Eaglet Volume 56 # 3 SY 2009-2010
Eaglet Volume 56 # 3 SY 2009-2010
Eaglet Volume 56 # 3 SY 2009-2010
Young Heroes
Asst. Headmaster for Academic Affairs’ Message
You, our young students faced several challenges
this school year. Some were exciting, others were
daunting. The new dismissal schedule ushered in
the school year. AH1N1 caused panic and fear for
everyone . Typhoon Ondoy wrought destruction to
many of our homes. The student-teacher`s day meant
to cap the year was missed. A whole gamut of feelings,
perhaps from fear to extreme disappointment must
have come with all these experiences.
1st-team Burgos with Joshua Raphael N. Ambrosio, Jon Angelo M. Bonifacio, Anton Raphael S. Cabalza
2nd-team Bonifacio with Luis Matthew Reyna, Gabriel-Ross G. Santiago, Joaquin Antonio Palou
3rd -team Agon with Diego David M. Drilon, Josiah A. Encinas, Patrick G. Torres
Spelling & Math Gr.7 Math Contest
Constests -Gr.6 By Joseph Anthony Montecillo
list of winners provided by Atty. Nuval This past January 13, Grade 7 had their academic contests
in spelling and math. Math was the second contest of the day
SPELLING QUIZ BEE (INDIVIDUAL) and started of with the team contest. Three representatives
from each section tried their hardest to properly solve math
1st Place Keith Kibanoff (Jacinto) problems for their class. With each question, the difficulty
2nd Place Matthew Moises (Mabini) grew and while some in the audience were left scratching
3rd Place Elijah Ricamate (Aguinaldo) their heads in bewilderment, the contestants tried to stay
calm and carefully work out each problem.
SPELLING QUIZ BEE (CLASS COMPETITION) By the end, we were all in awe of how the contestants were
1st Place Mabini able to work out some of the more difficult problems that
left us confounded. While it was clear that every contestant
2nd Place Lopez Jaena did their best, it was the team from 7-Kostka that ended up
3rd Place Malvar winning first place.
Following the team competition was the class competition.
MATH COMPETITION (TEAM CATEGORY) This time, every student in the class had the opportunity to
1st Place Abad Santos show off their mathematical abilities. For each round, three
2nd Place Aguinaldo students were randomly drawn and they would have to
score points for their class.
3rd Place Mabini
This time, we couldn’t afford to just sit back and give up
MATH COMPETITION (CLASS CATEGORY) instantly at a difficult problem. We forced ourselves to try
and solve the problems in what time we had. We might not
1st Place Tandang Sora always have succeeded but at least we tried. And in the
2nd Place Malvar end, isn’t that what really matters?
3rd Place Agoncillo Despite us all trying our best, there can only be one
winner and that was 7-Canisius.
1st Place Jand Magpantay Overall, it was an enjoyable experience. It gave us
an opportunity to showcase our talents. It also showed our
2nd Place Luis Umpangco math teachers that their time and effort was not wasted. We
3rd Placers Adrian del Mundo & Josh Ambrosio did learn something.
(Photos of Araling
teachers during
one of their
Environment Week
by Evan Escalaw Environmental conservation is the careful use of
natural resources to ensure that there is enough for
This Earth serves not only as our one and only the future and ensuring that damage done to the
home in this universe but it is also our natural environment will be minimum.
heritage as it is passed on from one generation to
the next. To help support environment conservation, the
Ateneo celebrates it’s environmental week with the
The next generation of human beings shall inherit theme Grin in GREEN which stands for:
this earth in the condition that we leave it. What Garbage
the future of mankind will have will depend Reduction
directly on this generation of ours and hence Exercise
it is our responsibility and duty to care for the And
environment today. Experience
Many people do not realize the importance of
looking after this fragile environment of ours. They to encourage
take many things for granted and never think of students to
conserving some of the natural resources we have do everything
today. They also think that the resources we have to help the
will never run out and we can continuously draw environment
resources from the earth to make our lives easier such as re-
and more comfortable. using plastic
bags, bring re-usable containers and much more.
Environmental problems such as depletion of The Ateneo wishes that with this celebration,
natural resources, water pollution and global students may learn to conserve the environment
warming have all resulted mainly from our careless and help the environment prevent global warming.
activities. However, not all is lost, as we can still May we all have the initiative to help conserve and
do our part for the earth through environmental help the environment from the mistakes we have
conservation. done in the past.
by Luis Umpangco
My 3-day Adventure
I consider my experience volunteering in school as an recess, lunch and merienda. I was starting to
adventure. My first day volunteering was pretty okay. get tired of going around in an imperfect oval,
My sisters and I collected clothes and medicines to so I decided to hand out the goods to the guys
donate. A few hours after, we went to the Ateneo de bringing sacks. In my opinion, this was much
Manila University College Covered Courts and gave our more fun. After a while, we watched Game 1
bags of clothes. We were told that if we wanted to pack of UE vs. Ateneo (Finals). After a “time skip”,
sacks, we had to register. We waited in a long line, for we returned for more action. Early on, I was
a long time to register. There were people from the air doing the “cycle method” (bringing sacks to be
force too. By the time we were able to register and get filled up with goods). Soon enough, I decided
volunteer stickers, some guy on a stage said that there to transfer sacks from one pile to another. I
were enough volunteers packing…. We left , and the also brought cardboard boxes out of the “Hall”.
next day we returned, this time headed for the Grade Then I did what I liked best in this adventure,
School Auditorium (Singson Hall) to really start packing handing out goods. I felt light-hearted that we
sacks. At the start, there were just a few people there, went on this adventure, and I really wanted
and at that time my family took sacks, put in clothes to do some more. Overall, this was a fun, but
(and the like) into them, then fell in line for powdered tiring experience, like everything in life; it had
milk, water, canned goods, instant noodles, biscuits (and its ups and downs, though I didn’t really mind
similar snacks), toiletries and rice. Then we proceeded the “downs” of it, which was just having less
to drop the sacks at the tying station. It was kinda tiring, of a vacation break, and more of a productive
but it made my arms feel nice. After some time we had break.
AGSCOM Elections By Joseph Anthony Montecillo
by Austin Heranandez
Healthy, nutritious, a good balanced diet, keywords that comprehend to one big
bite. In the cafeteria last November 17, we celebrated one big bite. The theme
for that week was the healthy, yellow and nutritious fruit banana. While walking,
I saw variations of the fruit, from chips, to the fried one and the raw form which
is usually peeled. Everyone gathered for the celebration in the cafeteria as they
anticipated the arrival of the Blue Eagles Basketball Team. As they arrived, the
crowd cheered loudly like they were about to ruin their vocal chords. During the
event, people took notice of the healthy habits of eating right. All of them took
part in eating the banana. This special event has truly inspired the students to
be more aware of their health.Given this opportunity some classes has even thrown a fruit sharing at least
that is what the class of 6-Jacinto did.Signs everywhere crowded the cafeteria as people shared the healthy
eating of the fruit the banana.A life lesson we shall never forget being healthy staying strong gives us hope
to carry on.From one Atenean to another giving you good service and a healthy non-fat body.
Extending a Helping Hand: The Bigay Puso
Atty. Cynthia D. Nuval, Class Parent Bigay Puso interactions with children
Representative, 6-Burgos who are cancer patients at the
Philippine General Hospital. Here with
With the resourcefulness of your sons Miguel Guerrero, playing Open The
& with your generous contributions, Basket with some of the much younger
the entire Grade 6 population cancer patients.
was able to raise almost a million
pesos to defray medical expenses
in the treatment of these children
undergoing chemotherapy at the
Philippine General Hospital.
The Bigay Puso project of Grade 6 offers to extend help to the Philippine General Hospital Cancer patients. Cancer
is one of the most fatal sicknesses in the entire world. It is very dangerous especially if you have little money to
spare. This is the case of the PGH Cancer patients. As Grade 6 students, we help extend the lives of these people.
At the very start of the Bigay Puso collection, the amount of money received was very high. Amounts started strong
as high as 10, 000... A very good sign. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd quarter were just collections and auctions among the
class. When the 4th quarter arrived, it became more intense. Cookies, cupcakes and brownies were being sold.
Some friendly competition was seen against some sections. Probably the most creative idea, THIS 6 IT shirts were
sold by Malvar. The grade 6 raised (ma’am please put final amount here) for the BIGAY PUSO. Competition between
classes is not necessary, we all support the same cause. Extending one’s life is just the start of our exposure to
charity. Once we see the smiles on the faces of these CANCER patients, every peso given is worth it.
Around 20 years ago, the late Corazon Former President Corazon Aquino passed away last August 1, 2009
Cojuangco Aquino led the nation to a at exactly 3: 18 am. She died of cardio- respiratory arrest, a kind of
bright future, which to us is a bright sickness that happens when both the lungs and the heart begin to stop
today. The wife of Senator Ninoy working.
Aquino, she never expected to be such
an important figure in the country, President Aquino led the Filipinos to a People Power Revolution in EDSA
thinking of herself as a housewife. But last February 25, 1986, three years after the death of her husband,
when her husband was assassinated Senator Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino. She led a revolution after the
and the current government, led by Declaration of Martial Law by Former President Ferdinand Marcos. She
Ferdinand Marcos, flung the nation swore into presidency after that revolution.
into a state of economic instability and
lack of human rights, this mother of During the last few years of her life, she has supported us Filipinos,
five stepped up. and also her children. Necrological services were held during the days
of August 2-4.
