Implications of Design and Construction Decisions On Earthquake Damage of Masonry Buildings
Implications of Design and Construction Decisions On Earthquake Damage of Masonry Buildings
Implications of Design and Construction Decisions On Earthquake Damage of Masonry Buildings
1- Professor, Department of Civil engineering, Delhi College of Engineering, Delhi 110042, INDIA
2- Associate Professor, Department of Earthquake engineering, I.I.T Roorkee, Roorkee-247667, INDIA
3- Director, Designers & Planners Combine, 501,B-9, ITL Tower, Pitampura, Delhi-110054--, INDIA
4-Lecturer, Department of Civil engineering, Delhi College of Engineering, Delhi 110042, INDIA
5-Senior Research Officer, National Institute of Disaster, IP State, Ring Road, Delhi-110001, INDIA
The above six classes can further be classified in number of types of buildings depending upon the roof
/floor system like having inclined roof of heavy stone tiles or tin sheet or asbestos sheet, flexible
floor/roof, rigid brick masonry floor/ roof, prefabricated floor/roof, concrete foor/roof.
However, on the basis of behaviour shown by various types of buildings during past earthquakes they
could be classified in three categories Bose P.R. [3].
Engineered Buildings
These buildings are designed and constructed to resist seismic forces in addition to gravity loads as per
existing knowledge of earthquake resistant technology. Some of the traditional buildings in earthquake
prone areas will also be classified as engineered building.
Semi Engineered Buildings
These buildings are mostly designed and constructed to resist gravity loads only, as per codal provisions
of the country, may be because of lack of knowledge of earthquake resistant technology. Beside this it
includes the well-constructed building using strong materials by qualified builders on the basis of
experience and not having any earthquake resistant measures.
Non Engineered Buildings
These are poorly built buildings using local weak materials like mud, stone, unburnt or burnt bricks and
timber etc. Most of these buildings are private dwellings built by local artisans or contractors or by the
owner himself, without any technical knowledge of building design and construction. These buildings are
not engineered to resist the lateral forces generated by earthquakes.
Earthquakes are intelligent faultfinders. They always look for any mistake committed by designer or
builder. Even well designed building may not behave well if it is not well constructed and maintained.
However as the type indicates engineered buildings will withstand a shock well may be with economically
justified repairable damage without any collapse. Semi engineered buildings may show large amount of
damage and even partial collapse to complete collapse may be there. Non-engineered building is the
easiest target for earthquake that will be destroyed by it. It is natural that the extent of damage will also
depend on the intensity of shock and location of building. It is essential to look into the type of damages
that have occurred in such low cost buildings during past earthquakes. Different types of damages in such
types of buildings are briefly presented herewith [4].
Nonstructural damages
The non-structural damages do not impair the strength or stability of a structure but may sometimes be the
sources of falling hazards.
Cracking and overturning of parapets
Falling of plaster
Cracking and overturning of partition walls
Cracking and falling of ceilings
Falling of loosely placed objects
Damages in Roofs and Floors
Dislodging of roofing material
Separation and fall of roof truss from supports
Complete roof collapse due to the collapse of supporting structure
Failure of the joints connecting columns and girders in wooden trusses
Failure of wooden gable frames due to the rupture of bottom chords
Damages in Bearing Walls
Failure due to longitudinal shear
Failure due to bending in the transverse plane
Failure of gable end masonry walls
Failure of spandrel beams
Failure due to torsion
Failure of masonry arches
Separation of walls at corners and T-junctions
Delamination and bulging of walls leading to their collapse in stone walls
Outward overturning of walls
Damages in Foundations
Failure of foundation due to inadequate depth
Differential settlement
Sliding of foundation at slopes
The irregularity of building increases the above listed damages in all buildings
Location Landscape and Soil Type
Location plays a very important role is earthquake damage. It involves associated seismic risk and site soil
condition. Any type of soil failure may lead to building damage. If the building is located next to a
depression or open drain damage will be more to the building. In Kutch earthquake such behaviour was
noticed in one building complex of Samkhyali Bose P.R. [5], where twelve similar housing units of two
storeys were located on a site in the outskirts of the Samakhyali town in the Rapar taluka of Gujarat state.
