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Industry Internship Project 2014 - 16

Title of the Project

Business Management, Strategic Digital
Development and 360 MARCOM support

Submitted by:
Name of the Student: Uday Vir Singh Rana
Roll No.: 23
Program: PGDM (Marketing)
Batch: 2014-16
Company Guide: Albert Pereira
Faculty Guide: Prof. Sudipto Chakraborty
Designation: Founder and Business Head, Mio Design Pvt. Ltd.

ITM Business School

Plot No. 25 / 26, Institutional Area,
Sector 4, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai


With immense pleasure, I would like to present this report for Mio Design Pvt. Ltd. It has
been an enriching Experience for me to undergo my summer training at Mio Design Pvt.
Ltd., which would not have been possible without the good will and support of the people
around. As a student of ITM Business School, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai I would like to
extend my sincere gratitude and thanks to Mr. Albert Pereira (Business Head), Mr. Tariq
(Trainer), Dr. Ganesh Raja (Director, ITM Business school, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai)
and Prof. Sudipto Chakraborty (Faculty, ITM Business school) to shape my
understanding towards the project. It was because of their immense help and support that this
project has been duly completed.
However, I accept the sole responsibility for any possible error and would be extremely great
full to the reader of this project report if they bring any such mistakes to my notice.

Uday Vir Singh Rana

Sr. No.


Page No.

Title Page



Executive Summary

Chapter 1

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Task Given


1.3 Objectives


1.4 Modus Operandi



Chapter 2



2.1 Introduction






2.3 Services



2.4 Organization Structure



Chapter 3



3.1Analysis of Task Performed



3.2 General Observations



Chapter 4



4.1 Conclusion



4.2 Recommendations





To Whomsoever It May Concern

This is to certify that the Industry Internship project report titled Business Management,
Strategic Digital Development and 360 MARCOM support, is a bona fide work carried
out by Mr. Uday Vir Singh Rana, a student of PGDM program 2014-16 batch of the Institute
for Technology & Management, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai under my guidance and direction.
Signature of Guide:
Name, Designation & Address:

The report includes the company profile, which includes their competencies and their focus
on the business concentrated customers, their strategies and planning regarding the customers
and how do they deal with them. Then it says about my job responsibilities that I used to do

during my work-term in Mio Design Pvt. Ltd. as an intern. The report also specifies how I
was able to do my work through proper guidance.
The project started on 13th April 2015 under the guidance of the corporate mentor


Albert Pereira (Business Head, Mio Design Pvt. Ltd.). The basic goal of my project was to
understand the customer needs and then mould them according to our product specification
and thus contribute in business development.
Firstly, we were given full 1-2 weeks for understanding of Advertising Agency and its
services, which included knowledge about Business Management, Strategic Digital
Development and 360 MARCOM support. Then to fulfil the goal of the project, I started
from already provided database of the clients the company is already dealing with. I
researched the client profiles both online and offline as in what exactly are they doing to
promote their products in the provided space and how can we as an agency help them in
adding value to their 360 degree marketing communication. After researching thoroughly, we
used to come up with a strategic plan for the client to be able to communicate their products
and services in the most effective and economical way. This helped us in building our
confidence and increasing our knowledge about the same. Then we used to go for various
meetings with the client to pitch in our plan and get the brief for the same. The next was to
decode the brief given to us and execute the same with all creative which were developed inhouse by our creative team. My work also included taking care of the digital plan and
execution of the same on all the digital front.

Chapter 1

Marketing has changed.

