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Vaccines: Protective Immunizations by Parenteral, Mucosal, and Gene-Gun Inoculations

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Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.

Vol. 90, pp. 11478-11482, December 1993

DNA vaccines: Protective immunizations by parenteral, mucosal,

and gene-gun inoculations


*Department of Pathology, University of Massachusetts Medical School, 55 Lake Avenue North, Worcester, MA 01655; tDepartment of Virology and
Molecular Biology, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, 332 North Lauderdale, P.O. Box 318, Memphis, TN 38101-0318; and tAgacetus Inc., 8520
University Green, Middleton, WI 53562

Communicated by Bernard Moss, September 14, 1993

Plasmid DNAs expressing influenza virus hemagglutinin glycoproteins have been tested for their ability to
raise protective immunity against lethal influenza challenges of
the same subtype. In trials using two inoculations of from 50 to
300 pg of purified DNA in saline, 67-95% of test mice and
25-63% of test chickens have been protected against a lethal
influenza challenge. Parenteral routes of inoculation that
achieved good protection included intramuscular and intravenous injections. Successful mucosal routes of vaccination included DNA drops administered to the nares or trachea. By far
the most efficient DNA immunizations were achieved by using
a gene gun to deliver DNA-coated gold beads to the epidermis.
In mice, 95% protection was achieved by two immunizations
with beads loaded with as little as 0.4 pg of DNA. The breadth
of routes supporting successful DNA immunizations, coupled
with the very small amounts of DNA required for gene-gun
immunizations, highlight the potential of this remarkably
simple technique for the development of subunit vaccines.

inoculations were undertaken (i) by a route that supports

unusually efficient transfection (muscle), (ii) by routes that
support less efficient transfection but represent routes frequently used for the administration of an antigen to a test
animal (subcutaneous, intraperitoneal), and (iii) by routes
that support less efficient transfection but deliver DNA to
tissues with high levels of local immune surveillance (skin
and respiratory passages).
The effect of the route of inoculation on DNA vaccination
was evaluated in murine and avian influenza virus models. In
both models, the vaccine consisted of purified plasmid DNA
that had been designed to express an influenza virus hemagglutinin glycoprotein. This glycoprotein mediates adsorption
and penetration of virus and represents a major target for
neutralizing antibody (16, 17). A number of antigenically
distinct subtypes of hemagglutinin glycoproteins are found in
naturally occurring influenza virus infections (18). In the
murine model, plasmid DNA expressing the hemagglutinin
subtype 1 (Hi) protein was used to protect against a lethal
challenge with a mouse-adapted influenza virus with an
identical Hi gene. In the chicken model, DNA expressing the
hemagglutinin subtype 7 (H7) protein was used to vaccinate
against a lethal H7 virus with an antigenically distinct H7
glycoprotein (19).

Gene vaccines, or the use of antigen-encoding DNAs to

vaccinate, represent a new approach to the development of
subunit vaccines (1-4, 29). A subunit vaccine presents only
selected components of a virus to the immune system. Prior
methods of subunit vaccination have used purified proteins or
viral vectors. Each of these methods has substantial limitations that would be overcome if the immunizing protein (and
only the immunizing protein) could be expressed in host cells.
Gene vaccines offer this opportunity, with immunization
being accomplished by host cells taking up and expressing an
inoculated DNA.
In this paper we evaluate how the route of DNA inoculation affects the ability to raise protective immunity. In
undertaking the study, we assumed that the efficacy of
different routes of DNA immunization would reflect both the
efficiency of in vivo transfection (DNA uptake and expression) and the efficiency with which transfected cells presented proteins to the immune system. Studies in rodents on
the transfection efficiency of injected DNA have demonstrated that muscle is 100-1000 times more permissive than
other tissues for the uptake and expression of DNA (5-8).
Tissues also differ in the efficiency with which they present
antigens to the immune system. Tissues, such as the skin and
the mucosal linings of the respiratory tract and the gut, that
serve as barriers against the entry of pathogens have associated lymphoid tissues that provide high levels of local
immune surveillance (9-15). Such tissues also contain cells
that are specialized for major histocompatibility class IIrestricted presentation of antigens to T-helper cells. T-helper
cells produce the lymphokines that induce growth and differentiation of lymphoid cells. In view of the above, DNA


