and will the dismantling and
continue to be, a

Modernisation of pre-stressing control units to

decommissioning of
ensure fluent control of stress.
nuclear power plants.
includes the safety

Implementation of fleet wide monitoring data

linked with: fuel
exchange systems in order to provide more
in normal
of nuclear power
accurate input data to maintenance teams.
4.6 Qualification
and the safety of the fuel cycle, in particular the
of criticality accidents and
The qualification of methods used for the
integrity assessment of SCCs is mandatory radioactive material dispersion.

which necessitates the establishment of

verification and validation of structural integrity
assessment and lifetime procedures for SSCs
and the development of specific materials or
component tests. Often an overall qualification
approach for structural integrity assessment and
lifetime procedures requires a combination of
advanced analytical and experimental
qualification to comply with the functionality
requirements for each component and system.

TA5 has connections mainly with TA3 in parts

of core optimisation and chemistry and to a
lesser extent with TA6 regarding fuels for
innovative LWRs and with TA1 for NPP safety
and risk, in particular regarding criticality.
Outside of the scope of TA5 is radioactive waste
disposal since IGD-TP is in charge of the
research agenda and deployment plan for this

Qualification is inherent in performing R&D The scope also takes account of emerging
lessons from the Fukushima accident and
studies on the various issues relating to SSCs
proposes research, development and innovation
to improve the safety and resilience of the
existing and new build LWR reactor fleet.

Development of specific and well controlled

standard tests for specific material properties.

Development of tests for the transferability of ii - Objectives

results from tests involving small specimen to
structural components.
he rationale of TA5 is to improve the safe,

Development of tests to assess material behaviour

reliable and economic operation of
under specific degradation mechanisms which may Generation II and III NPPs (specifically inrequire accelerated or modified experiments e.g. reactor and out-of-reactor nuclear fuel
long term creep, irradiation effect, effect of management
transient (abnormal operation conditions).
management) and to maintain the sufficient







level of safety defined by the regulatory bodies An understanding of fuel behaviour in normal
and reflecting the recommendations of the and abnormal conditions is underpinned by fuel
R&D, which must address new design and
relevant international organisations.
safety requirements, increases in uranium
Nuclear fuel production and use have reached a enrichment, uranium and plutonium recycling
relatively mature state; nevertheless there is (and potentially in the future minor actinide
motivation to improve existing fuel types and to recycling), power up-ratings, and increased cycle
develop innovative fuel:
length and burn-up. It must also address

to increase fuel safety margins and improve differences in behaviour engendered by

behaviour under operation and accident incremental changes in the fuel components:
that is, of the fuel pellets, cladding and assembly
structural components.

to reduce reactor operating costs (including fuel

Both spent nuclear fuel management and

to reduce the amount and/or radio-toxicity of radioactive waste management have reached a
relatively mature state, but there is still potential
spent fuel
to be realised from the optimisation of

to recycle existing waste (uranium, plutonium and

management steps and the introduction of more
minor actinides from prior reprocessing
efficient and reliable technologies leading to a
reduction in cost and lower environmental

to increase sustainability
impacts and also to improve the safety of

to improve the safety of fuel management and processes.

decommissioning/dismantling and more
generally to the fuel cycle (such as criticality and The number and variety of nuclear facilities in
re-suspension and transfer of radioactive the decommissioning stage will increase greatly
in future years and therefore development of
remote dismantling techniques and dose

to improve proliferation resistance

minimisation approaches are needed along with
more reliable methods for the reuse and recycle
of valuable materials and the release of other
The general R&D needs for all fuel types are:
materials to the environment.

development of manufacturing techniques

data on fuel and material properties

post-irradiation examination (PIE) and collection iii - State of the art

of in-pile data on fuel performance (fuel thermomechanical and thermo-chemical behaviour
O2 enriched up to 5% in the form of solid
under irradiation) and fuel resilience during
or annular pellets in zirconium alloy
accident conditions
cladding remains the most used fuel in

understanding and modelling of fuel performance European reactors. The main nuclear fuel
and behaviour in accident conditions
suppliers in Europe are currently Areva,

providing data for evaluating criticality risk in the Westinghouse, GNF and TVEL (LWR fuels).
MOX fuel is used in limited quantities mainly in
fuel cycle, including the burn-up credit;
where processing is available. The

source term and mitigation strategies in case of

and experimental base consists of
accidental dispersion of radioactive materials (revendors own R&D, and operational experience
suspension, filtering, )
from utilities, research entities and international
organisations (mainly IAEA, OECD NEA).
Despite the large knowledge base, there are still
unknowns, necessitating dedicated fuel and
material property, separate effect and semi- Burnable absorbers integrated into the fuel
integral and integral testing to provide matrix (Gd and Er) are routinely used to control
experimental data on fuel performance excess reactivity.
Modifications to fuel
behaviour. These data can then be used to microstructures have been recently introduced
inform fuel development and to improve by incorporation of additives or by use of
understanding and simulation of fuel advanced manufacturing techniques. Fuel
behaviour mechanisms are currently well known







for UO2 fuel in Zr cladding and AGR fuel for NEA Working Party on Decommissioning
burn-ups up to 60 000 MWd/t. The fuel and Dismantling).
performance codes have been developed and
validated (utilising data from operation and
dedicated experimental programmes) and are
iv - Challenges
routinely used for simulation of normal
operation and accident scenarios.

improving nuclear fuel allowing higher burn-ups

Experimental facilities (research reactors, hot
and increased safety margins
cells and laboratories) are available for research developing accident resistant fuels, innovative
and testing.
fuels and fuels allowing the burning of Pu and
minor actinides (including non-UO2 fuels)
Spent fuel management (with various nuclear
fuel types for both commercial and research improving nuclear fuel reliability
reactors) is undertaken and has benefited from improving the quality of experimental data on
the accumulated knowledge and experience of
fuel behaviour at high burn-ups and in accident
the past decades. Nevertheless, there is
conditions (through reduction of uncertainties)
significant room for improvement and
and extending data bases
optimisation in various areas which would result

improving fuel performance simulation and

in improved safety, security (proliferation
computer codes, through an improved mechanistic
resistance), and economic and environmental
science-based modelling and experimental
characteristics. The spent fuel management
chain is carefully regulated by rules established
by national regulators usually reflecting the maintaining of key experimental facilities
(research reactors for irradiation, transient testing
recommendations of international organisations
and safety-related experiments, hot cells and
(IAEA). Within the EU a range of spent fuel
and expanding their capabilities to
storage arrangements
are employed, in

handling and storage of leaking fuel assemblies

some countries fuel is
(spent fuel pool and interim wet and dry storage)
stored primarily at
and handling of fuel and casks after longer term
reactor established within the
storage including the interface with a deep
stations/site where it
EU, nevertheless
geological repository
is generated, whereas
development of
in other countries
knowledge is still

addressing the burn-up credit challenges (code

centralised storage is required at process
validation and licensing issues)
used for interim/long

optimisation of spent nuclear fuel cycle and

term storage after an
reprocessing and recycling of high burn-up and
initial cooling period at the reactor site.
advanced fuels
Transport of spent fuel is a well-established and

improving the safety of fuel management, of

regulated operation.
dismantling operations and of fuel cycle processes,
regarding the risk of re-criticality and of
A number of decontamination, waste treatment
dispersion and release of nuclear materials
and conditioning methods and technologies have
been developed and are used. The management of use of advanced IC tools for development of
special categories of waste has also been developed
integrated waste management strategies
(tritium and C-14 waste, Be, graphite, mixed minimisation of waste production due to design
radioactive and chemically toxic waste, etc.).
and material selection and operational measures
Nevertheless, the potential for improvement to
and development of advanced waste treatment
reduce costs, risks and impacts is still far from
and conditioning technologies
exhausted. Methods of reuse and recycling of
various materials (metals, concrete) have also been development of efficient dismantling technologies
for structures and components, including remote
introduced. Experience from decommissioning
dismantling techniques
and dismantling of nuclear facilities is being
continually accumulated allowing drafting of waste
decommissioning, including safe release of
guidelines and the use of best practices.
material to the environment, recycle/reuse,
This knowledge is shared under the umbrella of
disposal to VLLW repositories along with reliable
international organisations (IAEA, OECD
and cost-effective activity measurement techniques







economics and safety by design for LWRs in

operation and advanced ones, as well - will:

Innovative LWR design

& technology

contribute to improved sustainability with a better

use of uranium resources and multirecycling
capabilities of fissile materials

be sized for smaller generated thermal power and

modular construction techniques

develop innovative component for reduced

Knowing that new technology deployment at
the industrial scale could be a long time duration
process, the following time lines will be

i - Scope & Objectives

he development of advanced Light Water
Reactors (LWR) using innovative
technology will allow assessing their possible key
role for electricity production. These reactors
could valuably make the bridge, throughout the
21st century, between the ageing nuclear
installations currently in operation and/or the
Advanced Generation III ones, now under
construction, and the fourth generation reactors
proposed by ESNII.

proposing evolutionary technology for mid-term


developing new LWR designs such as with higher

conversion ratio or small modular reactors,
expected to be ready for commercial operation by
15 to 20 years

preparing breakthrough technology for a longer

term future
Finally, the R&D proposed in TA6 should help
to contribute to improve the public awareness
and acceptance, which are mandatory to any
new construction, especially after the
Fukushimas events.

ii - State of the art

ynergies with all the other NUGENIA areas
will be exploited for taking benefit from
operating experience feedback from the current
reactor fleet, prior to develop innovative
technology that will result in LWR with
improved performance.

That will include requirements for safety and

reduced maintenance and long
Figure 18: Phebus experience during operation
(Cerenkov radiations) (Source: IRSN)
term operation, material ageing related issues,
control and repair, and plant power upgrade, as
Technical Area 6 (TA6) provides guidance for well.
setting up R&D projects on innovative The concept of a high conversion light water
technology to support the development of such reactor has went-on being studied over the 80s
innovative LWR designs.
in the aim at combining the advantages of LWR
Both existing and new LWR designs will profit
from the expected R&D programmes in TA6
through the progress in the fields of safety &
commissioning, operability, sustainability,
economics and public acceptance.

technology with the use of uranium plutonium

fuel, the achievement of high burn-up and
optimised nuclear fuel consumption.

Small modular reactors are expected to have

greater simplicity of design and reduced sitting
The R&D proposed in TA6 - aimed at cost compared to a current LWR. This results in
achieving long term operation, enhanced a revival of interest worldwide.







iii - Challenges
he collaboration between industry, research
organisations and universities should be
fostered through the definition, implementation
and launching of R&D projects. It is proposed
to address the R&D needed work to support
existing and new LWRs concepts, for achieving:

Long Term Operation by design

safety by design
innovative component for reduced maintenance
enhanced economics

Innovation, which should address basic

technology, methods, testing and computation
capacities, will be developed along with a
transverse approach between all reactor concepts.
Indeed, screening new reactor models will foster
and provide guidance for the development of
new components and fabrication process,
updated methods and calculation tool for
assessing the design and safety performance.
Conversely, having innovative solutions on
shelves could make it possible to prepare the
next generation of light water reactors.
All the necessary stages for reactor component
design and fabrication should be addressed.
Safety issues will be considered at the early stage
of the design. Finally, the overall performance of
the component for the related reactor concept
will be assessed using new methods.
Those challenges will be addressed through the
work done in the 5 sub-areas addressing:

materials & innovative technology for reactor

component design & construction
innovative light water reactor concepts
specific safety issues & approach
key success factors for innovative LWR deployment
public acceptance drivers for new build

6.1 Materials & innovative

technology for reactor
component design &
As a common theme for all LWR reactor concepts, advanced and breakthrough technologies
for reactor component design and fabrication
will be investigated. Synergies will be exploited
to benefitting from the more demanding

requirements and the progress made in basic

technologies while anticipating new solutions
for nuclear applications. Safety issues will be
considered at the early stage of the design.
Moreover, the overall performance of the component will be assessed adopting new methods.

Investigation into innovative materials processing

areas, surface engineering, nano-materials,
composite materials and hybrids, to achieve
properties suitable for high-performance nuclear
components. Multiscale modelling will provide
guidance for the evaluation of new alloyed
Investigation into component fabrication and
welding processes, in line with the development of
new materials including multi material assembly,
complex geometry, near net shape fabrication,
powder metallurgy processing. Specific
development of non-destructive examination
techniques is to be considered too.
Analysis of specific issues related to innovative
LWR design and performance assessment. It is
worth achieving in-depth knowledge of local
phenomena leading to component degradation
mechanisms: corrosion, wear, fluid structure
interaction, irradiation damage Development
of new testing capacities with high technology
instrumentation, and computational methods will
be two pillars for supporting this analysis.
Contribution to the development of engineering
simulator tools to assess the overall reactor system
performance, including the environmental impact.
Analysis of modular construction techniques.

6.2 Advanced LWR concepts

such as: High Conversion ratio,
Small modular reactor
Undertaking necessary R&D work is mandatory
to the deployment of new LWR concepts within
the next 15 to 20 years Fore exampleadvanced
LWR with higher conversion ratio, longer fuel
cycle, and capable of U-Pu multirecycling could
help to identify potential improvements in the
overall cycle sustainability.
Small modular reactors offer a flexible and
progressive approach to nuclear capacity
optimisation with limited infrastructure. These
new concepts will foster and provide guidance
for the development of innovative technology
for reactor component design and fabrication, as
described previously in sub-area1.







