Operating System: Time: 3 HRS.) (Marks: 100
Operating System: Time: 3 HRS.) (Marks: 100
Operating System: Time: 3 HRS.) (Marks: 100
Operating System
Time: 3 Hrs.] Prelim Question Paper Solution [Marks : 100
A multitasking operating system is any type of system that is capable of running more than
one task at a time. It also maintains the synchronization between I/O devices and processes
so that user can use different application in background and current application in
foreground. In multitasking the resources are made continuously working. The CPU switches
from one task to another for reading and processing. Thus idle time of peripherals gets
reduced. In multitasking Operating System the code as well as data of several processes is
stored into main memory. For example, when you are printing a document of 100 pages, you
can do other jobs like typing a new document. So, more than one task is performed.
Q.1(a) (ii) State any four types of system calls provided by an operating system. [4]
Ans.: System calls related to Process Control: End, Abort Load, Execute, Create process,
Terminate process, Ready process, Dispatch process, Suspend, Resume, Get Process
attribute, set attribute, Wait for time, Wait event, signal event.
System calls Related to File Management: Create file, delete file Open file , Close file
Create directory Read, Write, Reposition Get file attribute , set file attribute, Create a
link, Change the working directory.
System calls Related to Device Management: Request a device, Release a device Read,
Write, Reposition, Get device attribute, Set device attribute
Vidyalankar : T.Y. Diploma OS
System calls Related to Information Maintenance: Get Time or Date, Set Time or Date,
Get System data, Set system data, Get process, file or device attributes, Set Process, file
or Device attributes.
Q.1(a) (iii) Define realtime operating system. Explain with the help of example. [4]
Ans.: Real time systems are used in environment where a large number of events, mostly external
to the computer system, must be accepted and processes in a short time or within certain
deadlines. Such applications include real-time simulations, flight control, industrial control,
military applications etc. A primary objective of real-time systems is to provide quick event
response time and thus meet the scheduling deadlines. User convenience and resource
utilization are of secondary concern to real-time system designers. In Real time systems,
processor is allocated to the highest priority process among those that are ready to
execute. Higher priority processes preempt execution of the lower priority processes. This
form is called as ‘priority –based preemptive scheduling’.
2. Data management:
It observes input and output of the data and their location, storage and retrieval.
3. Task management: Task is a collection of one or more related programs and their data.
This function prepares, schedules, controls and monitors jobs submitted for execution
to ensure the most efficient processing.
5. Communication between User and Computer: Provides a user interface, e.g. command
line, graphical user interface (GUI)
6. Operating system enables startup application programs. OS must have text editor, a
translator and an editor.
7. Operating system provides number of services such as for the programmer it provides
utilities i.e. debugger, editors, file management which refers to the way that the
operating system manipulates, stores, retrieves and saves data. It interprets the
commands executed by the user. It handles disk input/output settings.
Prelim Question Paper Solution
1. Process Management: Managing the programs that are running.
2. Memory Management: Managing and rationing the memory between processes and data.
3. Storage Management: Managing the permanent Storage of data on disks or other media
4. I/O Management: Managing the input and output
5. Device / Resource Management: Managing devices and resources and allowing the users
to share the resources
6. Security and Protection: Securing the system against possible unauthorized access to
data or any other entity. Protecting the parts of the system against damage.
7. Booting the System and getting it ready to work.
8. Data communications: Providing interface to connect to other computers or allowing
others to connect
1. Program execution: The operating system loads the contents (or sections) of a file into
memory and begins its execution. A user-level program could not be trusted to properly
allocate CPU time.
2. I/O operations: Disks, tapes, serial lines, and other devices must be communicated with
at a very low level. The user need only specify the device and the operation to perform
on it, while the system converts that request into device- or controller-specific
commands. User-level programs cannot be trusted to access only devices they should
have access to and to access them only when they are otherwise unused.
3. File-system manipulation: There are many details in file creation, deletion, allocation,
and naming that users should not have to per-form. Blocks of disk space are used by
files and must be tracked. Deleting a file requires removing the name file information
and freeing the allocated blocks. Protections must also be checked to assure proper file
access. User programs could neither ensure adherence to protection methods nor be
trusted to allocate only free blocks and deallocate blocks on file deletion.
5. Error detection: Error detection occurs at both the hardware and software levels. At
the hardware level, all data transfers must be inspected to ensure that data have not
been corrupted in transit. All data on media must be checked to be sure they have not
changed since they were written to the media. At the software level, media must be
checked for data consistency; for instance, whether the number of allocated and
unallocated blocks of storage match the total number on the device. There, errors are
frequently processindependent (for instance, the corruption of data on a disk), so there
Vidyalankar : T.Y. Diploma OS
must be a global program (the operating system) that handles all types of errors. Also,
by having errors processed by the operating system, processes need not contain code to
catch and correct all the errors possible on a system.
