Electromagnetic Coil
Electromagnetic Coil
Electromagnetic Coil
The magnetic eld lines (green) of a current-carrying loop of
wire pass through the center of the loop, concentrating the eld
as a wire in the shape of a coil, spiral or helix.[1][2] Electromagnetic coils are used in electrical engineering, in applications where electric currents interact with magnetic
elds, in devices such as inductors, electromagnets,
transformers, and sensor coils. Either an electric current
is passed through the wire of the coil to generate a magnetic eld, or conversely an external time-varying mag- Diagram of typical transformer congurations
netic eld through the interior of the coil generates an
EMF (voltage) in the conductor.
The wire or conductor which constitutes the coil is called
A current through any conductor creates a circular mag- the winding.[5] The hole in the center of the coil is called
netic eld around the conductor due to Amperes law.[3] the core area or magnetic axis.[6] Each loop of wire is
The advantage of using the coil shape is that it increases called a turn.[2] In windings in which the turns touch,
the strength of magnetic eld produced by a given cur- the wire must be insulated with a coating of nonconducrent. The magnetic elds generated by the separate turns tive insulation such as plastic or enamel to prevent the
of wire all pass through the center of the coil and add current from passing between the wire turns. The wind(superpose) to produce a strong eld there.[3] The more ing is often wrapped around a coil form made of plasturns of wire, the stronger the eld produced. Conversely, tic or other material to hold it in place.[2] The ends of
a changing external magnetic ux induces a voltage in a the wire are brought out and attached to an external circonductor such as a wire, due to Faradays law of induc- cuit. Windings may have additional electrical connection.[3][4] The induced voltage can be increased by wind- tions along their length; these are called taps.[7] A winding the wire into a coil, because the eld lines intersect ing which has a single tap in the center of its length is
the circuit multiple times.[3]
called center-tapped.[8]
Coils can have more than one winding, insulated electrically from each other. When there are two or more
windings around a common magnetic axis, the windings
are said to be inductively coupled or magnetically coupled.[9] A time-varying current through one winding will
create a time-varying magnetic eld which passes through
the other winding, which will induce a time-varying voltage in the other windings. This is called a transformer.[10]
Magnetic core
Types of coils
3.2 Inductors
Main article: Inductor
core. So no voltage will be induced in
a third winding on the core. These are
used in instruments and in devices like
Ground Fault Interrupters. They are also
used in low inductance wirewound resistors for use at RF frequencies.
Audio transformer - A transformer used
with audio signals. They are used for
impedance matching.
Hybrid coil - a specialized audio
transformer with 3 windings used
in telephony circuits to convert between two-wire and four-wire circuits
Transducer coils
4 References
[1] Stauer, H. Brooke (2005). NFPAs Pocket Dictionary of
Electrical Terms. Jones and Bartlett Learning. p. 36.
ISBN 0877655995.
[2] Laplante, Phillip A. (1999). Comprehensive Dictionary of
Electrical Engineering. Springer. pp. 114115. ISBN
[3] Arun, P. (2006). Electronics. Alpha Sciences International Ltd. pp. 7377. ISBN 1842652176.
[4] Newnes 2002, p. 129
[5] Stauer 2005, p. 273
The sensor coil of a metal detector.
Further reading
Querfurth, William, "Coil winding; a description of
coil winding procedures, winding machines and associated equipment for the electronic industry" (2d
ed.). Chicago, G. Stevens Mfg. Co., 1958.
Weymouth, F. Marten, "Drum armatures and commutators (theory and practice) : a complete treatise
on the theory and construction of drum winding, and
of commutators for closed-coil armatures, together
with a full rsum of some of the principal points involved in their design; and an exposition of armature
reactions and sparking". London, The Electrician
Printing and Publishing Co., 1893.
"Coil winding proceedings".
Winding Association.
International Coil
External links
R. Clarke, "Producing wound components". Surrey.ac.uk, 2005 October 9
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