President Marcos declared martial
law in 1972, enabling him to have a Today, August 5, 2009, she is scheduled to be buried at the Manila
longer term in the government, and Memorial Park. She is to be buried beside Ninoy. Before this, Kris
to disregard freedom of speech and Aquino gave her thoughts, words and feelings about her mom, how she
freedom of the press. Eight years of was with Cory, and what it is like losing your parents. She expressed
unrest later, Cory led hundreds of her sorrow for the loss of a love one who not only was loved by the
thousands of civilians in a revolution Aquino family, but by the entire Philippine nation. The Philippine nation
that overthrew Marcos and his laws. supported the family in every aspect of Cory’s life. So far, the walk to
the Manila Memorial Park from the Manila Cathedral was a long journey
In a sad culmination of about a year for the people who wanted to witness this at first glance. The Filipinos
of battling colon cancer, Tita Cory, as showed their love, support and concern for the former president. They
she’s fondly called, joined the Lord last will never forget the woman who put back democracy and freedom to
August 1. It was truly a heartbreaking our country. The burial rites were only for the family, or at least for one
loss for the whole country, since thousand people. Filipinos have been greatly affected, yet inspired to
Cory was such a great leader and an do more and support our country.
inspirational woman. Still, we know
that she is always looking after us, Cory Aquino will be remembered to our fellow Filipinos as the woman
together with the Father. I believe we who brought back our freedom, democracy and hope. She will remain
should not linger on her passing away
in our hearts forever.
but instead we should reflect on how
great her life was and how much she
got to do with it.
because things are always changing just keep going after it.”
Gabriel Orlina|7- Pignatelli victim of the wrath of Typhoon Ondoy but that didn’t stop him
from playing with Rabeh and the rest of the Blue Eagles to take
Back-to-back wins for the Ateneo during this
week of the UAAP Finals 2009 as both the seniors Game 1 of the Finals. The Eagles soared through the first quarter
and juniors divisions snagged their wins in their but finished the half with the lead given to UE, 35-34. By the end
Finals’ series. The Blue Eagles beat the UE Red of the game, the Eagles gave their best in the game and beat
Warriors, 78-71 at the Araneta Collesium last UE by 7 points.
October 1 while the Blue Eaglets beat rivals ADMU-78: Al Hussaini 28, Reyes 17, Salva 8, Buenafe 7, Austria 6,
De La Salle Zobel Junior Archers, 80-73 at the Salamat 4, Long 3, Baclao 3, Chua 2, Sumalinog 0, Monfort 0
Arena in San Juan last October 3.
Trivia: Teams that win Game 1 of the Finals went to win the series
Last October 1, the Blue Eagles and the Red 11 of 15 times (Last time was Ateneo who beat La Salle last year,
Warriors battled for supremacy in Game 1 2-0)
of the best of three series in the Finals of the
seniors division. One player, Jai Reyes, struggled UE- 71: Lee 15, Llagas 13, Acuna 13, Reyes 11, Lingganay 9,
through traumatizing experiences as he was a Espiritu 8, Acibar 2, Zamar 0, Bandaying 0
success. anyone had to start building up
the team’s momentum, It would
4 years ago, I tried out for the SBP team but had to be me. Luckily, we were
unfortunately I was cut in the first round. I tried to
hold back my tears upon hearing the bad news but
instead of sulking or being bitter about the incident, I
able to catch up by the end
of the 3rd quarter and win the
game after the buzzer hit zero.
tried to push myself to strive harder and become the Tears of joy ran through our eyes and I realized that maybe all
best that I could be. The following year I again tried the hard work had really paid of. Maybe all these struggles
out and luckily I finally made it to the SBP team which and failures I had experienced in the past were really meant
won the first of the 3-peat national championships. to teach me to persevere more, to never lose hope despite
the sighs, moans and faces that seemed to have lost faith.
The following year, 2008, Doubts came in once again And I will surely never forget that season of joys and tears,
but not regarding my basketball abilities but doubts hopes and fears and that never-ending story of courage I
that we would not be able to defend our crown as the showed and hope I gave to my teammates.
reigning national champions. True, there really were
strong teams and the journey to glory was definitely Because of all these life-changing moments, I was able to
difficult and uncertain. Fortunately, I did not pay any carry my 2009 SBP team to becoming the first ever 3-peat
attention to everything people were saying. I knew National Champs! Although, this past championship game for
that it would be as if we would have to go through a me, was not for myself but for the younger members of the
needle head to win every game. The pressure was team since I wanted them to feel what it’s like to become a
intense especially because, we were a small team. champion. This SBP league has not only bestowed unto me the
In fact, I was one if not the tallest in our team and I dignity of being a 3-peat national champion and MVP. Yet, it
was not even the senior yet. Through tough training, has also given me a lot of key points and lessons I am sure
and excellent teamwork we successfully brought the to use in the next years of my life. Finally, I would like thank
championship trophy to our proud school, Ateneo. all my coaches; Coach PJ Navarro, Coach Mark Bautista,
Personally, I consider this a turning point in not only Coach Dondi and Coach Homer Bautista, my teammates who
my basketball career but also in my life. I’ve learned were always by my side through it all. Not to forget, the late
to step up and lead the Father Fermin and Father Kit Bautista
team no matter what who believed in us. I would also
the odds say. I’ve like to acknowledge my parents
experienced trying specially my father, Dr. Jet Nieto,
to catch a very high who has always been my teacher,
lead with only 2 more mentor and critic. And the other SBP
quarters to go at the parents who supported us from the
national championship very start up to the very end of our
game. Just to share SBP Journey. We could have never
with you, some of my done this without you.
Martin Mendoza 6- Jacinto
Before the season started, our team was Nationals Finals ahead for us.
so confident and excited beacause we
are all looking forward in getting the After a month of celebration, we were
third straight crown! In order to know back to the courts to practice seriously for
more about our team and to learn to our Nationals. When we left for Baguio in
trust one another, we had our team November, we knew that it was not going
building at Batangas. to be easy because we are going to face
the champions from Luzon, Visayas and
When the SBP NCR tournament started, Mindanao. We woan all our 3 games there
we played the games one by one with before we get into the finals. We were all tired
trust to one another. We finished with a because we had 2 games per day but it did
4-0 record before getting into the semifinals. During the not stopped us from winning. We won against Ateneo de
semifinals we faced Notre Dame and we fought very Davao in our championship game, 71-49. It gave us our
hard to win. After winning the game, Our team had third straight SBP National crown.
mixed emotions, both Excited and Nervous because we
know that if we win our next game it will give us our third From the start of the try-outs until the last day that we
straight SBP NCR crown. We were scheduled to face our played as “ BROTHERS!” I can say that i am so lucky to be
rival school La Salle greenhills for the finals. part of the SBP 2008 NCR and National champions And
more importantly being part of the SBP 2009 NCR and
We had 3 weeks to prepare for this championship game. National champions! With our great trust in one another,
September 20 had finally came and as we entered the we finished our SBP 2009 season with a 9-0 record ; 2
Poveda gym, All our family, friends, teachers, the former trophies 2 medals. We all hope to win more Championships
sbp players were there to support us. The blue babble for our school Ateneo but i will always remember the
band was also there to cheer for us. We started the game guys who helped me win my second....... Michael Nieto,
strong during the 1st quarter, we were even stronger Matthew Nieto, Enzo Joson, Kevin Peig, Japeth Moreno,
during the 2nd quarter and our strongest quarter was in Justin Ofilada, Nacho Domingo, Jolo Mendoza, Justin
the 3rd quarter that was lead by MVP Michael Nieto who Eustaquio, Raffa Racela, Rolec Matutuina, Juna Gomez
gave us the big lead over La Salle. We won the game 77- de Liano, Anton Sto Domingo, Rebi Andres, Coach Pj
37 and we captured our third straight SBP NCR crown. All Navarro, Coach Homer Bautista, Coach Bong Mojas.
of us were so happy but Coach Pj told us that it was just
the first chapter in our season because we still have our
A Journey Complete
Joseph Matthew M. Nieto | 6-Tandang Sora | photos provided by Matthew Nieto
Talent win games, but teamwork and intelligence win to-back champions of
championships. For me, being a leader is being the heart the SBP tournament.
of the team. Being a leader means not only to order but Surprisingly, we
to be a model as well. The recent SBP season was, for surpassed the Xavier
me, a test of leadership and courage to stand up and be team and got into the
the very core of my team. To lead them into the sweet national finals once
and glorious victory every team desired. Actually, being again. And as if our
appointed as one of the team captains was for me a problems did not end
great gift and a big responsibility as well. there, even harder opponents faced us in Iloilo for the
national finals but with the heart that never loses hope
3 years ago, I tried out for a team called the SBP. Of we were able to achieve our goal and came back to
course, I was nervous especially during my first steps in Manila victoriously.
the court. Thoughts like “would the coach like me?”
and “am I a good enough player to be included in this The recent SBP season wasn’t the hardest if we’re talking
team?” bothered my innocent mind. Fortunately, I was about our games. In fact, what made this last season really
lucky enough to make the cut. On the other hand, we precious was the fact that this was my farewell season
were beaten by the greenies during the championship after 4 years of competing against various teams in the
game in the blue eagle gym. league. The expectations of not only my teammates but
also the Ateneo community were for me, very pressuring.
The following year came and once again, I and my twin But the thrill of being the first team to have won the
brother Michael tried out once again for the team. Both championships for back to back to back (3-peat) and
of us made it and this time Ateneo beat the La Salle team with the help of all my coaches and teammates we
that previously took away the prized championship the achieved what was before only a dream. We became the
year before. A month after first 3-peat national champions.
the whole team traveled
to Iloilo for the SBP national Being an Atenean for the past 7
finals. This was my first years and an athlete for the past
experience of the national 4 years has taught me to have
championships and I a motto in life; PRAY HARD, PLAY
was indeed very excited. HARD and STUDY HARD.
