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SECTION - 8212

The work under this section consists of supplying, installing, testing and
commissioning of all material and services of Low Voltage cables and the
accessories as specified herein or as shown on the Tender Drawings and in the
Bill of Quantities.
The Contractor shall discuss the electrical layout with the Engineer and
coordinate at site with other services for exact route, location and position of
the electrical lines.
The LV cables with accessories shall also comply with the General
Specifications for Electrical Works Section-8001 and with other relevant
provisions of the Tender Document and latest WAPDA specifications.


All single core PVC insulated cables for the following shall be of 600/1000 volt
grade copper conductor cables;

wiring of light circuits

switch to point wiring

light point to light point wiring

wiring of circuits for 5 amps, 250 volt, 2&3 pin switch socket unit

wiring between 5 amps, 250 volt, 2&3 pin switch socket units

wiring of push buttons & Between Push Buttons

wiring of light circuits controlled by push buttons

wiring between light circuits controlled by push buttons

All single core PVC insulated power cables for the following shall be copper
conductor and of 600/1000 volt grade:

wiring of circuits for 15 amps, 250 volt, 3 pin switch socket unit

wiring between 15 amps, 250 volt, 3 pin switch socket units

wiring of circuits for 20 amps, 250 volt, 3 pin switch socket unit

All multicore unarmoured control cables shall be copper conductor and of

300/500 volt grade.


All multicore unarmoured power cables shall be copper conductor and of

600/1000 volt grade.
All multicore armoured power cables shall be copper conductor and of
600/1000 volt grade.

The latest editions of the following standards and codes shall be applicable for
the materials within the scope of this section:


BS 6004

PVC insulated cables (non-armoured) for electric power

& lighting

BS 6346

PVC insulated cables for electricity supply

BS 6746

PVC insulation and sheath of electric cables

BS 6360

Conductors for insulated cables

IEC 228

Conductors for insulated cables

BS 6500

Insulated flexible cords


The power, lighting and control cables shall be furnished and installed
in accordance with the details shown on the drawings. The general
guide lines and criteria for reference is given below:
4.1.1 Phase Identification
All cables shall have phase identification colors on insulation of
each core. The colour code for three phase circuits shall be;

Red, Yellow and Blue for phase conductors.

Black for neutral conductor.

Green for earth conductor where PVC insulated cable is


Single phase circuits shall have insulation of;


Red colour for phase/line


Black colour for neutral

Green colour for earth conductor.

All DC circuits shall have insulation of;


Red colour for positive conductor

Black colour for negative conductor

Green colour for earth conductor.

4.1.2 Cable Accessories

All accessories shall be provided for the complete cabling and
wiring systems. These shall include but not limited to items such
as saddles, clamps, fixing channels, connectors, cable joints
(where necessary and as approved by the Engineer), clips, lugs,
tapes, solder, identification tags, bushes, glands, etc.


Conduit Wiring
The wiring through conduit shall be started only after the conduit
system is completely installed and all outlet boxes, junction boxes, etc.,
are fixed in position.
The wires shall be pulled in conduit with care, preferably without the
use of any lubricant. Where necessary and after approval of Engineer,
the cable manufacturer's recommended lubricant shall be used. Use of
any kind of oil or soap will not be permitted. Where several wires are to
be installed in the same conduit, they shall be pulled together alongwith
the earth conductor. All wires of same circuit shall be run in one
The wires shall not be bent to a radius less than ten times the overall
diameter of the wire, or more if otherwise recommended by the
The wiring shall be continuous between terminations and looping-in
system shall be followed throughout. Any joint in wires shall not be
allowed. The use of connectors shall only be allowed at locations where
looping-in is rendered difficult. The consent of the Engineer shall be
required for using connectors. The connector shall be of suitable rating
having porcelain body, sunk-in screw terminals. The connector shall be
wrapped with PVC insulation tape after its installation. A minimum of
150 mm extra length of cable/wire shall be provided at each termination
to facilitate repairs in future.


Cables on Surface


All cables for installation on surface of wall, column, ceiling, etc., shall
be fixed to the surface by means of galvanized steel clips secured to a
steel channel by means of suitable stud plate, nuts and washer. The
distance between each cable clip to be such, so as to support the entire
weight of the cable and that, distance between the cable and surface and
also the vertical clearance between two adjacent cables at any point is
50mm minimum. Common mounting channels are to be furnished for
cable along the same route. The Engineer before commencement of
installation shall approve alternate cable fixing arrangement, which the
Contractor can offer.

Cables in flexible/rigid conduits on surface

All cables for on surface conduits shall be installed through the conduits
without the use of lubricants. The flexible/rigid conduits shall be fixed
to wall/ceiling surface by means of cable clamps using rawl plays and
galvanized screws.


