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The Food Processing Industry in India: Challenges and Opportunities

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Journal of Food Distribution Research

Volume 43, Issue 1

The Food Processing Industry in India:

Challenges and Opportunities
Surendra P. Singha, Fisseha Tegegneb and Enefiok Ekenemc

Professor, Department of Agricultural and Environmental Science Sciences,

Tennessee State University, Nashville, TN 37209-1561
Email: ssingh@Tnstate.edu

Professor, Department of Agricultural and Environmental Science Sciences,

Tennessee State University, Nashville, TN 37209-1561

Professor, Department of Agricultural and Environmental Science Sciences,

Tennessee State University, Nashville, TN 37209-1561

Indias agricultural base is quite strong but wastage is very high and processing of food products
is very low. The countrys processing sector is small and processing of food to consumable
standards in India has reached only 10% recently. Indias share in exports of processed food in
World trade has remained at about 1.5 percent or $3.2 billion. This paper examines trends and
status of the food processing industry, identifies and discusses constraints/problems slowing
down its growth. Though there are many promising dynamics which support the potential for
growth of this industry, there are still some significant constraints which, if not addressed sooner,
can impede the growth prospects of the Food Processing Industry in India.
Keywords: India, Food processing, Industry, Constraints, Commodities.

March 2012

Volume 43, Issue 1

Singh, Tegegne and Ekanem

Journal of Food Distribution Research

India is the worlds second largest producer of food next to China and has the potential of being
the biggest in the World. Food and food products are the biggest consumption category in India,
with spending on food accounting for nearly 21% of Indias GDP and with a market size of $181
billion. The Indian domestic food market is expected to grow by nearly 40% of the current market size to $258 billion by 2015 and $344 billion by 2025 (World of Food India, 2011; Merchant,
2008). Indias agricultural base is quite strong but wastage is very high and processing of food
products is very low. While processing of food to consumable standards are at levels of up to
80% in some developed countries, the overall processing level in India has recently reached
10%. Therefore, Indias food processing sector comparatively is small and its share in exports of
processed food in world trade has remained at about 1.5 percent or $3.2 billion (Bhuyan 2010).
Generally, in developing country markets, higher incomes result in diet upgrades, with increased
demand for meats, dairy products, and other high value products. In India also sustained economic growth and increasing urbanization are fueling rapid growth in demand for high value
food commodities like fruits, vegetables, milk, meat, eggs and fish (Rao et al 2004; Ali et al
2007). In the affluent and middle class (estimated to be around 350-375 million), the percentage
share of food expenditure vis--vis other products has dropped, the total expenditure on foods
has increased across all classes. There is an increasing trend of a shift from food security to nutritional security and convenience shopping. Increased mobility, exposure, increased aspiration and
availability of a wide range and products have also contributed to shifts in spending (World of
Food India, 2011).
The agro food processing industry is one of the largest in India, employs around 18% of the
countrys industrial work force and is ranked fifth in terms of production, consumption, export
and expected growth (Merchant 2008). India also produces a variety of temperate to tropical
fruits, vegetables and other food products. Processing of food products plays an important role in
the conservation and effective utilization of fruits and vegetables. Indias strong agricultural
base, variety of climatic zones and accelerating economic growth holds significant potential for
food processing industry that provides a strong link between agriculture and consumers. The
purpose of this paper is to examine trends and status of food processing industry in India. The
paper also identifies the constraints/problems encountered and discusses challenges slowing
down the growth of this sector. At the end, the paper examines opportunities and offers some
feasible suggestions for continuous growth of the industry. Strength, Weakness, Opportunities
and Threats analysis is used to highlight opportunities and threats facing the food processing industry and consider strategies to develop markets worldwide for processed food products.
Food Production and Processing The Indian Scenario
In recent decades, there have been substantial changes in the patterns of production, consumption, and trade in Indian agriculture. One change is the shift in production and consumption from
food grains to high value agricultural commodities such as fruits and vegetables, milk and milk
products, meat, eggs, fish and processed food products. Trade in high value products is increasingly displacing exports of traditional commodities such as rice, sugar, tea, coffee, tobacco, etc.
Thus, during the 2000s, the growth rate in value of exports of rice, sugar, marine products, tea,
March 2012