Fortunately, we were able to
win and give NCR the pride I would like to thank all my
of defeating all the other coaches, Coach Mark Bautista,
regions in the Philippines. Dondi Peleo, Pj Navarro, Homer
Bautista, Bong Mojas and Coach
The 2008 team was Eric Luz. All my teammates from
unlike all my previous SBP the 2007, 2008 and 2009 SBP team.
experiences. It was like Also I would like to thank the Late
going through a needle’s eye during every game. Yet, Father Fermin, Father Kit Bautista, Mr. Salvador and to all
we dreamt and strived for the dignity of being the back- my teachers, THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH.
A Once in a Life-time Experience
Julian Roxas | 7- Canisius
Interview with
By : Jairus Calpatura and Joshua Llanto
First of all, so you know, the IPSLE is a test that originated in
Jon Bonifacio
Singapore. Students
the Amazing Math Race By: Luis Umpangco
to pass this on test in order to
we learned that we were first place we, were like, taking
Eaglet: Howgraduate
did you get from primaryinschool,
involved and I think it might
this thing? be the case here too someday.
Based onbecause
Jon B.I got involved the surveys I made, the IPSLE was hard
I participated Jon for b. the average
actually grade 6 student.
Bonifacio(the Most
class) of
arrived and was
Anton C. I themgot involved
complained because about I wanted
questions that weresupposed
to.(jumps not in our to be first, not Burgos.
with no apparent
Did youreason) know that the magis guys as we know Anton
themc. forAlthough
being sothey smart, forgot
it wastonot
the signature
nor from the
Eaglet: What did you do in it? last station.
hard. It was “eard”, a mix of hard and easy or in simple words, MEDIUM.
Jon B. Since there are two parts in math: logic and Eaglet: You got Big Mac coupons.
math, I did Back
the logic to theandtest, Anton probably
C., my around
partner did 30%± the of theJon topics
B: Yeah, were
yeah, notyou’re
in theright.curriculum (good
math part. thing it was a practice and not the real thing)Anton If you think that Ithe
C: Yeah, testuse
didn’t wasiteasy,
yet. answer this
Eaglet: how: ������•�������+1=nxn
did you do? Jon b: Neither did I.
Jon B. we messed
Joke, that up some
wasn’t parts,
in it.but
What we stressed
managed to Eaglet:
grade 6 people Make outawas reflection.
that most of them didn’t
do it in time. Yeah when I was doing the logic part, we Jon B: Well, yeah. It was kinda fun.
know how to solve or answer some of the items. These items say things like full stop(period)
were actually missing a piece so we started to look for Anton C:Well, it was fun especially the part where we
and more stuff
it (laughs) We got first (puts head up high)unknown to (most of) us. overtook Bonifacio, not him, And we won first. It felt like we
Eaglet: What Therehappenedwere a when lot of you things won?we didn’t know so werewe inasked
the realouramazing
teachersrace andbecause
other people
it was like we forgot
Jon b. We wereabout like,
them.“Awesome man!” our passport.
Anton c. When Well it didn’t our final go to pairbad. cameAnyway, backto and the
There’s no doubt CoCA or Co-Curricular Activity is
Thanks to alll the CoCA
the best part of our Mondays and Thursdays here in
moderators and members
the Ateneo. We in Eaglet have set to interview the
for making this possible!
various interesting clubs here in the Middle School
You guys rock!
such as the ACT, chess Club, Blue Chefs and more!
Read on to see what makes these clubs tick.
Photos by RC Dionisio
Interviewer: Timothy Castillion
Interviewers: Joko Santiago, Jet Gabriel
Interviewee: David Romero
Interviewees: Lorenzo Miguel Tayag Marquez
Eaglet: What do you do in Chess club? Eaglet: What do you do in Animation Club?
Lorenzo: We mostly solve problems and have our David: [Here in animation club], we make flipbooks
own thematic tournaments. Occasionally, we discuss and [we might] possibly animate videos.
openings and several prominent players and also study
games to improve our play.
Eaglet: Where does your moderator base your
overall grades?
Eaglet: Where does your club moderator base your
COCA grade from? David: Our final grade is based on the final
Lorenzo:Our moderator Michael Gotel bases our grades project.
on our performance in the tournaments and quizzes.
He also sees how much hard work and passion we put Eaglet: When does your moderator give deductions
in for this club. to your grade?
David: [She gives us deductions] when our
Eaglet: When does he give deductions in your grade? drawings are not animated fluently.
Lorenzo:He gives us deductions when we fool around in
serious moments, disturb the club, or get low scores.
Eaglet: As a member of the Animations Club, how
He also checks if we did not put much effort in what we
can you improve your grades?
David: I can improve my grade by using what I’ve
Eaglet: As a chess club member, how can you improve learned in our club in different aspects of life. An
your grade? example of this is our Balitaan and Planet Watch
Lorenzo:I can improve my grade by Playing LOTS AND reports. We make animations to improve our
LOTS of chess (joining tournaments, internet chess, etc, grade.
etc...). Experience is a very good trainer and I believe
the more experience I get, the better I become. ANIMATIONS CLUB TRIVIA: Many great Animators
learn what we are learning in Animation Club to
become great Animators
Phi Epsilon Arnis
Alpha Interviewers: Xandro Hizon, King Morales
Interviewees: Santino Penifanco Martin
Interviewers: Roni Anasco, Dustin Abad
Interviewees: The whole club(open mic) Eaglet: What do you do in arnis?
Santino: We learn how to hit stuff with sticks and
Eaglet:What is/are the name of your moderator/s?
A:Mrs.Amie O. Panlilio,Ms. De Leon and Ms. fight for offence and, more importantly, self-defence.
Sarmiento. Eaglet: What is the basis for your grades?
Santino: Our grade is mainly based on showing prop-
Eaglet:When it is not CoCa time what grade level/ er conduct and discipline in fighting. Also, we must
class/section do you teach? at lest show that we are giving effort and are working
A:Relief teacher in Prep (Mrs.Panlilio)
hard during sessions.
Eaglet:How do you base the CoCa Grade Eaglet: How can your grades get lower?
(moderator)? Santino: Our moderetor can deduct points if we are
A:Participation,Attendance, Conduct and rowdy and do not listen. Also, if we act lazy and do
requirements. not show effort, our grades can get lower.
Eaglet:Why is it called Phi Epsilon Alpha? Eaglet: How do you think you can improve your
A:It means "Friends for others" or building relationships skills?
with people younger/older than you. Santino: To improve, we all must PRACTICE, since
practice makes perfect, as simple as that.
Eaglet:What is the main objective in Phi Epsilon Eaglet: Can you give us any extra trivia about arnis?
A:Basically, they focus on activities that help them Santino: It is very fun because we can play and hit
build relationships with others. stuff with sticks.
Blue Chefs
Interviewers: Evan Merel Escalaw, Randy Manalac
Interviews by Luis Umpangco, Josh Ambrosio, Seve Del Rosario, Anton Cabalza
In dance club they: dance. Their moderator bases their grades on: participation.
She gives deductions: when a student doesn't participate or learn and execute the
steps based on his skill. They can improve: by always practicing. Trivia: they use
the computer for music.
In swimming club they: swim. Their moderator bases their grades on: swimming. And gives deductions when:
stuff aren't brought. Trivia: They can participate in underwater wrestling
They: sing for and represent Ateneo. Grades are based on: attendance, performance and behavior; they're
taught to be more disciplined, united and cooperative. Deductions are given for: bad attendance, perfor-
mance, behavior, discipline, unity and cooperation. Trivia: they had an appearance on the channel GMA 7
Guitar Club
Interviewers: Greggy de Castro and Joey Aycardo
We interviewed Claude Pietrich P. Yumul. He came from Ateneo Grade School and in 2003, High School
2007 and is currently in UST.
He teaches the people in the guitar club how to play the guitar and the basic things about a guitar.. Mr. Yu-
mul bases his grades on the effort of the students. He does it this way because some kids do not have the
talent while others do. The students said that thay can improve their grades by trying to listen, learn new
songs and other ways of playing.Mr. Yumul balances "Hands on" and letting them do the workby telling
them to bring their own chord charts and guitars. He helps them by writing diagrams on the board and he
tunes their guitars. This is really a goood club to join
by Austin Hernandez and Saejj Remorque
Known around the world, baseball is a well played sport that requires determination. In the AGS I have talked
to coach Bonifacio and a participant Jaime Manzano to see their perspectives and views about how they play
it in the Ateneo. According to Jaime this club does not have pressure because of its non stressful and non-
scary moderators and playful members. According to the coach the basis of their grades would be participa-
tion, discipline, and punctuality. But mostly the coach reminded me on their leadership. According to him, the
leadership is about being a good example like showing your best in every game or participating a lot. All I
heard from the members was about having a good time with their friends which was the goal of the activities.
Based on what I have experienced, this club has gotten a well-experienced team which was bonding like a
family and sharing the happiness.
Movie Review
by JC Nacpil tell his team(and the audience) their purpose. We also
Inglourious Basterds is a movie which never approach as they interrogate several unfortunate
gives any mercy, nor asks for any forgiveness. It deals German officers.
dose after dose of action, violence, and bloodshed, And that was just only the beginning.
all the while stuffing too much dialogue than you Tarantino has an impeccable eye for casting,
can handle. It’s more fictional than most fairytales, and it’s the same case here. Christoph Waltz was
more unrealistic than most Hollywood dramas. absolutely brilliant as Hans Landa. His character, while
It’s too much, it seems. But with Quentin not the most complex, was an absolute joy to figure out.
