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Unit 6: Social Issues and The Environment: 6.1 From Unstable To Sustainable Development

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Unit 6: Social Issues and the Environment


From Unstable to Sustainable Development

It is well recognised now that rich nations of the world consume resources,
especially non-renewable natural resources like coal and oil at a break-neck pace.
The consequence of this resource use is the promotion of unfettered consumption
and greed which, in turn, has begun to create global energy shortages, pollution,
global warming, among other myriad problems.
It is now recognised that this model of growth and development is
unsustainable and must be addressed. The World Commission on Environment
and Development defines Sustainable Development as Development that meets the
needs of the present generation without compromising the needs of the future
generation to meet their needs.
Sustainable development requires that for any activity that brings about
economic growth, the corresponding environmental impact must be studied and
negative aspects addressed. Especially major projects like large dams, mining
industries and major highways should be restrained. This, in turn, requires that
unfettered consumption by people be checked. Further, Environmental Impact
Assessment (EIA) must be conducted on every major public and industrial or
commercial project before proceeding.


Urban Problems Related to Energy

Mankind has designed cities as a marker of development, but by their very design
the energy needs in urban agglomerations are typically very high. For example, in
India, housing made out of traditional material like mud and straw can handle hot

Prof. Gautam Gupta

temperature better but such material are routinely discarded in favour of brick and
mortar as soon as some development takes place.
In modern housing, the use of brick, concrete, aluminum and glass makes
buildings hot and requires large number of fans or huge airconditioning units.
High-rise buildings also consume huge amount of electricity to operate lifts, pump
water and for illumination.
Modern cooking is done with kerosene, natural gas, LPG or electricity. This
consume large amount of fossil fuels. Urban transport requires that large number
of cars to be on the road thereby creating, congestion, and waste of time, air
pollution and respiratory diseases. Instead, efficient public transit systems like
metros should be used so that transportation is fuel-efficient.


Water Conservation, Rain Water Harvesting and Watershed


It is often said nowadays that water will be the focus of the next global crisis.
Clean, usable water has become a scarce item in the 21st century. There are
several reasons for this. Modern agriculture based on HYV seeds require massive
amount of irrigation water. This has, in turn, required the building of very large
dams on important rivers and massive water reservoirs. Dams and irrigation
tamper with river courses leaving downstream areas nearly dry.
This has coupled with increasing deforestation. Deforestation increases
surface run offs decreasing recharging of ground water. Agricultural needs have
also caused much withdraw log ground water. Excessive use of ground water for
irrigation and urban use causes the water table to drop.
Urban and industrial effluents have often not been cleaned up. Instead they
have been discharged indiscriminately. These effluents pollute water bodies, lake
and rivers. In addition, urban agglomerations generate massive amount of waste

Prof. Gautam Gupta

water from sewage, washing and other urban uses. All this is leading to a rising
demand and falling supplies of usable water and massive water shortage.
The solution lies in conserving water, water recycling, harvesting of rain water and
managing local watersheds more efficiently. For example, one can use drip
irrigation to supply water directly to the root of plants so one needs less water to
grow food.
Urban life wastes lots of water. Water wastage should be prevented. We all
can do a little bit. The Pani Panchayet movement initiated by Vilasrao Salunkhe
can be used to manage local watersheds better. Also, collecting rainwater in
terraces and roofs and using them at source should be encouraged.


Resettlement and Rehabilitation of people: Its problems and Concerns

Large public and private projects like mines, highways or even the notification of
a National Park will displace large number of people. It is expected that such
people would be given good, arable land for resettlement. In an overpopulated
country such as ours there is never enough arable land available.
Also, resettlements seldom take place in practice and may sometimes take
decades. Often only wasteland is offered in place of arable land to the displaced
Large Dams have been one of the greatest causes behind the eviction of
people. Tehri Dam, when finished will submerge Tehri town and 100 villages.
The building of the dam has been opposed by the local people. Tribal people are
often the most significant victims of eviction. Narmada Bachao Andolon is the
greatest example of a battle by indigenous people over land for a large dam.


Environmental Ethics: Issues and Possible Solutions

Prof. Gautam Gupta

Environmental ethics deal with rights of people and other living beings that are
fundamental to their existence. We pose the question: Should there be huge
disparity in the use of natural resources between rich nations and poor nations and
between rich people and poor people? Many of us would like to answer no.
Incomes and consumptions must be made more equitable through the sharing of
Gross National Products. Tribal persons and women are particularly vulnerable
when it comes to the control of natural resources for individual use.
People with traditional life styles like fishermen and artisans have a right to
live in the way they choose. Even when nature is recreated the poor are often
excluded. All creatures big and small, living on land or in water animals, and
plants have a right to exist and should not be slaughtered to serve human needs.


