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Social and Psychological Foundations

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Social and Psychological Foundations

The outcomes that follow address social and psychological foundations of education. In constructing the outcomes, indicators, and
assessments proposed here, material from the following documents was incorporated:

NCATE Program Standards for Elementary Teacher Preparation

ACEI Elementary Education Program Standards

Council of Learned Societies in Education- Standards for Academic and Professional Instruction in Foundations in Education,
Educational Studies, and Educational Policy Studies

Maryland Essential Dimensions of Teaching

Knowledge, skills, and dispositions that are foundations of the profession of teaching are infused throughout the documents named
above. NCATE standards are the organizing framework, and ACEI Program standards are the outcomes. The indicators, assessment
types, and sample assessment tasks have been constructed to be foundational.
In constructing the material contained here, the following assumptions were made:
Knowledge and understanding of ALL concepts related to the foundations of teaching must be introduced during the first two
years of a four-year program leading to teacher certification. Though in many cases students= ability to work with these
concepts will be rudimentary, it is incumbent on faculty to introduce foundation material early and to provide opportunities for
students to demonstrate proficiency before they enter formal candidacy for teacher certification. The level of knowledge and
understanding required and the demand for application of that knowledge and understanding will distinguish pre-professional
from professional courses.

Many knowledge bases and foundational skills are prerequisites for competent demonstration of the knowledge and
understanding identified as foundational to the profession of teaching. While these prerequisites will be fulfilled in students=
general education curricula, teacher educators shall demonstrate to the education community and to the public that prerequisite
performance standards are met by persons recommended for candidacy for teacher education programs.


Knowledge and understanding foundational to the profession of teaching will be addressed in students= general education
curricula and appropriate introductory teacher education courses. Teacher education programs may find a variety of academic
and experiential configurations that convey and test the outcomes delineated here.


Though many modes of instruction are possible, one is essential. Teacher candidates must be given early, sequential exposure
to the practice of teaching. Fieldwork shall begin as early as involvement in education courses begins and will be an ongoing

and progressively demanding part of aspiring teachers= course of study.

Standard 1: Development, learning, and motivation--Candidates know, understand, and use the major concepts, principles, theories,
and research related to development of children and young adolescents to construct learning opportunities that support individual
students= development, acquisition of knowledge, and motivation.


Assessment Types

Sample Assessment Tasks

1.Teacher candidates will know

and understand the social,
physical, emotional, and
cognitive stages of development
from infancy through

a. Identify indicators of
development through

!Restricted response
!Extended response questions

b. Recognize developmental
level of child based on
observing child behavior, and
recognize importance of this
issue in curriculum and
instructional materials.

! Complete a case study of a student.

! Explain Piaget=s stages of development
! Explain Erickson=s stages of development.
! Discuss child development as it relates to
curriculum and materials

!Written journal
!Oral presentation
!Case study/ simulation

2.Teacher candidates will know

the major approaches to
(theories of) human learning.

3. Teacher candidates will reflect

on the approaches to

c. Identify and explain the major

components of the major
approaches to learning.
d. Write and speak on how
learning occurs in students and
in themselves
e. Recognize behaviors that
enhance and impede learning
f. Recognize behaviors that
indicate that learning has

!Guided observations
!Research paper

! Compare and contrast Piaget=s and

Vygotsky=s theories
! Identify and explain use of Skinner=s
principles in a classroom
! Describe how a discovery learning task
appropriate for third graders differs from a task
appropriate for eight graders.

Standard 1: Development, learning, and motivation --Continued



Assessment Types

Sample Assessment Tasks

4.Teacher candidates will

understand the impact of culture,
privilege, and oppression, as
they influence personal growth
and development.

g. Define and explain culture,

privilege and oppression

5. Teacher candidates will relate

culture, privilege and oppression
to their impact on schooling,
student performance and success

i. Discuss culture, privilege and

oppression in relation to
schooling, student performance
and success

6. Teacher candidates will

understand the important role of
family in human development
and the variety of ways
individuals can organize to
fulfill these roles.

j. Discuss the role of family in

k. Discuss how individuals
fulfill family roles.

! Describe how siblings= behaviors in school

may be manifestations of their roles at home.

7. Teacher candidates will

understand basic theories of

l. Reflect on personal
motivational patterns in relation
to basic theories.

! Analyze a videotape of a motivational


! Given a case study, explain how the needs of

a child in one circumstance differ from the
needs of a child in a different circumstance.

h. Discuss how culture, privilege

and oppression influence growth
and development.
!Participate in a cultural
sensitivity exercise.

! Given an exercise or simulation, identify

culturally sensitive behaviors and explain.