6. Accounting: We may want to keep track at which users use how much and what kind of
computer resources. What was the login time for a particular user; is he working on the
system right now, what is the process -1 D for the user, all such in formations we can
manage using accounting service provided by many multiuser systems. This record
keeping may be for the purpose of paying for the system & its operation, or simply for
accounting usage statistics.
For constructing the actual object program of the operating system when this approach
is used, one compiles all the individual procedures, or files containing the procedures,
and then binds them all together into a single object file with the linker. In terms of
information hiding, there is essentially none- every procedure is visible to every other
one i.e. opposed to a structure containing modules or packages, in which much of the
information is local to module, and only officially designated entry points can be called
from outside the module.
(2) Microkernel
A microkernel (also known as -kernel) is the near-minimum amount of software that can
provide the mechanisms needed to implement an operating system (OS). These
mechanisms include low-level address space management, thread management, and inter-
process communication (IPC). If the hardware provides multiple rings or CPU modes, the
Prelim Question Paper Solution
microkernel is the only software executing at the most privileged level (generally
referred to as supervisor or kernel mode). Moves as much from the kernel into “user”
space. Communication takes place between user modules using message passing.
Short term scheduler Long term scheduler
1 It is a CPU scheduler It is a job scheduler
2 It selects processes from ready queue It selects processes from job pool and
which are ready to execute and loads them into memory for execution.
allocates CPU to one of them.
3 Access ready queue and CPU. Access job pool and ready queue
4 It executes frequently. It executes It executes much less frequently. It
when CPU is available for allocation. executes when memory has space to
accommodate new process.
5 Speed is fast Speed is less than short term scheduler
6 It provides lesser control over degree It controls the degree of
of multiprogramming multiprogramming
Vidyalankar : T.Y. Diploma OS
Q.2(c) With neat diagram describe use of Process Control Block (PCB). [4]
Ans.: PCB is a record or a data structure that is maintained for each and every process. Every
process has one PCB that is associated with it. A PCB is created when a process is created
and it is removed from memory when process is terminated.
A PCB contains several types of information depending upon the process to which PCB
belongs. The information stored in PCB of any process may vary from process to process. In
general, a PCB may contain information regarding:
1. Process Number: Each process is identified by its process number, called process
identification number (PID). Every process has a unique process-id through which it is
identified. The Process-id is provided by the OS. The process id of two process could
not be same because psid is always unique.
2. Priority: Each process is assigned a certain level of priority that corresponds to the
relative importance of the event that it services Process priority is the preference of
the one process over other process for execution. Priority may be given by the
user/system manager or it may be given internally by OS. This field stores the priority
of a particular process.
3. Process State: This information is about the current state of the process. i.e. whether
process is in new, ready, running, waiting or terminated state.
4. Program Counter: This contains the address of the next instruction to be executed for
this process.
5. CPU Registers: CPU registers vary in number and type, depending upon the computer
architectures. These include index registers, stack pointers and general purpose
registers etc. When an interrupt occurred, information about the current status of the
old process is saved in registers along with the program counters. This information is
necessary to allow the process to be continued correctly after the completion of an
interrupted process.
8. Accounting: This includes actual CPU time used in executing a process in order to charge
individual user for processor time.
9. I/O Status: It includes outstanding I/O request, allocated devices information, pending
operation and so on.
10. File Management: It includes information about all open files, access rights etc.
Prelim Question Paper Solution
Q.2(d) With neat diagram, explain structure of unix operating system. [4]
Ans.: Kernel: The kernel is the heart of the operating system. It interacts with the hardware
and most of the tasks like memory management, task scheduling and file management.
Shell: The shell is the utility that processes your requests. When you type in a command
at your terminal, the shell interprets the command and calls the program that you want.
The shell uses standard syntax for all commands. C Shell, Bourne Shell and Korn Shell
are the most famous shells which are available with most of the Unix variants.
Commands and Utilities: There are various commands and utilities which you can make
use of in your day to day activities. cp, mv, cat and grep, etc. are few examples of
commands and utilities. There are over 250 standard commands plus numerous others
provided through 3rd party software. All the commands come along with various options.
Files and Directories: All the data of Unix is organized into files. All files are then
organized into directories. These directories are further organized into a tree-like
structure called the file system.
Threads benefits The benefits of multithreaded programming can be broken down into four
major categories.