Concept screening.
Specific R&D topics derived from the previous
screening: reactor physics, core cooling, compact
Assessment of overall reactor system performance,
in operating and accidental conditions.

6.3 Innovative LWR-specific

safety issues & approach
The development of innovative materials,
component fabrication processes, as well as the
evaluation of new reactor concepts, could require
specific safety approaches which should be
integrated at the early stage of design.
Harmonisation with EU Directives establishing
a common framework for the nuclear safety of
nuclear installations, likewise to WENRA
statements and to IAEA safety publications is to
be achieved.

Evaluation of flexible fuel cycle scenarios relying

on a wide range of combinations of electricity
sources for a postulated transition period, such as
current and innovative LWR technologies, thorium
cycle, Sodium fast reactors, and renewable energy
sources. The outcome from ENEF analysis will be
used as an input.
Search for the enhanced operability of LWRs,
including potential benefit for either load
following or combined mode, and innovative
technology for plant operation simplification.
Evaluation of innovative solutions for minimising
the environmental impact of LWRs.

6.5 Public acceptance drivers

for new builds
In this sub area, it is proposed to address the
rationales behind nuclear energy acceptance by
the public, notably for new builds deployment.
European policy is to provide with key elements
for guidance.
R&D topics:

Exploitation of pre-normative research results to

implement the safety requirements, including site
selection and evaluation.
Development of more sophisticated instrumentation and control systems for safety applications.
Integration of the safety issues highlighted after
the Fukushima Daiichi accident and by the EU
stress tests specifications.

6.4 Key success factors for

innovative LWR deployment
Key success factors for the deployment of
innovative LWR reactors must be investigated
vs. the deployment strategy of Generation IV
systems and to the growing contribution from
the renewable energy sources.







Identification of the main drivers towards public

acceptance for new build.
Harmonisation of the communication policies,
taking into account the differences in the public
awareness and acceptance, which exist among the
European countries.
Organisation of the information dissemination.


The Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform

ESNII fast reactor systems

for sustainable fuel cycles
1. Introduction

possible passive safety systems and inherent safety

ESNII-systems will aim to practically eliminate the
likelihood of severe accidents.
ESNII-systems will be designed to be robust
against the Fukushima accident initiators.
Security shall form an integral part of the ESNIIsystems design.
ESNII-systems shall aim at further improving the
economic competiveness and operability of
nuclear energy in a future European energy mix.

ne of the major concerns of society with

regard to the implementation of nuclear
energy is the high-level nuclear waste.
Fast spectrum reactors with closed fuel cycle will
allow a significant reduction of high-level
nuclear waste radiotoxicity and volume. Fast
reactors will also enable reduction in the use of
natural fuel resources by a factor of around 50. In
this way, it is clear that the use of fast reactors in
a closed fuel cycle approach will allow a more
The main objective of ESNII is to keep
sustainable implementation of nuclear energy.
European leadership in fast spectrum reactor
For the development
The use of fast
technologies that will excel in safety and will
of these fast reactors reactors in a closed
permit a more sustainable development of
within ESNII, it is of fuel cycle approach
nuclear energy. With respect to the 2010
paramount imporwill allow a more
evaluation of technologies, sodium is still
tance to excel in
considered as the reference technology, since it
has broader technological and reactor operations
implementation of
radiological protecfeed-back.
The lead-bismuth fast reactor
nuclear energy
tion and security:
technology has significantly extended its
base and can be considered as the

ESNII-systems shall be designed to reach at least

technology, whereas the
the standards of safety, radiological protection
and security put forward by WENRA for new gas fast reactor technology has to be considered
reactors also targeting the Generation IV safety as a longer-term alternative option. The main
goal of ESNII is to design, license, construct,
commission and put

ESNII-systems shall implement a safety approach

The main goal of
into operation before
based on the most recent standards and best
the sodium fast
ESNII is to design,
international practices, using the experience
license, construct,
gained from past and present nuclear science and
commission and put
ASTRID and the

ESNII-systems shall endeavour to reduce into operation, before flexible fast spectrum
2025, ASTRID and
radioactive releases to the environment and doses
to workers in normal and accidental situations to
as low as reasonably achievable.

Societal concerns in relation to nuclear safety and ASTRID will allow Europe to demonstrate its
security shall be duly taken into account in the capability to master the mature sodium
ESNII-systems design process.
technology with improved safety characteristics

ESNII-systems shall be designed to have a high responding to society's concern of having the
level of implementation of the concept of Defence- highest level of safety possible. Therefore, the
design of ASTRID focuses on meeting the

ESNII-systems shall be designed to use as much as challenges in terms of industrial performance

Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda


and availability, improved waste management

and resource utilisation and a safety level
compatible with WENRA objectives for new
nuclear builds and aiming at achieving the
Generation IV goals. An associated R&D
programme will continue to accompany and
support the development of ASTRID to
increase the lines of defence and robustness of
the safety demonstration of this technology, and
allow the goals of the Generation IV to be
reached, not only on safety and proliferation
resistance, but also on economy and
With MYRRHA, Europe will again possess a
flexible fast spectrum irradiation facility that is a
prerequisite for further innovations in fuels,
materials and components for fast spectrum
reactors. It will further diversify Europes
expertise in fast reactor technology and allow
major innovations towards even more economic,
sustainable and safe reactor concepts. Since
MYRRHA will be conceived as an Accelerator
Driven System, it will be able to demonstrate
this technology, thereby allowing the technical
feasibility of one of the key components in the
double strata strategy for high-level waste
transmutation to be evaluated. Due to the fact
that MYRRHA will be based on heavy liquid
metal technology (namely lead-bismuth
eutectic), it can serve the role of Lead Fast
Reactor European Technology Pilot Plant
(ETPP) as identified in the LFR roadmap. An
associated R&D programme will accompany
and support the development of MYRRHA.
For the financing of the total investment cost of
these facilities, it will be of paramount
importance to establish the appropriate
consortium structure and legal basis, allowing
candidate consortium members to identify the
added value of the facility for their own interest.
In parallel to the realisation of ASTRID and
MYRRHA, activities directed towards the Lead
Fast Reactor technology and the Gas Fast
Reactor technology should be continued taking
into account their specific needs.
For the development of the Lead-cooled Fast
Reactor, maximum synergy of activities will be
sought with the MYRRHA development to
optimise resources and planning. For the LFR
demonstrator ALFRED, the main focus should
be on design activities typical for a critical power
reactor connected to the grid, as well as on R&D
activities on the lead coolant, addressing the
specific characteristics that differ from lead





bismuth. Design activities and support R&D

shall be performed in the coming years to the
maximum extent compatible with available
resources and taking full advantage from
feedback, where applicable, from the ongoing
design of MYRRHA and related R&D
programmes. These activities will allow the LFR
consortium to reach the level of maturity needed
to start the licensing phase and then the
construction of ALFRED, provided that
adequate financial resources are made available.
In addition to the
closure of the nuclear
fuel cycle in a
sustainable manner,
the Gas Fast Reactor
has the potential to
temperature heat at
800C for chemical
process, production of
hydrogen, synthetic
fuels, etc. The Helium-cooled Fast Reactor is an
innovative nuclear system having attractive
features: helium is transparent to neutrons and is
not chemically reactive. Its viability is however
essentially based on two main challenges. First,
the development and qualification of an
innovative fuel type that can withstand the
irradiation, temperature and pressure conditions
put forward for the GFR concept. Secondly, a
high intrinsic safety level will need to be
demonstrated for this GFR concept. This will
imply dedicated design activities followed
probably by out-of-pile demonstration
experiments. These high priority R&D activities
should be embedded into an overall R&D
roadmap in support of the development of the
Gas Fast Reactor concept. For the development,
guidance and implementation of this R&D
effort, a GFR centre of excellence will be
created. It might open up the technical
capability to launch the ALLEGRO gas cooled
For the development
of ALFRED, the Lead
Fast Reactor
maximum synergy
of activities will be
sought with the

Based on the ADRIANA project, a number of

supporting facilities for the different systems
and technologies have been identified, in
addition to experimental reactors like JHR and
PALLAS. The realisation and operation of these
supporting facilities, in particular a fast reactor
MOX production line, will be of primary
importance to reach the aforementioned
objectives. Maximum synergies between the
different Liquid Metal Reactor technologies will


be exploited, for instance in the field of With the associated closed fuel cycle, ASTRID
will meet the preservation of resources priority,
instrumentation and thermal-hydraulics.
allowing the optimisation of uranium resources
Raising the financial resources to deliver the as well as the multirecycling of plutonium, and
ESNII projects and build the different facilities the reduction of the quantity, the half-life and
will be a key factor of success. In this respect, the toxicity of ultimate waste (minor actinides),
international collaboration through GIF and while providing a low-carbon, intensive energy
bilateral or multi-lateral frameworks will be source.
looked for to optimise resources.
It will be equipped for experiments. Its design
must therefore be flexible enough to be able to
test innovative options that were not chosen for
the initial design. Novel instrumentation
technologies, new fuels and even new system
The ASTRID Project
components will be tested in ASTRID.

(Advanced Sodium
Technological Reactor for
Industrial Demonstration)

he objective of the integrated technology
demonstrator ASTRID is to ensure
industrial-scale demonstration of a Generation
IV Sodium Fast Reactor, meeting the highest
level of safety and security standards, and
providing significant improvements in terms of
industrial operation. The reactor is expected to
operate around 2020.

The ASTRID programme encompasses the

ASTRID reactor itself, the realisation of sodium
technological loops and the validation of
components, as well as the construction of a fuel
manufacturing workshop.
Benefiting from the accumulated operation of
more than 400 reactor-years in SFR technology,
the key objective of ASTRID is to demonstrate at
industrial scale significant improvements to meet
Generation IV standards, qualifying innovative
options in well-defined areas (safety and
operability), while providing a test bench for
advanced in-service inspection and repair
techniques. ASTRID will also have provisions for
experiments on transmutation of minor actinides
(mainly americium) in significant quantities to
allow optimised management of wastes.
The ASTRID safety options will be compliant
with the highest safety standards, including
lessons learnt from the 9/11 events and the
Fukushima accident.
Though future fast reactor plants intend to be
breeders, ASTRID will be an iso-generator
keeping in mind the current nuclear material

ASTRID will be available for irradiation

experiments like those conducted in Phnix in
the past. These experiments will help to improve
the performance of the core and absorbers, as
well as to test new fuels and structural materials,
such as carbide fuel and oxide dispersion steel
ASTRID aims at
ASTRID will be
ensuring the
equipped with a hot
cell for examining
demonstration of a irradiation objects,
Generation IV Sodium built either in the
plant or nearby.
Fast Reactor
industrial prototype, with the main objective of
confirming long term innovative options at
larger scale, both for the development of the
Generation IV Sodium Fast Reactor, but also for
the fuel cycle and waste management, will
represent a key component in the development
of future Generation IV nuclear systems.

State of the art

ollowing French Government orientations
given on the sustainable management
programme for radioactive materials, stipulating
the commissioning of a Generation IV reactor
by 2020, the ASTRID programme has been
launched by the CEA, gathering European and
international public and private partnerships. It
is based on decades of continuous R&D work on
sodium reactor technology, some of which has
been performed through European cooperation
in projects such as CP-ESFR and EISOFAR
(realisation of a sound scientific and technical
basis for the European sodium fast reactor),
THINS (Thermal-hydraulics of Innovative
Nuclear Systems), FREYA (Fast Reactor
Experiments for hYbrid Applications),
SARGEN IV (Safety Assessment for Reactors







of GENeration IV), MATTER (MATerials

TEsting and Rules), GETMAT (Generation IV
and transmutation materials) ANDES
(Accurate Nuclear Data for Nuclear Energy
Sustainability), and HELIMNET (HEavy
Liquid Metal NETwork).

compensate for the operational costs by

generating a significant amount of electricity.

The ASTRID design benefits from the

advantages of pool-type, sodium-cooled fast
neutron reactors, which provide very favourable
inherent safety margins with regard to
The ASTRID project management comprises a
project team responsible for the industrial

The main vessel contains the whole primary

architecture, managing most of the design work
system including the core, the intermediate heat
of ASTRID that is performed by several
exchangers and the primary pumps, giving poolindustrial partners. These industrial partners
type SFR a high level resistance to loss of coolant
have entered collaboration with CEA on
accidents (LOCA), since it is possible to install a
ASTRID design studies and are currently
guard vessel around the main vessel.
contributing on their own budget through a cost
Furthermore, the primary system is not
sharing scheme. The ASTRID project team is
supported by CEA R&D departments through
a dedicated set of projects delivering R&D The intermediate system (or secondary system)
uses sodium loops to transfer the energy from the
results following expression of needs by the
circuit to the main heat exchangers and
ASTRID project.
provides an additional barrier.
Since September 2012, the following partners The size and mass of the primary system, along
have been involved in the conceptual design
with the quantity of primary coolant and its
physical properties provides for a very large
thermal inertia of the reactor, the thermal inertia

AREVA NP: nuclear island (core and fuel stays with

allowing larger grace times in order to put in
operation the DHR systems.