Tarantino on board, you can expect anything to Melanie Laurent was the perfect choice for Shosanna,
work. Of Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill fame, Tarantino being beautiful and easy on the eyes. She played her
has made one of most grandiose masterpieces of role it the fullest extent, coming of as much a villain than
film with Inglourious Basterds, which is as much of a anyone else.
spaghetti western as a WWII movie. Inglourious Basterds shows that film is dangerous,
Inglourious Basterds revolves around the time a no-holds-barred assualt on the senses, and that its
of the Third Reich of Nazi Germany. During this time, power deserves utmost respect.Quentin Tarantino struck
a small team of Jewish-American soldiers called the a perfect balance built on the framework of The Dirty
“Basterds” is assembled and led by Lieutenant Aldo Dozen - his signature dialog, wonderful QT flourishes and
Raine (Brad Pitt). They do one thing and one thing only great use of music. The bad guys have lots of screen
- killin’ Nazis. Eventually, their plans eventually (and time, making them seem more human, which ironcally
unintentionally) dovetails with Shosanna(Melanie makes them even more evil. Mixed in the tense moments
Laurent), whose parents have been brutally killed by and action scenes are humorously random moments.
Nazis and now has plans of doing serious damage It’s unique, engrossing, sometimes serious, sometimes
on her own. not, sometimes so pointless but all the while fun. That’s
In chapter 1 - “Once Tarantino for ya’.
Upon a Time....in Nazi-occupied On a side note, you may have
France”, a farmer sees a carload to be fan of subtitled movies to
of Nazis. It is in this chapter understand this movie. Some
we meet Col. Han Landa scenes with the French and the
(Christoph Waltz), a charmer Germans have them speaking in
on the outside, Machiavillian their native language, resulting in
on the inside Nazi officer known an amount of subtitles that might
as the “Jew Hunter.” As much be very hard to swallow.
as I love fast-paced action, If you’re looking for a serious and
this chapter is slow, but not at historically accurate WWII movie,
all boring. It’s like a slow fire this ain’t it. This is more of a WWII
engulfing paper - as the fire fantasy than you’ll ever gonna
gets the most intense, the flame get. If you’re looking for a balls-out
simply disappears, leaving you action movie, this ain’t it either.
clamoring for more. This movie is made for the sole
It’s in chapter 2 - purpose of entertainment, and
“Inglorious Basterds” - that we in that it delivers. Enjoy or loathe
meet the Basterds, a line-up of whatever this film contains, for it’s
what seems to be an eccentric content is highly flammable, it’s
bunch of soldiers, including influence dangerous to humans.
a crazy-eyed Eli Roth as Sgt. But so what? Should we care?
Donny Donowitz, known for That’s what movies are for!
beating Nazis with a baseball
bat, hence the nickname “The 5/5
Bear Jew.” Here, Aldo Raine
Harold and Kumar : Go to Whitecastle
by Randy Manalac which is one obsta-
cle for them. While
Harold (portrayed by John Cho) and Ku- smoking some ciga-
mar (played by Kal Penn) bring us entertain- rettes at which I think
ment in the movie world. By the way, Kal is a staircase, Har-
Penn is NOT related to Sean Penn. This mov- old and Kumar were
ie brings you one of comedy’s greatest works caught by a campus
ever. I shall now proceed to the plot/storyline. security guard and
Plot/Storyline: While at work, Harold Lee is the guard begins to
given more work by his colleagues because they chase them. While
want to have a relaxing long weekend not working. being chased, Kumar
Kumar Petel on the other hand, applies for a medi- loses the weed they
cal school, but he got summarily rejected due to procured in the girls’
him saying a lot of foul language to his interviewer bathroom. Luckily for
and spilling hot coffee on him. Harold is a young them, the dealer they
and insecure man who gets tortured by some jocks bought the weed from
who live nearby his home. He is unable to tell his gets the weed from
feelings for Maria, Harold and Kumar’s neighbour them and he gets
who he assumes as “beautiful.” Later afternoon, arrested. How sad.
they smoke marijuana just for a fun purpose of Back to the journey,
them joking around. After a marijuana commercial, Harold pulls over so
which they were instructed not to smoke, they en- Kumar can take a leak by the bush, making a raccoon
counter a commercial of a burger restaurant name- sneak in the car. Just a while when Kumar was back to
ly Whitecastle. It was said that the restaurant was driving, the raccoon bites Harold. Harold is convinced
located as New Brunswick. But once Harold and Ku- that he has rabies. Kumar suggests that they should
mar arrived at the exact same place, the restaurant go to the nearest hospital. They encountered Kumar’s
spot was replaced by “Burger Shack.” The waiter father and brother Saikat. Harold and Kumar steal
at the drive-thru told Harold and Kumar that there him and his father and brother’s ID badges just to ob-
was one Whitecastle branch located at Cherry Hill. tain medical marijuana. Kumar is mistaken as Saikat
Harold and Kumar, headed to Princeton University and he is forced to perform surgery on a patient, who
to obtain more weed to smoke for their purposes, knows the path to Whitecastle. They are also informed
by Joko Santiago
by Xandro Hizon
even the earth’s polarity shifting
is in this movie (the scary thing
is that all these events seem
scientifically possible!). Cities
Just so you know, I WILL NOT put any spoilers in this get flattened by earthquakes
review so you can still enjoy the movie if you have not seen and tsunamis, day turns to night
it yet. when volcanoes erupt, flood
I’d like to start with mentioning the loyal cast and waters rise, the ground literally
crew, who put lots of effort in the making of this epic film. falls when huge fault lines crack
2012 was directed by Roland Emmerich, popular for his other open, the continents move, the
disaster films. The main cast comprises of John Cusack poles shift and the White house
as Jackson, Amanda Peet as Kate, Liam James as Noah, gets hit by a huge aircraft carrier!
Morgan Lily as Lilly and Thomas McCarthy as Gordon. Have I gone too far? In general,
2012 is based on the theory (emphasis on theory) that 2012 is a great movie with impressive acting and
the world will end in 2012, the end of the Mayan calendar. effects, and if you have a taste for comedy, action and
The move revolves around one family as they miraculously adventure, it’s all in this movie. I also admire how the
dodge one horrific natural disaster after another together director made all the scenes as epic and destructive
with another with the help of some kind-hearted people. as they are, yet keep them sensible in scientific terms
Many scenes from this movie use Computer Generated (you won’t see the world being ravaged by aliens
Imaging or CGI (obviously). The expertise if the various or rifle-wielding bunnies, that’s reserved for another
animators truly bring even the most far-fetched ideas to apocalyptic movie). This is definitely a movie you
life. This movie features a lot of apocalyptic events that should watch and let’s hope that what happens in
make the world’s future not so bright. Everything from the 2012 (the movie) will not happen in real life.
eruption of super volcanoes, devastating earthquakes and
Alvin And The Chipmunks: The Squeakquel
Dustin Abad
Alvin’s gang is back with the Chipettes on the side. A different of. Well, kids do like comedy so I could let this past.
scenery, a different story line has been seen. I’m not sure how to
take this all in. Flashback. Witch Doctor,The Chipmunk Song (Christmas,
Don't Be Late),Bad Day,Funkytown,Coast 2 Coast, "Get
Flashback. The Year was 2008, the younger generation You Goin and Get Munk'd were the songs sang by the ever
is introduced to the 3 chipmunks in this manner: Dave adorable chipmunks. All of them were revivals.
Seville is a struggling songwriter who’s been told that
he doesn’t have a chance in the industry because he Present. The songs used were You Really Got Me, Hot N
writes songs that no one will sing. His fortunes change Cold, So What,You Spin Me Round, Single Ladies, Bring It On,
when he finds three talking (and singing) chipmunks in Stayin’ Alive, The Song (ft. Queensberry), It’s Okay, Shake
his home. With the chipmunks singing his songs, Dave Your Groove Thing, Put Your Records On, I Wanna Know What
finally finds some success and a little happiness, but a Love is, We Are Family, No One (ft. Charice Pempengco)
crooked record executive is set to try to tear their little and I Gotta Feeling.
family apart.
The songs used were newer this time around and they were
Present. Since the last film, the Chipmunks have also more upbeat. I think that the songs in the sequel were
become an international pop sensation. A stage stunt better than the 1st one. Although, the Chipettes’ image is
goes awry and leaves their adoptive father Dave really not appropriate for a kid’s movie.
(Jason Lee) bedridden in Paris. He arranges for the
Chipmunks to go to high school, and leaves them in No need for a flashback here.
the care of his slacker cousin Toby (Zachary Levi). There, The voices used in the 1st one were still the voices used. As
amidst all the drama of high school, the Chipmunks TALENTED!
are tasked to help save the school’s music program by
representing the school in a music competition. What Now, I’ll say what I think of A&TC 2 on it’s own w/o it’s
ought to be an easy win becomes more complicated prequel.
by brotherly conflict and the sudden appearance of It struggles with it’s runtime. 95 minutes is not enough for you
their greedy manager Ian (David Cross) and his trio of to enjoy the talents of the CHIPMUNKS. An extra 30 minutes
female singing chipmunks, the Chipettes. could’ve been useful for it. The thing that was left hanging
was the �LOVE� STORY of the Chipmunks. What? It just ends
The plot is basically fit into 1 hour & 35 minutes. there, they live at the same house, with not even developing
With this as a plot, it couldn’t be possible to make it attachments! It’s watchable because it’s funny and it has
the best it could’ve been. Didn’t you think of the good music in it.
children watching it? The Chipettes resemble the
sexual gyrations of pop stars like BRITNEY SPEARS. The HIGH EXPECTATIONS were just brought DOWN.
characters are always finding something to make fun
I give it 2 out of 5 stars. ü ü
Joey Aycardo
Killzone 2 features:
Campain mode.
-The game is presented almost entirely in first-person view, aside
from vehicular combat. This mode features the “lean and peak”
cover system which allows the player to hide behind objects and
shoot at the same time. You can also use vehicles like tanks and
“exoskeletons”. MGs or Mounted Guns like the AA gun(Anti-Aircraft-
guns)can also be used.