Traditional advertising does not work, brochure-like websites do not work, and the web has
given people ultimate freedom of choice and of goods. When there are no monopolies and
constrictions, interrupting people's lives is not effective marketing anymore.
There are no secrets. The networked market knows more than companies do about their own
products. And whether the news is good or bad, they tell everyone. Cluetrain Manifesto
If the news is important, it will find me some random Myspace user
An online marketer now needs to find where people are congregating online and needs to
engage them in a meaningful way. Be it in matching with what they are looking for, watching
how they interact and understand what theyd like or listening to their natural opinions on
your company or market and reacting to that.
The Objectives of Advertising
What is advertising? It is a business, an art, an institution, and a cultural phenomenon.
The general publics attitude toward advertising is ambivalent in that they like the individual
ads while they hate advertising in general believing the profession to be glamorous while the
morality of the industry are suspect.
Much of the value and power of advertising is that it provides silent information as to how
we should interact and present ourselves. Advertising helps consumers see the possibilities
and meanings in the things that they buy. Advertising also liberates meanings that lie below
the surface. For example, Doyle, Dane, Burn Bachs Volkswagen ads turned the unlikely
automobile (an amalgamation of an insect and a machine developed by Hitler as his war
vehicle) into a mobile social statement (in the 60s and 70s the Volkswagen van often had a
peace symbol emblazoned across the front). Advertising is part of our everyday culture. If
we see, as estimated, 1,500 ads per day, clearly they must influence or even change the
cultural consciousness and behaviour of the public.
Certainly advertising promotes a higher quality of goods through the ability of the consumer
to identify a particular manufacturer and thus creating a need for that manufacturer to
maintain quality. Advertising also gives business the ability to roll-out new products fast
enough to offset the costs of creating such products. Additionally, advertising protects

industry from government and special control as it democratizes information to consumers as

to what products are available.
Definition: Advertising is a paid, mass mediated attempt to persuade.
Advertising is paid communication by a company, organization (client/sponsor) or political
candidate who wants their information disseminated.

It is mass mediated in that it is

delivered through communication media designed to reach large numbers of people. And it is
an attempt to persuade, that is, to get someone to do something. Even if the ad is purely
informational, it is still designed to get consumers to like the brand/company/person.
An advertisement is a specific message while an advertising campaign is a series of
coordinated advertisements that communicate a theme or idea.
An audience is a group of individuals who receive and interpret messages sent from
advertisers. A target audience is a particular group of consumers who are most intended to
receive the message.
The marketing mix consists of several tools including conception of the product, pricing of
the product, promotion and distribution of the product, service of person. Advertising is only
ONE of the promotional tools relied on in the marketing mix. Advertising communicates the
value of a product or service. Marketers must determine which marketing mix ingredients to
emphasize and how to blend the elements to attract and serve customers. This is referred to
as integrated communication, which is an effort to complement the overall marketing strategy
Online Advertising
Advertising has long played an important role in media. Traditional media, such as television,
newspapers, magazines and radio, have historically derived a large portion of their revenue
from advertising, and in some cases, all of it. Online media is no exception. While there are
many possibilities for revenue generation in an interactive medium such as the World Wide
Web (retail, subscription-based services, etc.), advertising has been, and continues to be, a
simple and well-understood method for monetizing content or services.
Why is advertising such a natural fit? To understand that, it helps to understand the basic
wants and needs of the primary players involved in any web interaction. In this case, those
players are the publisher (or service provider), the user, and, assuming an advertising-based
model, the advertiser.

The Publisher
Publishers and service providers provide the substance of the internet. Without publishers,
there would be no content, no World Wide Web. The definition of a publisher isnt very
specific, the term encompasses everything from somebody hosting a personal web page, to
destination sites such as major online news providers, to the providers of any of a variety of
useful tools, as in search engines, photo-hosting sites, online games, and so on.
All of these entities share the same problem: developing and maintaining their content or
service requires time, effort, and capital investment. While many are self-funded (personal
web pages, etc.), or exist purely to disseminate information (corporate portals, etc.), a large
number of them are commercial in nature, that exist for the purpose of earning a profit. For
these publishers, without some type of payment for their efforts, developing and maintaining
their properties is impossible.
The User
Users are the consumers of the internet. Without users, there would be no reason for the web
to exist. Users desire content and services. In some cases, users are willing to pay a
publisher directly; good examples of this are services such as web hosting, and certain types
of premium content. In all cases, its a trade-off: the user weighs the value proposition of
what they get in return for what they have to pay.
The Advertiser
Online advertisers, just like offline advertisers, are businesses that need to communicate a
message. Whether the message is intended to increase general brand awareness or to simply
inform potential customers that your business provides the product or service they need, the
basic need is the same.
Advertising is so widely used because it satisfies all of these needs. The publisher gets the
revenue needed to cover development and maintenance costs. The user gets value (they get
to view content or use applications) for a reasonable price (they simply need to view the

The advertiser is able to communicate their message to the intended

audience. Assuming each party acts responsibly and holds up their side of the implied
contract, the system works, and is sustainable.