Vidyalankar : T.Y. Diploma OS
another thread. A multithreaded Web server with a front-end and (thread) processing
2. Resource sharing: By default, threads share the memory and the resources of the
process to which they belong. The benefit of code sharing is that it allows an application
to have several different threads of activity all within the same address space. A word
processor with three threads. For example: A multithreaded word processor allows all
threads to have access to the document being edited.
3. Economy: Because threads share resources of the process to which they belong, it is
more economical to create and switch threads, than create and context switch
processes (it is much more time consuming). For example: in Sun OS Solaris 2 creating a
process is about 30 times slower than is creating a thread (context switching is about
five times slower than threads switching).
next process in the ready queue. Otherwise, if the CPU burst of the currently running
process is longer than 1 time quantum, the timer will go off and will cause an interrupt to
the operating system. A context switch will be executed, and the process will be put at the
tail of the ready queue. The CPU scheduler will then select the next process in the ready
queue. The average waiting time under the RR policy is often long. Consider the following set
of processes that arrive at time 0, with the length of the CPU burst given in milliseconds:
Process Burst Time
P1 24
P2 3
P3 3
If we use a time quantum of 4 milliseconds, then process P1 gets the first 4 milliseconds.
Since it requires another 20 milliseconds, it is preempted after the first time quantum. And
the CPU is given to the next process in the queue, process P2. process P2 does not need 4
milliseconds, so it quits before its time quantum expires. The CPU is then given to the next
process, process P3. Once each process has received 1 time quantum, the CPU is returns to
process P1 for an additional time quantum.
The resulting RR schedule is as follows:
Two processes cannot execute their critical sections at the same time. The critical section
problem is to design a protocol that the processes can use to cooperate i.e. allowing entry to
only one process at a time inside the critical section. Before entering into the critical
section each process must request for permission to entry inside critical section.
Vidyalankar : T.Y. Diploma OS
Q.3(c) Draw the process state diagram and describe each state in one/two sentences. [4]
New: The process being created is available in the new state. It is the new state because
the system is not permitted it to enter the ready state due to limited memory available in
the ready queue. If some memory becomes available, then the process from the new state
will go to ready state.
Ready State: The process which is not waiting for any external event such as I/O operation
and which is not running is said to be in ready state. It is not in the running state because some
other process is already running. It is waiting for its turn to go to the running state.
Running State: The process which is currently running and has control of the CPU is known
as the process in running state. In single user system, there is only one process which is in
the running state. In multiuser system, there are multiple processes which are in the
running state.
Blocked State: The process that is currently waiting for external event such as an I/O
operation is said to be in blocked state. After the completion of I/O operation, the process
from blocked state enters in the ready state and from the ready state when the process
turn will come it will again go to running state.
Terminated / Halted State: The process whose operation is completed, it will go the
terminated state from the running state. In halted state, the memory occupied by the
process is released.
1. To ensure that deadlocks never occur, the system can be use either a deadlock –
prevention or a deadlock-avoidance scheme. Deadlock prevention is a set of methods for
ensuring that at least one of the necessary conditions cannot hold. These methods
prevent deadlocks by constraining how requests for resources can be made.
2. Deadlock avoidance, on the other hand, requires that the operating system be given in
advance additional information concerning which resources a process will request and
use during its lifetime .with this additional knowledge, we can decide for each request
whether or not the process, and the future requests and releases of each process, to
decide whether the current request can be satisfied or must be delayed.
4. If a system does not ensure that a deadlock will never occur, and also does not provide a
mechanism for deadlock detection and recovery, then we may arrive at a situation where
the system is in a deadlock state yet has no way of recognizing what has happened
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Vidyalankar : T.Y. Diploma OS
Q.4(b) What is inter process communication? Describe any one technique of it. [8]
Ans.: Inter-process communication: Cooperating processes require an Inter- process
communication (IPC) mechanism that will allow them to exchange data and information.
There are two models of IPC
1. Shared memory
In this a region of the memory residing in an address space of a process creating a shared
memory segment can be accessed by all processes who want to communicate with other
processes. All the processes using the shared memory segment should attach to the address
space of the shared memory. All the processes can exchange information by reading and/or
writing data in shared memory segment. The form of data and location are determined by
these processes who want to communicate with each other. These processes are not under
the control of the operating system. The processes are also responsible for ensuring that
they are not writing to the same location simultaneously. After establishing shared memory
segment, all accesses to the shared memory segment are treated as routine memory access
and without assistance of kernel.
2. Message Passing
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Prelim Question Paper Solution
A pre-emptive priority algorithm will pre-emptive the CPU if the priority of the newly
arrival process is higher than the priority of the currently running process.
