9 - Factors Affecting Enzymes
9 - Factors Affecting Enzymes
9 - Factors Affecting Enzymes
Finally, the pH, the ionic strength of the reaction medium, the
dielectric constant of the solvent (usually water) and the
temperature exert an effect.
Progress of an
2 Effect of Inhibitors
-The catalytic activity of enzymes, in addition to substrate
concentration, is affected by the type and concentration
of inhibitors, i.e. compounds which decrease the rate of
catalysis, and activators, which have the opposite effect.
-Activitors include
-metal ions and
-compounds which are active as prosthetic groups or
which provide stabilization of the enzymes conformation
or of the enzyme-substrate complex.
-Inhibitors are found among food constituents.
2 Effect of Inhibitors
-Based on kinetic considerations, inhibitors are divided
into two groups:
inhibitors bound irreversibly to enzyme and
inhibitors bound reversibly to enzyme .
-Proteins which specically inhibit the activity of certain
peptidases, amylases or -fructofuranosidase are
-Furthermore, food contains substances which nonselectively inhibit a wide spectrum of enzymes.
-Phenolic compounds of food and mustard oil belong to
this group.
2 Effect of Inhibitors
-Food might be contaminated with pesticides, heavy
metal ions and other chemicals from a polluted
environment which can become inhibitors under some
-These possibilities should be taken into account when
enzymatic food analysis is performed.
2 Effect of Inhibitors
-Much data concerning the mechanism of action
of enzyme inhibitors have been published in
recent biochemical research.
These data cover
-the elucidation of the effect of inhibitors on
functional groups of an enzyme,
-the effect of inhibitors on the active site and
-the clarication of the general mechanism
involved in an enzyme catalyzed reaction.
4 Inuence of Temperature
-Thermal processes are important factors in the processing and
storage of food because they allow the control of chemical,
enzymatic and microbial changes.
4 Inuence of Temperature
Temperature Optimum
-Enzyme-catalyzed reactions and the growth of
microorganisms show a so-called temperature
optimum, which is a temperature-dependent
maximum resulting from the overlapping of two
counter effects with signicantly different
activation energies:
4 Inuence of Temperature
Temperature Optimum
-For starch hydrolysis by microbial -amylase, the
activation energies were :
Ea (hydrolysis) = 20 kJ mol1
Ea (inactivation) = 295 kJ mol1
-As a consequence of the difference in activation
energies, the rate of enzyme inactivation is faster with
increasing temperature than the rate of enzyme catalysis.
-Based on activation energies for the above example, the
following relative rates are obtained (Table).
-Increasing temperature from 0 to 60 C increases the
hydrolysis rate by a factor of 5, while rate of inactivation
is accelerated by more than 10 powers of ten.
Temperature Optimum
-Amylase activity as affected by temperature: relative
rates of hydrolysis and enzyme inactivation
Temperature Optimum
-The growth of microorganisms
follows a similar temperature
dependence and can also be
characterized by replacing the
value k by the growth rate and
assuming Ea is the reference
value of the temperature for
growth (Figure).
-For maintaining food quality,
detailed knowledge of the
relationship between microbial
growth rate and temperature is
production processes (heating,
cooling, freezing).
Temperature Optimum
-The highly differing activation energies for
killing microorganisms and for normal chemical
reactions have triggered a trend in food
technology towards the use of high-temperature
short-time (HTST) processes in production.
-These are based on the ndings that at higher
temperatures the desired killing rate of
microorganisms is higher than the occurrence of
undesired chemical reactions.
Thermal Stability
-The thermal stability of enzymes is quite
-Some enzymes lose their catalytic activity
at lower temperatures, while others are
capable of withstanding (at least for a short
period of time) a stronger thermal
-In a few cases enzyme stability is lower at
low temperatures than in the medium
temperature range.
Thermal Stability
-Lipase and alkaline
phosphatase in milk are
thermolabile, whereas
acid phosphatase is
relatively stable (Figure).
phosphatase is used to
distinguish raw from Thermal inactivation of enzymes of milk.