EDF: support to the owner and contribution to

Design and construction rules for mechanical
components such as vessel, piping, support

ALSTOM: turbine island

structures, are already provided for by available

BOUYGUES for civil engineering

codes and standards. ASTRID uses mainly the

COMEX NUCLEAIRE: innovative studies in robotics RCC-MRx code developed especially for
and mechanics
Sodium Fast Reactors, Research Reactors (like
and Fusion Devices (like ITER), which

TOSHIBA for development of large

take into account the past experience on RCCelectromagnetic pumps
and operational feedback from Phnix and

JACOBS for infrastructures


ROLLS-ROYCE for research and technology

development on sodium gas exchangers and fuel For structures, materials with good feedback
operation on Rapsodie, Phnix and
have been selected. After Phnixs

ASTRIUM for reliability, maintainability and

in 2009, a dedicated
availability analysis
programme of structural material examination
And other partnerships under discussions.
has been set up for the coming years in order to
improve current material databases.
The conceptual design phase will result from the
assessment of technical options and safety The ASTRID core is an heterogeneous MOX
orientations, focusing on innovations core called CFV (Cur Faible effet de Vide
concerning the design of the core, the decay heat sodium or Low sodium Void Worth Core),
removal systems, the core-catcher and that is characterised by a sodium void coefficient
elimination of sodium-water reactions.
close to 0. This is a major difference from
classical fast neutron reactor designs, and
ASTRID will be a pool type, sodium cooled fast provides the ASTRID core with improved
reactor of 1500 MWth, generating about 600 inherent behaviour in terms of safety.
MWe. That level of power is required to
guarantee representativeness in terms of design, ASTRID technology benefits also from the
operation and safety demonstration, of the large fuel qualification database obtained from
reactor core and main components, and will former reactors. The ASTRID start-up core will






be based on MOX fuel with 15/15Ti AIM1

alloy cladding that was irradiated in the Phnix
reactor and showed good performance. After
Phnixs definitive shutdown in 2009, a
dedicated programme of post-irradiation
examination has been developed for the coming
years so that the most up-to-date knowledge on
AIM1 cladding will be available. This
examination programme will also give feedback
on the heterogeneous core concept. The material
for the hexagonal
To ensure waste
tubes will be EM10,
reduction capability,
used in the last
ASTRID will continue
Phnix core batches
the demonstration at
and well qualified.

sodium) core concept based on a low sodium

void effect involves a heterogeneous axial
UPuO2 fuel with a thick fertile plate in the
inner core and characterised by an asymmetrical,
crucible-shaped core with a sodium plenum
above the fissile area.

18 - Western European
Nuclear Regulators
Association - Statement on
Safety objectives for new
nuclear power plants
(November 2010)

higher scales of minor


To ensure waste
reduction capability,
continue the demonstration at higher scales of
minor actinide transmutation (mainly
americium) that was started at experimental
scale with Phnix.
As the prototype of Sodium Fast Reactor
technology, ASTRID has the main objective of
demonstrating advances on an industrial scale,
by qualifying innovative options in order to meet
the requirements of future electricity-producing
reactors in the following areas:

core meltdown probability at the lowest

achievable, including the fulfilment of 2010
WENRA18 objectives for new nuclear power plants
minimisation of potential mechanical energy
release in case of core degradation
improvement of the means for inspecting the
structures in sodium
reduction of risks associated with the affinity
between sodium and oxygen
reduction in the duration of programmed outages
(fuel handling & maintenance) and unforeseen

Meeting Generation IV standards
for SFR

Core meltdown probability

at the lowest achievable

Figure 19: CFV Core (Source: ASTRID Consortium)

Initially conceived with the intention of

significantly reducing the sodium void effect in
case of sodium boiling compared with the SFRv2
concept, the CFV core concept focuses on
optimising the core neutron feedback parameters
(reactivity coefficients) so as to obtain improved
natural core behaviour during accidental
conditions leading to overall core heating. More
specifically, the reactivity effect associated with
sodium expansion achieved by design (sodium
plenum and heterogeneous fertile plate) is
negative in the event of a total loss of primary
coolant, and can result in an overall negative void
effect if a boiling phase is reached.
This innovative specificity in comparison to
standard Superphnix or EFR cores can be
extrapolated and remains valid for high-power
CFV cores. The preliminary studies on
unprotected-loss-of-flow (ULOF) transients or
transients show potential for an acceptable
natural behaviour of the CFV core.
The CFV concept also shows a low reactivity
loss per cycle thanks to the large diameter fuel
pins. This geometry leads also to longer cycles
and fuel residence times, as well as improved
behaviour during an accidental control rod
ejection transient (no ejection in SFR but
inadvertent control rod withdrawal) with respect
to conventional core designs.

With the objective of reducing the probability of

core meltdown and/or limiting energy release These characteristics of the CFV core concept
accidents potential, core options are being will remain to be confirmed by future simulation
studied: the CFV (Cur Faible effet de Vide and experimental validation.






ASTRID will be equipped with additional

safety device to enhance the robustness of some
safety margins. One example is a passive-type
emergency shutdown system patented by the
CEA, which is called SEPIA. However further
R&D will be devoted to analyse alternative
systems, including some ideas proposed during
the EFR project.
Significant R&D effort is ongoing and will be
increased to improve instrumentation and
measurement systems to reinforce core and
reactor monitoring.
Prevention will be consolidated by making sure all
components important for safety can be inspected,
as well as components capable of impacting these
safety-important components. This first and
foremost concerns the internal structures of the
reactor block, particularly the core support and core
cover plug for which efficient inspection methods
must be qualified. The choice between the different
reactor block internal structures described further
takes into account this inspection criterion.
Decay heat removal
ASTRID will be
(DHR) systems will equipped with a third
be sufficiently redunpassive-type
dant and diversified so emergency shutdown
that the practical elimsystem
ination of their total
failure during a given duration can be demonstrated. Development of dedicated DHR systems using
structures for degraded situations is to be strengthened in order to have a diversified DHR system, as
usual systems pass through the roof slab; such a
design option needs to be studied in relation to the
concept of a core catcher external to the primary
vessel (see following picture).

Figure 20: Example of a intervessel core catcher with

innovative DHR by structures (CEA patent)
(Source: ASTRID Consortium)

no countermeasures are necessary outside the site

boundary in the event of an accident. R&D will
be needed to support the demonstration.
Inspecting structures in sodium
Contrary to the Phnix and Superphnix reactors, periodic inspection of the reactor block
internal structures has been integrated into the
design. Although some technologies now exist
that enable this inspection either from outside or
inside the vessel, further R&D on optical and
ultrasonic systems will be necessary to develop
and select the most suitable technology to be used
in the primary system.
After a comparison of innovative pool designs, a
reference design has been selected from the
results of a multi-criteria analysis: assessment of
robustness (life expectancy, thermo mechanical
behaviour), global In-Service Inspection and
repair possibilities, and economic factors. The
selected pool type is with a conical redan, an
improvement on the EFR project.

Resistance to a potential
mechanical energy release
For the safety demonstration, in particular
prevention, a core catcher will be installed in
ASTRID and will be designed to recover the
entire core, maintain the corium in a sub-critical
state while ensuring its long-term cooling, as
well as being inspectable. Several options need
to be investigated as to possible core-catcher
technologies, locations (in-vessel or outside the
vessel) and performances.
In compliance with the WENRA approach on
the independence of lines of defence, the
containment will be designed to resist
mechanical energy release with the objective that






Figure 21: Design primary system

(Source: ASTRID Consortium)

Reduction of risks associated

with the affinity between
sodium and oxygen

reliability; taking into account transmutation

fuels and their cooling times, fuel loading and
unloading will continue to be performed in
sodium since this provides greater operating
To improve the safety and acceptability of the flexibility in normal and accident conditions.
reactor with the de facto elimination of risks associated with sodium-water reactions, an innovative A specific methodology will be applied to the
energy conversion system is being considered that overall reactor design to reduce the causes of
uses gas for the thermodynamic transformations unavailability by focusing on the following design
(Brayton cycle). This type of system has been aspects: reliability of equipment tested using
studied by CEA in the past and has been adapted proven technologies, simple and robust equipment
to the pressure and power ranges required in designs, and preventive detection of failures.
ASTRID. Further work is needed to couple this In order to reduce unavailability times, research
concept to the reactor through an intermediate on removability of equipment, with in situ
sodium system, in order to exclude any risk of gas maintenance and handling studies to optimise
entrainment into the core.
all handling, cleaning, repair and requalification
operations from the design phase, need to be

Figure 22: Example of layout with a gas energy

conversion system (Source: ASTRID Consortium)

For the protection of investments, the project

will focus on making as many reactor structures
as possible reparable (or replaceable); although
designed for 60 years, the core cover plug a
component sensitive to thermo mechanical load
and mechanical hazards will have to be
potentially replaceable.

In case the water-steam cycle is to be retained,

further improvements through R&D are to be
considered on:
The MYRRHA Project
(Multipurpose Hybrid

Modular steam generators, whose size guarantees

the integrity of the intermediate heat exchanger,
Research Reactor for
and thus protects the primary system, the
High-tech Applications)
secondary system and the steam generator casing,
even in the event of the sudden and simultaneous
failure of all the steam generator module tubes. Objectives

Steam generator concepts that ensure better

protection against propagation of tube failure in
he first objective of MYRRHA is to
case of sodium-water reaction.
establish a multipurpose research facility
The redundancy and performance of the leak serving as a flexible fast spectrum irradiation
tool in support of technology development (in
detection systems will also be reinforced.
particular for materials, components and fuel
Complementary studies are needed for the irradiation tests) of the three fast reactor systems
improvement of the efficiency and reliability of (SFR, LFR and GFR). Also, MYRRHA will
the systems designed to detect sodium leaks and offer a wide range of interesting irradiation
fires, as well as the possibility of installing double- conditions for fusion material research. As a
envelope pipes, inerting the rooms or using multipurpose research facility MYRRHA was
confinement measures to stifle sodium fires.
included in the high priority list of ESFRI.
MYRRHA will be conceived as an Accelerator
Driven System, able to work in critical and
Reduction in the duration of
subcritical mode.
programmed outages (fuel
handling & maintenance) and
The combination of Partitioning and
unforeseen shutdowns
Transmutation (P&T) and dedicated burner
Innovative options have been identified to technologies such as ADS is proposed in order
improve fuel handling system performance and to relax constraints on geological disposal.







eXperiment), MAXSIMA (Methodology,

Analysis and eXperiments for the "Safety In
MYRRHA Assessment), THINS (Thermalhydraulics of Innovative Nuclear Systems),
FREYA (Fast Reactor Experiments for hYbrid
European Advanced DEmonstration Reactor),
SARGEN IV (Safety Assessment for Reactors of
GENeration IV), SILER (Seismic-Initiated
events risk mitigation in LEad-cooled Reactors),
MATTER (MATerials TEsting and Rules),
GETMAT (Generation IV and transmutation
materials), ANDES (Accurate Nuclear Data for
HELIMNET (HEavy Liquid Metal NETwork).

Figure 23: MYRRHA Layout picture

(Source: MYRRHA Consortium)

Hence, since ADS represents a possible major

component in the P&T framework, the
demonstration of the sub-critical dedicated
burner option is needed. The MYRRHA project
proposed by SCKCEN responds to this need.
The main objectives of MYRRHA are the
demonstration of the ADS concept at a
During the 2010-2014 FEED (Front-End
Engineering Design) period the following items
level on the one hand MYRRHA will play the
will be accomplished:
role of European
and, on the other
hand, the proof of technology pilot plant

primary system and plant design and the

technical feasibility (ETPP) in the roadmap
associated R&D programme
of transmutation of
for LFR

pre-licensing process
minor actinides

set-up of the international consortium

As an ADS, MYRRHA contains a proton
accelerator of 600 MeV, 4 mA, a spallation SCK-CEN will be responsible for the primary
target and a multiplying core with MOX fuel, system, but all other systems, structures and
cooled by liquid Lead-Bismuth Eutectic (LBE). components together with the plant layout will
be subcontracted to an international industrial
consortium (called FEED-engineer) by public
For the design of MYRRHA, as much as
possible benefit has been taken from previous
fast reactor programmes to relax the licensing
process. The objective of MYRRHA is also to
excel in safety by practically eliminating
Figure 24: MYRRHA building vertical cut with beam
line entrance picture to be added
Fukushima-accident initiators by means of
(Source: MYRRHA Consortium)
redundant and diversified fully passive decay
heat removal systems. Special attention will also
Since MYRRHA is based on heavy liquid metal be given to design choices and measures for
technology, it will strongly contribute to the prevention and hence practical elimination of
development of lead fast reactor (LFR) severe accident scenarios.
technology. MYRRHA will play the role of
European technology pilot plant (ETPP) in the
roadmap for LFR.