-This is the Title of the online multiplayer mode of Killzone2.This system
is class based featuring the classes: Regular soldier(just a normal
soldier with a wide range of weapons to start with) Medic(can
Revive other Team mates and restore health) Engineer(can deploy
auto turrets and Fix Mounted guns) Assault(starts out with more life
Anything Can Be Made
A Movie Review for AVATAR
Dustin Abad
Avatar is a movie that was impossible to be made. Ten years ago, James Cameron wrote the screenplay knowing that no
technology in that time could make this work. In 1999-2009, a lot changed in the movie business. 3D was now used to make
masterpieces like UP, Monsters vs. Aliens and Transformers. Cameron, director of the award-winning TITANIC, does not disappoint
on this one.
10 years of planning the film. Was it worth the work and wait? 78.89% yes and 21.11% no.
Why yes? The screenplay was plain genius. Hallelujah! Why no? In those 10 years of making the film, the script wasn’t much of a
priority. The script was not that well-structured, it was just okay. Considering that 10 years was put into this movie, the script didn’t
sound like 10 years. Nonetheless, it is still a good end to the movie business of 2009.
Avatar takes place in the year 2154. A corporation has landed on a planet called Pandora, hoping to mine a valuable mineral
from the planet surface. They run into resistance from the indigenous population, the Na’Vi, ten foot tall blue skinned warriors who
live in harmony with nature. Jake Sully (Sam Worthington) is an ex-marine paralyzed from the waist down who gets recruited for
a special mission: to take control of an Avatar, a human-Na’Vi hybrid body that can be piloted in a dream state. His corporate
masters see him as a way of gathering intel for an inevitable assault, but as Jake gets more involved in the life of the Na’Vi, he
comes to realize that he may be working for the wrong side.
First, I would like to say that the action sequences of the movie were polished and well-thought-of.The story is well-explained. The
scientific part of it gives us some interesting information. It is based on a lot of books. 162 minutes of Avatar is worth your time. It
never gets boring. Even if you want to pee, you wouldn’t, you just wouldn’t want to miss a scene of it. The movie focuses on the
struggle between money-loving corrupt humans and indigenous people who are one with nature. Although, 162 minutes wasn’t
enough for the complexity of the movie.
The imaginative world of Pandora was visualized perfectly. It was a world of bioluminescence, inspired by James’ underwater
filmmaking. The moss of tree branches lit up every time the characters would hold them. Making this movie 3D is the biggest risk
that the director made in his entire career. Cameron uses 3D visuals flawlessly and near perfect. The Na’Vi in their blue beauty,
have great looks benefitting from the actors behind them.
Acting is fairly good. Sam Worthington as Jake Sulley plays his role good enough since the gruff soldier is always his role. Sigourney
Weaver as Dr. Augustine is not surprising in this movie, since she always gives her best in every role she portrays. Michelle Rodriguez
as the fierce pilot Trudy works her role excellently. Zoe Saldana as Neytiri, who tries to act fierce all the time, needs more time to
study the role. Stephen Lang will piss you off which means, he portrays the role well enough.
Avatar’s script is a let-down for this movie. But, every other aspect of this movie is really worth 400 pesos. Avatar may be the start
of a new era of filmmaking. Why is that? Cameron created a movie that is breathtaking in every manner, gorgeous screenplay,
special effects and a new world that nobody but a genius could create. Avatar has raised the bars of a blockbuster movie. With
AVATAR at hand, anything is possible.
than other classes, can heal himself , use a skill that makes the user run faster,
and uses Rocket and Grenade Launchers.) Saboteur (can disguise the user
to look like the enemy and can use mines) Scout (can turn invisible when not
moving and can Spot and Mark enemies.)
Players can switch classes during math after death.
Warzone plays trough dynamic matches where multiple games are played
in one round. There are five different types of games: Assassination , Search
and Retrieve , Search and Destroy, Body count and Capture And hold. Online
gameplay can reach upto 32 players.
With Killzone 2, graphics are no problem. The game has excellent online play
because it is updated regularly .
Platform: PS3
Genres: First Person Shooter , Tactical , Action
Developers: Guerilla Games
Publishers: Sony Computer Entertainment
Native Resolution: 720p , 1080i
Plants Versus Zombies
by Jon Bonifacio – Burgos Sound: 9.5
I decided to put on my mask of uniqueness melodies,
and review a game that no one in my class knows tunes, and
about. I think. But anyway, here is my allegedly noises
unique game: PLANTS VERSUS ZOMBIES! whenever a
You might as well wonder: “What is this? Some special zombie
kind of harvesting strategy game?” Nothing can be comes up.
further from the truth. You see, Plants vs. Zombies is Slick and
like the average tower defense, with a gigantic twist. matches with
And this twist happened to be the talons of the game, the theme.
keeping me hooked up to now with its twisted limbs. Gameplay
I feel sorry for these tall-nuts. 10.0
Plants versus Zombies, as the title states very Amazing. The goodies you get per level… You’ll
clearly, is about you against a hoard of mad zombies, always be saying “One more level!” three hours
and you happened to have enhanced, pea-spitting, before the original plan on stopping.
sun-harvesting plant seeds in your pocket. So why Lasting Appeal
not use ‘em? Yes, this game is about you, by planting 7.5
genetically-enhanced plant life in your garden, fending Sadly, the adventure is the only place where you’ll
off hordes of insane zombies. Of course, almost every get the most hooked. Though a few of the puzzle
plant in the game costs an amount of money to plant. In games might keep you interested, it’s just done
the game, sun is the currency. Though it all seems very after the adventure mode is finished.
simple, many aspects of the game make it immensely OVERALL
interesting. Every level, you obtain some kind of new 9.0 (average)
plant that you can plant in your garden. They come Outstanding work. This game, ironically, turns
in various forms, such as the wall-nut (a barrier to you into a zombie after hours in front of the PC.
protect the peas behind it) and the repeater (fires Of course, if your plants get better, why don’t the
two peas at a time, unlike the standard peashooter). zombies? And yes, they do get better. Vaulting
There are more aspects that make the game zombies, dancing zombies, digger zombies, bungee
awesome, but you’ll have to play it to find out more. zombies, football zombies. You name it, there’s
a zombie counterpart in the game for it. You’ll
Presentation: 10.0 need a lot more than the standard peashooters
Very original and creative. There’s a LOT more to get through these advanced zombies, but
content here than most tower defenses. with a packet of mutant seeds, a shovel, and
Graphics” 7.7 some sun in hand, what’s to worry about?
Looks like a flash game, but otherwise OK.
The art of the game are still the game from the pre-
The game is
still text driv-
en, much art
decessors. Not much differences. The graphics when
is used, you
exploring the various crime scenes are great. One of
still act like
the best graphics in the DS.
an attorney.
The music of this game is great. The tunes are still
catchy, and there are some tunes which was recycled
the game is
from the past games. Unlike the Phoenix Wright series,
great. The
the Orchestra is mostly used in it’s songs, whereas the
new features
songs from the past games where more of techno.
are great, the graphics remain beautiful, the music is
The story of the game is it’s strongest feature. All the
still heavenly.
cases are connected to each other and the suspense
If you’re a Phoenix Wright fan, this game is a must
is still there.
buy. To those who are new to the series, I suggest that
Other than that, not much difference from the past
you play the other games as well.
Class Chronicles
Del Pillar
by Gino Bermudez
Approximately 9 months, 4 days, 14 hours and 24 minutes before I started writing this, it was the day I will
cherish my whole life. It was the day when I met my classmates, all 40 of them. From Arboleda to Zamora, each one
of them has great potential in them. Some are good at sports, some knew how to solve for x in less than a minute,
some could be the next Beethoven, playing almost all the musical instruments, some could turn simple paper, into
indescribable pieces of art, some, even if not all people count them as talents, could make their fingers reach the
backside of their palms, could make multiple sounds simultaneously with their mouths or beatboxing, could fold and
move their ears without touching them, could wear the wildest of clothes, could easily talk to girls, are even the ones
wanted to be talked to by the girls, but I’m sure ALL of us are special in our own way, but when we are put in the class
of 6 – Gregorio del Pilar, we just simply was, are, and ever be.. AMAZING. Our class consisted of 40 faces, familiar
and unfamiliar faces on that day. But as the days passed, their faces and even their personalities were tattooed to my
heart, staying there forever. We’re surely going to miss each other when March 19 comes, when we part ways from
all of each other, waiting for fate to lead us wherever it takes us, wanting fate to lead us back together.
But what is a class without a teacher? A teacher who leads his, or in our case her class away from the dark-
ness and into the light of achievement in everything we do, as well as we could, or as we all call it, MAGIS. She does
her best, no; better than her best just to make us better gentlemen of this world. She believes all we do in school
is applied in our lives. She guides us patiently for us, and for the future. She helps us in our academic, non-academic,
emotional, physical, and even stomach problems. She’s there every step of the way, may it be just a leap or just a one
foot forward. She is there right beside no matter what, even if she is not physically there, through thick and thin,
for better and for worse, you may know kiss the bride. Joke lang. Everything she says, does for us, teaches us, gives
us, we will surely remember them in the future as we graduate from grade six and soon the Ateneo to become men-
for-others that she guides us to become. We thank her for everything she has done. We have not been the best class
for her, we have done a lot of wrong things to her; we talk out of turn, we make things hard for her, we are sometimes
the cause of her stress, but we still want her to know that she is the teacher that we love, forever and always. Who
is this teacher? She is no other than Mrs. Hazelyne M. Elgar the one and only class adviser of 6-del Pilar.