The system does need all three to be successful, though. If anyone falls through, the system
falls apart.

If advertisers dont purchase advertisements, the publisher cant sustain

development. If publishers dont make meaningful content available, users have no reason to
visit, and there is no traffic, and thus nothing for advertisers to buy. If users refuse to view
advertisements, the advertisers get no value in exchange for their purchases, and will thus not
continue buying.
All of these issues apply equally to offline advertisers as well as online. In fact, in many
ways, the World Wide Web is just a new media channel, providing many of the same services
as television, radio, and printed media. Assuming the market is there on all sides (publisher,
user, and advertiser), the system can be just as successful as it is in traditional media.
There are, of course, many other methods that publishers can monetize their content and
services, such as via paid subscriptions, retail, and so on. However, these methods are outside
the scope of this paper, and thus wont be discussed in depth.
Online Advertising Models
There are primarily three different models used in online advertising: CPM (Cost Per Mille),
CPC (Cost Per Click), and CPA (Cost Per Action).

They differ primarily in how the

advertising itself is bought and sold, although there are also more subtle differences between
the three in who is responsible for different aspects of the process.
1. CPM
The simplest model to understand, and the one that directly inherits from most offline
advertising, is CPM. CPM is an acronym for Cost Per Mille, meaning cost per 1,000 ad
views (impressions). The advertiser and the publisher negotiate a fixed amount that the
advertiser will pay for every 1,000 times an ad is shown. CPM is a very simple payment
scheme, assuming the two parties can agree on a method for counting impressions. There are
often stipulations in the agreement, such that the ad can only be shown on certain pages of the
publishers site, or can only be shown on pages with a limited number of other ads.
CPM advertising is often utilized for so-called brand advertising. Brand advertising is
designed to build general awareness of an advertisers message, and is not intended to
immediately lead to customer action.
In a CPM relationship, the publisher is primarily concerned with maintaining a high-quality
audience that has well defined interests or characteristics.

The advertiser is primarily

concerned with creating a message that will be noticed by their target audience, because they

pay for the impression whether or not the user actually sees the ad. In general, the more
knowledge a publisher has about a particular audience, the higher the CPM that can be
charged, because the advertiser is able to more clearly know who their message is being
delivered to.
Since CPM is chiefly concerned with buying and selling certain audiences, the onus is on the
advertiser to ensure that the advertisement is being delivered to the target audience.
One prominent weakness of CPM advertising lies in the fact that the advertiser is only getting
value if the user actually sees the ad. If the user doesnt notice the ad on the page, the money
the advertiser paid is wasted. In some cases, this can result in people going to great lengths to
ensure the ad is seen, such as making obnoxious banner ads, or in extreme cases, resorting to
pop-up or pop-under ads. This lowers the value proposition for the user, because the
browsing experience becomes less pleasant, and it may lead to the user abandoning the
publisher. Another weakness is that it is difficult for an advertiser to prove that they are
getting the desired value from the advertising. Since the goals of many CPM campaigns are
not clearly defined, it can be difficult to measure results against them.
2. CPC
Another model, which has become quite popular in recent years, is CPC advertising, or Cost
Per Click. In this model, the advertiser pays the publisher a set amount for each user that
clicks on the ad, regardless of how many times the ad was shown. This relaxes many of the
stipulations associated with CPM advertising, because the advertiser is no longer concerned
with who views their advertisement, only with the resulting quality of the set of users that
demonstrate interest in the message.
Because the advertiser typically has little or no visibility into who is viewing their message,
CPC advertising is typically less appealing to brand advertisers than CPM. Instead, the
primary market is made up of performance advertisers, who are mostly interested in
provable metrics of how the traffic they are buying performs, for instance, how likely it is
that a user that clicked on an ad will purchase something from the advertiser. These
advertisers are less concerned with overall user-awareness of their message, and are usually
interested in immediate action from the user (such as buying something, or signing up for a
In a CPC relationship, it is now the publishers responsibility to ensure that the right
advertisement is shown to the right audience. The advertiser is still responsible for crafting a
message that will appeal to the target audience, and hopefully only that target audience (the

advertiser doesnt want to pay for clicks from users not likely to be interested in their
products), but the exact composition of the total audience is no longer important to them.
In some respects, CPC has advantages over CPM.