State of the art

ollowing the decision of the Belgian
Government to support the MYRRHAproject, SCK-CEN has set up a project structure
and team integrating the design and R&D efforts
expended in several Seventh Framework
Programme (FP7) projects like the CDT
(Central Design Team), SEARCH (Safe
ExploitAtion Related CHemistry for HLM
reactors), MAX (MYRRHA Accelerator







Figure 25: MYRRHA reactor (Source: MYRRHA Consortium)

MYRRHA is a poolMYRRHA is a pooltype ADS having its

type ADS having its
primary and
secondary systems
secondary systems
designed to evacuate
to evacuate
a maximum core
a maximum core
power of 100 MWth.
of 100 MWth
All the MYRRHA
optimised for the extensive use of the remote
replacements, inspection and handling.
Figure 25 shows a section of the MYRRHA
reactor revealing its main internal components.

core, brings the proton beam via the beam tube

into the central core region. The assembly
evacuates the spallation heat deposited there,
presents a barrier between the LBE and the
reactor hall and assures optimal conditions for
the spallation reaction. The assembly is
conceived as an In-Pile-Section (IPS) and is
easily removable and replaceable.

The encumbrance of the core with the proton

beam, the fact that the space situated directly
above the core will be occupied by lots of
instrumentation and IPS penetrations and the
core compactness result in insufficient space for
fuel handling to load/unload the core from
The accelerator is the driver of MYRRHA since above. Since the very first design of MYRRHA,
it provides the high energy protons that are used fuel handling is thus performed from
in the spallation target to create neutrons which underneath the core.
in turn feed the subcritical core. The accelerator
will provide a proton beam with an energy of The major technological issues for the
600 MeV and an average beam current of 4 mA. MYRRHA demonstrator are:
High availability is expressed by a long Mean

lead-bismuth chemistry control and conditioning

Time Between Failure (MTBF) and is
commonly obtained by a combination of over- lead-bismuth component testing and thermohydraulics
design and redundancy. On top of these two
strategies, a fault tolerance scheme will be lead-bismuth instrumentation
implemented to allow the accelerator to recover material qualification
the beam after failure within a beam trip

driver fuel qualification

duration tolerance of 3 s.

coupling technology of accelerator with subcritical


high intensity proton accelerator performances

and reliability

Lead-Bismuth chemistry control
and conditioning
Figure 26: Cut in the MYRRHA/FASTEF core, showing
the central target, the different types of fuel
assembliesand dummy components.
(Source: MYRRHA Consortium)

The reactor core (previous figure) consists of

mixed oxide (MOX) fuel pins, typical for fast
reactors. The requested high fast flux has been
obtained by optimising the core configuration
geometry (fuel rod diameter and pitch) and
maximising the power density. The use of leadbismuth eutectic (LBE) as coolant permits
lowering of the core inlet operating temperature
(down to 270C) decreasing the risk of corrosion
and allowing the increase core T.
In subcritical mode the spallation target
assembly, located in the central position of the

For long-term operation of a LBE cooled ADS,

chemistry monitoring and control are crucial for
the reactor. A LBE chemistry control and
conditioning R&D programme involves the
technology related to chemical control of the
coolant and purification of the evaporated
elements that have low retention in LBE such as
Hg. Several issues have been identified for this
programme: the development of oxygen sensors
to measure the dissolved oxygen concentration
in the coolant, the conditioning of the LBE to
minimise dissolution of structural materials and
core internals and to prevent formation and
precipitation of oxides, filtration and trapping of
impurities in the LBE, the evaporation and
capture of volatile and/or highly radiotoxic
elements (e.g. Po-210) from the cover gas and







finally the removal of LBE or dissolved relatively well characterised for nuclear
constituents from among other components and applications. However, the innovative nature of
test samples.
the MYRRHA installation poses new challenges
for material performance, particularly because of
the lead-bismuth eutectic coolant which could be
Lead-bismuth component testing quite corrosive under certain conditions and also
and thermal-hydraulics
might affect the mechanical properties.
In order to secure safe and reliable operations of
MYRRHA, an extensive R&D programme is
set up to develop and test reactor components.
Since MYRRHA is an experimental reactor, fuel
handling is a rather frequently occurring task.
Two fuel handling machines will be used, based
on the rotating plug concept. A high level of
reliability of these machines is crucial. Further
(thermal-hydraulic) analysis of the fuel
assemblies, the MYRRHA core (including
control and safety rods), the spallation target
and reactor pool is needed to assure long-term
operation of the liquid metal cooled MYRRHA
reactor. Within the research and qualification
programme of the LBE components, the proper
working of the primary heat exchangers and the
primary pumps must be confirmed.

In-service inspection in Leadbismuth

The use of LBE as coolant in MYRRHA has also
some known disadvantages: its opacity complicates
maintenance and fuel handling operations.
Developments regarding ultrasonic techniques
must be made to improve these operations.
Material qualification
Based on available data on mechanical and
thermal properties, irradiation performance,
manufacturing and availability, the following
steels have been selected as the candidate
materials for the components:

titanium stabilised austenitic stainless steel

15-15Ti for e.g. the fuel cladding of the first cores
ferritic-martensitic steel T91 for e.g. the spallation
target window
austenitic stainless steel type 316L solution
annealed for the majority of other components
including the reactor vessel, the heat exchangers,
the diaphragm and the core barrel

The austenitic stainless steels including 316L

and 15-15Ti have been extensively used in
construction of fast sodium cooled reactors in
Europe, US and Japan and are therefore





The efforts are distributed over the following

five overlapping activities:

identification of key material issues for design and

licensing of MYRRHA
development of test and evaluation guidelines for
characterisation of structural materials
assessment of material properties
development of testing infrastructure
qualification of the chosen materials for the
MYRRHA conditions

Fuel qualification
At present stage of definition of the fuel R&D
programme, attention is mainly paid to the driver
fuel and cladding material. MYRRHA will rely
on conventional fast reactor MOX fuel
technology developed and demonstrated in
previous sodium programmes like SNR-300,
(fuel licensing process only) RAPSODIE,
Phnix and Superphnix. The feedback from
these programmes covers in many aspects the
operating conditions of MYRRHA fuel. Return
of experience is maximised and licensing needs
are minimised further by choosing the Phnix
fuel pin design and cladding material (15-15 Ti)
as the preferred option. However, since
MYRRHA will have LBE as coolant the topics
of clad-coolant interaction and fuel-coolant
compatibility have not been dealt with in sodium
programmes and are embedded more extensively
in the MYRRHA R&D programme.
Innovative MA bearing fuels will be loaded in
MYRRHA to allow for a further screening and
down-selection of these new types of fuels and
to finally allow qualification of these innovative
fuel types.
Coupling technology of the
accelerator with subcritical core
In an Accelerator Driven System the coupling of
the accelerator, the target and the subcritical
core deserves special attention. The reactor
physics of such a coupled system is significantly
different from a critical system and dedicated


experiments are needed. More specifically, the

accurate on-line monitoring of the subcriticality
level needs to be validated. To respond to this
GUINEVERE (Generator of Uninterrupted
Intense NEutrons at the lead VEnus REactor)
experiment was conceived and validation
experiments will need to be carried out.

test first the MYRRHA injector section to

analyse and if needed improve its reliability in
view of the overall reliability targets.

To allow the implementation of a fault-tolerance

capability, which is of crucial importance for
reliability enhancement, prototypes of the
different Linac components will need to be
constructed. It is planned to carry out reliability
For the coupling of the accelerator and the tests by means of prototypes of each cryomodule
subcritical core, the beam window serves as a family:
barrier. A dedicated programme on the
qualification of the beam window under different the SuperConducting Cross-bar H-type (SC-CH)
MYRRHA conditions is being carried out.
Based on the feedback from the MEGAPIE- the spoke cryomodule
experiment and the MYRRHA operating the long elliptical cryomodule
characteristics for the beam window, the
licensing approach will be based on a maximum
supposed lifetime of the beam window of one Besides the cryomodules themselves, critical
cycle (3 months operation). In the beginning, the components to be developed are:
window will be replaced after every cycle while a
qualification programme will run in parallel the superconducting Radio Frequency (RF) power
during the first cycles to demonstrate the longer

the Low Level RF (LLRF) required for the fault

lifetime of the beam window.
tolerant scheme
High intensity proton accelerator
performances and reliability

The Linac design will be consolidated by means

especially of advanced beam simulations based
on start-to-end simulations and associated error
analyses together with assessments on new
R&D results, new reliability studies, definition
of preliminary infrastructures and revised cost
estimates. Recommendations will be
formulated, including a roadmap towards the
actual construction of the MYRRHA
accelerator. Links between the activities of the
FP7 project MAX, the results of the FP7 project
CDT, and the related R&D ongoing in the
accelerator community will be set-up.

For MYRRHA a 600 MeV linear proton

accelerator with a nominal design current of
4 mA is envisaged. Linear accelerators of this
type have been constructed in the past.
However, the reliability requirement for the
MYRRHA Linear Accelerator is more than one
order of magnitude more stringent than what is
commonly achieved in research accelerators.
Preliminary analyses have shown that in
principle the required reliability level should be
feasible. However, the realisation of the goal
makes a research programme on the accelerator
During the FP6 EUROTRANS project
(European Research Programme for the
The accelerator R&D programme is focussing on: Transmutation of High Level Nuclear Waste in
an Accelerator Driven System), a preliminary

injector developments @ UCL

reliability study of the ADS reference accelerator

main Linac component developments

has been conducted in order to assess the
number of beam trips. Such beam trips threaten

global accelerator design

the core materials and can affect dramatically

system optimisation
the plant availability. It is intended to pursue
In collaboration with UCL (Universit these reliability-oriented studies and to develop
Catholique de Louvain), the first part of the a more accurate reliability model of the
MYRRHA accelerator will be built and tested: MYRRHA accelerator. A model of the full
injector developments @UCL. This first part, MYRRHA Linac will be built taking into
consisting of an ion source, low energy beam account all support systems and, as far as
transfer line, a 4-rod based Radio-Frequency possible, smart control strategies, fast beam
Quadrupole (RFQ) and a diagnostic section, shutdown systems and accelerator/reactor
will deliver protons of 1.5 MeV. The aim is to interface aspects.






The ALFRED Project

as a reference in the European development

programme constitutes a very unattractive route
(Advanced Lead Fast Reactor for diversion or theft of weapons-grade
European Demonstrator)
materials and provides increased physical
protection against acts of terrorism (NonLFRED is the Advanced Lead Fast proliferation and Physical Protection).
Reactor European Demonstrator whose
conceptual design has been carried out as In the last decades, the unavailability of qualified
part of the 7th FP LEADER project. The work materials in a heavy liquid metal environment at
capitalises on achievements of previous FWP relatively high temperatures (above 500 - 550C)
projects on heavy liquid metal cooled fast reactor has forced the selection of Lead-Bismuth
technologies, such as ELSY, GETMAT, and Eutectic (LBE) as primary coolant for the ADS
EUROTRANS. Moreover, synergies between technology, leading to the MYRRHA project, as
the ITER programme and the LFR R&D needs the European Technology Pilot Plant (ETPP)
on coolant chemistry and material compatibility among the ESNII initiatives.
are under consideration. In addition, within the
frame of the Generation IV International ALFRED will represent
objectives of large
Forum (GIF), international contacts have been
the first time that a scale, sustainable and
established with the developers of the Russian
critical heavy liquid competitive nuclear
BREST-300 demonstrator and of the US
metal cooled reactor energy production are
SSTAR concept in order to investigate further
would provide
synergies and wider cooperation.
electricity to the grid through a pure lead
cooled fast reactor
with higher operational temperatures and higher
efficiency. Long-term European LFR
development will benefit from the safety
features already developed for both the
MYRRHA and ALFRED projects where the
inertness and intrinsic characteristics of the
heavy liquid metal coolants have been and will
be duly taken into account through specific
design provisions. ALFRED represents the first
step of the LFR initiative, the European
Technology Demonstrator Reactor (ETDR) of
the LFR technology, the first plant connected to
the grid and fulfilling the Generation IV goals.
This would be the first time that a critical heavy
liquid metal cooled reactor would provide
electricity to the grid.

19 - MA-bearing MOX
(equilibrium concentration
of about 17.5 wt.% of Pu
and 1 wt.% of MAs)
envisaged for homogeneous
reprocessing of all actinides
for actual closure of the fuel

Figure 27: ALFRED reactor (Source: ALFRED Consortium)


Besides the different objectives of MYRRHA and

ALFRED, it is important to stress the obvious
strong synergies characterised by the basic similarities of coolant technologies and further enhanced
by the strong collaboration already existing among
research centres and industries widely involved in
both the ADS and LFR activities as well as in
fusion technology. Indeed, the LFR roadmap is
based on a number of European experimental
facilities dedicated to Lead and Lead-Bismuth
technology, and takes advantage of the nuclear
data collection and operational experience gained
at the Guinevere facility.

he Lead Fast Reactor technology is a very

promising candidate among the Generation
IV Fast Reactors concepts, strictly fulfilling all
the main goals as defined by the Generation IV
International Forum (GIF). LFR is based on a
closed fuel cycle (Sustainability), the inert nature
of the coolant provides important design
simplification (Economics) and allows for
designing decay heat removal systems based on As fully described below, the high level of
well-known light water technology and passive flexibility reached in the design phase of
features (Safety). Moreover, the LFR fuel19 taken ALFRED, will allow for a short-term







deployment strategy as soon as financial

instruments are available. In the LFR long term
deployment strategy, the ALFRED operation
will take full advantage of the gained experience
and of the data made available by the above
mentioned facilities, including MYRRHA.