Volume 43, Issue 1


Singh, Tegegne and Ekanem

Journal of Food Distribution Research

etc. declined while high value exports( fruits and vegetables, floriculture, meat, processed fruit
juices) grew by about 18 percent annually (Sharma and Jain 2011; Ali, Singh and Muhammad
2007). Given the declining share of traditional commodities in production, consumption and
trade, horticulture and other nontraditional, high value, agricultural crops represent an important
area of potential income growth in rural areas.
Trends in Area and Production of Major Crops /crops Groups:
During the last three decades net area sown under major crops declined from 142 million hectares during 1983-84 to 140.8 million hectares in 2008-09, whereas total cropped area increased
from 176.4 million hectares to 194 million hectares during the same period. The area under food
grains declined by about 6 million hectares between 1983-84 and 2008-09 and this decline reduced the share of food grains in total cropped area from about 73 percent in 1983-84 to about
63.8 percent in 2007-08 (Sharma and Jain, 2011).During the last two decades, food grain production increased from 177.4 million tones in1993-94 to 227.8 million tons in 2009-10 by over 28
percent (Table1). However, the highest increase was observed in case of cotton (>200% increase), followed by fruits and vegetables (97%), condiments and spices (66%) and wheat (39%).
Pulses recorded the lowest increase in production, from 12.7, million tons in 1993-94to 14.6 million tons in 2009-10.
Table 1: Trends in area production of major crops/crop groups: 1983-84 to 2008-09
Area (Million ha)
Production (Million tons)
Coarse cereals
Food grains
Fruits & vegetables
Condiments & spices
Net area sown
Total cropped area
Source: Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2010 and previous issues, Directorate of Economics and Statistics,
Ministry of Agriculture, Govt.of India, New Delhi.

The decline in area under food grains resulted in increase in area under other crops. The largest
beneficiary of this decline were oil seeds during the decade of the 1980s, when area under
oilseeds increased from 18.5 million hectares in 1983-84 to 26 million hectares in 1993-94 but
area under oilseeds remained stable between 1993-94 and 2008-09. The share of oilseeds in total
cropped area increased significantly from less than 10 % in early eighties to 14.8% in early nineties, which marginally declined to about 14.3% in 2007-08. The area under cotton, which declined by about half a million hectares between 1983-84 and 1993-94, increased by more than 2
million hectares between 1993-94 and 2008-09. Another beneficiary of decline in area under
food grains was high value crops mainly fruits and vegetables. The area under fruits and vegetables increased by about 8.5 million hectares between 1983-94 and 2007-08. This indicates that
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Volume 43, Issue 1


Singh, Tegegne and Ekanem

Journal of Food Distribution Research

crop pattern in India shifted towards oilseeds, sugarcane, and fruits and vegetables during the
1980s, whereas in the 1900s and 2000s the shift was more towards fruits and vegetables and
other nonfood crops (Sharma and Jain, 2011).India is a major producer of many fruits and vegetables with share in world production: 41% of mango; 23% of banana; 24% of cashew nut; 10%
of onion; 30% of cauliflower; and 36% of green peas. The share of area under fruits and vegetables in total cropped area, which was less than 3 percent in 1983-84 increased to over 5% in
2007-08 (Sharma and Jain, 2011). The trends in production of fruits and vegetables are presented
in Table 2. The production of fruits in India averaged about 55.05 million tons over a period of
six years (2002-03 to 2007-08), a total increase of about 14 million tons.. There was also a slight
increase in acreage under fruits. During the same period the production of vegetables increased
by almost 33 percent and area also increased by almost 3 million ha.
Table 2: Production of Fruits and Vegetables in India
(Million Ha)

(Million tons)

Growth rate

(Million Ha)

(Million tons)

Growth rate









































Source: National Horticultural Board, data base 2007-08)