1 Lipase (inactivation extent, 90%),
2 alkaline phosphatase (90%),
because its activity is
3 catalase (80%),
4 xanthine oxidase (90%),
easier to determine than
5 peroxidase (90%), and
that of lipase.
6 acid phosphatase (99%)
Thermal Stability
-Of all the enzymes in the potato tuber (Figure),
peroxidase is the last one to be thermally inactivated.
Thermal Stability
-Such inactivation patterns are often found among
enzymes in vegetables. In such cases, peroxidase is a
suitable indicator for controlling the total inactivation of
all the enzymes e.g., in assessing the adequacy of a
blanching process.
-However, newer developments aim to limit the enzyme
inactivation to such enzymes responsible for quality
deterioration during storage.
-For example pea seeds in which lipoxygenase is
responsible for spoilage. However, lipoxygenase is more
sensitive than peroxidase, thus a sufcient but gentle
blanching requires the inactivation of lipoxygenase only.
Inactivation of peroxidase is not necessary.
5 Inuence of Pressure
-The application of high pressures can inhibit the growth of
microorganisms and the activity of enzymes. This allows the
protection of sensitive nutrients and aroma substances in foods.
5 Inuence of Pressure
-Higher pressures (>1200 MPa) change the tertiary structure and
very high pressures disrupt the H-bridges which stabilize the
secondary structure.
-The hydration of proteins is also changed by high pressure
because water molecules are pressed into cavities which can exist
in the hydrophobic interior of proteins.
-In general, proteins are irreversibly denatured at room
temperature by the application of pressures above 300 MPa while
lower pressures cause only reversible changes in the protein
5 Inuence of
-In the case of enzymes, even
slight changes in the steric
arrangement and mobility of the
amino acid residues which
participate in catalysis can lead to
loss of activity.
-Nevertheless, a relatively high
pressure is often required to
inhibit enzymes. But the pressure
required can be reduced by Pressure-temperature diagram for
the inactivation kinetics of increasing the temperature, as
shown in the Figure for - amylase from Bacillus subtilis at
pH 8.6.
5 Inuence of Pressure
-While a pressure of 550 MPa is required at 25 C to inactivate
the enzyme, a pressure of only 340 MPa is required at 50 C.
-It is remarkable that enzymes can also be activated by changes in
the conformation of the polypeptide chain, which are initiated
especially by low pressures around 100 MPa.
-In the application of the pressure technique for the production of
stable food, intact tissue, and not isolated enzymes, is exposed to
high pressures.
5 Inuence of Pressure
-Some examples are presented here to show the pressures
required to inhibit the enzyme activity which can negatively effect
the quality of foods.
5 Inuence of Pressure
-It is possible that high pressure denatures peroxidase to a
heme(in) catalyst to 50%. However, very high pressures increased
the activity at 3260 C. It is possible that high pressure
denatures peroxidase to a heme(in) catalyst.
Lipoxygenase from soybeans.
This enzyme was inactivated in 5 min at pH 8.3 by pressures up
to 750 MPa and temperatures in the range 075 C. The pressure
stability was reduced by gassing with CO2 and reducing pH to 5.4.
Polyphenol oxidases in mushrooms and potatoes require
pressures of 800900 Mpa for inactivation. The addition of
glutathione (5 mmol/l) increases the pressure sensitivity of the
mushroom enzyme. In this case, the inactivation is obviously
supported by the reduction of disulde bonds.
6 Inuence of
-Up to certain extent,
enzymes need to be hydrated
in order to develop activity.
-Hydration of e.g. lysozyme
was determined by IR and
NMR spectroscopy.
-As can be seen in Table, rst
the charged polar groups of
the side chains hydrate,
followed by the uncharged
Hydration of Lysozyme
6 Inuence of Water
-Enzymatic activity starts at a water content of 0.2 g/g
protein, which means even before a monomolecular layer
of the polar groups with water has taken place.
-Increase in hydration resulting in a monomolecular layer of
the whole available enzyme surface at 0.4 g/g protein raises
the activity to a limiting value reached at a water content of
0.9 g/g protein. Here the diffusion of the substrate to the
enzymes active site seems to be completely guaranteed.