This triangular site is located roughly along a drain. A level difference of around three metre existed
between the drain, which was running parallel to one side of the site, and the ground level at the site of
construction. Seeing to the area it could be appreciated that the ground before the construction of the
buildings would have been undulating. For providing a flat surface to the construction site these
undulating tracts of land were filled up with soil. Along the side adjoining the drain a random rubble stone
masonry retaining wall of nearly one and a half m. height was constructed. The visual examination of the
site showed that the filled up soil at the site was not adequately compacted. Even the original soil up to a
particular depth below this filled up soil may not have been in an adequately pre-consolidated state as the
site was used for agricultural purposes before the construction of these structures. It was noticed that
damage was more in the buildings located along the drain as compared to other buildings. One building
was totally destroyed where even the retaining wall along it failed and suffered damage Figure 1.Similarly
in Haritpawan Gurukul of Swaminarayan a residential high school having reinforced concrete framed
structure, at Ganga Rampar near Bhuj having three wings showed more damage to its west wing along a
deep drain Figure 2. Similarly if the building is located on hillock the damage will be more. This was
noticed in Latur Osmanabad earthquake Sinvhal A., Bose P. al [6] and in Kutch earthquake Figure 3.
It seems the energy of waves which are coming to the side of depression or at the top of hillock and the
energy of the waves reflecting back from there is getting cocentrated. Further it is well known that damage
will be more on loose filled ground. However other reasons can further intensify the damage at such
locations Bose P.R. [5].
Building Material, Quality of Construction and Maintenance
Heavy material contributes to high seismic forces. Low strength material which has no or very less tensile
and shear strength is more prone to damage. Weak Binding material like mud mortar will cause more
damage as compared to cement sand mortar. Weaknesses of construction include improper bonding
between walls, unfilled joints between bricks, out of plumb walls, lack of curing etc. Well-maintained
building shows a better behavior. Even reinforced concrete building may show more damage due to lack
of maintenances.
Architectural Design Decisions
It includes building configuration i.e., its form and shape in plan and elevation; location -and size of major
structural elements; number location and size of openings; and connection details of non-structural
elements with main structural system. Complex, asymmetrical, irregular shape, less number of walls or
columns, long walls without any cross walls, large or many openings in masonry walls cause more damage
because of tensional effects and less shear resisting capacity. It is said that building is destroyed on paper
by the designer before it is built, because of its size and shape in plan and elevation.
Fig. 1: Collapsed building built on drain side. Fig. 2: Maximum damage was found in the west
wing located along drain
Retaining wall at back also failed
Fig. 3: Temple collapsed at the top of hillock Fig. 4: Collapsed two story college building had
while other masonry structures located on its linear plan with too many openings in front.
foot remained standing near Bachau in Kutch.
Fig. 5: Bachau Station Building showing the Fig. 6: In Chamoli Earthquake, column
condition of a reinforced concrete column raised on the top of the stone wall slipped
provided in masonry building.
from its place due to lack of connection.
Fig. 9: In Killari in 1993 many traditional Fig. 10: Traditional house in Kutch area showing
buildings with vertical timber frame inside high central wall and attic for storage.
survived the earthquake even with heavy roofs.
Newly built houses without timber frame but
with similar heavy roof of timber and earth
were razed to ground.
Authors are thankful to Principal Delhi College of Engineering, Delhi, Prof. & Head, and Earthquake
Engg. Deptt.Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee and National Institute of Disaster Management Delhi,
for their support and encouragement. Authors are also thankful to all the officials and common public in
the earthquake affected areas visited by them for their help, support and for the information provided by
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