Arcnet 2
Arcnet 2
Arcnet 2
Don He
Product Manager
Contemporary Control Systems, Inc.
1. Overview
As we gain momentum in the millennium, the possibilities with
regard to network protocols are endless. This paper examines
the basic specifications of several major network protocols such
as Ethernet and ARCNET and the benefits of implementing a
token-passing protocol for industrial applications. When selecting a network protocol for Embedded or Industrial applications
the key point to consider is the networks ability to manage
real-time events. Specifically, each node needs to guarantee the
maximum waiting time to communicate. Additionally, design
considerations like data integrity, throughput, flexible topology interface and synchronization play a major role in the selection process and their performance characteristics are well
suited for control. With the emergence of a host of protocols in
recent years, the token-passing scheme is the best solution for
industrial applications because its deterministic performance
ensures that controlled events occur when they must.
2. Network Protocols
2.1 Ethernet
Xerox s Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) developed Ethernet
(the 2.94 Mbps version) in the early 70s. Ethernet is a descendent of early network technologies, including the ALOHA network. The design objective was to create a simple yet efficient
and inexpensive LAN architecture. Ethernet made its commercial debut in 1980 as the collective product of Xerox, Digital
Equipment Corp., and Intel, which boosted the speed of Ethernet
to 10 Mbps. An improved Ethernet II was released in 1982. By
1985, the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
developed open network standards through the 802 Working
Committee and formed its 802.3 Committee. The 802.3 Committee published the IEEE 802.3 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) Access Method and
Physical Layer Specifications.
Ethernet is based on CSMA/CD, which means multiple
nodes can transmit over a single wire.
The graphic below illustrates Ethernets collision detection
and recovery mechanism:
1. Both stations A and C sense the network wire for an ongoing transmission. Sensing none, both stations decide
2.2 CAN
CAN employs CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access/
Collision Avoidance). Medium access control is accomplished
using a technique called non-destructive bit-wise arbitration.
Individual nodes brand messages with a unique identifier,
sending their data onto the network. This allows the node to
track the data to ensure successful transmission. If successful
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The Datapoint Corporation introduced ARCNET the (Attached
Resource Computer Network) in the late 70s which employs a
Token-Passing protocol. The ARCNET protocol has been a
premier choice for embedded designers since the mid-80s. Originally designed for office automation, ARCNET has found its
niche in industrial and embedded real-time applications.
ARCNET is the ideal solution for applications where a deterministic protocol is preferred or required. This deterministic
protocol, based on a token-passing scheme, guarantees delivery of data within a predetermined time frame. ARCNET continues to be a quiet success story in Industrial and Embedded
markets given its high fault tolerance, flexibility to interface
easily with various media, host processors and industrial temperature range. It is suitable fieldbus technology.
A token (ITT) is a unique signaling sequence passed in
an orderly fashion among all the active nodes in the network.
When a particular node receives the token, it has the sole right to initiate a transmission sequence
or it must pass the token to the
next logical node. This neighbor, which can be physically
located any where on the network, has the next highest address to
the node with the token regardless of the networks physical
topology. Once the token is passed, the recipient also has the
right to initiate a transmission. This token-passing sequence continues in a logical ring fashion serving all nodes equally. Node
addresses range from 0 to 255 with 0 reserved for broadcast
In a transmission sequence, the node with the token becomes
the source node. Any other node selected by the source node
for communication becomes the destination node. First the
source node inquires if the destination node is in a position to
accept a transmission by sending a Free Buffer Enquiry (FBE).
The destination node responds by returning a Acknowledgement
(ACK) meaning that a buffer is available or by returning a Negative Acknowledgment (NAK) meaning that no buffer is available. Upon an ACK, the source node sends out a data transmission from 1 to 507 bytes of data (PAC). If the data was properly
454 International IC China Conference Proceedings
6. ARCNET Example
This documents content is a composition of information from
Standard Microsystems Corporation and ARCNET Trade
Frederick Weber
80 Arkay Drive
P.O. Box 18047
Hauppauge, NY 11788 USA
Phone: (1-631) 435 6171
Fax: (1-631) 435 6110
Don He
Contemporary Control Systems, Inc.
2431 Curtiss Street
Downer Grove, IL 60515 USA
Phone: (1-630) 963 7070
Fax: (1-630) 963 0109
International IC China Conference Proceedings 455
Presentation Materials