State of the Art

side pressure 180 bar, once-through SGs with

water/steam temperature range from 335 to
450C in superheated conditions, the overall
efficiency has been evaluated higher than 42%.
ALFRED will also allow for testing the
connection to the electrical grid, with a
generated power of about 120 MWe.

The safety of ALFRED is extensively based on

the use of the defence in depth criteria,
enhanced by the use of passive safety systems
(actively actuated through locally stored energy
source, always available, and fully passively
operated). Safety features of the LFR system
have been designed since the beginning of the
activities to face challenging conditions and
events, thanks to the very forgiving and benign
characteristics of the coolant. As an example,
there is no need for off-site or emergency AC
The present configuration of ALFRED is
electrical power supply to manage the design
illustrated in the following picture:
basis accident conditions, the only action needed
is the addition of water to maintain the level in
the decay heat removal (DHR) pools which are
already sized to guarantee at least three days of
unassisted fully passive operation and can be
easily refilled in the following days.
tarting from April 2010 the LEADER
project carried out an important set of
activities with two main goals: the advancement
of the conceptual design of the industrial size
plant to the present European LFR
configuration (ELFR), rated at 600 MWe, and
the development of the design of the LFR
demonstrator ALFRED, a fundamental step on
the LFR roadmap.

ALFRED design is conceived in order to

maximise flexibility during the operational
phase and take full advantage of the experience
and data made available in the meanwhile. The
operation will take place in two main steps: the
first one will be carried out with the available
fuel at the time of plant start-up (present choice
is MOX), the second one will exploit results of
investigations carried out by MYRRHA to
implement innovative fuel for the LFR
demonstrator reactor. The almost parallel
development of the LBE and pure-lead
combined with the two-step
Figure 28: ALFRED Reactor Configuration
(Source: ALFRED Consortium)
approach foreseen for the operation of
ALFRED, will allow for a more efficient
Main features of the ALFRED design are:
exploitation of the synergies between ADSs and

pool type configuration characterised by a reactor LFRs, as well as for a broad cooperation and
related technologies spin-off.
vessel and the cavity liner safety vessel

hexagonal wrapped fuel assemblies extended to Such a target is considered technically feasible
cover gas to simplify fuel handling (FAs weighted but obviously needs the allocation of appropriate
down by tungsten ballast for refueling and kept in financial and technical (man-power) resources.
position by upper grid springs during operation)
First efforts have been carried out in the past

mechanical pumps

double-walled straight SG tubes with continuous years to provide the necessary basic steps for
ALFRED development, namely:
monitoring of tube leakages

reference thermal power of 300 MWth

The thermal cycle is completely consistent with

the ELFR thermal cycle: primary lead
temperature being between 400-480C, secondary


The activities carried out by the LEADER project

related to ALFRED conceptual design.
The 2011 Romanian proposal to include ALFRED
in the countrys energy strategy.





The signature of a Memorandum of

Understanding in 2012 by major Italian industry
(ANSALDO) and research organisation (ENEA)
and the Romanian Research Institute (INR)
dedicated to the development of an organisational
framework for the ALFRED consortium.
The next step is the formation of an
International consortium to advance both
ALFRED design and licensing activities.

The mass of lead is minimised by design

features; developments are ongoing through a
dedicated FP7 project (SILER) to develop
suitable 2-D seismic isolators for the reactor

The fuel assemblies are fitted with an extended

stem which allows the fuel handling machine to
operate in the cover gas under full visibility
conditions. This completely eliminates in-vessel
transfer equipment.
Besides the coordination activities for ALFRED
some technological development to reach a Steam Generator Tube Rupture is being
higher level of maturity of the LFR investigated by experimental tests aimed to
development is still needed. The related demonstrate that such events do not
activities are summarised below, on the basis of compromise safety, i.e. they can be adequately
the categorisation developed by the Generation prevented or mitigated, and will not represent a
IV LFR System Steering Committee:
challenge to the investment protection.

system design and component development

qualification of materials and development of Materials qualification and lead
lead technology
technology development
innovative fuels and fuel cycle
The strategy consists of two tracks, for shortand medium-term deployment:


System design and component


The main goals of the LFR system design and

component development are:

approach to control corrosion and erosion of

structural materials
seismic isolators to cope with the large mass of lead
in-service inspection techniques
refuelling operations at high temperature (400C)
management of Steam Generator Tube Rupture
inside the primary system
prevention of freezing of coolant during all
operational states

use of existing qualified materials (short term)

development of the coolant oxygen control for
very large pools (short term),
development of innovative materials and coolant
technology (medium term)
assessment of the possibility for application of
material surface coating (medium term)

Due to the large database available, austenitic

steels, and especially those of low-carbon grade,
are candidates for components operating at

low temperatures and low irradiation

fluence, e.g. the reactor vessel. Advanced

austenitic stainless steel (such as the 15-15 Ti

strengthened and its evolutions) in the short and

medium term appear to be the most suitable

solution for fuel cladding because already proven

in SFRs, even if the corrosion resistance in lead
still needs to be addressed. The possibility to
Research on phenomena of corrosion and adopt a coating for this aim is under
erosion by molten lead and their prevention for investigation even if its performance has to be
candidate structural steels for the primary proven by irradiation tests in a lead environment.
system is essential. For near term deployment,
the use of existing, qualified industrial materials For long term deployment, ferritic-martensitic
for most parts of the reactor equipment is steels appear to be among the best candidate
possible, by limiting the core outlet temperature, materials for fuel cladding and structures
whereas new materials or specific coatings are because of their higher resistance against
being developed for special components, swelling under high fast neutron fluence.
especially claddings. For longer term Nevertheless several characteristics of ferriticdeployment, approaches beyond the usual martensitic steels such as the fatigue softening,
oxygen control strategy may be explored to DBTT shift under irradiation, type IV weld
extend the operability conditions in terms of cracking, creep resistance and thermal ageing
temperature range.
still have to be properly addressed.







development of innovative fuel solutions for

industrial deployment
In the near term, an essential step of the LFR

an austenitic steel for the reactor vessel

development is the availability of ready-to-use

lead corrosion resistant material for the steam technical solutions, so that fuel can be provided
generators tubing
on time tested, and qualified, with the parallel

protective coating for fuel cladding and fuel development of suitable performance codes...
element structural parts
In the mid term, it is

special materials or coatings for the impeller of

programme presents necessary to confirm
the mechanical pumps
strong synergies
the possibility of using
The use of lead coolant implies also:
with the SFR fuel
advanced MA (Minor
The resulting R&D needs consist of the
qualification of:

development and validation of a technique for

lead purification (prior to use and online during
operation to recover activated corrosion products
or e.g. volatile Hg)

development and calibration of instrumentation

operating in lead and under irradiation (fuel
cladding detection instrumentation, coolant
chemistry control, thermal-hydraulics monitoring,
ultrasonic instrumentation under liquid metal)

development of techniques and instrumentation

for in-service inspection

development of a waste management strategy for

used lead
Thus, the strategy for material qualification and
lead technology development consists of a twostep approach based on the need to achieve
demonstration in the short term and optimise
the system for long-term industrial deployment.
Consequently, as mentioned for MYRRHA,
ALFRED will use already available technology
(e.g. 15-15Ti for the cladding without or with
surface coating) while the ELFR can fully
exploit the advantages of innovative materials
(innovative austenitic steels, T91, or ODS which however still needs irradiation
qualification) and of possible innovative
breakthroughs regarding lead coolant chemistry
and its purification. Special attention is
presently dedicated, for this purpose, to the
austenitic and ferritic-martensitic steels
containing Al and/or Si as alloying elements,
due to their high resistance to lead corrosion,
even though special attention will be given to
irradiation embrittlement.

Innovative fuels and fuel cycle

activities, as
recognised by both

Ac t i n i d e ) - b e a r i n g
fuels and the possibility of achieving high
fuel burn-up.

In the long term, it is important to confirm the

potential for industrial deployment of advanced
MA-bearing fuels and the possibility of using
innovative fuels having higher conductivity and
lower swelling that can withstand high
temperatures thus increasing fuel safety margin.
The R&D programme presents strong synergies
with the SFR fuel development activities, as
recognised by both communities. Due to the large
number of similarities and common activities, the
identification of a common line of development
for both systems is of mutual interest and,
consequently, strongly suggested. Qualification of
the cladding material, being a very long and
expensive task, may also take advantage of the
research programmes carried out for both SFR
and LBE systems resulting in very important
savings in terms of overall cost and efficiency.
Other cross-cutting research activities have been
identified in the fields of core safety, fuel safety,
seismic studies as well as instrumentation,
inspection and repair techniques.

The ALLEGRO Project

LLEGRO is the Gas cooled Fast
Reactor (GFR) demonstrator as
identified in the roadmap for the
development of the Gas Fast Reactor

Fuel development from the demonstration Objectives

phase to industrial deployment:

ready-to-use technical solutions for demonstration

he GFR cooled by helium is proposed as a
in the near term
longer term alternative to sodium cooled
mid-term goal to confirm the use of MA bearing fast reactors (SFR). As well as offering the
advantages of improved inspection, simplified







coolant handling and low void reactivity, the underway) mainly within the EURATOM
GFR offers the unique advantage of fulfilling Framework Programmes (FP6 GCFR STREP,
two missions:
FP7 GoFastR).


closure of the nuclear fuel cycle and

simultaneously providing a sustainable
nuclear energy source as with other ESNIIconcepts
delivery of high temperature heat at
~800C (process heat, production of
hydrogen, synthetic fuels)


The helium cooled Fast Reactor is an innovative

nuclear system having attractive features: helium
is transparent to neutrons and is not chemically
reactive. Its viability is essentially based on:
the development of a refractory and dense fuel
robust management of accidental transients,
especially after the Fukushima accident

For GFR to become

an industrial reality, The GFR cooled by
intermediate helium is proposed as
objective is the design
a longer term
and construction of a alternative to sodium
small demonstration cooled fast reactors
reactor. This reactor
has been named
ALLEGRO and its role, apart from being the
worlds first gas cooled fast reactor, consists of
the following:
pilot scale demonstration of GFR-specific safety
systems taking benefit from simpler in-service
inspection and repair and coolant management
final qualification of the innovative hightemperature (ceramic) fuel at the full core level
required for GFR
testing of the GFR-related technologies such as
e.g. refuelling, spent fuel reprocessing and
refabricating, helium purification & regeneration,
high-temperature materials, GFR-related
potential test capacity of high temperature
components or heat processes

State of the art

carefully planned and extensive R&D of
GFRs started after 2001 in France at CEA
and continued on the GFR 2400 MWt and
ALLEGRO 75 MWt concepts until 2009,
when the GFR programme was reduced.
International collaboration of CEA with other
European institutions took place (or is still






In 2010, three research institutes from the

Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia, stepped
into the ALLEGRO development, with the aim
of creating an ALLEGRO Consortium and
hosting the demonstrator in one of these
countries. A Memorandum of Understanding
was signed on 20 May, 2010 between JV e,
a.s. (Czech Republic), MTA-EK Budapest
(Hungary) and VUJE, a.s. (Slovakia). The
National Centre of Nuclear Research (NCBJ)
Warsaw (Poland) signed the Memorandum of
Understanding in 2012 as associated member.
The CEA contributes to the preliminary phase
of the project. Consecutively the formation of
the international Consortium is underway.
The Consortium members agree to use their
own financial resources in combination with the
expected governmental support in their
countries and international support from the EU
Framework. The Consortium assumes the
establishment of a GFR Research Centre of
Excellence. It is worth mentioning that the
Czech and Slovak republic (former
Czechoslovakia) built and operated a gas (CO2)
cooled heavy-water moderated nuclear reactor
KS-150 in the period 1972-1977.
The demonstration of the GFR technology
assumes that the basic features of the 2400
MWt GFR reactor can be tested in the 75 MWt
ALLEGRO. Therefore, most of the main
parameters of both reactors are similar to each
other (power density, etc.).
The current CEA Concept of ALLEGRO is
characterised by a metallic reactor pressure
vessel (RPV), upward core cooling, control rod
mechanism through the RPV bottom entry, two
primary loops (realised as a coaxial cross-duct)
and two circuits (the primary helium and the
secondary water). Three decay heat removal
(DHR) loops containing water-cooled heat
exchangers located well above the core represent
another important feature of the Concept. The
primary circuit of the CEA Concept is shown in
the following figure 29.
As the production of electricity is not the
primary goal, the CEA Concept has no power
conversion system.
The primary circuit is filled with helium
pressurised to 7 MPa. The whole primary circuit
is integrated, including the DHR loops, in a


To maximise the similarity with the GFR2400

and to increase safety, the Consortium proposed
an intermediate gas circuit filled with He+N2
mixture to insert into the scheme of the CEA
Concept. The second reason was to minimise
the risk of a massive water leakage into the
primary circuit filled with hot helium (corrosion,
criticality). A gas expansion turbine was
proposed for this circuit by CEA as a safety
feature just to produce power for the blowers in
case of a blackout. The third circuit, conducting
the heat to the cooling tower contains
alternatively a gas/water heat exchanger or a
steam generator for a power conversion system
Figure 29: CEA Concept of the ALLEGRO reactor
represented by a small steam turbine, operated in
(Source: ALLEGRO Consortium)
a Rankine cycle. The use of both the steam
cylindrical close containment call the guard turbine as well as the gas expansion turbine for
vessel, which is filled with atmospheric nitrogen. ALLEGRO is still under discussion.
The water in the secondary circuit (not shown in
the Figure) is pressurised to 6.5 MPa. The red To support the theoretical R&D, several
gas/gas heat exchanger in the Figure 29 is experimental facilities were designed at CEA.
Some of them were constructed and started to
planned for extraction of process heat.
generate data already before 2009. An integral
Since ALLEGRO will be a demonstrator of the high-temperature helium loop for testing of the
GFR2400 concept, the development, testing, DHR system, components and code validation,
and qualification of the advanced fuel however, has not yet been built. The existing
(applicable in the GFR2400) is of primary experimental facilities for GFR-related research
were summarised within the FP7 project
Two successive core configurations are, ADRIANA in 2011.
therefore, expected. The starting core will be
based on MOX fuel containing ~25% Pu in
stainless steel cladding. This fuel will be derived
from the SFR programme and will serve as a
driving core (Tinlet/Toutlet He 260/530 C) for
six experimental fuel assemblies containing the
advanced ceramic fuel (pin-type mixed carbide
fuel in SiCf/SiC claddings resistant in accident
conditions up to 1600 C for few hours), Figure
30 Flow reduction in these assemblies will
enable to reach ~850 C at the outlet from these
assemblies. The pressure drop in the core is
designed to be below 0.15 MPa to ease the gas
circulation. The final core of ALLEGRO will
consist solely of the ceramic fuel and will enable
the operation of ALLEGRO at the high target
temperature (Tinlet/Toutlet He 400/850 C).