It is easy to compare the actual

performance of an advertising campaign against the goal. Also, the advertiser is no longer
concerned with simply getting as many eyeballs as possible viewing the ad, so the incentive
to create obnoxious ads is virtually eliminated.
However, CPC advertising has weaknesses of its own. Primarily, click fraud. Since the
publishers compensation is directly tied to the number of clicks generated, unorthodox
publishers often resort to questionable tactics to increase the click count. These activities
vary from outright cheating by generating false clicks or incenting users to click on ads that
theyre not actually interested in, to more subtle attempts to trick users into clicking on ads,
by disguising them as page content.

Such fraud lowers the value proposition for the

advertiser, who may decide to leave the market.

Click fraud is a serious problem that is currently being faced by the CPC advertising market.
It is commonly accepted wisdom that in most cases, 10-15% of generated clicks are invalid
for one reason or another, and in some cases that number can be as high as 50%. It has been
estimated that advertisers are being billed $1 billion annually for fraudulent clicks.
3. CPA
A third model, which wont be covered in great detail in this paper, is CPA, or Cost Per
Action. In this model, the advertiser pays a set amount for each user that performs some
specified task, such as making a purchase or signing up for a credit card. The action is
usually similar to the desired goal of a CPC campaign, but in this model, the publisher has all
of the responsibility, from matching ads to users, all the way to designing the actual ads. This
is the safest model for advertisers: since only proven users are paid for, there is no
opportunity for wasted impressions or fraudulent clicks.
Interestingly, this payment model has led to the appearance of several affiliate networks,
companies who offer users, for example, free MP3 players, in return for responding to a
certain number of CPA advertisements. The programs are designed such that the publisher
doesnt reward the user until the total revenue from CPA payments exceeds the value of the
gift itself. If the user quits after only signing up for a few offers, the publisher still gets to
keep the CPA revenue, but no longer has the expense of providing the free gift.


1.2Task given
I was given the task of Business Management, Strategic Digital Development and 360
MARCOM support where we have to do the whole process of selling which is
prospecting, approaching, presentation, objection handling, closing and follow up.
So the overall tasks consisted of the following:
a. How a customer will become aware of your brand
b. Why they will then want to visit your website
c. How easily will they be able to make a purchase or register once on your site?

1.3Objectives of the project

The main objective for a successful digital marketing need is to be SMART (Specific,
Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely).
1) The main objective of this project is to drive clients for the company and build
various strategies for business development and digital space.
2) To study the latest trends in Digital Marketing Sector
3) To research about the clients and their products marketing communications both on
traditional and digital front.
4) Suggesting viable recommendations in the specific area

1.4 Modus operandi

The project started on 13th April 2015 under the guidance of the corporate mentor Mr. Albert
Pereira (Business Head, Mio Design Pvt. Ltd.). The basic goal of my project was to

understand the customer needs and then mould them according to our product specification
and thus contribute in business development.
Firstly, we were given full 1-2 weeks for understanding of Advertising Agency and its
services, which included knowledge about Business Management, Strategic Digital
Development and 360 MARCOM support.
Then to fulfil the goal of the project, I started from already provided database of the clients
the company is already dealing with. I researched the client profiles both online and offline as
in what exactly are they doing to promote their products in the provided space and how can
we as an agency help them in adding value to their 360 degree marketing communication.
After researching thoroughly, we used to come up with a strategic plan for the client to be
able to communicate their products and services in the most effective and economical way.
This helped us in building our confidence and increasing our knowledge about the same.
Then we used to go for various meetings with the client to pitch in our plan and get the brief
for the same. The next was to decode the brief given to us and execute the same with all
creative which were developed in-house by our creative team.
My work also included taking care of the digital plan and execution of the same on all the
digital front. I was support to around 15 clients and was able to get 2 new clients into the
companys kitty

The Cross-Channel Campaign Market:

The cross-channel marketing is about making the media channels work together to drive
better results and provide a better experience for the clients consumers. For them, a better


experience means meaningful outreach by their brand based on the consumers demographic,
where they want to connect, where they are, and what they care about.