Vaccine DNAs. Plasmids pCMV/Hl and pCMV/H7 were
constructed by substituting cDNAs for Hi (20) or H7 (21) for
interleukin 2 (IL-2) sequences in the pBC12/CMV/IL-2
expression vector (22). Substitutions were accomplished by
blunt-end ligations into the =4.0-kb HindIII-BamHI fragment of pBC12/CMV/IL-2. Constructs in the correct orientation to express the Hi or the H7 gene under the control of
the cytomegalovirus (CMV) immediate early promoter were
identified by restriction endonuclease digestions. Expression
of Hi or H7 was confirmed by indirect immunofluorescent
staining of transiently transfected COS cells. The pCMV/
control plasmid was generated by deleting a 0.7-kb DNA
fragment containing the gene for IL-2 from pBC12/CMV/
IL-2. pl88 DNA represents a previously constructed DNA
that uses retroviral transcriptional control elements to express H7 (4). pRCAS, a replication-competent retroviral
vector from which the replication-defective p188 was derived, served as a control DNA (23). DNAs were grown in
Escherichia coli DH5 bacteria and purified on cesium chloride density gradients by standard protocols. DNA concentration was determined by optical density at 260 nm and
confirmed by comparing intensities of ethidium bromidestained restriction endonuclease fragments with standards of

The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge
payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement"
in accordance with 18 U.S.C. 1734 solely to indicate this fact.

Abbreviations: CMV, cytomegalovirus; IL-2, interleukin 2; Hi and

H7, hemagglutinin subtypes 1 and 7.
To whom reprint requests should be addressed.


Immunology: Fynan et al.

known concentration. DNA was stored in 1 mM Tris, pH
7.8/0.1 mM EDTA. For injections, DNA was diluted in saline
(0.9% NaCl).
Vaccine Trials. Vaccine trials in mice were accomplished
by the administration of DNA to 6- to 8-week-old BALB/c
mice. Two DNA inoculations were given, one at time 0 and
the second 4 weeks later. Lethal challenge was administered
at 10 days after the second DNA inoculation by inhalation of
virus into the lungs of Metofane (Pitman-Moore, Mundelein,
IL)-anesthetized mice. The challenge consisted of 250
plaque-forming units [10-100 times the median lethal dose
(LD50)] of mouse-adapted A/PR/8/34 (HlNi) influenza virus
in 100 Sl of saline supplemented with 0.1% bovine serum
albumin. The challenge virus underwent localized replication
in the respiratory tract causing death due to pneumonia
within 1-2 weeks. Routes of DNA inoculation included the
following: intravenous (tail vein), intraperitoneal; intramuscular (both quadriceps), intranasal (DNA drops administered
to the nares of mice anesthetized with Metofane), intradermal
(foot pad), and subcutaneous (scruff of the neck). In general,
100 ,ug of DNA was administered in 100 ,ul of saline per test
site. For foot-pad inoculations, 50 ,ug of DNA was administered in 25 A.
Vaccine trials in chickens were conducted in a U.S.
Department of Agriculture-approved P3 facility. Threeweek-old specific pathogen-free chickens (SPAFAS, Norwich, CT) received two DNA inoculations, one at time 0 and
the second 4 weeks later. Lethal challenges were administered via the nares at 1 or 2 weeks after the second DNA
inoculation. This challenge consisted of 104 egg infectious
doses (100 LD5o) of A/Chicken/Victoria/1/85 (H7N7) influenza virus. The challenge infection spread rapidly throughout
the internal organs and brain of chickens, causing death
within 4-7 days. Routes of inoculation included the following: intravenous (wing vein), intramuscular (breast muscle);
intratracheal (DNA drops administered to the trachea), subcutaneous (nape), intrabursal (injections just above the chicken's vent), and intraorbital (DNA drops administered to the
eye). In general, 100 or 200 ug of DNA was administered in
200 A1 of saline.
In both murine and avian trials, sera were collected immediately prior to each DNA inoculation, immediately prior
to challenge, and at two times after challenge. Test animals
were observed throughout the trials, and mice were weighed
regularly beginning at the time of challenge.
Gene Gun-Delivered DNA. Plasmid DNA was affixed to
gold particles by adding 10 mg of 0.95-,um gold powder
(Degussa, South Plainfield, NJ) and an appropriate amount of
plasmid DNA to a 1.5-ml centrifuge tube containing 50 ,ul of
0.1 M spermidine. Plasmid DNA and gold were coprecipitated by the addition of 50 ul of 2.5 M CaCl2 during vortex
mixing, after which the precipitate was allowed to settle and
was washed with absolute ethanol and resuspended in 2.0 ml
of ethanol. The gold/DNA suspension was transferred to a
capped vial and immersed in a sonicating water bath for 2-5
sec to resolve clumps. Then 163 A1 of the gold/DNA suspension was layered onto 1.8 cm x 1.8 cm Mylar sheets and
allowed to settle for several minutes, after which the meniscus was broken and excess ethanol was removed by aspiration. Gold/DNA-coated mylar sheets were dried and stored
under vacuum. The total amount of DNA per sheet was a
function of the DNA/gold ratio and ranged from 0.2 to 0.0002
,pg per sheet. Animals were anesthetized with 30 A1 of
Ketaset/Rompun (10:2). Abdominal target areas were
shaved and treated with Nair (Carter-Wallace, New York)
for 2 min to remove residual stubble and stratum corneum.
Target areas were thoroughly rinsed with water prior to gene
delivery. DNA-coated gold particles were delivered into
abdominal skin with the Accell instrument (Agracetus, Middleton, WI), which employs an electric spark discharge as the