Figure 30: The 75 MWt ALLEGRO MOX core

(Source: ALLEGRO Consortium)

he challenges are mainly related to the
demonstration of safety, the fuel technology
able to withstand high temperatures, the
material issues, and the helium-related

Optimisation of the design

for ensuring cooling of
the core in accident conditions
During a loss of external power for blowers in the
gas circuits (especially during loss-of-primarycoolant accidents associated with significant
depressurisation), forced convection is required for
successful removal of the decay heat. CEA
proposed to take advantage of the above
mentioned gas turbine in the intermediate
He+N2 circuit driven by the decay heat
transferred from the primary circuit through the
gas/gas heat exchanger into the intermediate
circuit. This turbine is expected to drive the
blowers in both gas circuits in accident conditions.
Analyses of this option as well as the assessment of
technological feasibility have to be performed.







of the GFR-related DHR approach
The behaviour of the GFR-specific DHR system,
i.e. additional water-cooled heat exchangers
located in loops well above the core, was simulated
numerically but not yet experimentally. An
integral loop for a complex test of the DHR
approach is planned at CV e (Czech Republic)
to test the following phenomena:

qualification of the GFR-related DHR approach

validation of system codes (e.g. CATHARE or those
under development in HTR projects)
capability to switch the core cooling from the main
loops to the DHR loops and their capability to
operate in natural circulation in expected
capability to avoid core by-pass in LOCA conditions
especially under interaction of several main &
DHR loops

Development of the carbide

(U,Pu)C fuel in SiCf/SiC
cladding for the second core

Mitigation of severe accidents (SA)

Efficient design features for mitigation of SA
are expected to be proposed and implemented
into the ALLEGRO concept. Thorough
analyses using suitable severe accident codes
should prove that WENRA requirements would
be fulfilled for both the MOX and the ceramic
cores. This concerns at present e.g. the
assessment of so called unprotected accidents.
The behaviour of the molten fuel and its
coolability, have to be studied.
Development & qualification of
the wire-wrapped MOX fuel for
the first core
The MOX fuel from the SFR programme needs
to be fabricated and qualified for its use in
helium coolant with prototypical GFR
parameters. This includes also the optimisation
of both the cladding material and the hexagonal
wrapper tube as well as the extension of the fuel
performance codes to the ALLEGRO fuel
(validation of the fission gas release model,
assessment of temperature non-uniformities in
the MOX bundle, heat exchanges, pressure
drop, provision of various physical properties e.g.
heat transfer into helium, material properties of
both MOX and cladding).

CEA evaluated this type of fuel as a promising

option for the high-temperature GFR core and
achieved a significant progress in its
development. Priority was given to pin-type
fuel. The plate-fuel, originally considered as a
very promising option, was abandoned. The
following R&D is expected:
Development of thermal barriers
and insulation materials

further optimisation of the SiCf/SiC design,


properties, performance, cost, and technology

(component production route, plug technology, Thermal barriers are needed in the GFR design
hermetic sealing using a suitable liner material, to protect structural metallic materials from
irradiation-enhanced creep, oxidation by excessive temperature load:
impurities in the helium coolant, embrittlement by thermal barrier (panels) protecting the inner
irradiation at low temperatures)
surface of the reactor pressure vessel (goal to
withstand short term 1250C in accident
out-of pile and in-pile testing of the mixed carbide
fuel & SiCf/SiC segments (optimisation &
assessment of porosity, thermal conductivity, etc.) thermal shield of the experimental (U,Pu)C
assemblies in MOX core (wrapper tube)
minimisation of the fuel-cladding mechanical &

insulation of the hot duct in the coaxial piping

chemical interaction
assessment of the SiCf/SiC abrasion/erosion in
flowing helium containing impurities.
Other GFR-related technologies
development & validation of the models for
swelling and fission gas release from the mixed helium purification system for gas circuits to limit
activated impurities and corrosion
carbide fuel in operational conditions

tritium management
implementation of mechanical & physical
properties into fuel behaviour codes and their Regeneration of filters
validation for the planned operating domain with helium recovery from the nitrogen guard vessel
gas (helium economy)
respect to temperatures, burn-up, etc.





sealing technology (goal to reduce the leakage reflector around the core qualification of the
rate to 10% of He inventory per year)
material, mechanical & thermal properties

wear resistance of materials, especially ceramic instrumentation (e.g. optical measurements of

thermal shields and insulation

management of helium leaks to containment

The above list is indicative only; there are other
issues that need further attention such as e.g.
physics (voiding reactivity effect,
Qualification of GFR-specific
of neutron leakage through axial
components including material
neutronics/thermal hydraulic
issues, especially

gas/gas heat exchangers - design and heat Some phenomena are still not modelled today:
transfer coefficients

sub-assembly, core and collector thermalactive and passive valves (reliability and ageing)
fuel handling system

core mechanics (equilibrium and seismic

control rods - absorber & cladding material, drive

transport of contamination














The Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform

NC2I - Nuclear Cogeneration

Industrial Initiative
uclear cogeneration relates to the coproduction of heat and electricity using
a nuclear reactor. Fossil fuels are today
by far the main source of heat for European
industry, transport and households. The
production of heat with nuclear technology is a
major innovation that can open a new and
significant market potential for nuclear systems,
whilst providing a significant contribution to
European strategic energy policy in terms of
curbing CO2 emissions and increasing security
of energy supply.

resource usage in transport by generating

synthetic transport fuels via nuclear powered
hydrogen production, add a significant market
and carbon emission reduction potential.

20 - Advanced Applications
of Water-Cooled Nuclear
Power Plants,
July 2007.

The EUROPAIRS project has analysed in

depth the European industrial heat market. The
vast market potential for nuclear cogeneration
was highlighted, most recently in Europe
(EUROPAIRS project) and in the USA (MPR
Associates), cf. Table 1.

21 - Advances in Nuclear
Power Process Heat
May 2012.
22 - Bredimas, Market
study: Energy usage in
European heat intensive
industries, Executive
LGI Consulting report
ET_1103, May 2011.
23 - Survey of HTGR Process
Energy Applications,
MPR report MPR-3181,
May 2008.

Although European industry has achieved
impressive emission reductions in recent years,
fossil fuel combustion to provide heat to the
Table 1: Heat market by region 22 23
processes of European energy intensive
industries corresponds to an annual emission of Various nuclear reactor technologies could each
720 MtCO2. This represents around 20% of meet a part of the market demand as shown in
Europes CO2 emissions. This is more than the Table 2.
470 MtCO2 emitted every year to generate the
electricity consumed by these industries.
Energy is vital to EU industries and accounts for
a significant share of the production costs of EU
energy intensive industries, with for instance 8%
for chemicals production or 22% for pulp &
papermaking. European industry represents a
large contribution to the European economy
and generates essential products for our
everyday lives. To maintain and strengthen this
position in Europe, a low-carbon, competitive
energy technology is needed. Nuclear
cogeneration can be the feasible innovation to
meet that requirement.
Additionally, short-term opportunities for
households such as district heating, and
desalination to solve fresh water shortages, and
long-term opportunities for reducing fossil

State of the Art

Nuclear cogeneration is already a reality. In
2006, 1700 reactor years of experience has been
accumulated worldwide, mainly for waste heat
valorisation from water reactors20 21. In Europe,
more than 1000 GWh of low-temperature
nuclear heat was produced in 2006 in Bulgaria,
Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia
and Switzerland.
Water reactors have an extensive operational
experience, including in low-temperature
cogeneration. Low temperature cogeneration
from a fast neutron reactor was proven in one
Kazakh plant (BN-350) for desalination20.
Significant development is however needed
Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda


studies (hydrogen, refining). Additionally, the

establishment of an HTR demonstrator coupled
to industry has been regarded as essential by the
industry in EUROPAIRS, to enable market
breakthrough by risk reduction and the more
reasonable deployment horizon of demonstrator
High temperature reactors provide significant follow-ups.
perspectives for medium and high temperature
cogeneration applications. The HTR The ARCHER project provides technology
technology builds on the developments in R&D in support of demonstration, in which
Germany in the 1980s, as well as previous both fundamental research and direct
research in UK and USA, re-established and applications are combined. This basis should be
revived in several national and European further extended in strategic directions, to
Framework Programme projects from the year minimise demonstrator risks, by securing the
2000 onwards, of which the ARCHER project licensing framework especially.
(2011-2014) is currently ongoing.
National projects are supporting the European
The coupling with end-users of HTR for high R&D. For instance, Polish project HTRPL was
temperature cogeneration has still to be launched in September 2012 to strengthen the
developed21. The EUROPAIRS project has national scientific and technical capacities for
established direct contacts between the the HTR programme in Poland. It gathers
conventional process industry and the nuclear universities, research institutes (covering
community and has developed key performance nuclear, fertilizers and coal processing R&D
indicators. It has also identified operational fields), an engineering company, a power plant
envelopes for the coupling and assessed the operator and an energy intensive company. The
general licensing aspects on dedicated case German project SYNKOPE was launched in
before cogeneration application can be
considered for medium level temperature
applications. As time progresses and fast reactors
are further developed, the obstacles for fast
reactor cogeneration applications will diminish.

24 - Heat Loads and

Polygeneration Applications
- Chemical, food, paper
and refinery sectors,
D-Ploy Workpackage
2 deliverable,
August 2008.

Table 2: Heat market per type of nuclear reactor technologies 21 22 24







August 2012 and elaborates nuclear-assisted The design options can be classified into:
coal-to-liquid process scenarios. Additionally,
the German project STAUB-II launched in 1. Short term: indirect cycle, steam
production 550-600 C (current coal fired
August 2012 is to work on HTR safety,
power plant conditions as reference), power
including experiments in a newly built helium
depending on demand
test facility.
Main Design Options for HTR


Mid term: follow materials development

towards higher temperature applications in
fossil-fired plants, possibly switch to heat
carrier other than steam

Two HTR design concepts use the same high

safety standard TRISO fuel particles either
embedded in graphite spheres for the pebble bed
core or in compacts inserted in graphite blocks 3. Long term: 950C or beyond (primary
side) requires change and thus development
in the block-type core. The present major
of structural materials for applications such
representatives of the design are the test reactors
thermo-chemical H2 production and other
HTR10 (pebble bed) in China and the HTTR
temperature processes
(block-type) in Japan. The power rating for the
modular HTR has been evaluated between
200 and 600 MWth with an average steam
temperature of about 550C, in line with the Taking into account the favourable safety
characteristics of HTR, the coupling of an HTR
current conventional steam cycle technology.
to a conventional process has to take into
The HTR design allows high flexibility in terms account the different licensing procedures and
of power rating and temperature. In addition, its the avoidance of negative impact of the nuclear
inherent safety characteristics including energy source and the industrial process side,
limitation of fuel temperature in case of and vice versa.
accidents and the threefold containment of
radioactivity in the TRISO fuel particles An example as proposed by AREVA for the US
complemented by the inert helium coolant demonstrator project NGNP is shown in
demonstrate the high safety standard of HTR25. figure 31:

25- Advances in High

Temperature Gas Cooled
Reactor Fuel Technology,
June 2012.