Chapter 2

2.1 Introduction


Mio Design Pvt Ltd is a 360 degree marketing solutions company operating in India. The
company offers Advertising, Branding, Public Relations, Marketing (Media, Interactive,
Above the line and Below the line) and Events in India and abroad.
In India, we offer comprehensive digital solutions covering Media buying, Social Media
strategy, Organic and Paid Search, Websites and Apps Development and Creative Services.
The founder are of vast experience in the industry and have worked with top notch companies
of the advertising sector (O & M, Burson-Marstellers etc.) and are highly reputed in their
With 19 solid years of experience Biswajit steered technology implementation and operations
at O&M. He started his career with O&M Kolkata, moved to its Bangalore office as south
region head and finally to corporate office in Mumbai, heading IT and Operations for the
SAARC region for Ogilvy worldwide.
Over a decades experience in brand management, retail marketing and activation across
markets drives his belief that the brand is the ultimate source of value for companies. This
makes Abbas a great communication partner. After Coca-Cola India, Tata Indicom and Kotak
Mahindra, he ended his corporate stint as National Head, Brand Activation and Alliances and
embraced the mutation process.
True mutation led Albert to make his transition from Ogilvy as 360 lead for International
clients in China to pure digital. From setting up Phonevalley (Vivaki Mobile) in India to
leading Burson-Marstellers digital foray, the amalgam of number led insights, holistic design
and communication architecture drives Alberts belief: the X-men will rule eventually.
Sid carries over 16 years of experience in creative. Starting his career at Response in Kolkata,
he moved to O&M to become Senior Creative Director. His hat is feathered with memorable
campaigns for Limca, Kinley, Cadburys Gems and Perk, Bajaj bikes, IDBI Bank and Kotak
Mahindra. His deep understanding of brands and their grammar makes him stand apart in this
world of cluttered communication.


2.2 The Organization

The Mind
All neurons are fired to achieving its target: To transform the communications game from one
that is prescriptive, blind and push oriented to participatory, analytical and with pinpoint
The Heart
At the heart, lies the conviction in its ability to morph into a leading branded content
solutions provider built for the new world of co-created brands.
The Mutant
Mio is a new-age hybrid & fluid communication solution provider. All arms of the marketing
communication process are meshed together seamlessly. Adept equally at conversation starter
nuggets and mass megaphone push initiatives. Mio has an uninterrupted orientation to
respond and bring the brand persona alive through action and behaviour. As a matter of
practice, the design, the brand and the digital lenses are worn on all brand initiatives. Mio is
live, real time and fiercely creative.
Digital Lens
Responsive layout
Digital communications has never been closer to real life. We persuade, convince, retort,
shout and react with help from our webbed network. Our brands are being shaped/ co-created
real time. Digital marketing is a hybrid game of Boggle and Scotland Yard. A 24x7 reality
game that is highly engaging and profitable if played correctly. The new-age marketing world
is a delicate mix of inbound and outbound strategies and with Mio Digital you are equipped.

Brand Lens
Easy to customize
A brand management combination of 65 years collectively across the top management of Mio
coupled with steadfast belief in the brand as the ultimate source of value drives this mutant.

Each problem needs a solution that is custom built for the brand that faces it. The brand lens
takes the brand corner during brainstorms.
Design Lens
Minimal and fresh
In a world hurtling toward a situation of heaps of digital waste, it is imperative that the brand
cuts through. Design and identity will play an even stronger role in a brands journey going
forward. Mio drives design and identity that is not just visual, but experiential and sets the
guidelines for engagement.