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 90 (1993)


motive force (24). Each animal received two nonoverlapping

deliveries per immunization, at a discharge voltage of 17 kV.
Serology. Anesthetized mice were bled from the eye vein
into 40-jd nonheparinized microhematocrit tubes. Sera for
members within a group were pooled. Hemagglutination
inhibition assays were performed with chicken red blood cells
and mouse serum that had been pretreated with kaolin to
remove background activity (25). Hemagglutination inhibition titers are the reciprocal of the highest serum dilution
giving complete inhibition of hemagglutination. The isotypes
of mouse antibodies were determined by enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) using standard protocols
and microwell plates coated with purified A/PR/8/34 (HlNi)
influenza virus. These assays used 1:1000 dilutions of isotype-specific peroxidase-conjugated antibodies that had been
provided at titers with similar activities (Sigma ImmunoChemicals).
Vaccine DNAs. Vaccine DNAs were constructed by creating plasmids that would express Hi or H7 glycoproteins in
transfected eukaryotic cells. Two constructs, pCMV/H1 and
pCMV/H7, placed cDNAs for Hi or H7 under transcriptional control elements found in the CMV immediate early
promoter and the rat preproinsulin gene (Fig. 1) (22). A third
construct, p188, used retroviral transcriptional control elements to express H7 (4). Control DNAs for these constructs
consisted of plasmid vectors with transcriptional control
elements but without inserted cDNA sequences.
Inoculations of DNA in Saline. Intramuscular, intravenous,
intranasal, intradermal, subcutaneous, and intraperitoneal
routes of DNA administration were tested for their ability to
raise protective immunity in mice. With the exception of the
intraperitoneal injections, each of these routes of inoculation
raised at least some protection (Table 1). The level of
protection varied, with from 67% to 95% of test groups
surviving. All of the survivors developed transient signs of
influenza. Excellent survival occurred in groups receiving
intramuscular inoculations, intravenous inoculations, or inoculations by each of three routes (intramuscular, intravenous, and intraperitoneal). The relatively mild influenza that
developed in these groups was associated with ruffling of fur
and transient weight loss. Good survival, but more severe
influenza, occurred in mice receiving DNA intranasally. Yet
poorer survival (67-75%) and more severe signs of influenza
occurred in mice receiving intradermal and subcutaneous
inoculations. These groups exhibited only marginal protection by the DNA inoculations. None of the mice receiving
only intraperitoneal injections survived the lethal challenge.
Control groups (inoculated with pCMV/control DNA or no
DNA) developed severe signs of influenza with very few mice
(13%) surviving the challenge. Thus, the intramuscular, intravenous, and intranasal routes of administration each provided good protection.

