OS Concepts Chapter 2 Summary
OS Concepts Chapter 2 Summary
OS Concepts Chapter 2 Summary
coverage of virtual machines, as well as multicore CPUs, the GRUB boot loader, and
operating-system debugging.
Operating systems provide a number of services. At the lowest level, system calls allow a
running program to make requests from the operating system directly. At a higher level, the
command interpreter or shell provides a mechanism for a user to issue a request without writing
a program. Commands may come from files during batch-mode execution or directly from a
terminal when in an interactive or time-shared mode. System programs are provided to satisfy
many common user requests.
The types of requests vary according to level. The system-call level must provide the basic
functions, such as process control and file and device manipulation. Higher-level requests,
satisfied by the command interpreter or system programs, are translated into a sequence of
system calls. System services can be classified into several categories: program control, status
requests, and I/O requests. Program errors can be considered implicit requests for service.
Once the system services are defined, the structure of the operating system can be developed.
Various tables are needed to record the information that defines the state of the computer system
and the status of the systems jobs.
The design of a new operating system is a major task. It is important that the goals of the system
be well defined before the design begins. The type of system desired is the foundation for
choices among various algorithms and strategies that will be needed.
Since an operating system is large, modularity is important. Designing a system as a sequence of
layers or using a microkernel is considered a good technique. The virtual-machine concept takes
the layered approach and treats both the kernel of the operating system and the hardware as
though they were hardware. Even other operating systems may be loaded on top of this virtual
Throughout the entire operating-system design cycle, we must be careful to separate policy
decisions from implementation details (mechanisms). This separation allows maximum
flexibility if policy decisions are to be changed later.
Operating systems are now almost always written in a systems-implementation language or in a
higher-level language. This feature improves their implementation, maintenance, and portability.
To create an operating system for a particular machine configuration, we must perform system
Debugging process and kernel failures can be accomplished through the use of debuggers and
other tools that analyze core dumps. Tools such as DTrace analyze production systems to find
bottlenecks and understand other system behavior.
For a computer system to begin running, the CPU must initialize and start executing the
bootstrap program in firmware. The bootstrap can execute the operating system directly if the
operating system is also in the firmware, or it can complete a sequence in which it loads
progressively smarter programs from firmware and disk until the operating system itself is
loaded into memory and executed.