Structure and Composition of Indian Food Processing Industry

The food processing or food manufacturing industry includes companies that transform livestock
and agricultural products into products used for intermediate or final consumption. Processed
foods are products in which a raw commodity is transformed into a processed product regardless
of whether the amount of processing is minor, such as canned fruit, or more complex, such as
snack foods (U.S. Census Bureau 2004, Industry Outlook for Processed Foods). Through food
processing value is added to the agricultural or horticultural produce by using various techniques
including grading, sorting, packaging etc., which enhance the shelf life of food products. A
strong and dynamic food processing sector plays significant role in the overall economic setup of
a country. The sector provides vital linkages and synergies between industry and agriculture and
has been identified as a sector having immediate potential for growth of the economy. Processing
also helps in generating rural employment, additionally processed fruits and vegetables are a
source of earning foreign exchange (Murthy and Dasaraju, 2011).
The extent of processing in India can be categorized as follows:
Primary Processing; cleaning, grading, powdering and refining of agricultural produce,
e.g., grinding wheat into flour.
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Volume 43, Issue 1


Singh, Tegegne and Ekanem

Journal of Food Distribution Research

Secondary Processing: basic value addition, e.g., tomato-puree, ground coffee, processing
of meat products.
Tertiary Processing: high value addition products like jams, sauces, biscuits and other
bakery products ready for consumption.
Food processing is a large sector in India that covers activities such as agriculture, horticulture,
plantation, animal husbandry and fisheries. It also includes other industries that use agricultural
inputs for manufacturing of edible products. The Ministry of Food Processing, Government of
India divides the industry into six segments: Dairy, fruits & vegetable processing; Grain processing; Meat & poultry processing; Fisheries; and Consumer foods including packaged foods,
beverages and packaged drinking water. In Table 3 various segments of Indias food processing
industry and examples of products produced in these sectors are presented.
Table 3: Segments of Food Processing Industry and Products Produced in India.
Fruits & Vegetables
Grains & Cereals
Meat & Poultry
Consumer Foods

Whole milk powder, skimmed milk powder, condensed milk, ice cream, butter
and ghee, cheese
Beverages, juices, concentrates, pulps, slices, frozen & dehydrated products, potato wafers/chips, etc
Flour, bakeries, starch glucose, cornflakes, malted foods, vermicelli, beer and
malt extracts, grain based alcohol
Frozen canned products mainly in fresh form
Frozen and packed mainly in fresh from egg powder
Snack food, namkeens, biscuits, ready to eat food, alcoholic and non-alcoholic

Source: Ministry of food processing India, Annual report, 2004

Though the Indian food processing industry is large in size, it is still at a nascent stage in terms
of development. Of the countrys total agriculture and food produce, only 2 percent is processed.
The industry size has been estimated at US$ 70 billion by the Ministry of Food Processing, Government of India. The food processing industry contributed 9 percent to Indias GDP and had
share of 6 percent in the total industrial production. The industry employs 1.6 million workers
directly (Merchant, 2008). The industry grew at an estimated rate of 9.12 percent during the period 2002 to 2007. Value addition of food products is expected to increase from the current 8
percent to 35 percent by the end of 2025. Fruit & vegetable processing, which is currently around
2 percent of total production is expected to increase to 25 percent by 2025 (Food Processing,
Indias processing industry is highly fragmented and is dominated by the unorganized sector. A
number of players in this industry are small. About 42% of the output comes from the unorganized sector, 25% from the organized sector and the rest from small scale players. Though
the unorganized segment varies across categories but approximately 75 percent of the market is
still in this segment. The organized sector is relatively bigger in the secondary processing segment than the primary processing segment. The primary processing segment is also highly fragmented. Primary food processing is a major industry with a highly fragmented structure that includes hundreds of thousands of rice mills and hullers, flour mills and oil seeds mills, several
thousands of traditional bakeries; food units and fruits, vegetable and spice processing units in
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Volume 43, Issue 1