FIG. 1. Schematic of pCMV/Hl, pCMV/H7, and pCMV/control

DNAs used for immunizations. Ori, simian virus 40 origin of replication; CMV, CMV immediate early promoter; Hi, hemagglutinin
type 1 cDNA from A/PR/8/34 (H1N1) influenza virus (20); RPII, rat
preproinsulin II sequences including an intron and a polyadenylylation site; H7, hemagglutinin type 7 cDNA from A/Seal/Mass/1/80


Immunology: Fynan et al.

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 90 (1993)

Table 1. Protection of mice against a lethal A/PR/8/34 (HlNl) influenza virus challenge by inoculation of pCMV/H1
DNA in saline
Route of
Signs of
No. of survivors/
no. tested
% survival
i.v., i.p., i.m.
++ ++ +
See Materials and Methods for details on vaccination trials. Signs of influenza included weight loss, ruffled fur, and
lethargy. These were scored as follows: +, transient weight loss but maintenance of smooth fur and normal levels ofactivity;
+ +, transient weight loss, some ruffling of fur and lethargy; + + +, transient weight loss and more severe ruffling of fur
and lethargy; + + + +, more prolonged weight loss coupled with severe ruffling of fur and lethargy; + + + + +, weight loss
and severe signs of influenza leading to death. Data are pooled from four independent trials. No data for the reported
conditions have been omitted. Probability was calculated by using Fisher's exact two-tailed test comparing the frequency
of survival and mortality in vaccine versus control groups.
*i.v., Intravenous; i.p., intraperitoneal; i.m., intramuscular; i.n., intranasal; i.d., intradermal; s.c., subcutaneous.

The effect of the route of DNA inoculation on vaccination

further evaluated in the chicken influenza virus model.
Again, good efficacy was demonstrated for intramuscular,
intravenous, and mucosal administration of the vaccine DNA
(Table 2). In this highly virulent model in which vaccine and
challenge H7 glycoproteins were not identical [representing
genes that had undergone a 15% drift in amino acid sequence
(21, 25)], groups that received DNA by multiple routes
showed the best survival (50-60%). About half this level of
protection (24-30%o) was achieved in groups receiving DNA
by only the intravenous route, only the intramuscular route,
or only the intratracheal route ofinoculation. Much poorer (if
any) protection was achieved by subcutaneous, intraperitoneal, intrabursal, and intraorbital inoculations. Chickens
receiving control DNA developed lethal influenza, with very
few chickens ("'2%) surviving the challenge. Within experimental groups, surviving chickens showed more variability
in the severity of influenza-related illness than surviving
mice. This may have reflected the outbred genetic background of the chickens.
Gene-Gun Delivery of DNA. Gene gun-based acceleration
of DNA-coated gold beads into the epidermis proved to be by
far the most efficient method of DNA immunization (Table 3).
The beads deliver DNA into ceils, where the DNA dissolves
and can be expressed (24, 26). Expression is transient (24,
26), with most of the expression being lost within 2-3 days

due to the normal sloughing of the epidermis (ref. 26 and

unpublished observations). Tests of gun-delivered DNA in
the murine model demonstrated that as little as 0.4 mg of DNA
was sufficient to achieve 95% survival. These survivors
developed very limited to no signs ofpostchallenge influenza.
Mice receiving 0.04 ,ug of gun-delivered pCMV/H1 DNA had
an =65% survival rate and suffered fairly severe signs of
influenza. Mice that received 0.004 pug or 0.0004 pg of
pCMV/H1 DNA succumbed to the challenge. As in tests of
saline injections, mice receiving control DNA developed
severe signs of influenza and had very limited survival (14%).
Antibody Responses in DNA-Vaccinated Mice. DNA vaccinations by the various routes appeared to prime antibody
responses. Antibody responses were assayed using tests for
hemagglutination-inhibiting activity and ELISA activity (for
mouse data see Table 4; for representative chicken data see
ref. 4). The DNA vaccinations and booster inoculations
raised only low to undetectable titers of hemagglutinationinhibiting antibodies and ELISA activity. These low levels of
activity underwent rapid increases after challenge. Protection occurred in both mice and chickens that did not have
detectable levels of anti-influenza antibodies before challenge. However, the best protection occurred in groups in
which the DNA inoculations had raised detectable titers of
antibody (Tables 1, 3, and 4).
Use of ELISAs to score the isotypes of the anti-influenza
virus antibodies demonstrated that the immunizations had