As our lives in grade six shortens into 17 days, a deluge of the times and memories we had together returns
to the sea of our mind. A sea filled with every little bit of knowledge we gained, learnings we have been taught and
experiences we had with each other, even more than the grains of sand in the pacific. 17 days isn’t long, it is just a
short span of time. After making most of all the time we had with 6-del Pilar, may it be in the classroom, the wash-
room, the library, anywhere, I guess it is time to say goodbye to the class that I will always remember, the class that
isn’t perfect, but is perfect, fitting for each and every of us.
by TJ Castillion
Every class is special in its own special way. But, I will talk about one certain class and that is the “X-Class”,
My class has been very cooperative with our teachers since the 1st quarter started, especially with Mrs. Borja.
Some of my classmates became class clowns from being quiet students. Most of my classmates developed their talents
effectively, especially with dancing, playing the guitar and playing basketball or soccer. Mrs. Borja also changed our seat
plan so that we can have new group mates to hangout or study with. She emphasized the new seat plan since it can surely
help us with our study habits. I believe that my new class seat plan is just right for everybody for it really helps every-
one develop his study habits and time-budgeting. The other rules that Mrs. Borja made were constant, so I don’t need to
bring them up anymore.
I hope that these rules are kept constant until the year ends so that the year will be memorable for everybody.
I also wish that the other sections are having a wonderful time with their teachers and friends.
by Riel Gutierrez
Bonifacio Giving Hope Through 150
Joaquin Astilla, Renzo Gaviola, Paolo Espinoza and Gino Palencia
Fun, maturity and team work–these
are what I experienced as part of the “Bigay Puso”. Some Ateneans take this term literally. Imagine yourself
great class of 6-Bonifacio. Maturity pulling out your heart and giving it to the less fortunate. Impossible, right? But
because when we get scolded, we al- what does this term really mean? This school year, we continue to celebrate 150
ways find ways to say sorry, but the years of building the nation, deepening spirituality and celebrating excellence.
one who always tells us what to do is 150 years of providing good quality education to the young Filipinos, in hope of
our brillant second mother Mrs. Oni turning them into gentlemen for others. Here in Grade 6, the four letters all
Gargaritano. For instance, when a Ateneans should know by heart, “AMDG”, is given meaning in our Bigay Puso. It
teacher got angry whith us, mrs.garga- means sharing your blessings to our brothers and sisters out of love. It is very
ritano adviced us to say sorry ASAP so important for us all, especially for our beloved teachers, GLCs, headmaster,
we made a card expressing our apology Jesuits, class officers, custodians and staff members, who continue to help
to him. I even posted in Facebook how Ateneo become a better place for us, students. As Ateneans, we, the whole
sorry we are from what had happened. batch of Grade 6, have done our best to support the Bigay Puso. You can see
Lastly, I chose the word teamwork be- clearly the heart and effort the Grade 6 batch is putting into the Bigay Puso.
cause we 6-bonifacio students are so Every day, we would donate a part of our allowance to help the cancer patients
thoughtful that when just only one of of the pediatric ward of PGH. We do not donate money to show off how rich we
our classmates failed a quiz, the magis are but rather for the sake of young children in PGH, whose lives depend on our
students and I, with the help of our donations. Some people think that raising money is easy but little do they know
class president marvin de santos give that it takes a lot of effort, hardwork and sweat to raise money. We had to do
tutorial sessions in any subject. We bake sales, auctions, garage sales, and many more. Some of us reached down our
help them raise their grades and even pockets to give a part of our daily allowance. Those measures were not taken
have honors. I guarantee you that this just to get ahead in the race, but because we sincerely cared. A lot of us did not
procedures always work, but unfor- hesitate to give because we know the money will be used for a good cause. The
tunately times pass and we cannot be money we gave did not just come from our parents; wallets, pockets, or savings
classmates till college although i want but it also came from the heart. We, the class of 6-BONIFACIO, are proud
to but it is impossible to happen. This to say that our class has managed to raise Php 150,000, making us the section
school year was a very special year for to hold the laurels for school year 2009-2010. Coincidentally, our class raised
us, 6-bonifacio boys and Mrs. Gargari- 150 thousand on the 150th year of Ateneo. With our combined generosity, the
tano because we won first in Pagbigkas, guidance of our teacher, and the good hearts of the people we approached for
Math Magis and Bigay Puso. This is also help, as early as 3rd quarter, we already completed a hundred thousand and the
the last year Mrs. Gargaritano will be fifty thousand followed. Last school year, the Grade 6 accumulated 1 million.
teaching. "We can easily move on, but Although, we were not able to fulfill our promise of going beyond 1 million, the
the happiest memories we had can only most important thing is, we were able to extend the lives of the cancer patients
be changed by amnesia, but without it, with the money we raised. We also saw the effort of the students while making
it would stay in our herts forever until the MAKE AND SHARE A BOOK PROJECT, With the themes of the stories,
our journey on earth is done! I LOVE optimism and having faith in God, the cancer patients will surely have more hope.
YOU MRS.GARGARITANO, I WILL We are really glad that our hardwork and efforts paid off since our money was
MISS YOU AS A TEACHER WHO used to help others. We are proud of the entire batch for putting in 150% ef-
HAD INSPIRED ME A LOT. forts in the levels of the Bigay Puso project. We gave all our best to help others
and strive for MAGIS. After all, we are celebrating Ateneo’s 150 years. 150
years of being men for others: The Ateneo Way.
by Saejj Remorque
It was sunny day, perfect for intrams.It was Wednesday obviously intrams time.My class was down after the first 2
teams (A,B) lost for intrams, which was basketball, and all was hoping that team C and D would win.It was now my team's
turn, team C, and the pressure,tension,and heat was rising.Acting as the leader of the team, I gave moral support, so
that they would be inspired, "heating" them, clearing their senses, keeping them calm, and make them focus on the game.
I gave the final orders, then the game started. After some moments, our enemy was leading, but rather than hesitating
and be down, I calmed myself, refreshed my senses, and adrenaline rushing through my veins.I remembered what I told
my teammates, and it was "always trust yourself and your teammates", which is I think the key to victory.We, tired and
exhausted, did what we had left and won by 2 points, and luckily the opposing team accepted their deafeat and congratu-
lated me and my team.
by JC Nacpil
Revised by Evan Escalaw
Mabini was never my favorite class right obstacles, while along the way laughing so hard at things
there and then. Everything, from my classmates to most people don’t find hysterical. Case in point: free soap.
the way our class adviser taught, felt so new. As the
school year comes to it’s inevitable end, I’m guess- But Mabini ain’t no super section, but somehow we
ing all students in the world feel this way at the have managed to bring pride to the boys in yellow through
start, for Mabini was the best class I’ve ever been to! teamwork and to be honest, acting like complete idiots on
the sidelines and cheering with random songs. Our victory in
Breaking down Mabini to its finer components the playbill race might have made us look totally filthy rich,
would be like explaining E=MC2, so I’ll just explain the and one of us actually is, but our contributions as a class to
bare essentials. A single day in Mabini would make for the playbill, which consisted of 200 pesos from each and ev-
a wild roller coaster ride, as most of us just want to ery one of us, meant something more. Either that, or I think
have fun. Walking through the door, you’ll be greeted there was this certain threat called a “deadline” that we
with people who can’t seem to stop laughing at any- were afraid to go head to head against. I’m not really sure.
thing and everything, from our antics in English or
epic stick/sword battles, or those random chants like Our life in Grade 6 will end soon. It’s only now I real-
“FREE SOAP” that we spent whole lunch periods to ize that every day I spend in Mabini, the less days I’ll be able
scream it at the top of our lungs to spread it to the to live with them. Our days are already numbered here in the
entire Middle School body. Name it, Mabini seems to Grade Six, and already I can fill thousands of archives of my
have it. A burst of endless laughter would be inevi- experiences here. I will never forget those lucky Fridays, as
table in our classroom with our legendary roster of in- we eat pizza and celebrate our various victories while stu-
credibly fun-loving teachers; from Mrs. Reyno and her dents from other sections look out the window in sheer envy.
trademarked expressions(long story...) to the very I remember those days where we would just play around
quirky “bachelors” Mr. De Leon and Mr. Calderero. with that King chess pieces we named “The Amplifier”. We
even invented our own game that we call “Life.” Trust me,
Speaking of which, Mrs. Reyno has been noth- it’s really fun! As we face all these exams, or rather, “boss
ing short of being one of the most supportive class battles” that will be our final obstacles that’s keeping from
advisers. Wait, scratch that. She motivates us to win our much-deserved freedom, let these be our health potions
by trips to Starbucks and pizza parties. Hey, I didn’t that will keep us alive to see the light of the summer day.
say we mind, now did I? In fact, if my theory is cor-
rect, that’s the formula to our subsequent successes Ms. Perez put me in charge the class chronicles. As I
as a class. But apart of that, she makes our numbered really believed Mabini was the best class I have EVER been
school days easier to bear as unlike other teachers, she to, I decided to write this article as a farewell gift to them.
plays around with our antics. She’s there for us, hell or It took me almost a week to write this, but it was all good. I
high water. No doubt she’s our second mother in Ma- typed word after word, and after I think it’s complete, I re-
bini. In fact, she even calls us “anak!” And to return alize it isn’t. But since no article is ever perfect on the first
the favor, we’ve been major trouble makers, crammers, draft, I decided to show these to my classmates thru Face-
and bullies. We’ve been major smart-asses and piloso- book. I realized then that this article was incredibly cheesy
pos to her proper questions. And she managed to keep and jologs. But other than that, I got the biggest surprise
up, proving that we have been blessed with a true bi- ever. It got a ton, and I really mean a TON of comments. If
onic woman. To you I say: MARAMING SALAMAT PO! you don’t think 180 comments in 3 hours is ain’t much, there’s
something terrible wrong with your head. These comments
My stay in 6-Apolinario Mabini was simply amaz- ranged from “Great work JC!” to “Mabini FTW!” to even “Ii-
ing. We were all strangers to each other on the very yak ako sa first day :((“. 42 boys, promising that’ll they cry on
first day, more or less. As the days went by as fast as a the very last day. Crying over leaving what they also believe
raging river, they defined my stay in Grade Six. There was the best class ever. On Facebook. That says something.
are those who make amazing projects, those who draw
masterpieces once you give them a single sheet of pa- Mabini ain’t perfect, that I can assure. But Ma-
per. There are also those who can pwn you in FPS games bini has personality, and that’s a given. But hey, we made
in mere seconds, and those whose eloquence can reach Mrs. Reyno cry tears of joy! Everyone in Mabini, Aberin
the heart. Some, while technically not talents, can make to Yutuc have made this year one hell of a ride, a ride I
you laugh so hard you shed tears. All of us, while not will never forget, and nothing will ever make me change
the pieces to the puzzle I would like to call the perfect my mind. If only I can make this longer, I would. And as
class, make for an awesome section that have reached I end this totally jologs and really long article, all I have
countless milestones and leaped through countless left to say is this: I’ll miss you guys and kitakits na lang!
by Joko Santiago
The Intramurals of 1st quarter was so unforgettable. The sport for this quarter is volleyball. Not all of us are partic-
ularly thrilled of playing volleyball, basketball maybe. Nevertheless, we trained hard so we could win a banner or two
this quarter. When the first day of Intrams came, we were all very nervous when we went down the covered courts.
