October 22 2015
October 22 2015
October 22 2015
bring a refugee family to Kanata. For information on becoming involved if you werent able to attend,
please contact my office.
FIND OUT ABOUT 311 AT MONDAYS TOWN HALL, Oct. 26, Seniors Centre, 7pm This
meeting will include; a presentation on the 311 service by City Staff, who will respond to your questions,
introduction of our new Community Policing Officer, Phong Le, and information on development items. A
change in the site plan for the Brigils Battersea Lands will be shown, a site plan for Richardson Flats (8
three-storey apartment buildings, each with 14 units, and the heritage Richardson Farmhouse as a
community building) will be presented; and an application to the Committee of Adjustments for variances
on the Hilton Homewood Suites Hotel will be discussed. You may also raise other issues for discussion or
future consideration.
FEDERAL ELECTION I wrote this publication on Sunday, so I dont yet know the results.
Whatever they are, I will be working positively with our new MP on local issues that involve the federal
TAXI/LIMOUSINE REGULATION & SERVICE REVIEW is underway with the first two reports (Case
Studies of Other Cities and Current Regulatory Regime) now available on the City website. Reports on
Emerging Issues in the Taxi and Limousine Industry and Accessible Issues are to be released on Oct.
22nd, while reports on Customer Experience and Taxi Economics will be released Oct. 29 th. For more
information and to be involved in the review go to ottawa.ca. Whatever the outcome, I want it to be fair to
the taxi industry, which has followed municipal bylaws, and creates a level playing field for anyone
TEEN FEST AUTHORS brings a number of authors to local libraries. View the lineup at
www.biblioottawalibrary.ca. Beaverbrook Library will host Allan Stratton on Oct. 29 at 10:15am and MarieRenee Lavoie on Nov. 3 at 11am. You need to pre-register online.
WASTE REDUCTION WEEK Oct. 19-25 this is your opportunity to be responsible with what you no
longer need from Give Away Weekend (Oct. 24-25), when you put no longer needed items out for
others, to taking items back, to this years last Household Hazardous Waste depot, you can help reduce
the waste that is going to the landfill. For more information on waste management and recycling, visit
ottawa.ca or call 311 (TTY: 613-580-2401).
SMALL BUSINESS WEEK is Oct. 19-25 when we recognize the contribution of small
businesses to our community and national economy. Take time to visit and thank those in our community.
PRETORIA BRIDGE is undergoing major maintenance. The bridge closed to all users each night and
reduced lanes during the day, so plan your trips to avoid that crossing when possible.
ACE (Acute Care for the Elderly) BACK TO THE FUTURE GALA POSTPONED until spring
more details after Christmas.
TEDx KANATA 2016 SPEAKER AUDITIONS, Oct. 28, 5:30-8 pm, The Marshes, is
open to the public. Tickets are $20 at Eventbrite.ca (just search the title).
HALLOWEEN - Join me at the Richcraft Recreation Complex Kanata, Fri. Oct. 30, 5-7 pm for free
Halloween fun. The Mayors Halloween party is Sat. Oct. 24, 4-7 pm at City Hall admission is a
donation to the Food Banks Baby Cupboard.
GIFT OF ART SHOW is Nov. 14-15. Plan to go and see the great works from our community. Admission
is free. Info at www.kanatagallery.ca.
KANATA HAZELDEAN LIONS CLUB OPEN HOUSE, Oct. 27, 7 pm, 170 Castlefrank Rd.
JUNO AWARDS - will be coming to Ottawa in 2017, one of the events to celebrate Canadas 150 th
Oct. 30, 7 pm, TRIVIA OLYMPICS, St. Johns Church, 325 Sandhill Rd. Fun for all ages. $10 at door,
children entry is free, refreshments available. Info at 613 592-4747.