Table 2. Protection of chickens against a lethal A/Chicken/Victoria/1/85 (H7N7) influenza virus challenge by
inoculation of H7-expressing DNAs in saline
Route of
No. of survivors/
% survival
no. tested
i.v., i.p., s.c.t
i.v., i.p., s.c.t
i.v., i.p., i.m.
See Materials and Methods for details of vaccination trials. Within experimental groups, survivors showed varying signs
of influenza. Data for p188 and pRCAS DNA are pooled from five independent trials. Data for pCMV/H7 and
pCMV/control DNA are pooled from seven independent trials. No data have been omitted. Probability was calculated by
using Fisher's exact two-tailed test comparing the frequency of survival and mortality in vaccine versus control groups.
*i.t., Intratracheal; i.b., intrabursal; i.o., intraorbital; for others, see footnote to Table 1.
tData reported in ref. 4.

Immunology: Fynan et al.

Table 3. Protection of mice against a lethal A/PR/8/34 (HlNl)
influenza virus challenge by gene gun-delivered pCMV/Hl DNA
No. of
Dose, Signs of survivors/ sur- ProbaDNA
pg influenza no. tested vival bility
95 <0.0001
64 <0.01
0.004 +++++
0.0004 +++++
pCMV/control 0.4
See Materials and Methods for details of vaccination trials and
legend to Table 1 for description of signs of influenza. Data are
pooled from four independent trials. No trial has been omitted.
Probability was calculated by using Fisher's exact two-tailed test
comparing the frequency of survival and mortality in vaccine versus
control groups.

primed IgG responses. Low titers of anti-influenza IgG could

be detected in the sera of mice vaccinated by gun delivery or
intravenous or intramuscular inoculations of DNA. Borderline to undetectable titers of IgG were present in the sera of
mice receiving DNA nose drops (consistent with the poorer
protection provided by this route of DNA administration). By
4 days after challenge, increased levels of IgG were detected
in mice undergoing the best protection. By contrast, mice
receiving control DNA did not have detectable levels of
anti-influenza virus IgG until the second serum collection
after challenge. This was consistent with vaccinated, but not
control, groups undergoing a secondary antibody response to
the challenge.
Marginal to undetectable levels of IgM and IgA were
detected in both prechallenge and postchallenge sera (Table
4). The low levels of these immunoglobulin isotypes throughout the trials indicated that none of the routes of DNA
inoculation were effective at raising serum IgM or IgA.

The results of our vaccine trials demonstrate that epidermal,
mucosal, intramuscular, and intravenous routes of administration can be used for DNA vaccines (Tables 1-3). Our
results also demonstrate that gene-gun delivery of DNA into
the epidermis is a very efficient method of inoculation,
achieving protection with 250-2500 times less DNA than
direct inoculations of purified DNA in saline (Tables 1 and 3).
Transfection Efficiency Versus Vaccination Efficiency. One
of the striking results of our DNA vaccine trials is that the
efficiency of transfection does not necessarily determine the
efficiency of vaccination. The high ability of rodent muscle to
take up and express DNA (5-7) did not correlate with an
unusual efficiency ofintramuscular vaccinations (Tables 1, 3,
and 4). In the mouse trials, intramuscular inoculations
worked well, but no better than intravenous inoculations, and
only somewhat better than the administration of DNA nose
drops (Tables 1 and 4). Similar results were obtained in the
chicken trials, where intravenous and intratracheal inoculations achieved levels of protection comparable with those
provided by intramuscular inoculations (Table 2).
The success of DNA immunizations by the intravenous and
mucosal routes may reflect efficient antigen presentation and
recognition compensating for inefficient transfection. Both
blood and mucosal surfaces have associated lymphoid tissues
that provide specialized and highly active immune surveillance. Thus, successful vaccination by these routes may
reflect a highly efficient response to very low numbers of
transfected cells.
High Efficiency of Gene-Gun Vaccinations. Highly efficient
immunizations were achieved by gene-gun delivery of DNA
to the epidermis of mice. This method of immunization