Singh, Tegegne and Ekanem

Journal of Food Distribution Research

the unorganized sector (Food Processing, 2006). The most common type of food processing units
that form the organized sector are flour mills, fish processing units, fruits and vegetables processing units, meat processing units, non-alcoholic and aerated drinks units, sugar units (mills)
and modernized rice mills. While Indias agricultural production base is quite strong, the food
processing industry is still under developed. The highest share of the processed food is in the
dairy sector, where 37 percent of total produce is processed, of which only 15% is processed by
the organized sector. The processing level is around 2.2 percent in fruits and vegetables, 21% in
meat and 6% in poultry products. Of the 2.2% processing in fruits and vegetables only 48% is in
organized sector remaining in unorganized sector (Merchant, 2008).
Factors Affecting Food Processing Industry in India
The vision -2015 prepared by the Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Government of India,
envisages to increase processing level of perishables from 6 to 20 percent , increase value addition from 20 to 34 percent and increase share in global trade from 1.6 percent to 3 percent, thus
tripling the size of processing food industry by 2015. (Report of the Task Force, 2008). However, before this can be achieved a number of constraints must be removed. In Table 4 (See Appendix), major factors affecting beginning from production to distribution in the value chain are
presented. These factors directly/ indirectly affect the Indian processing industry.
Constraints in Indian Food Processing Activities
Major constraints for the growth of the Indian food processing industry include the absence of
adequate infrastructure, particularly rural road connectivity, inadequacy of information and
marketing linkages, lack of electricity supply, and the absence of cold chain systems. The cold
chain capacity caters to less than 10 percent of the produce and within that facilities are so rudimentary that over 80 percent are only capable of handling potatoes. Maintaining the standards of
quality is another major constraint and there are two aspects to it. First, there is poor infrastructure for storing raw food materials. The two main types of storages the warehouses and the
cold storages, lag in storage standards. The pests infest the grains sometimes due to lack of monitoring, proper use of pesticides and proper ventilation. Similarly, the power outages result in suboptimal function of the cold-storages and the quality of food material in the cold storages becomes questionable. The second important aspect is having poor quality standards and control
methods for implementing the quality standards for processing and packaging the processed
foods. For example, vegetables may not be washed properly and processed into either ready to
eat food or packaged as cut and ready to cook vegetables. High costs and low availability of
credit remain a problem because even within the priority sector, lending by banks for agriculture,
food processing receives only 4.5 per cent of the ear marked credit. The regulatory framework
preventing farmers from directly marketing their produce, except through designated agricultural
markets adds to cost and impairs flexibility. Packaging is usually poor but its cost is high and
become unbearable for small producers. Another important constraint is the legal frameworkcurrently; food laws span nine ministries, comprising 13 central orders alone. In addition, states
have their own control orders. In Table 5, SWOT analysis of Indian food processing industry is

March 2012

Volume 43, Issue 1


Singh, Tegegne and Ekanem

Journal of Food Distribution Research

Table 5: SWOT Analysis of Agro-Processing Industry Infrastructure in India

Round the year availability
of raw materials.
Social acceptability
agro-processing as important area and support
from the central government.
Vast network of manufacturing facilities all over the
Vast domestic market.

High requirement of working capital
Low availability of new
reliable and better accuracy
instruments and equipments
Inadequate automation w.r.t.
information management.
Remuneration less attractive
for talent in comparison to
contemporary disciplines.
Inadequately developed
linkages between R&D labs
and industry.

Large crop and material
base in the country due to
agro-ecological variability
offers vast potential for
agro processing activities.
Integration of developments in contemporary
technologies such as electronics, material science,
computer, bio-technology
etc. offer vast scope for
rapid improvement and
Opening of global markets
may lead to export of our
developed technologies and
facilitate generation of additional income and employment opportunities.

