Color Light Lab
Color Light Lab
Color Light Lab
Lab 8- Light and Color
This lab will introduce you to Light and Color, as well as have you explore the nature of
light in relation to color.
For this lab follow the instructions below and answer the questions. Please make sure
that you give as much detail as possible in your final assignment.
Access: Click on Light & Radiation. Launch the Color Vision Simulation.
For the next part we will investigate the effects of mixing two colors. Before you begin
each part be sure to make a hypothesis.
a) What color do you think the man will see
when red and green are mixed together?Brown
b) Turn on the red and green, both
to the very top of the color scale. What does the man actually see?Yellow
c) Experiment with the degree of color. While doing this, make sure that both
colors are in equal locations on
the scale. What colors are observed? Do
they still fit into the same color family as the color observed in b?
I put the red and blue together, but only halfway up the scale. The man sees a
dark, faded yellow. They fit into the same color family.
Keep the red light on (to the top red location), and turn off the green. We will be looking
at red and blue next. a) What color do you think the man will see when red and blue
are mixed together?Purple b) Turn on the red and blue, both to the very top of the color
scale. What does the man actually see?Pinkish-purple.
c) Experiment with the
degree of color. While doing this, make sure that both colors are in equal locations on
the scale. What colors are observed? Do they still fit into the same color family as the
color observed in b?I put the red and blue together, only halfway up the color scale.
The man sees a darker, more faded version of the same pinkish-purple.
Keep the blue light on (to the top blue location), and turn off the red. We will be looking
at green and blue next.
a) What color do you think the man will see when green
and blue are mixed together?Aqua b) Turn on the green and blue, both to the very top
of the color scale. What does the man actually see?Aqua c) Experiment with the
degree of color. While doing this, make sure that both colors are in equal locations on
the scale. What colors are observed? Do they still fit into the same color family as the
color observed in b?
I put green and blue on halfway up the color scale. The man sees a darker,
more faded version of the aqua.
Fill in the color diagram below. Provide the appropriate colors that you observed when
each was mixed. You may use colored pencils if you wish.
Set the simulation to the following: bulb type monochromatic, beam solid, and
filter color on.
a) Select a bulb color and a filter color that are different. Record
the colors chosen below. What does the man
Bulb Color:
Filter Color:
Color seen by
the man: Black
b) Select a bulb color and a filter color that are the same. Record
the colors chosen below. What does the man
Bulb Color:
Filter Color:
Color seen by
the man: Red
c) What is the filter doing? It does not change the color
because they are the same.
In this activity light was represented in 2 ways as a photon or as a solid. What
explanation can you provide for the nature of light?
The photons come together to make light as the eye sees it, like many small
snowflakes make a snowman.