2.3 Services
Mainline & Digital Creative
At the core lie idea led creative solutions that stem from design and consumer insight.
Mio thrives on the view that everything can and should be creative in the new world. It
believes in maximizing media spends using cut-through and virally amplified pieces of work,
across television, press, PR, outdoor, mobile and the web, always remaining true to the brand,
its unique look, feel and voice.
Web Development
The biggest challenge in website creation is striking the right chord with the target audience;
every time Mio Design do just that!
Accessibility, Compatibility, Navigability, Readability and Usability are the inherent
abilities of every website built by us. Colours, fonts, high-end technologies like Ajax, CSS,
Flash, PHP, .Net, XML, XHTML, etc., are routine affairs.
What really gets going is an idea designed for maximum impact? When coupled with the
enthusiasm and creative ingenuity, even the simplest of ideas end up as GREAT websites. Be
it comprehensive corporate profiles, lucrative e-commerce websites and portals, or highlyinteractive, Web 2.0-based sites, they make websites for all genres.

What is Need of the Hour?













The Power of Internet in the Pocket! The new-age mantra of business-on-the-go seems to
be catching on fast.

Mio is awake and connected on the go. It instils trust in relationships with the individual
propelling the consumer to opt-in for content. It covers longer-term, customized and
personalized communication solutions across voice, USSD, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, mobile Internet
and SMS. It integrates messaging solutions based on analytics and loyalty data developed as
part of the messaging mesh.
Built for the outdoors, Mio promises unrestricted innovation, apt location at best in class
returns on investments and a guarantee on visibility, recall and interactivity in the outdoor

Online Reputation Management


It listens, analyses and intelligently drives conversations on the web through long-term
engagements and responses by taking the form of its brand partner proactively. Mio is
designed to handle potential crisis and custom build content for the net.
Search engine marketing
Search Engine Marketing or SEM can work wonders in promoting the business. Today, when
90% of the online consumers use search engines to search for products and services, at Mio
Design offer unique SEM services and create a brand-new strategy or revamp the existing
SEM approach to place client exactly where the customers look.

5 Ways how search engine marketing can benefit

Targeted traffic to your site 24/7. The Internet never sleeps. When site has visibility
on search engines, one is going to get targeted traffic every hour, every day. So forget
about cold-calling and knocking on doors. One can now depend on search marketing
to get the leads.

Able to reach out to global audience. For an international business and have
prospects overseas, with search marketing, one can now do business globally as there
is no geographical boundary anymore.

Get more targeted traffic to your website Search engine is the number one traffic
referral source for most websites. Millions of searches are conducted every day as
people look for websites, information, products and services. With search marketing,
one can definitely get more targeted traffic to website.

Cost effective. When compared to other traditional advertising media, search

marketing is definitely more cost effective. Search engine traffic is more targeted
which makes it easier for you to convert prospects to customers.

Build your brand When a website has high visibility on search engines, it is showing
the prospects that the business is an authority brand. When searchers see the website


often, they will remember the brand. Even if they do not need the product or service
now, they will think of that brand first when they need it in the near future.

Social Media
The brand and end consumer have never been closer. Brand personality has never been as
important and as real before this. Social media has brought-alive real time dialogue and
engagement. It is the building, managing and analysis of these platforms that need to be
understood developed and nurtured. Mio helps a brand live its carefully nurtured
Public Relations
Mio rises beyond the traditional forte of public relations. Going beyond the system, process
and intermediaries, it blends the old world and the new based on the brands requirement.
Public relations is, as it should be, responsible for the message delivery and the change in
consumer mind-set. Mio's online and offline tools and its focus on message delivery and
outcome drive its unique offerings.
Moving Pictures
Mio combines its sharp sense for motion and sound to craft and produce high quality films in
animation and real picture. It thrives on unexplored, challenging outlines and stocks some

stellar brand documentaries and audio archives, interactive films, animations and stop motion
under its belt.

Edified with the knowledge that all communication will be digital one day, Mio closely
watches over all communication with a digital mind-set. Based on the brand, category and
brief, Mio stands tall with its digital backbone aligned to all campaigns and brand
engagement points.