Competition from global players
Loss of trained manpower to other industries and other professions due to better
working conditions
prevailing there may
lead to further shortage
of manpower.
Rapid developments in
contemporary and requirements of the industry may lead to fast

Though there are many promising dynamics which support good growth of this industry, there
are still some significant constraints which, if not addressed sooner, can impede the growth prospects of the Food Processing Industry in India. One of the biggest constraints is that this industry is capital intensive. It creates a strong entry barrier and allows limited number of players to
enter the market. Players mean competition which reduces efforts to improve quality standards.
Major challenges faced by the Indian food processing industry include: educating consumers that
processed foods can be more nutritious; dealing with low price elasticity for processed food
products; need for distribution network; development of marketing channels; streamlining of
food laws; improving food quality standards and strengthening food testing network; strengthening institutional framework to develop manpower for improving R&D capabilities to address
global challenges. These challenges must be addressed to achieve full potential of the Indian
food processing industry.

Ali J.; S.P. Singh and M. Safdar. October 2006. High-Value Agriculture and Structural Changes
in Indian Meat Industry: Implications for Agribusiness and Small Farmers. Presented at
the Food Distribution Research Society, 2006 Annual Conference, Quebec
Annapoorna, World of Food India (2011) http://www.worldoffoodindia.com
Area and Production Estimates of Horticulture Crops, October 2011, National Horticulture
Board, www.nhb.gov.in
Bhuyan, A (2010) Indias Food industry on the Path of High Growth Indo-Asian News Service
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Volume 43, Issue 1


Singh, Tegegne and Ekanem

Journal of Food Distribution Research

Birthal P.S. and P.K. Joshi. 2007. Case Study #6-4, Smallholder Farmers Access to Markets
for High-Value Agricultural Commodities in India. In: Per Pinstrup-Andersen and Fuzhi
Cheng (editors), Food Policy for Developing Countries: Case Studies. 10 pp.
Food Processing, India Brand Equity Foundation. 2006. Confederation of Indian Industry, New
Delhi, India
Merchant, A (2008) India- Food Processing Industry OSEC Business Network Switzerland.
Murthy K.S. and D. Himachalam. May 2011. Problems of Fruit Processing Industry in Andhra
Pradesh A Case Study of Select Units in Chittoor District. International Journal of Research in Commerce & Management, Volume 2, Issue No. 5
IBEF (September 2011). Food Industry http://www.ibef.org/industry/foodindustry.aspx
Rao, K.P.C.; M.C.S. Bantilan; Y. Mohan Rao and V.K. Chopde. 2003. Strategic Assessments
and Development Pathways for Agriculture in the Semi-Arid Tropics. Policy Brief No.
4, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, Patancheru, Andhra
Pradesh, India
Sharma V. P. and D. Jain 2011. High-Value Agriculture in India: Past Trends and Future Prospects. Indian Institute of Management, Ahmadabad, India. W.P. No. 2011-07-02

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Volume 43, Issue 1


Singh, Tegegne and Ekanem

Journal of Food Distribution Research

Table 4: Factors Affecting Production, Processing, and Distribution in India





methods of

Output Trading
Trading by adthiyas
whose skills sets are

Exposure to low
scale operations.
Limitations in
Retail Management purchase
skill and management of large
Outdated technology due to
small scale operations
Low capacity

Skills required for modern retail
formats relatively unknown.

No/low use of
Low levels of
Low use of
hybrids, biotechnology.
Corporates not
allowed in nonplantation
No enforceability in contract
Funds availability to farmers is poor
80% borrow
from adthiyas
at very high
Subscale farm
Farmer indebtness
70 % rainfall

Very low investment in storage &

handling technology
Few upcoming
commodity exchanges
Procurement intervention by Govt.
MSP policy
Restriction on storage and movement

Favorable to
small scale investments
Scope for large
processors limited

Foreign Direct Investment not

Land cost high due to inaction on
land development

Controlled by small
trader financiers

High cost finance

Flow of capital is restricted due

to ban on FDI

Large number of
small traderfinanciers
Upcoming exchanges
High wastage and
transaction costs

small scale sector
Low efficiency

Dominance of informal sector

Small traditional family owned
stores are the norms
No/limited backwards linkages
Large MNCs have good distribution channels

Use of technology is low

Bar coding, supply chain linkages
and use of IT is low

March 2012

Volume 43, Issue 1


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