As the games started, we all had one thing in mind, remember our P.E. classes and every little thing that could help us.
No such luck, but not all for us. Teams A, C, and D all lost on the first day. All our faith was all on Team B. The result
of the succeeding games was in our favor. We kept on winning until we expected to win the championship games for
team B. It seems that our wishes came true, we reached the championship games. We found out one day that our en-
emy was Malvar, our neighboring section. We all had one thing in mind, and that was winning the championship games.
That was true until one day, Ms. Asonza, the class adviser of 6- Malvar, told us in one of her English classes that in
this particular game, it is OK for them if we win, anyway, even if we lose that game , we were still entitled for a sure
shot in winning a banner. On the battle day itself, Mr. Aquino, our class adviser reminded us about what Ms. Asonza
said, that Malvar, Rizal, and Tandang Sora were one team and that it’s not important for him that we win, what’s im-
portant is that we all get to play fairly and enjoy the games. And so we played, in the end, we lost the championship
games. We shook hands with each of their players warmly. Maybe next time we will get another chance to be in the
championships, but until then we will continue to train hard so we could win the next quarters.
Jan Paolo Gambalan
with a different way to do it. You can truly say that
he’s not only big physically, but also big hearted.
There were so many memorable experiences that we
I never actually expected that my Grade 6 class would had this year. We would surely never forget the issues
really be meaningful for me. Although we never actually that went around the classroom regarding “love”. We
won any major academic or athletic contest, for sure, no all had our own crushes with teachers and other girls.
other class can beat our team spirit. There may be prob- Oh...my classmates would never fail to look at each
lems that came during the school year, but we all overcame other whenever sir would talk about love. The Class
them with the help of each other. My classmates were Night is surely something which we’d never forget. Un-
always there to give out a helping hand for each other. til now, whenever I hear the song “I GOT A FEELIN”,
Whether it may be academic or personal problems, they the first thing that comes to my mind is the class night.
were always available to talk to and share your thoughts But why was it memorable? It is because of the op-
with. As normal people, we were not the same. Some were portunity that we had to know each other more. To tell
nerds, athletes, social, anti- social, quiet and gossip peo- the truth, even if we were supposed to be asleep by
ple. Even though we have different attitudes, we do not 12.30 in the morning, I confess that I, along with some
use them to deprive ourselves from each other, instead, of my classmates, never slept until we got home. My
we use them as opportunities to become closer to each group was awake for 24 hours! Oh, we were indeed joy-
other. ful that time. We will always remember our class field
Of course, it won’t be such a wonderful class with- trip to Batangas. It was indeed, something memorable.
out the Class Adviser. He is called big and scary, when he We went fishing, horse-back riding, hiking, and so much
walks by, everyone looks at him. He’s no other than Mr. more social activities! How I wish I could go back to
Leo Mari S. Calderero. But to tell the truth, he’s not what that time and enjoy more.
many think. He’s actually the best. You can always go to I am really thankful to God for giving me a class
him, open up and he’ll be a great comforter. He never fails that is truly the best. I can really say that I’m really
to make you feel better when you’re sad. He was also a lucky for having Mr. Calderero as my CA, my classmates
teacher who never chose an alternate during an academ- as my classmates, and everything else. But sad to say,
ic contest. I, along with other contestants would usually life goes on....things just come and go. Our life is a
complain to him, asking for someone to be there as our book with chapters...there would be happy times for
alternate. But what does he say in return? He would tell all of us, but we can’t expect them to last forever like
us that there is really no point for an alternate for he was Mr. Calderero said. But it will always be in our memories
confident in us. He never failed to make our day so happy. that there was a Grade 6-Luna batch 09-10, that there
Every day, he’d make it a point to always amuse us with his were 41 students who spent their Gr. 6 life with much
jokes and stories. But what’s really surprising is that he joy. We will be separated next year, some may even
can be like us and be an English teacher and Class Adviser. be lonely, some may be afraid, but we will always be
He has his ways with things that usually is the opposite there...connected by our thoughts and feelings....
way for most teachers, but it always ends with a positive
result. He succeeds in doing what he’s supposed to, even
psychiatrist in the place where it hurts the most, tear his
PhD apart and claim that we were jotting down valuable social
observations. And we were. To our astonishment, we speculated
that this class wasn’t a group of mental rejects. Our collective
IQ wasn’t under 100! A breakthrough!
Jon Bonifacio
We listed our class under categories. The Jocks, The Shy
“We are angels,” Ms. Perez, our class adviser, had always Ones, The Neo-Nazis, The Naruto Addicts and The Awesome
said. Everytime. Even if she’s giving us a sermon, she’d still Ones. Later, we all agreed that the first four categories were
stress, that we were ‘angelic students’. unneeded and phased them out. The moment we agreed on this,
The year comes to a close. Like it, Burgos follows our brand-new class adviser came in, and flashed this HUGE
suit. It is almost dusk; school is almost at end, people would smile at us. Seriously, I kid you not! Her smile was bigger than
resume their joyous vacation lives until school swoops down her face! It looked like it was...Words fail me. Through the
like a bat to pick them up once more. Most people would year, it became a symbol of hope and cheerfulness.
forget that we - Burgos ‘09 - ‘10 - had ever existed in this
school, most would forget the things we have done, the On that first hour of that first day, we all made mental notes,
things that have been done. Most people would think that whether we knew it or not. Our new adviser’s name was Ms
the class of Burgos was just another class, indifferent Perez. She was a shutterbug. She was totally convinced that
from the rest of the classes we’ve come to know in Grade we were all angels...whatever that meant. Orange was going to
6. be the color our Burgos empire would be known by. Initiative
Most people. We, Burgos, wouldn’t. would be high this year. Along with several other traits which
We have all changed, more mature people ready to tackle I think you can easily infer (e.g. epicness, awesomeness, etc).
our lives and the lives of others.
“We are angels,” Ms Perez had said. I think she’s right. I can’t really pinpoint what made our class so...amazing. Was
it the wonderful class teacher? Was it our efficient and
By: Josh Llanto hardworking CPR, Atty. Nuval, who never fails to update
our parents about the events in school through photos and
To start off; I am going to describe this section. Based documentations? Was it our Napoleon Complex during intrams?
from opinions I gathered from friends in other sections, Was it the witty sarcastic remarks that were in each of us?
they said that the Burgos class is very creative because The videos that we made? It’s amazing, really. Burgos was so
of the videos we make. Like the one shown to all grade much. Yet we only realize that now. Isn’t that just another one
6 student in the Pagbasa and Pagbigkas contest. Not to of those amazing mysteries of life? We keep on searching for
boast about my section, but I think that this section is beautiful things in life, yet we only see the most beautiful in
a remarkable one. This maybe the best year I have had our peripheral vision. Things like Burgos can only be seeked
in the middle school. ( PS that doesn’t mean that other and discovered through insight.
sections are less cool. :D ) I know I’m not supposed to be
bias, but this information was gathered from students in Truly nothing can express what made Burgos special. Not even
other sections. Deep Thought (Read some Douglas Adams books if you wish
to understand this reference). But, by going in deep on the
I have one more thing to tell you about Burgos, our teacher! general areas (A slight contradiction paradox), we should be
Our teacher is Ms. Perez, a kind and passionate teacher. able to have the same effect.
You might think that Ms. Perez is too kind that he lets us
go with naughty stuff we’ve done, but once she looks at you What was the first thing I mentioned a paragraph or two
in the eye….. You really don’t want her to get mad at you. ago? Oh, yes, the wonderful class teacher. She is truly my-
She doesn’t shout at you but gives you that feeling to be SCRATCH THAT! She is truly the whole class’ favorite class
an angelic student. To sum it all up, the Burgos gentlemen adviser. All of the other general reasons why Burgos was
and our class adviser loved this school year because it was amazing was thanks to her. Had we had a different adviser,
meaningful and it taught us a lot more about the world. we might have been a different sitcom. Definitely not Chuck
Lorre. Maybe Disaster Studios. “The Adventures of the Grade
By: Miguel Guerero 6 Class from Hell”. We wouldn’t make as much money with that
sitcom, now would we?