Standard 2a: Central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of content -- Candidates know, understand, and use the central
concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of content for students across the K-8 grades and can create meaningful learning experiences
that develop students competence in subject matter for various developmental level.
1. Teacher candidates will know
what curriculum is and identify
the social, cultural, historical, and
philosophical influences that
effect the development and
change of curriculum.
2. Teacher candidates will
understand the construction of
curriculum as responsive to
developmental, cultural, and
social needs of children.

a. Define curriculum
b. Explain the social, cultural,
historical, and philosophical
factors and how they influence
c. Construct appropriate
objectives for given specific

Assessment Types

Sample Assessment Tasks

!Multiple choice tests

!Restricted response
!Extended response questions
!Web research
!Research papers

! Make a computer search of the definitions of

curriculum. Order the definitions according to
self-generated criteria.

!Guided observations

! Write an affective objective for a lesson on

weather for third graders.

d. Identify and explain the

different domains of
e. Write objectives specific to
the cognitive, affective, and
behavioral domains..

3. Teacher candidates will know

that there are different
approaches to and methods of

g. Identify approaches to
teaching such as cooperative
learning, direct instruction, etc.

! Explain methods used in a ninth grade

language arts class.

4. Teacher candidates will

recognize that there are different
approaches to teaching and that
materials and objectives are
specific to the approach selected.

h. Identify the type of teaching

being employed in a field

! Identify and describe types of teaching

strategies you observed.

i. Identify materials that are

specific to a particular approach.

Standard 2a: Central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of content -- Continued


5. Teacher candidates will be able

to conduct basic educational

j. Use tools of fundamental


Assessment Types

Sample Assessment Tasks

! Design a study to be conducted during a class

k. Engage in a research activity

6. Teacher candidates will recognize
valid sources of educational

l. Discriminate among various

educational sources.

7. Teacher candidates will know

and understand the roles of
elementary school teachers.

m. Name and explain the roles

of teachers
n. Identify and evaluate the
appropriateness of those roles

! Explain what distinguishes a refereed journal

from an educational newsletter
!Multiple choice tests
!Restricted and Extended
response questions
!Responses to guided
!Responses to case studies,

! Identify and discuss the roles of the teacher

that you observed.

Standard 2i: Connections across the curriculum -- Candidates must know, understand, and use the connections among concepts,
procedures, and applications from content areas to motivate elementary students, build understanding, and encourage the application
of knowledge, skills, tools, and ideas to real world issues
Outcomes for this standard are either met in the second sixty hours of teacher preparation or are addressed under other standards.

Standard 3a: Integrating and applying knowledge for instruction -- Candidates plan and implement instruction based on knowledge
of students, learning theory, subject matter, curricular goals and community.


Assessment Types

Sample Assessment Tasks

1. Teacher candidates will reflect

on the approaches to

a. Recognize how learning

occurs in students and in

!Check lists
!Role playing
!Restricted response
!Extended response questions

! Candidates will role play behaviors that

enhance and impede learning

b. Identify behaviors of students

and of professionals, which
enhance learning and impede
c. Identify behaviors that
indicate that learning has
occurred and justify behaviors

Field Work
!Guided observation

Standard 3a: Integrating and applying knowledge for instruction -- Continued



2. Teacher candidates will relate

principles and practices of group
dynamics to educational practices

d. Name and explain major

principles and practices used in
group dynamics

Assessment Types

Sample Assessment Tasks

! Identify and explain appropriate uses of
homogeneous and heterogeneous groups.
! Role play appropriate teacher response to
students who impede group progress.

e. Recognize similarities and

differences in uses of group
dynamic principles and practices
to those of educational principles
and practices
f. Demonstrate use of group
dynamics principles.
3. Teacher candidates will
possess knowledge of
exceptionalities and individual
differences and understand how
culture and experience affect

g. Name major categories of

exceptionalities (special needs) in
learning- including learning
disabilities, visual and perceptual
difficulties, and special physical or
mental challenges
h. Recognize the multiplicity of
individual differences among
students- including learning styles,
strengths, needs, and worldview.
i. Recognize research and/or
theories on how culture and
experience affect responses to
exceptionalities and individual
differences among students
j. List current standardized
instruments that determine
exceptionalities and individual

Some outcomes related to this

standard are applicable to the

!Restricted response questions

!Extended response questions
!Multiple choice
!Research reviews
!Class discussion
!Research papers
Field Work
! Guided observations
!Reflection papers

! Explain methods for assessment of an LEP

student who exhibits behavior that is
alternately aggressive and withdrawn

Standard 3b: Adaptation to diverse students -- Candidates understand how elementary students differ in their development and
approaches to learning, and create instructional opportunities that are adapted to diverse students.


Assessment Types

Sample Assessment Tasks

1. Teacher candidates will

specify how issues such as
justice, social equality,
concentrations of power, class
differences, race and ethnic
relations, language and literacy,
or family and community
organization relate to teaching
and schools.

a. Define justice, social equality,


!Analysis of case studies

!Role playing
!Letters to the editor from a

! Interview of community member about

their educational experiences.

d. Explain educational issues

portrayed in the media

!observe in schools with
contrasting philosophies or
with student bodies with
different societal challenges

! Write a letter to the editor of the

Washington Post commenting on the recent
education article and write from the
perspective of a theorist discussed in this

e. Explain how Dewey, Piaget,

Vygotsky, Skinner, and Bandura
would react to a current issue in

!Extended constructed

2. Teacher candidates will

identify contemporary education
3. Teacher candidates will
related issues to their historical,
social, cultural, philosophical,
education antecedents or analyze
the historical, social, cultural,
philosophical, and educational
antecedents in relation to
contemporary issues.

b. Explain how class differences,

race, and language impact
c. Describe accommodations
teachers may make for
differences in language and

!Reflective journals

Standard 3c: Development of critical thinking, problem solving and performance skills -- Candidates understand and use a variety
of teaching strategies that encourage elementary students= development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills.