Figure 31: Commercial Process Heat Cogeneration Facility Basic Configuration (AREVA proposal for NGNP)






Challenges: Research,

High Temperature Reactor

related R&D towards

n this chapter the R&D efforts are summarised that would stimulate and facilitate
nuclear cogeneration implementation. First,
generic items are named that are of importance
for all nuclear systems in cogeneration mode.
Secondly, the most relevant R&D towards
demonstration of nuclear cogeneration using
high temperature reactor (HTR) technology,
with its favourable characteristics for cogeneration applications, is listed. Thirdly, R&D is
outlined that would further broaden the potential of HTR technology. This is at this stage
considered more long term, but should be initiated in the short term to enable the
strengthening of specific long-term deployment
scenarios and applications.

The HTR features high efficiency potential due

to elevated primary coolant temperatures and a
very high level of inherent safety. These features
make the system particularly appropriate for the
process industry (e.g. chemistry) or other high
temperature applications, for which a very
efficient and CO2-free energy source is a
favourable alternative2.

Development and Innovation

Generic R&D
The following nuclear cogeneration R&D
subjects are generic, as they are relevant for all
nuclear systems operating in cogeneration
mode. However, their importance and relevance
depend strongly on the nuclear system
envisaged, and the process it is connected to.
These mainly relate to safety and licensing but
also to the exploitation of existing LWR for
purposes of growing importance (e.g. seawater

tritium transport reduction to secondary and

tertiary systems:
- tritium permeation barriers
- coolant chemistry and purification technology
impact of process transients on cogeneration
supply unit, and vice versa:
- coupled system code development and validation
coupling technology including energy buffering:
- coupling component development and qualification
- coupling material selection and performance
adaptation of existing LWR and future SMR to
meet strongly growing demand for district cooling
and seawater desalination in arid countries

required for HTR
technology market
breakthrough. The
following topics are
reasonable timescales
and with minimised risks, and the R&D efforts
associated are listed for each topic specifically:
The HTR features high
efficiency potential
due to elevated
primary coolant
temperatures and a
very high level of
inherent safety

Safety demonstration

Licensing support

Non-cogeneration specific R&D for large

water-cooled reactors, water-cooled small and
medium-sized reactors (SMR) and for fast
neutron reactors is referred to in the SRIA
chapters associated with these technologies.





accident modelling (air and/or water ingress)

- thermal-hydraulic and fuel performance code
development and experimental validation for
accidents and transients
- integral safety testing: water and air ingress
experiments such as NACOK and safety tests under
HTR earthquake response (graphite core and
component vibration analysis), identification of
suitable countermeasures, e.g. design innovation
to minimise loads on supports, flanges and
response of nuclear heat source to transients from
heat sink and vice versa (coupling impact)


renewal and adjustment of the past German HTR

licensing process to current standards
support the development of HTR oriented
European design codes and standards
fuel and graphite back end: compatibility of HTR
waste with final repository conditions
source term determination (fission product

develop probabilistic licensing approach with

regards to HTR fuel and core components
develop a system integration approach for the
HTR system, and of the coupled system, and apply
this to actual application cases
develop, prepare and perform the material and
fuel characterisation and qualification process.

Technology innovation
To maintain and strengthen the HTR
knowledge base, support demonstration,
possibly as international collaboration:

helium technology (purification, primary system

sealing, pumps, circulator)
material behaviour in a helium environment
(tribology tests, helium loop, helium flow
hot duct design
(digital) high temperature Instrumentation and
Control for online system performance and
behaviour monitoring and analysis
fuel and graphite hardening against air and water
heat exchanger and system design to minimise air
and water ingress
fundamental understanding of HTR fuel
performance and behaviour by appropriate
(separate effect) irradiation tests and modelling
efforts, to determine:
- material properties and behaviour under
- fission product transport and diffusion
- manufacturing impact on fuel performance
adopt the fundamental knowledge regarding HTR
fuel behaviour, develop and validate a
mechanistic fuel performance code, including
transient behaviour and severe accidents

R&D towards deployment

Beyond demonstration, the potential of nuclear
heat sources can be further broadened by
appropriate R&D. Of particular relevance is the
research in the following areas:

For HTR: increased primary coolant temperature

(950C) for enhanced efficiency and broader
application perspectives:
- development and qualification of suitable
structural materials

- fuel behaviour and performance, and potential

improvement to maintain HTR safety margins
- coordination with non-nuclear projects on
hydrogen production technologies
For LWR (incl. SMR): maximise the short-term
usefulness of low temperature cogeneration
applications such as heating/cooling and seawater
- Design, test and qualify passive heat removal
systems and minimise external cooling
- Develop components and scale up technologies to
use LWR or SMR for district cooling and drinking
water supply in arid areas.
Alternative fuel cycles, including thorium, to
stretch fuel resources, to minimise waste and to
optimise cycle length: cf. related SRA section on
Fuel Cycles.

R&D infrastructure:

the bridge to deployment

esides the essential competences and
experience of experts involved in HTR
development (a critical asset for the
whole nuclear sector), major investments are
needed in modern experimental infrastructure
and facilities to enable the above R&D to be
performed adequately. The following facilities
are essential:

New irradiation facilities for the investigation,

characterisation, development and, ultimately,
validation and qualification of HTR fuels and
materials. Accident testing requires development
of novel and specific irradiation test facilities and
equipment. Additionally an in-pile helium loop is
needed to assess material behaviour under
representative primary coolant flow and
irradiation conditions.

Out-of-pile testing facilities such as accident tests

(NACOK, KORA), helium loops (HELOKA, HEFUS).

Modern hot cells with heating tests (KFA) and

state-of-the-art PIE possibilities to enable the
generation of the appropriate data for code
development and validation, and to increase the
fundamental understanding of material and fuel

Fuel manufacturing laboratory, also able to

handle transuranics.
These facilities serve two purposes: on the one
hand they are essential for appropriate R&D to







be performed, on the other, they form the basis European industry, which represents a key
for the design, licensing and operation of a economic asset in Europe.
demonstration project.
The R&D presented in this chapter is directed
The steps towards demonstrator construction go towards bringing this innovation to the market
partly beyond R&D and are therefore via the shortest routes.
considered beyond the scope of the SNETP
Strategic Research Agenda, but they are closely Low temperature cogeneration requires minor
tied, and therefore shortly mentioned here. As R&D, which revolves around licensing and
the EUROPAIRS roadmap has shown, the coupling technology and safety.
following critical items have been identified for Medium to high temperature cogeneration
a demonstrator to be established:
focuses on high temperature reactor technology

HTR fuel pilot plant, or qualified fuel delivery

from external supplier
manufacturers and suppliers, and the appropriate
qualification and quality assurance fitting HTR
technology and licensing requirements for:
- reactor pressure vessel (most critical)
- other components, such as heat exchanger,
graphite, circulator, hot duct, core structure, steam
generator, civil works

Very important is the support which R&D can

provide by maintaining and strengthening the
nuclear fission knowledge base, by developing
and establishing the R&D infrastructure that
can bridge the transition from technology
innovation to implementation.

R&D to bring innovation

to the market

Very high temperature reactor technology is a

major innovation with a longer term development
required, together with alternative fuel cycles.

uclear cogeneration is a technologically

innovation with a potentially major
positive impact on European energy
policy, supporting curbing, increasing security of
energy supply and strengthening the position of

Demonstration is a prerogative, but the

development would span such a long time that,
assuming that the perspective can be
substantiated, these developments should be
initiated in the short term.


given its favourable characteristics and very large

deployment potential. Demonstration is
worthwhile to achieve this goal, and the R&D
can therefore be summarised by the topics:
licensing support, safety demonstration and
(evolutionary) technology advancement.







The Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform

Cross-cutting R&D topics

n the present SRIA, the R&D topics have

been organised according to the related
reactor technologies, however some topics
have an intrinsic cross-cutting nature. This is the
case for fuel cycle technologies bridging
different reactor generations, in particular fuel
reprocessing. Education & Training and
Knowledge Management are also topics
affecting all nuclear technologies. Knowledge
management is essential as it allows the storage
and dissemination of the results of research

Technical topics addressed as cross-cutting in

the SRA 2009, like materials, pre-normative
research, simulation tools and infrastructures
have been integrated into the three main
technological chapters.

Fuel reprocessing
s has been described in the Fuel Cycle
chapter, many opportunities to improve
the optimal utilisation of natural
resources and nuclear waste minimisation are
opened up by the reprocessing of the nuclear fuel
after its use in nuclear reactors. Fuel reprocessing
allows the separation of materials that can be
reused in thermal or fast nuclear reactors, either
to produce additional energy or to minimise the
final waste to be sent to the geological repository.
Indeed, the reprocessing of used nuclear fuel is a
critical component of all the strategies for longterm sustainability of nuclear energy.

Reprocessing of the
fuel used in the
present LWRs is
common industrial
practice in France,
technologies are also
available in the UK.
The plutonium and

The reprocessing of
used nuclear fuel is a
critical component of
all the strategies for
sustainability of
nuclear energy

uranium recovered are partially recycled in the

same LWRs in the form of MOX and the rest is
saved for use in future FNR.
The challenges for R&D in fuel reprocessing,
include the industrialisation of laboratory
technologies for separation of minor actinides
from the high level waste from the reprocessing
of the fuel used in present reactors; the
development of reprocessing of advanced fuels
foreseen for future reactors (FNR, ADS,
advanced thermal reactors and HTR);
technologies able to perform joint extraction of
several actinides; and the minimisation of
secondary wastes in all these strategies. These
developments should be performed coherently
with the technologies for advanced fuel
fabrication and characterisation.
National and international initiatives with
strong participation of SNETP members,
including the EURATOM ACSEPT project,
have been working on reprocessing and
conditioning of LWR and advanced fuels for
MA separation. In particular that project has
provided progress on the definition of extraction
molecules and the concept for hydrometallurgical process with MA separation. A
new project has already been approved by
EURATOM to study the stability of these
molecules under realistic radiological and
chemical conditions and to assess the
industrialisation of the process. The involved
organisations continue undertaking more
fundamental R&D on pyro-metallurgical
processes. In parallel, some national studies and
others involving several EU countries continue
developing the processes for dissolution of MAbearing MOX and MA targets using a different
basic matrix.
In the short term, the required R&D for nuclear
waste reprocessing can be performed in several
existing basic science and validation facilities,
but in the medium term demonstration plants
for the reactors, fuel fabrication and advanced
Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda


reprocessing technologies will be needed, both encouraged within the EU for the design of such
at national and European (joint) levels.
The priorities for short-term R&D in fuel The objectives of these facilities should be to
prepare the next generation reprocessing plants,
reprocessing are:
which will be needed for the fast reactor cycle.

advanced reprocessing of LWR and advanced fuels They should address issues such as multifor MA separation, using either hydro- or pyro- recycling of plutonium and minor actinide
metallurgical processes

dissolution of MA-bearing MOX and carbide fuels

for FNRs and of MA bearing targets (U-free or In the long term, the R&D should focus on the
industrial implementation of partitioning and
UO2 matrix)

conversion processes after the separation steps transmutation: The implementation of this
phase will depend on the results of the previous
and prior to the re-fabrication of fuels/targets
phases and will be mainly carried out under the

processes for HTR fuel recycling and waste control of the nuclear industry.
reduction, integration of fuel cycle with LWR and
Non MOX fuel still needs some reprocessing

synthesis of new fuels and their performance development.

assessment, oriented to their reprocessing

irradiation behaviour of MA-bearing MOX and

carbide fuels, and MA bearing targets and
dedicated PIE programmes
In the medium term the R&D will need Education, training
demonstration facilities. The decision to develop and knowledge management
or not demonstration facilities for fuel
fabrication and reprocessing should be taken in
i - Scope and Objectives
about 2017 depending on the results of the
previous steps and of the availability of
Qualified human resources for both the nuclear
equivalent facilities in Europe.
industry and nuclear regulation are a crucial
prerequisite for the safe and economic use of
nuclear fission energy. Due to the stagnation of
to In the long term, the
new build NPPs observed in many areas of the
operate a sodium
world after the Chernobyl accident, the
cooled fast reactor
implementation of
availability of those resources became an issue,
prototype by 2020,
and the low attractiveness of nuclear professions,
partitioning and
France is considering
particularly for the best brains, developed into a
the construction of a
key concern in many countries. The impact of
facility devoted to the
manufacturing of the core fuel for the ASTRID the Fukushima accident could aggravate the
FR prototype. This facility, called AFC, could situation.
also provide fuel fabrication services for the
However training programmes are needed to
testing and demonstration of alternative reactor
maintain European expertise in safety and are
technologies at the European level.
already of paramount importance, especially
For recycling ASTRID fuel, several options are knowing that increased safety precautions are
under consideration: either a dedicated pilot- being included in the daily operation of our
scale facility (ATC), or adaptation using nuclear power plants and for new build projects.
complementary steps in a LWR fuel
Nuclear education and training (E&T) is
reprocessing plant.
therefore, since many years, a high priority topic
Meanwhile an investigation is under way in on the agenda of many initiatives addressing the
order to evaluate the possibilities of increasing use of nuclear fission energy for a sustainable
the capacities of existing facilities such as energy supply. Of particular relevance in that
ATALANTE (CEA/Marcoule). Demonstrative respect is the relationship between nuclear
transmutation experiments, at sub-assembly education and training and nuclear research:
scale, would call for new facilities, able to first, the quality of nuclear research directly
manufacture MA-bearing targets or MA- depends on the interest and engagement of
bearing fuels, at kg scale. A reflexion should be highly qualified scientists and engineers in those






activities. Second, research plays a crucial role

for the qualification of young scientists and
engineers by providing know-why and other
important competences required to solve
relevant technological and safety issues and to
ensure the capability for leadership in
organisations involved with nuclear energy
This section of the SRA discusses the recent
achievements in nuclear education and training
with special regard to the links with nuclear
fission research. It further addresses the
challenges of the present situation which is, after
the Fukushima accident, marked by increased
uncertainties about the future development of
the nuclear sector in some countries. Last but
not least the section will indicate priorities for
further actions.

ii - Progress to date
There have been many important actions in the
EU member states and at the European level to
improve the situation of nuclear E&T. Since the
mid-1990s initiatives were started, for instance,
to maintain infrastructure and personnel for
nuclear education at universities as well as to
strengthen the role of nuclear fission research as
a tool for nuclear education and training.
Particular initiatives worth mentioning are:

Efforts of the European Commission, both through

Euratom supported projects and direct actions
carried out by the JRC, and some European
member states to maintain research in nuclear
fission technology and nuclear fission safety with
close links between research and educational
Support by the industry, regulators, and research
centres for universities in maintaining academic
education in nuclear technology, when the number
of students was not sufficient to warrant financial
support from government and/or education
Building of national and international networks
with the objective of strengthening the
cooperation between different universities,
promoting cooperation between universities,
research centres and other nuclear stakeholders,
facilitating the exchange of information,
collaboration and the sharing of best practices in
nuclear education and training, and making
studies in nuclear energy more attractive for
Establishment of European and national data

bases providing information about E&T

opportunities and employment offers.