Burgos is one of those rare classes that makes you feel
like you live in a classy Chuck Lorre sitcom. Every day is And then, our Napoleon Complex. By far, we were the shortest
a carefully planned episode which several writers spent class in the whole batch. We were the closest to the floor,
collaborating on, slicing off boring parts, chopping off plot even when the other classes were lying down while we were
holes and erasing depressing areas with the other end of standing up. Yet, we had to persist during the intramurals to
a #2 Mongol pencil. Comedy, tragedy, action, adventure, fight, to persevere, to live. In the end, it was Grade 6 - 12,
sports and thriller (thankfully no romance) all in one class Burgos - 0. Okay, maybe we didn’t have a Napoleon complex.
day! With a class like this, who needs AXN, Star World or But, we darn well tried.
FOX? Well, okay, maybe we might need Star World, but
that’s only to see who wins American Idol. The sarcastic remarks, on the other hand, we definitely had.
Some may say this isn’t a “good” feature of Burgos, but well,
I actually remember the day I received the class roster. maybe not for you. You didn’t share the laughter we shared
I generally avoided contact with the “new” people, and thanks to the sly, witty remarks. You didn’t bask in the glory
proceeded to discuss the hadron collider and theoretical of everyone laughing at something you said.
physics with the 8 people I’ve known for 3 years - the
Double MAGIS. In my opinion though, the videos were the best thing about our
class. Making the whole batch laugh with awkward situations
These people were my best friends, my nerd herd, my depicted in our videos made real with our acting. It’s kind of
companions, not to mention my lifeline for awkward first the same thing with the sarcastic remarks except legit.
days. And awkward it was. Pretty no one knew pretty
much anybody else - except our group of nine Double Of course though, nothing is ever perfect. But, we came pretty
MAGIS. Psychiatrists would claim that we were under darn close. Sure, a few guys got reprimanded every here and
“social isolation”. We, on the other hand, would kick that there, but hey! It’s not like we caused the Third Reich or
something. To this, I say, Anbetung, mein Orange!
by Jhulian Villanueva and Don Tantan
For the past months here in Ateneo it has really been an unforgettable Time for the class of 7-St. John Francis Re-
gis.In thesefew remaining months left, they’ll surely make it memorable.Like the day the class of 7-Regis had their
Christmas party.
In the morning everyone went to mass first before the start of the Christmas parties.It lasted longer because there
was a reenactment of The time Mary and Joseph was looking for a place to stay for the birth of baby Jesus.Everyone
in Regis also had a whole lot of fun singing the Christmas songs.After the mass everyone went back to their class-
rooms for the start of the Christmas party.First a prayer was said .Then the class of Regis ate food for recess and
then they started with playing some simple games.After a little while everyone prepared for the exchanging of gifts.
They started with class number 1 to give the gift to his partner then number 2 and so on.At the end of the party
everyone left with gifts and memories.
This year has really been an unforgettable experience for 7-Regis,but the year has’nt ended yet.There will surely be
more challenges,more difficult tasks and more unforgettable events ahead.
Carlo Ozaeta
Every week we follow a usual schedule that forces us to repeat every week just like the last. This is why we look
forward to events that can rarely be the same every week. Like the intrams. Last Wednesday, our class had our first
intramural games. Soccer is the chosen sport of the quarter. As a member of team A, my game was first. Our class
was motivated by the phrase, “If we can’t win, be sure they don’t.” Despite our efforts to prevent a goal, they still
scored a point and the ball hit me in a part you are all familiar with: my arm. Also, I got hit in the groin. While I was
crouching in pain, the rest of the teams dominated and the final score was six to three. As sore as I was, I still got
to enjoy the victory of the Brebeuf Waffles.
Aguinaldo Malvar
Dustin Abad
by RC Dionisio
This is how the school year started: Projects here,
First, what does Aguinaldo mean? Aguinaldo means gifts
there and everywhere. Classes were suspended a lot
and gifts are full of surprises! To begin we have some of
but we still found time for the election of officers.
the best singers,dancers,artists and brainiacts in grade
After the voting, 6 emerged as the winners. Namely,
6. You can say that we can sometimes be noisy or rowdy
Dustin Abad as President, Vincent Dy as VP, Alvin
but that is when we are in a rowdy mood, but when we are
Agoncillo as secretary, Kyle Orfanel gets the spot
serious it’s a whole different story. We get our motivation
of treasurer, and Enrique Bautista led the Seargent-
to do more by our lovely teacher Ms.Co who is there to
at-arms voting and France Santos became the sec-
encourage us to do more “MAGIS.” Us as a class, we have
ond placer also counting as a seargent-at-arm. We
many goals to reach, one of them is completing 10 perfect
all learned that Malvar was competitive in academics
class homework for a specific reward. We are fond of
and sports. Why so? Well, we had 20 honors and we
sports and many other extra curricular activities like bas-
got one banner from the intrams. Malvar started the
ketball and soccer “Spin”. Our class is known for our value
school year highly.
of money and gadgets like the PSP,XBOX 360,PC and oth-
er gaming consoles. We are also known for putting names
The 2nd quarter was probably the most chal-
on people like me for example, “Michael Jackson” or “The
lenging quarter, considering a week of no classes, no
Photographer” are my most used labels. We can be as noisy
exams because of Ondoy. The Salu-salo was a show-
as the backend of a 747 but if we are motivated you can
case of talents with two singing performances and
hear a strand of hair fall on the ground. Overall on a scale
one dancing performance. Luckily for Malvar, nobody
of 1-10 I would give my class an 11 because despite all not
was that affected by the super typhoon. No intrams
so good things we sure are an Aguinaldo full of surprises!
happened which made the soccer peeps of Malvar
sad. Malvar emerged with 21 honors with 2 first hon-
ors namely Kyle Orfanel getting an average of 95.17
Xandro S. Hizon 6-agui. and France Santos with 95.34 as an average.
As you know, the 3rd quarter began right after the sem 3rd Quarter was the release of mottos by
break, so within the first few days, I’ll admit we were all 5 students. First of is “Some’ll win, some will lose” by
still in vacation mode. It took some time to get back into Gelix Martin which came from Don’t Stop Believing.
the rhythm of things at school, but eventually we adjusted. Another one is “Ma’am, we’re nice” by Marcus Maba-
Within the first few weeks, we began the 3rd quarter big- bangloob which eventually became a bullying warning.
ay puso column contest. Its aim is to entice us to donate Third is “I’m so pretteh!” by Randall Caynap who says
more money to bigay puso. Each week, the columns count, this whenever he runs after someone. This motto
and than compare the money they have accumulated. And now has a Facebook page and has 64 fans. Another
here is the fun part, the column with the least amount of one with a fan page is Jopee Lamanero’s “Yah, sure!”
donated money has to perform a song or dance number which has 37 fans and counting. Last is
the week after! I guess the thought of having to prepare “OWVER!” by yours truly, Dustin Abad. Intrams was
a performance is the main source of motivation to donate. another highlight of the 3rd quarter. We got 1st
We have received donations ranging from more than 2000 place for team A and 2nd for team B. This quarter
pesos to, well, zero. I have to admit, it has been really fun produced 22 honors with one first honor and that is
these past few weeks, especially if you’re the ones watch- Dustin Abad (me).
ing, not performing. Amidst all the fun, we still have to re-
member that we’re doing this for the fellow youth at PGH. Now, as the school year ends, fun does not
That isn’t all that has recently occurred, as you know, our end. This cannot be possible without our sassy girl
3rd quarter intrams is swimming. So far, it has been re- Ms. Maria Guadalupe S. Asonza. She is just the best
ally fun for us, but also tiring for those who aren’t that when it comes to class spirit. Ms.A never lets us feel
familiar with swimming. There are many great swimmers out of place, we are very thankful that we got the
in our class, and also some who are not so “confident” in the BEST, WITTIEST, and SASSIEST teacher of grade
sport. Honestly, if you put aside the exhaustion, it is re- 6!
ally nice to take a dip and do some laps under the sun. this
quarter has been really great so far, but then again, the Malvar, we’ll carry on up and beyond. Malvar
past is history, tomorrows is a mystery and today is a gift… Unites! We're so pretteh!!!
Of all my years in the Ateneo Grade School,
I’ve always regarded my friends as the most
valuable thing that the Ateneo has given me.
Not only my friends but my experiences
with them have also helped me mature to
be the young adult I am now. Now that
I am graduating, I will remember these
experiences always and cherish what
experiences I have left, for I plan on
High !
carrying these with me throughout my
life in the future.
“In every battle that we fight, victory
only frees us from the hardships. It is
the people who fought by our side that
made that victory worthwhile.”
- by Carlo Ozaeta (yes, I wrote it)
I have been studying in the Ateneo de Manila Grade School since Grade 4. And now,
I'm currently a Grade 7 student. I just want you to know what I have experienced
in these 4 years on the AGS.
First of all, I really enjoyed making friends, especially with my classmates. I
also developed my responsibility as a student. I experienced a lot of FUN in
these 4 years. So, I want to tell you to spend your AGS years wisely be-
cause you will surely regret not taking opportunities while you're still in
the AGS. The most important trait that I have developed is being a man-
Surpassing for-others. My teachers and friends molded me into the person I am
expectations now. When you reach Grade 7, the fun that you have experienced in
in joining, Grades 4-6 will double in Grade 7. I am very
sure of this because I myself have expe-
another area, rienced this already :D. I'll give you this
besides writing, advice: Live life to the FULLEST! I am
was developed. telling you this because there will be a
That was the area lot of opportunities for you to take in
of friendship. The the future. I hope that you'll have a
fun experience too in the AGS.
numerous sessions that All of these are important. By
we spent not focusing living life to the fullest will
on writing, we spent, surely develop your Ignatian
unknowingly to some, building Spirituality. Just be ready for
relationships with one another. any obstacle that you will
encounter. Thank you for
And because of that, it truly made reading my letter. :)
my stay at Eaglet for the very last - by TJ Castillion
year, a memorable one. - by Dicot
Congrats, Sesqui Grads!