Underground Cable
The cables to be installed directly underground shall be laid in trench in
single ties. The depth of cable under ground, shall be three feet
minimum, measured from the top of the largest cable to the general
ground level. The burial depth may be increased as required due to site
conditions or when crossing other service pipes and roads. Burial depth
less than three feet and more than five feet shall require Engineer's
When cables cross road, paved area, other services or other cables, they
shall be laid in protective pipes of required size. Cables entering the
buildings shall also be laid in protective pipes. The protective pipe ends,
after installation of cables shall be plugged water tight by means of
bituminised resin or equivalent method as approved by the Engineer. A
minimum clearance of ten inches vertically and 20 inches horizontally
shall be maintained between cables and other services.
Cable identification tags of corrosion resistant material shall be tied to
cables with bronze wire at a maximum of 65 feet interval along the
cable length for identification of cable and circuit. Above ground cable
markers of 8 SWG (4 mm) sheet steel and 200 mm2 shall be erected at
100 feet intervals along the straight trench, and at each bend and joint
box for indication of presence of underground cable. For more than
three feet wide trenches, cable markers shall be provided at both edges
of the trench. The cable marker shall be finished in gray heavy enamel
paint over two base coats of anti-rust red oxide paint, with the
necessary instructions indicated in approved colours.
The Contractor shall furnish samples of cable marker for approval of
Engineer before installation. The marker shall be welded to an angle
iron fixed to the ground on a cement concrete base or as directed by the
Engineer. The earth continuity conductor shall be laid in the trench with


the cables. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval,
schedule of cable markers showing location of marker and instructions
on each.
The cable trench shall be excavated as per route and location shown on
the drawing. Before laying of cables in the trench, the bed of the trench
shall be leveled and filled with a four inch thick layer of fine sand (1/32
inch diameter maximum particles size). The sand layer shall be leveled
and the cables placed thereon, the cables shall be covered with a layer
of fine sand Four inch thick measured above the top of the largest cable.
The cable protective bricks placed above the top of sand cover shall be
of Class - C cement concrete, minimum Two inch thick and 12 inches x
12 inches square or as approved by the Engineer. The bricks shall be
placed over the sand layer end to end to cover the entire length and
breadth of the cable trench, after the concrete bricks are placed, the
remainder of the trench shall be backfilled with earth in layer 16 inches
thick. Each layer shall be thoroughly tamped and compacted.
Sufficient slack shall be left in cables for which purpose the cut lengths
of cables shall also about 3% more in the measured lengths between
terminations. At underground joint box, ample slack shall be left to
prevent straining of cable joints due to settlement of the cable trench.
The cut lengths of cables wherever stated are only as a guide. The
Contractor shall measure actual lengths between terminations of each
circuit and if the discrepancy between measured lengths at site and
where given on the drawing differ by more than +10% the Contactor
shall report to Engineer and act as directed. Cables, whether installed
underground, or in cement concrete trenches, shall not be bent to a
radius less than that recommended by the cable manufacturers.



The Contractor's bid amount against each Bill of Quantities item as
given below shall include supply, installation, testing, commissioning
and completion for all work specified herein and/or as shown on the
Tender Drawing related to the item.


Light Circuit Wiring

6.2.1 Measurement
Measurement shall be made for the total number of light circuit
wiring from LV distribution board/LV switchboard to
point/switch including wiring between switches on same circuit,
acceptably carried out by the Contractor as a complete unit.
6.2.2 Payment


Payment shall be made for the total numbers of units measured,

as provided above, at the Contract unit price each. The payment
shall constitute full compensation for supplying, installing,
connection, testing, commissioning and completion of the circuit
wiring from the LV switchboard/LV distribution board to
point/switch including wiring between switches on same circuit
complete with conduit, wire/cable, earth continuity conductor,
accessories, etc.

Light/Fan Point/Point to Point Wiring

6.3.1 Measurement
Measurement shall be made for each light point, wiring between
the light point and switch, point to point, acceptably carried out
by the Contractor as a complete unit.

Payment shall be made for the total numbers of units measured,
as provided above, at the Contract unit price each. The
payment shall constitute full compensation for supplying,
installing, connecting, testing, commissioning and completion
of the wiring between light point to switch and point to point
including required size of cable, conduit, earth continuity
conductor, flexible cable, ceiling rose, accessories, etc.


Wiring of Lights Directly Controlled from Distribution

Board/Local MCBs/Wiring of Push Buttons
6.4.1 Measurement
Measurement shall be made for wiring of each light point
directly controlled from distribution board or local MCBs type
switch and wiring of push buttons acceptably carried out by the
Contractor as a complete unit.
6.4.2 Payment
Payment shall be made for the total numbers of units measured,
as provided above, at the contract unit price each. The payment
shall constitute full compensation for supplying, installing,
testing and commissioning of wiring of light points directly
controlled from distribution boards or local MCB type switches
and wiring of push buttons including required size of wire,
conduit, earth continuity conductor, flexible cable, ceiling rose,
accessories, etc.