Creation of new national and international

training programmes - some of them with
substantial engagement of employers - devoted to
an effective preparation of engineers and
scientists for new jobs and/or new positions in the
nuclear industry.

Creation of bodies investigating the structure of

and the future demand for nuclear professionals
on a regular basis thus providing better data for
the planning and optimisation of E&T

Initiatives devoted to improving access to existing

research infrastructures for the purpose of
education and training.

Development of new approaches devoted to

improving the European mobility of nuclear

Strengthening international cooperation with

non-EU countries in nuclear E&T and nuclear
These developments are described in more detail
in the report Nuclear Education and Training Key Elements of a Sustainable European
Strategy published by the SNETP in 2010 as
well in other, more recent reports published by
the OED/NEA and the IAEA .

iii - Challenges
Raising the attractiveness for qualified young
people of studies and professions related to the
use of nuclear energy remains a key challenge for
all stakeholders in nuclear energy.
Irrespective of the
substantial progress
achieved by recent
challenges for nuclear
training. They need to
be addressed in order
to ensure that lack of
resources will not be a
limiting factor for
nuclear safety and the continued use of nuclear
fission energy.
Raising the
attractiveness for
qualified young
people of studies and
professions related to
the use of nuclear
energy remains a key
challenge for all
stakeholders in
nuclear energy

Not all the priorities recognised during the

recent years have, for instance, been sufficiently
addressed until now. Some initiatives still need







to be completed, and there are also successful iv - Priorities for the near term
past initiatives which are now at risk in a
different situation. Thus continued attention is There are a various principles and approaches
for nuclear education and training which can
required, for instance, for:
help to deal with those changes and to bridge a

Cooperation between the different stakeholders in possible interim with increased uncertainties.
nuclear education and training and continued The relationship between research on the one
engagement of nuclear employers in the support hand and education and training on the other
of national and international training hand plays a key role in that respect. The
following near-term priorities have been

International information exchange about recent identified:

experiences in nuclear education and training in
view of identifying best practices and sharing them Strengthening the links between nuclear fission
research and nuclear education and training.

Regular updating and improving the quality of Continued engagement of the industry and other
nuclear employers in the optimisation of research
data providing information about the structure of
and educational programmes.
and the future demand for nuclear professionals
in view of supporting anticipated planning and Continued engagement of the European
Commission in extending international
optimisation of nuclear E&T programmes.
cooperation with non-EU countries including those

Ensuring easy access to existing research

engaged in major nuclear programmes.
infrastructure for the purpose of education and

Improving the opportunities for young scientists

and engineers to work on challenging research

Implementation of approaches devoted to

topics, e.g. by extending the scope of those
achieving Europe-wide recognition of national
training achievements in view of increasing the

Providing opportunities for education and

mobility of nuclear professionals.
training programmes to include direct experience
and experimental work on actual
New challenges derive from the combined impact
radioactive/irradiated fuel and materials, in
of the Fukushima accident, the financial crisis and
synergy with available and future hot lab
the delays in some new build projects. This
combined impact degrades the political and Strengthening the European and international
financial perspectives for the use of nuclear
dimension of nuclear education and training
energy and thus changes the near- and mid-term
programmes thus responding to the increasingly
perspectives for both the human resources needed
international character of the nuclear industry and
and the attractiveness of nuclear professions in
to the need to mobilise from different
competition with other industries for attracting
geographical areas qualified human resources for
the best young scientists and engineers.
nuclear energy.
At present, not all potential changes are Extending the range of European E&T initiatives
from their past focus on higher education to a
recognised. Many available data about the
broader scope covering (vocational) training of
standing of education at the European level and
technicians and other specialised nuclear workers.
the human resources needed still reflect a
previous situation where the perspectives of a
nuclear renaissance seemed to be obvious. The
potential changes may be less relevant for the All these actions will contribute to the
long-term perspectives, as these generally derive preservation and dissemination of the acquired
from global conditions such as the need for knowledge.
balanced use of different technologies options in
order to ensure the sustainability of energy To some extent these near-term priorities are
supply. For the short and medium term, already being addressed by recent initiatives26.
however, changes may by quite significant and More systematic approaches are under
need to be addressed by strategies and planning. discussion in view of developing solutions more
The relevant data need to be updated and the precisely tailored to meet the challenges nuclear
E&T strategies need to consider them and to education and training is facing in the near
reflect increased uncertainties of predictions.

26 - The GENTLE project

addresses, for instance,
some of the priorities listed








The Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform

and way forward
he preparation of this revision of the SNETP is now mature with its organisation into
SNETP Strategic Research and three technical working groups:
Innovation Agenda, has shown that
SNETPs long-term vision is still valid, R&D needs for generation II and III reactors are
developed through the NUGENIA roadmaps.
confirming the very important role of nuclear
NUGENIA with the legal structure of an
energy for the achievement of SET Plan
association is able to organise calls on priority
objectives, and the role of the three R&D pillars
topics in the framework of Private-Private as well
to maintain and enhance in the future the
as Private-Public Partnerships.
sustainability of nuclear energy.

ESNII is now an official European Industrial

The European electricity generation mix
Initiative, devoted to developing the fast reactor
includes a significant share of nuclear energy
technologies required for long term sustainability.
(about 30%) today and could also in the future:
ESNII has prioritised its demonstration projects:
the 2050 Energy Roadmap for example presents
confirming the sodium cooled reactor (ASTRID) as
as the most efficient, the scenarios with a higher
the reference technology, lead cooled systems
share of nuclear energy. This SRIA develops a
(MYRRHA and ALFRED) as an alternative
long term vision of nuclear fission R&D needs,
technology and a longer term technology with the
describing the roadmaps to make nuclear energy
gas cooled fast reactor (ALLEGRO).
more sustainable in the long term, by achieving NC2I is the technical working group reflecting the
better usage of natural resources and at the same
increased interest of the European energy
time reducing the amount and toxicity of final
intensive industry in nuclear cogeneration. NC2I is
nuclear waste.
preparing a concept paper for the development of
cogeneration using nuclear energy in order to
Safety being always
launch, in the near future, an Industrial Initiative.
the first guiding The three R&D pillars
principle for nuclear mantain and enhance
research, this update the sustainability of
The activities of these three main pillars are
of the SRA has
complemented by dedicated activities and
nuclear energy
working groups. One example is the
importance and has
identification of the R&D on fuel reprocessing
made more evident its role for research and required to obtain the full benefit of closed
innovation. In addition, new challenges for cycles with fast neutron systems. Another
safety have been identified to fully incorporate important example is the working group for
the first lessons learnt from the Fukushima Education,
Management, preparing strategies for attracting

The new SRIA is consistent with the 2020

objectives of the SET Plan, including in
NUGENIA the R&D required to maintain the
competitiveness of fission technologies together
with long term waste management solutions.
The SRIA also supports the 2050 vision of the
SET Plan, by including in the ESNII priorities
the R&D needed to complete the preparation
for the demonstration of a new generation of
fission reactors with increased sustainability.

the most talented people and preserving

competence and know-how for future
The next step will consist of the appropriation
by the technical working groups of this SRIA in
order to define shorter term priorities for its
Depending on the funding mechanisms put in
place in the Horizon 2020 framework, the
Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda


Platform will adapt its internal organisation to

ensure efficient implementation of the SRIA
and in particular to coordinate more widely the
R&D programmes of its members, including
with the programmes of the corresponding EU
Member States.






Funding will remain a major challenge. A

significant increase in funding level, compared
to the private and public funds at national or
European level made available during the past
years, will be required to cover properly all the
needs identified in the SRIA.



ADRIANA ADvanced Reactor Initiative

And Network Arrangement
Accelerator Driven System
ALLEGRO GFR demonstration plant
ALFRED LFR demonstration plant
SFR prototype plant
Boiling Water reactor
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Coeur Faible effet de Vide de sodium
Ductile to Brittle Transition Temperature
Decay Heat Removal
Deep underground Geological Repository
European Facility for Industrial Transmutation
Environmental Impact Assessment
European LFR
European Nuclear Energy Forum
ENSREG European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group
European Strategy Forum
of Research Infrastructures
European Sustainable Nuclear Industrial
European Technology Demonstrator Reactor
European Technology Platform
European Technology Pilot Plant
Front-End Engineering Design
Fast Neutron Reactor
Fission Products
Gas-cooled Fast Reactor
Generation IV International Forum
GUINEVERE Generator of Uninterrupted Intense
NEutrons at the lead VEnus REactor
High Level Waste
High Temperature Reactor
High Temperature Test Reactor
International Atomic Energy Agency
Irradiation Assisted Stress Corrosion Cracking
International Energy Agency
Implementing Geological Disposal Technology
Intermediate level waste
Instrumentation and Control
Jules Horowitz Reactor
Leak Before Break
Lead Bismuth eutectic
Lead-cooled Fast Reactor
Low Level RF
Low level waste


Loss of Coolant Accidents

Light Water Reactor
Minor Actinide
Molten Core Concrete Interaction
Mixed Oxide fuel
Molten Salt Reactor
Mean time between failures
Multi-purpose hybrid Research
Reactor for High-tech Applications
Nuclear Cogeneration Industrial Initiative
Nuclear Energy Agency
Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Nuclear Power Plant
NUGENIA NUclear GENeration II & III Association
Nuclear Plant Life Prediction
Nuclear Waste
Organisation for Economic Cooperation
and Development
Past Irradiation Examination
Probabilistic safety assessment
Pressurised Thermal stock
Pressurised Water Reactor
Reactor cooling system
Radio Frequency
RF Quadrupole
Reactor pressure vessel
Research and Development
Severe Accident
Severe Accident Management Guidelines
SARNET Severe Accident Research Network
Strategic Energy Technology
Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor
Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology
Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda
Structures, systems and components
Vodo-Vodyanoi Energetichesky Reactor:
Water-Water Power Reactor
Western European Nuclear Regulators
Working Group of Human
and organisational factors
Working Party on Scientific Issues
of the Fuel Cycle
Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda



The Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform








The Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform

The Chairman of the SRIA Editorial Board

2013, Dr. Enrique Gonzalez (CIEMAT)
wishes to acknowledge the contribution of the
following members of the Platform:

SRIA Editorial Board

Peter Baeten
Eva Boo
Giovanni Bruna
Noel Camarcat
Concetta Fazio
Sander de Groot
Richard Ivens
Peter Kadecka
Yves Kaluzny
Gaudenzio Mariotti
Olivier Marchand
Ludwik Pienkowski
Edouard Scott de Martinville
Anselm Schaefer


Other main contributors

Alessadro Alemberti
Alexandre Bredimas
Edgar Bogusch
Marylise Caron-Charles
Leon Cizelj


Alain Chevalier
Andreas Ehlert
Michael Ftterer
Franois Gauch
Branislav Hatala
Akos Horvath
Gran Hultqvist
Elisabeth Keim
Giuliano Locatelli
Martin Lustfeld
Etienne Martin
Steve Napier
Ignacio Real Rubio
Milan Patrik
Richard Stainsby
Jean-Pierre Van Dorsselaere
Carole Wahide
Lubor Zezula
Martin Pecanka
John Sharples
Ales Laciok
Karim Ben Ouaghrem
Abderrahim Al-Mazouzi
Oliver Martin
Liisa Heikinheimo

(JV e)
(JV e)

We would also like to express our gratitude to

the many other people who contributed to this
document directly and in fruitful discussions
with those listed above, and more particularly to
the EURATOM projects coordinators

Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda


Editors : SRIA Editorial Board and SNETP Secretariat | Design: LGI Consulting with Nome



ISBN 978-2-919313-04-4

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