Pediatric Case History Form
Pediatric Case History Form
Pediatric Case History Form
General Information
CHILDS NAME:__________________________ Date of Birth: ___________________
Address:________________________________ Phone:________________________
_______________________________________ School District: _________________
School: ________________________________ Grade: _______________________
County: ________________________________
E-mail address: __________________________
MOTHERS NAME:____________________ Cell phone:______________________
Mothers occupation:___________________ Business phone:__________________
FATHERS NAME:_____________________ Cell phone:_______________________
Fathers occupation:____________________ Business phone:___________________
Special Dietary
Ear infections:
Other Allergies
Frequent Colds:
Color blindness:
High fever:
Has your child had any surgeries? If yes, what type and when (e.g., tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy,
Have there been any negative reactions to medications? If yes, please describe.
Developmental History
Provide the approximate age at which your child began to do the following activities:
Feed self:
Use toilet:
How does your child primarily communicate (gestures, single words, short phrases, sentences,
Does your child have difficulty walking, running, or participating in other activities which require small
or large muscle coordination?
Are there or have there been any feeding or eating problems (e.g., any problems with sucking,
tolerating specific food textures, swallowing, drooling, chewing, etc.)? If yes, please describe.
From what does your child primarily drink? (e.g. cup, straw, sippy cup, bottle)
Describe your childs response to sound (e.g., responds to all sounds, tolerate loud noises, responds
to loud sounds only, inconsistently responds to sounds, etc.):
Educational History
Did / does your child attend preschool? Where, how many days/week, full/half days?
How is your child doing academically (or pre-academically)? Please comment on reading and written
If your child is of school age, how would you describe his/her handwriting (neat, sloppy, average)?
Is your child classified? If yes, state classification (e.g. communication impaired, specific learning
disability, etc)
Please indicate your childs educational setting and services. Circle all that apply. Where
applicable, indicate how many times per week, duration of sessions, and group or individual.
Regular Education
Fully mainstreamed
Specialized School
1:1 aide
Speech-language therapy
Occupational Therapy
Physical Therapy
Social Skills
Social History
Does your child live with both parents?________________
With whom does your child spend most of his/her time during the week? ___________
Relationship to child? ______________________________________________
Siblings (include names and ages):_________________________________________
Is English your childs primary language?
Do you have any concerns about your childs social skills or ability to make/keep friends? Please
Was your child ever evaluated for early intervention or by a child study team? If so, please describe.
Have any other specialists (tutors, physicians, psychologists, special education teachers, etc.) seen
your child? If yes, indicate the type of specialist, and the reason why.
Please indicate date administered and results of the following (if applicable):
Vision Testing:
Hearing Test:
Central Auditory Processing Evaluation:
Please provide any additional information that might be helpful in the evaluation or
remediation of your childs problem.
Financial Responsibility
I hereby agree to accept full responsibility for all fees for service rendered to the patient by the
Signed: ________________________________
Date: _________________
Cancellation Policy
Princeton Speech-Language & Learning Center is dedicated to providing quality services to our clients. We
must stress that consistency of attendance is crucial in order for clients to effectively meet the goals of their
treatment plan. In addition, therapy and tutoring time is specifically reserved for your family and is unavailable
for other clients.
We are sensitive to the needs faced by the families of our clients however; it is necessary for us to enforce a
cancellation policy. Except in cases of emergency or sudden illness, appointments not cancelled 48 hours in
advance will result in a charge as though the appointment was held.
We look forward to a positive relationship with you, as we strive to provide cutting edge, quality treatment and
specialized programs. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Signed: ________________________________________
Date: ________________
Terri Rossman, M.S., CCC, Executive Director Mary Ann Raymond, M.S., CCC, Director
19 Wall Street, Princeton NJ 08540 Tel: 609-924-7080 Fax: 609-924-6563
Relationship to Client
We would like to send a copy of the evaluation report to your childs pediatrician.