A non-pre-emptive priority algorithm will simply put the new process at the head of the
ready queue.
A major problem with priority scheduling is indefinite blocking or starvation. A solution to
the problem of indefinite blockage of the low-priority process is aging. Aging is a technique
of gradually increasing the priority of processes that wait in the system for a long period of
time. SJF is a priority scheduling where priority is the predicted next CPU burst time
Advantage Priority Scheduling
Reasonable support for priority.
Suitable for applications with varying time and resource requirements.
P1 10 3
P2 1 1
P3 2 4
P4 1 5
P5 5 2
Gantt chart:
Q.5(b) Solve the following problem using SJF and Round Robin (RR) scheduling algorithm. [8]
Find average waiting time for each algorithm.
Process Burst time
P1 10
P2 3
P3 7
P4 5
Ans.: SJF
Gantt chart
Waiting time
P1 15 mesc
P2 0 mesc
P3 8 msec
P4 3 msec
Average waiting time=waiting time of all processes/number of processes
=waiting time of (P1+P2+P3+P4)/4
=15+0+8+3/4=26/4=6.5 mesc
Round Robin:
[**Note: assuming time quantum of 3 msec]
Gantt chart:
Waiting time
P1 = 0 + (12-3) + (20-15) + (24-23) = 0 + 9 + 5 + 1 = 15msec
P2 = 3msec
P3 = 6 + (15-9) + (23-18) = 6 + 6 + 5 = 17msec
P4 = 9 + (18-12) = 9 + 6 = 15msec
Average waiting time=waiting time of all processes/number of processes
=waiting time of (P1+P2+P3+P4)/4
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Prelim Question Paper Solution
Q.5(c) Write steps for Banker's Algorithm to avoid dead lock. Also give one example [8]
showing working of Banker's Algorithm.
Ans.: Banker’s Algorithm:
This algorithm calculates resources allocated, required and available before allocating
resources to any process to avoid deadlock. It contains two matrices on a dynamic basis.
Matrix A contains resources allocated to different processes at a given time. Matrix B
maintains the resources which are still required by different processes at the same time.
Algorithm F: Free resources
Step 1: When a process requests for a resource, the OS allocates it on a trial basis.
Step 2: After trial allocation, the OS updates all the matrices and vectors. This updating
can be done by the OS in a separate work area in the memory.
Step 3: It compares F vector with each row of matrix B on a vector to vector basis.
Step 4: If F is smaller than each of the row in Matrix B i.e. even if all free resources are
allocated to any process in Matrix B and not a single process can completes its task then OS
concludes that the system is in unstable state.
Step 5: If F is greater than any row for a process in Matrix B the OS allocates all required
resources for that process on a trial basis. It assumes that after completion of process, it
will release all the recourses allocated to it. These resources can be added to the free
Step 6: After execution of a process, it removes the row indicating executed process from
both matrices.
Step 7: This algorithm will repeat the procedure step 3 for each process from the matrices
and finds that all processes can complete execution without entering unsafe state. For each
request for any resource by a process OS goes through all these trials of imaginary
allocation and updation. After this if the system remains in the safe state, and then
changes can be made in actual matrices.
5 processes P0 through P4;
3 resource types:
A (10 instances), B (5instances), and C (7 instances)
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Vidyalankar : T.Y. Diploma OS
Q.6(b) Describe the concept of virtual memory with suitable example. [8]
Ans.: Virtual memory is the separation of user logical memory from physical memory. This
separation allows an extremely large virtual memory to be provided for programmers when
only a smaller physical memory is available. Virtual memory makes the task of programming
much easier, because the programmer no longer needs to worry about the amount of
physical memory available, or about what code can be placed in overlays, but can concentrate
instead on the problem to be programmed. On systems which support virtual memory,
overlays have virtually disappeared.
For example, a 16M program can run on a 4M machine by carefully choosing which 4M to
keep in memory at each instant, with pieces of the program being swapped between disk and
memory as needed.
Q.6(c) Explain two level Directory Structure with suitable diagram and single level. [8]
Ans.: Two level directory:
The standard solution to limitations of single-level directory is to create a separate
directory for each user. In the two-level directory structure, each user has his own user
file directory (UFD). The UFDs have similar structures, but each lists only the files of a
single user. When a user job starts or a user logs in, the system's master file directory
(MFD) is searched. The MFD is indexed by user name or account number, and each entry
points to the UFD for that user.
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Prelim Question Paper Solution
(i) Path name
(ii) Can have the same file name for different user
(iii) Efficient searching
No grouping capability
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