Climate Change and Global Warming

About seventy percent of solar energy reaching the earths surface is absorbed.
The rest is reflected back. This keeps the earth warm and fit for life. Green
house Gases such as Carbon Dioxide traps heat. As we burn more fossil fuels
like oil and coal to make electricity, the amount of carbon dioxide in air rises.
This traps more heat and the temperature of the earth rises. This results in
melting of polar caps and glaciers. Average sea level rises and low-lying land
goes under water.
Sudden changes in climate may also happen. Hurricanes and typhoons may
suddenly occur in regions where they are unexpected. This increases
desertification, food shortage and vector-borne diseases. Human activities
involving industrialisation and population growth has greatly increased energy
demand in the last 100 years. This has resulted in massive increase in fossil
fuel consumption, petroleum and coal.

Prof. Gautam Gupta

Burning of fossil fuels result in Carbon Dioxide emissions. CO2 and other
Green House Gases have increased by 31% in this period. The only way this
carbon dioxide can be sequestered in the forest, but with increasing
deforestation, this CO2 has nowhere to go. This is the main reason behind
Global Warming and rise in earths temperature.

Acid Rain

Burning of fossil fuels result in the release of Oxides of Sulphur (SOX) and
Nitrogen (NOX). These react with water vapour in the air to form Sulphuric or
Nitric Acid. They are carried up in the atmosphere and return to the earth in the
form of Acid Rain. Acid rain dissolves and washes away nutrients in the soil. It
also washes away the nutrients needed by plants. Acid rain affects rivers and
wetlands, aquatic life, disrupts food chains and destroys entire ecosystems.

Depletion of Ozone Layer

Ozone (O3) is a poisonous gas and a dangerous pollutant at ground level. A layer
of ozone (in a mixture with oxygen) exists in the stratosphere 20 to 50 km above
earths surface. Ozone molecules reflect the Ultraviolet rays (UV) coming from
the sun and protects life on earth.
Chemical such as Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) from refrigerators and
aerosol propellants release chlorine that combines with ozone. Thus only oxygen
is left in the ozone layer and there is nothing to stop the UV rays. This causes skin
cancer, cataracts and other diseases.
Thinning of the ozone layer has been noticed over Antarctica and Australia.
Mankind agreed at Montreal (1987) to ban CFC as a result of which the ozone
layer is being regenerated.

Prof. Gautam Gupta

Nuclear Accidents and Holocausts

Nuclear energy is a clean and cheap substitute to energy from fossil fuels. Though
greatly beneficial to mankind this form of energy has many problems. When
accidents happen at Nuclear power plants massive radioactivity is released. This
can causes huge loss of human life, long term illness like cancer, thyroid disorders,
tumours, etc.
Accidents at Three Mile Island (USA-1979) and Chernobyl (USSR-1986)
are important examples.

Disposal of Nuclear Waste also remains a major

problem. Nuclear weapons used in war cause holocausts. Hiroshima and Nagasaki
(Japan 1945) are examples.

6.7 Wasteland Reclamation

Loss of trees and vegetation cover causes soil to erode. Cultivable land can turn
into wasteland in this way. Reclaiming wasteland for cultivation and other good
uses remain a priority. Wasteland can be reclaimed by reducing the salt content.
This can be done by leaching and flushing using Gypsum, Urea, Potash, and
Compost. Agriculture can be mixed with forestry through an integrated system.
Certain indigenous tree species that adopt to alkaline soil can be used to reclaim

6.8 Consumerism & Waste Products:

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Current consumption patterns involving high degree of consumerism and this is

very wasteful. Goods produced for one time use create massive amounts of solid
waste. Packaging material for white goods are resource intensive, wasteful and
contribute to solid waste. For example, two hundred billion plastic cups, cartons,
Prof. Gautam Gupta

cans and bottles are thrown away every year. Clearly, reduction or ban on certain
types of plastic items can be a solution. Therefore, recycling as much as we can
must be practiced. Reduction of gross consumerist life styles must be encouraged.

6.9 Environmental Laws

The Environmental (Protection) Act -1986

This Act was passed to give Government a comprehensive power to take action in
environmental matters. It gave power to the Central Pollution Control Boards
(CPCB) and State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs) to set permissible limits for
air pollution, water pollution and release of hazardous substances.
Other important laws in this area are Air (Prevention and control of
pollution) Act 1981and the water (Prevention and control of pollution) Act 1974.
The earliest law was the Wildlife (Protection) Act 1972. This act established
National Park and Wildlife Sanctuaries. This act launched Project Tiger and
prevented trade in animal body parts. Forest (conservation Act)1980/1988 is also

6.10 Enforcement of Environmental Legislation

All major Development projects- government or private need an Environmental

Impact Assessment by a competent organisation. It lists local flora, fauna, people
and ecosystems that may be affected. Citizens actions and action groups can act
as watch-dogs against willful environmental damage by resorting to prayers,
petitions, media publicity, dharnas or Public Interest Litigation (PIL). Public
awareness at the local level is extremely important.

Events commemorating

World Environment Day, Earth Day, Wet land Day contribute to this end.

Spend a few minutes to consider how YOU can contribute.

Prof. Gautam Gupta

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