2.4 Organization Structure


Co-Founder & Business Head

Co-Founder & Business Head

Co-Founder & Creative Head


Chapter 3


3.1 Techniques used to achieve the given objective

As the objective was to have an understanding of Advertising Agency and its services, which
included knowledge about Business Management, Strategic Digital Development and 360
MARCOM support. Then to fulfil the goal of the project, I started from already provided
database of the clients the company is already dealing with.
I researched the client profiles both online and offline as in what exactly are they doing to
promote their products in the provided space and how can we as an agency help them in
adding value to their 360 degree marketing communication. After researching thoroughly, we
used to come up with a strategic plan for the client to be able to communicate their products
and services in the most effective and economical way.
This helped us in building our confidence and increasing our knowledge about the same.
Then we used to go for various meetings with the client to pitch in our plan and get the brief
for the same. The next was to decode the brief given to us and execute the same with all
creative which were developed in-house by our creative team. My work also included taking
care of the digital plan and execution of the same on all the digital front.

3.2 General Observations

The general observation was that the clients who already knew about the agency were pretty
much satisfied with the agencys work and lots of referral were generated because of the
same and moreover more briefs were provided by the same client along with retainer ship
opportunities. But difficulties arose for altogether new clients as our agency was 3yr old startup. The conversion always took time. Other problem faced was with the budgeting of the
plan. We always used to get into long negotiations with the client on budget part. It was really
difficult to convince the client, as being a start-up client wanted to get the job done at lesser
budget and not consider the quality and effectiveness of the plan and the agency.


Clients I Worked on


Chapter 4


4.1 Summary
The future scope of the digital marketing industry will be determined by ideas and
developments that call for the seamless interworking of mediums. Its that simple.
Traditional media isnt going anywhere (though there are some real concerns about the future
of print). But television and radio are safe and thriving. Theres no shortage of brands who
have advertising dollars earmarked for TV and radio. In the case of the Super Bowl, the price
of poker continues to rise.
The future of digital marketing will be rooted in how marketers and platforms create ways for
new and traditional media to play together. Were already seeing this with The Second
Screen Phenomenon
A second screen is a second electronic device used by television viewers to
connect to a program they're watching. A second screen is often a smartphone
or tablet, where a special complementary app may allow the viewer to interact
with a television program in a different way - the tablet or smartphone becomes
a TV companion device. The second screen phenomenon represents an attempt
to make TV more interactive for viewers, and help promote social buzz around
specific programs.
A second screen is also known as a companion device.
The use of second screens or companion devices or applications is something
that many are talking about in todays broadcasting industry, where new display
options, such as tablets and smartphones, are revolutionizing the way
businesses think about digital media.
A second screen allows for viewer interaction. For example, some of these
secondary displays could enable real-time chat about visual broadcasts, such as
news or current event broadcasts. Second screens also can help shape how








technologies in an increasingly digital world.

The use of second-screen broadcasts also coexists with the emergence of
portable data delivery through cloud-based software systems, along with other
ways of getting content over wireless platforms directly to a customers device.

Market Size

120 million Internet users today

10 million 3G connections within 6months of launch
28% of travel gets booked online
7% of the classifieds business is online
Close to 50% of music revenues in
India comes from mobile downloads
E-commerce companies are recording revenues in the region of a crore a day rivaling retail
brands that are around for more than 10 years.


The no. of internet users in India today stands at 120 million and is expected to reach 376
million by 2015 close to 3 times the current number.

National Broadband Policy Rs. 60,000 crore by govt. to facilitate high-speed data
Introduction of affordable PCs, Tablets and Smartphones
Widespread adoption of 3G and 4G services


4.2 Recommendations
Create an Educational Platform

Rather than focus on providing entertainment and humour, we should shift some of our
efforts to provide an educational platform for consumers. Educate the audience about the
specific personal benefits provided by the products. Or, educate the audience about critical
factors in the industry and authentically associate your brand with that platform. Few
emotions are more influential than empowerment. It can directly create loyalty, brand
differentiation and increased revenue. To create an educational platform, look at the problem
that your products solve then look at the holistic experience for consumers when faced with
that problem to find an opportunity for educating the audience with authenticity.




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