Wiring of 5Amps, 250Volt Combined 2 & 3 pin Switched Socket

Unit from LV switchboard/Distribution Board
6.5.1 Measurement


Measurement shall be made for number of points for wiring of

5Amps, 250 Volt, combined 2 & 3 pin switched socket unit
acceptably carried out by the Contractor as a complete unit.
6.5.2 Payment
Payment shall be made for the total numbers of units measured,
as provided above, at the contract unit price each. The payment
shall constitute full compensation for supplying, installing,
connecting, testing, commissioning and completion of wiring for
5 Amps 250 Volt, combined 2 & 3 pin switched socket unit from
LV switchboard/ distribution board including specified size of
single core PVC cables including conduit, ECC, PVC conduit,
accessories etc. complete in all respects.

Wiring between 5Amps, 250Volt Combined 2 & 3 pin Switched

Socket Units
6.6.1 Measurement
Measurement shall be made for number of points for wiring
between 5Amps, 250 Volt, combined 2 & 3 pin switched socket
unit acceptably carried out by the Contractor as a complete unit.
6.6.2 Payment
Payment shall be made for the total numbers of units measured,
as provided above, at the contract unit price each. The payment
shall constitute full compensation for supplying, installing,
connecting, testing, commissioning and completion of wiring
between 5 Amps 250 Volts, combined 2 & 3 pin switched socket
unit including specified size of single core PVC cables including
conduit, ECC, PVC conduit, accessories etc. complete in all


Wiring of 15Amps, 250Volt 3 pin Switched Socket Unit from LV

Switchboard/Distribution Board/Bus Bars
6.7.1 Measurement
Measurement shall be made for number of points for wiring of
15Amps, 250 Volt, 3 pin switched socket unit acceptably carried
out by the Contractor as a complete unit.
6.7.2 Payment
Payment shall be made for the total numbers of units measured,
as provided above, at the contract unit price each. The payment
shall constitute full compensation for supplying, installing,
connecting, testing, commissioning and completion of wiring for
15 Amps 250 Volt, 3 pin switched socket unit from LV
switchboard/distribution board/Bus Bars including specified size


of single core PVC cables including conduit, ECC, PVC

conduit, accessories etc. complete in all respects.

Wiring between 15Amps, 250Volt 3 pin Switched Socket Units

6.8.1 Measurement
Measurement shall be made for number of points for wiring
between 15 Amps, 250 Volt, 3 pin switched socket unit
acceptably carried out by the Contractor as a complete unit.
6.8.2 Payment
Payment shall be made for the total numbers of units measured,
as provided above, at the contract unit price each. The payment
shall constitute full compensation for supplying, installing,
connecting, testing, commissioning and completion of wiring
between 15 Amps 250 Volt, 3 pin switched socket units
including specified size of single core PVC cables including
conduit, ECC, PVC conduit, accessories etc. complete in all


Wiring of 20Amps, 250Volt 3 pin Switched Socket Unit from LV

Switchboard/ Distribution Board
6.9.1 Measurement
Measurement shall be made for number of points for wiring of
20 Amps, 250 Volt, 3 pin switched socket unit acceptably
carried out by the Contractor as a complete unit.
6.9.2 Payment
Payment shall be made for the total numbers of units measured,
as provided above, at the contract unit price each. The payment
shall constitute full compensation for supplying, installing,
connecting, testing, commissioning and completion of wiring for
20 Amps 250 Volt, 3 pin switched socket unit from LV
switchboard/ distribution board including specified size of single
core PVC cables including conduit, ECC, PVC conduit,
accessories etc. complete in all respects.


LV Cables
6.10.1 Measurement
Measurement shall be made for the number of running feet for
each size and type of LV cable acceptably supplied and installed
by the Contractor.
6.10.2 Payment


Payment shall be made for the number of running feet of each

size of cable measured, as provided above, at the Contract unit
price each and shall constitute full compensation for supplying,
installing, connecting, testing and commissioning of the LV
cables including all accessories.

Excavation of Cable Trench

6.11.1 Measurement
Measurement shall be made for the number of cubic feet for
excavation of each size of cable trench acceptably carried out by
the Contractor.
6.11.2 Payment
Payment shall be made for the number of cubic feet of
excavation for each size of cable trench measured, as provided
above, at the Contract unit price each and shall constitute full
compensation for excavation of the LV cable trench in ordinary
soil and slightly rocky site.


Backfilling of Cable Trench

6.12.1 Measurement
Measurement shall be made for the number of cubic feet of
backfilling for each size of cable trench acceptably carried out
by the Contractor.
6.12.2 Payment
Payment shall be made for the numbers of cubic feet of
backfilling for each size of cable trench measured, as provided
above, at the Contract unit price each. The payment shall
constitute full compensation for four-inch thick sand bed, four
inch thick sand cover, cable protective tiles/bricks, backfilling of
already excavated earth, watering, compaction, consolidating,
etc. complete to the satisfaction of the Engineer


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