Prosthodontic Restoration of Vertical Dimension of Occlusion in Severly Worn Dentitions
Prosthodontic Restoration of Vertical Dimension of Occlusion in Severly Worn Dentitions
Prosthodontic Restoration of Vertical Dimension of Occlusion in Severly Worn Dentitions
ISSN: 2279-0853, ISBN: 2279-0861. Volume 3, Issue 5 (Jan.- Feb. 2013), PP 38-40
Abstract: Vertical dimension can be described best as the vertical height of the face. It is determined by
muscular relationships, utilizing the physiologic rest position of the mandible as the guiding factor. Therefore, a
practical knowledge of the physiologic rest position is essential in the determination of correct vertical
dimension of occlusion.Vertical dimension of occlusion is not usually a major concern in routine fixed
porosthodontic treatment. Patients with severe tooth wear, however, may require extensive restorative treatment
to regain appropriate function, esthetics and comfort. Treatment of a reduced vertical dimension is not designed
to increase the vertical dimension beyond normal, but is intended to restore the amount of vertical dimension
that has been lost. In rehabilitative procedures, the masticatory organ must be reconstructed within the limits of
the physiologic rest position with sufficient allowance for a functional interocclusal distance. Management of a
case of severe tooth wear caused by loss of posterior tooth support is described.
Key words: Amelogenesis imperfecta, Dentinogenesis imperfecta, Bruxism, Vertical dimension of occlusion.
A patients vertical dimension has a significant effect on his/her daily function and esthetics. Proper
vertical dimension enables uniform force distribution to prevent undue stress to the neuromuscular region.
However, vertical dimension of occlusion may be compromised in patients with severe tooth wear which may
be due to Dentinogenesis imperfecta/Amelogenesis imperfecta, parafunctional habits, loss of posterior tooth
support, abrasion, erosion, and wear from opposing restorative materials (1, 2, 3). When compromised vertical
dimension is often treated with surgical and orthognathic procedures this may cause patient anxiety and/or
refusal of treatment. Thus, vertical dimension can in limited occasions, be altered via prosthodontic means (4, 5,
Case Presentation
A 62 year old male patient visited the prosthodontic department of government dental college and
hospital, Patiala with the chief complaint of inability to chew since 3 year and impaired appearance of teeth.
Patient presented with a history of missing teeth #18,17,16,26,27,28,36,46,47,severe deep bite ,severe
attrition on lingual surfaces of maxillary premolars and inciso-labial surfaces of mandibular incisors, moderate
attrition on occlusal surfaces of mandibular premolars and canines and lingual surfaces of maxillary anterior
teeth, grade III furcation involvement with 37 and gross caries with 37, 38, 47 and 48.
A comprehensive diagnostic evaluation, records and photographs were utilized to initiate a treatment
plan. Full mouth restoration at restored vertical dimension was evaluated as a modality to achieve more ideal
aesthetics, function and health (7). The neuromuscular system had to be harmonized with TMJ and it was
necessary for making CR to coincide with CO.
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Fig 1
Fig 2
Diagnostic Wax-Up
Started on mandibular anterior teeth to establish a favorable anterior guidance .Maxillary premolars
were waxed up next according to predetermined aesthetic occlusal plane. Wax up of maxillary RPD was done to
serve as a guide for wax-up of lower teeth .Wax-up of lower posterior teeth was done last ,one quadrant at a
time checking for occlusion in all excursions. Maxillary wax-up was surveyed for designing of RPD.
Diagnostic wax-up was used to fabricate provisionalrestorations to verify patient's
adaptation and response to new vertical guidelines and planned restorations (10).
Final Preparations
Tooth preparations were done in single sitting in patient's mouth. (Fig 3) Addition silicone, elastomeric
impression material, final impressions were made. Provisionals were cemented and equilibrated. (Fig 4)Also,
anterior guidance was refined .Patient reviewed after 6 weeks and was found to be comfortable. Occlusal
harmony was periodically re-evaluated as muscles relaxed.
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Fig 3
Fig 4
Final Wax-Up
Master casts were mounted on Hanau articulator using spring bow and CR record. Wax-up for final
restorations was done conforming them to diagnostic wax-up as closely as possible.(Fig 5)Maxillary wax-up
was surveyed for designing of RPD.
Fig 5
Final Restorations
Castings were seated and occlusion was refined on the articulator.
Castings adjusted in patient's mouth. (Fig 6)
Final metal ceramic crowns and FPD's cemented with temporary cement for a period of 1 month.
Maxillary RPD inserted and occlusion refined. (Fig 7)
Fig 6
Fig 7
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