Pediatricians Name: _________________________
Address: ___________________________________
Phone: _____________________________________
In order to give feedback about your child, we encourage you to provide us with the names of other professionals/people
responsible for your childs care. Please list the professionals to which we may correspond:
Name: _________________________
Name: ___________________________________
Address: _______________________
Address: _________________________________
Phone: _________________________
Phone: ___________________________________
In order to assist the speech-pathologist get a complete profile of your childs strengths and
weaknesses, please check off any areas which you feel may apply:
Auditory Processing:
Does not listen carefully to directions - often need to repeat instructions.
Sometimes misunderstands what is said.
Needs extra time to respond to questions.
Background noise makes following verbal instructions even more difficult.
Says huh or what in response to questions.
Does not respond to name when called.
Has trouble paying attention.
Has trouble following spoken directions.
Has trouble remembering things people say.
Has trouble understanding what people are saying.
Has to ask people to repeat what they have said.
Has trouble understanding the meanings of words.
Has trouble understanding new ideas.
Has trouble looking at people when talking or listening.
Has trouble understanding facial expressions, gestures, or body language.
Often fails to give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes in schoolwork,
or other activities.
Often has difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play activities in school and at
Has difficulty organizing tasks and activities.
Often loses things necessary for tasks and activities (e.g., toys, school assignments,
pencils, books, or tools).
Fidgets with hands or feet or squirms in seat.
Leaves seat in classroom or in other situations in which remaining seated is expected.
Easily distracted.
Often blurts out answers before the questions have been completed.
Has difficulty awaiting turn.
Daydreams and/or is inattentive.
Has trouble answering questions people ask.
Has trouble answering questions as quickly as other students.
Has trouble asking for help when needed.
Has trouble asking questions.
Has trouble using a variety of vocabulary words when talking.
Has trouble expressing thoughts.
Has trouble describing things to people
Has trouble getting to the point when talking.
Has trouble putting events in the right order when telling stories or talking about things
Uses poor grammar when talking.
Has trouble using complete sentences when talking.
Talks in short, choppy sentences.
Has trouble expanding an answer or providing details when talking.
Has trouble having a conversation with someone.
Has trouble talking with a group of people.
Has trouble saying something another way when someone doesnt understand.
Gets upset when people dont understand.
Word Retrieval:
Knows the word (s)he wants to say, but cannot think of it.
Has difficulty remembering the names of people, places, objects that (s)he
Substitutes words with a similar word or by describing the word by category,
function, or what it looks like.
There is sometimes a long delay when (s)he cannot think of the word.
Makes false starts and revisions when relating an experience (e.g., we
wereBob and I went to the game.).
Uses time fillers when trying to think of a word (e.g., umerumcomputer).
Gives too much information, includes irrelevancies
Social Communication:
Decreased eye contact when interacting with others.
Frequent conflicts with peers are noted by others such as teachers, scout leaders, etc.
Avoids or shows no/little interest in social interactions of same age peers, such as
Needs to be directly taught implied social rules, such as keeping personal space,
responding to
others when they talk or greet them, how to talk to adults/authority
figures vs. peers, messages
sent by their tone of voice.
Needs to be frequently given alternate solutions to conflict situations with peerscannot
generate these solutions, or only generates ineffective solutions on their own.
Does not tell enough background information for the listener to understand
Has trouble staying on the subject when talking.
Not applicable
Has trouble sounding out words when reading.
Has trouble understanding what was read.
Has trouble explaining what was read.
Has trouble identifying the main idea.
Has trouble remembering details.
Has trouble following written directions.
Has trouble writing down thoughts.
Uses poor grammar when writing.
Has trouble writing complete sentences.
Writes short, choppy sentences.
Has trouble expanding an answer or providing details when writing.
Has trouble putting words in the right order when writing sentences.
Sensory Sensitivities:
Expresses distress during grooming (e.g., haircuts, face washing, teeth brushing, nail
Reacts emotionally or aggressively to touch.
Avoids certain tastes or food smells that are typically part of childrens diets.
Picky eater, especially regarding food textures.
Becomes anxious or distressed when feet leave the ground.
Touches people and objects.
Doesnt seem to notice when face or hands are messy (e.g., with food, drool, mucous,