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 90 (1993)


Table 4. Antibody responses in vaccine trials testing routes of

inoculation in mice
Titers of antibody to

A/PR/8/34 (HlNl)
DNA and route

Time of


10 d PB
4 d PC
14-19d PC
10 d PB
4d PC
14-19 d PC
10 d PB
14-19d PC

2 (12)
2 (12)
1 (6)
2 (10)
3 (19)
3 (19)
2 (13)
3 (18)
3 (17)
3 (17)

ELISA value x


in saline



3 (17)






















in saline
Prevac 3 (16)
10 d PB 3 (16)
4 d PC 2 (9)
256 <
14-19 d PC 1 (2)
Prevac 2 (10)
10 <
10 d PB 3 (16)
4d PC 3 (16)
645 <
14-19 d PC 3 (15) 160* <
Prevac 2 (12)
10 d PB 3 (16)
gene gun
4dPC 3(16)
512 <
14-19 d PC 1 (3)
Data are the geometric means of the reciprocal of the final dilutions
of pooled sera that scored positive for a given condition. Prevac,
bleed before DNA vaccinations; 10 d PB, sera harvested 10 days after
the second DNA inoculation, immediately prior to challenge; 4 d PC,
sera harvested at 4 days postchallenge. No. tested, no. of groups for
which pooled sera were assayed (total no. of animals contributing
sera to the pools); <, activity not detected in the lowest dilution of
serum used in tests [1:10 for hemagglutinin inhibition (HI); 1:100 for
ELISA]; NT, not tested.
*Only one of the three pools of sera was tested for HI activity.


required 250-2500 times less DNA than the saline inoculations (0.4-0.04 ,ug as opposed to 100-200 p,g of DNA) (Tables
1 and 3). We think the remarkable success of gene-gun
vaccinations reflects the combination ofefficient transfection
with efficient antigen presentation and recognition. The gene
gun represents a very effective method of transfecting a
tissue (24, 26). When the epidermis is transfected, DNAexpressed antigens are subject to immune surveillance by the
skin-associated lymphoid tissue. This lymphoid tissue is rich
in cells (such as epidermal Langerhans cells) that are capable
of presenting transfected antigens to the T-helper component
of the immune system (12-14, 27).
Induction of Memory by DNA Vaccinations. DNA immunizations rely on low numbers of transfected, antigenexpressing cells to raise immune responses. In our trials,
these low numbers of antigen-expressing cells did not induce
high-titer antibody responses (Table 4 and ref. 4). However,
they did prime both T-helper and B-cell memory. This
memory appeared to provide protection by supporting the
mounting of secondary responses in challenged animals (Table 4). Evidence for the priming of memory is provided by the
DNA inoculations raising antibodies belonging to the IgG


Immunology: Fynan et al.

isotype. IgG is produced by differentiated plasma cells that

have undergone immunoglobulin rearrangements in response
to T-cell help (28). Evidence for the mobilization of memory
in response to the challenge is found in the rapid increases in
serum IgG after challenge (Table 4).
Summary. Our studies demonstrate that many routes of
DNA inoculation can be used for raising protective immune
responses. Two of these we consider particularly promising:
(i) vaccination by gun delivery of DNA into the epidermis and
(ii) vaccination by administration of DNA to mucosal surfaces. Both of these routes of administration should raise
responses that will provide systemic immunity as well as
specialized surveillance for major portals of pathogen entry.
We are indebted to Dr. B. Cullen for provision of the pBC12/
CMV/IL-2 plasmid, to Dr. Y. Kawaoka for cDNA for Hi, and to Dr.
C. Naeve for cDNA for H7. We are grateful to Drs. R. Lew and D.
Brown for assistance with statistical analyses. We thank Drs. R.
Welsh and G. Majno for critical comments on the manuscript. We are
indebted to S. Ingram, T. Thomas, and R. Shooshan for expert
technical assistance. This work was supported in part by Public
Health Service Grants R01 CA23086 from the National Cancer
Institute, and R01 AI08831 from the National Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases, by Cancer Center Support Grant (Core)
CA21765, and by the American Lebanese-Syrian Associated Charities.
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