Assessment Type

Sample Assessment Task

1. Teacher candidates will engage

successfully in critical thinking
and problem solving in a variety
of content areas.

a. Define, explain, give

examples of critical thinking,
problem solving, and
performance skills

!Multiple choice tests

!Restricted /extended
response questions

!Devise five test questions in a content area

(your choice) that require critical thinking,
problem solving, and the demonstration of
performance skills, and five questions which
do not require these skills.

!Reports of guided

2. Teacher candidates will

recognize instructional practices
that enhance, or impede critical
thinking, problem solving, and
performance skills.

Standard 3d: Active engagement in learning -- Candidates use their knowledge and understanding of individual and group
motivation and behavior among students K-8 to foster active engagement in learning, self motivation, and positive social interaction
and to create supportive learning environments.


Assessment Type

Sample Assessment Task

1. Teacher candidates will engage

in small group learning
environments in a variety of
content areas in the first sixty
hours of coursework.

a. Reports of group work and

products of group work.

!portfolio entries

!Evaluation form completed by various


Standard 4a: Practices and behaviors developing career teachers -- Candidates understand and apply practices and behaviors that
are characteristic of developing career teachers.


Assessment Type

Sample Assessment Task

1. Teacher candidates will know

the alternative patterns of
elementary school organization.

a. Identify types such as

primary/intermediate, charter,

!Multiple choice test

!Restricted and Extended
response questions
!Role playing
!Graphic organizers
!Log observations
!Report on guided
!Research paper
!Case Studies
!Class discussions/
!Teacher-mentor assessments

! Create two organizational charts for a school

and compare them.

b. Explain how schools are

organized at micro level, i.e.
principal, assistant principal,
department head, etc.

2. Teacher candidates will know

the various school personnel who
will be collaboratively involved
in lesson construction.

c. Name the personnel who

should collaborate in
instructional design for students

! Write a job description for various school


d. Define the basic roles of these

3. Teacher candidates will know
the history of education.

e. Identify major figures in the

history of education
f. Identify major events in the
history of education

! Make a time line for American education.

Standard 4a: Practices and behaviors developing career teachers Continued



4. Teacher candidates will begin

developing a philosophy of
education and relate this to
purposes of education.

g. Write a detailed philosophy of

education statement

! Take written philosophy statement to two

teachers for feedback; reflect on the feedback.

5. Teacher candidates will

understand schools as

h. Explain how schools are

organized at the macro level,
i.e., federal, state, and

! Interview a corporate CEO and principal and

note difference in perspective.

6. Teacher candidates will

understand the important role of
family in learning and will
recognize teachers= vital role in
creating a partnership with

i. Explain the influence of

family on learning.

7. Teacher candidates will know

fundamental/basic rudiments of
school law.

k. Articulate laws that have

shaped basic educational policy.

j. Articulate culturally competent

strategies for involving families
in enhancing student learning.

Assessment Type

!Role play
!Class discussions
!Essay exams
!Research or reflection
!Guided observations
!Interviews with teachers

Sample Assessment Task

! Role play parent-teacher conferences.

! Re-enact the Brown vs. Topeka Board of

Education case.

l. Reference outstanding cases of

school law
8. Teacher candidates will know,
understand, and give reason for
the ethical standards of the
teaching profession.

m. Name and explain principles

of ethics in teaching
n. Identify ethical and unethical
teacher behaviors
o. Explain consequences of
unethical teacher behaviors

! Role play a teacher/student discussion of


Standard 4a: Practices and behaviors developing career teachers --Continued



9. Teacher candidates will know

and articulate the value of lifelong learning

p. Discuss life-long learning and

its effect on the quality of life

Assessment Type

Sample Assessment Task

! Create a life-learning journal.

q. Identify and explain the value

of action research

Standard 4b: Reflection and evaluation -- Candidates are aware of and reflect on their practice in light of research on teaching and
resources available for professional learning; they continually evaluate the effects of their professional decisions and actions on
students, parents, and other professionals in the learning community and actively seek out opportunities to grow professionally.


1. Teacher candidates will keep a

developmental portfolio that
will include reflections on their
developing schema of the
teaching profession.

a. portfolio

Assessment Type

Sample Assessment Task

Standard 5c: Collaboration with families -- Candidates know the importance of establishing and maintaining a positive collaborative
relationship with families to promote the intellectual, social, emotional, and physical growth of children.
Outcomes related to this standard are addressed under other standards.

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