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Protection and Design of Distributed Energy Generation System (Microgrid)

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IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 1 Issue 6, August 2014.

ISSN 2348 7968

Protection and Design of Distributed Energy Generation System

Nikita Khandare, Pooja Paratwar
M.E (Power System), P.H.D. (Pur)
nikitakhandare2990@gmail.com, poojakhandare24@gmail.com

AbstractAs penetration of distributed generation (DG)

increases at the distribution level, managing these systems
effectively becomes increasingly challenging. One proposed way
to manage these systems is through the adoption of microgrids. A
microgrid is a distribution level network made of several loads and
DG sources that operate as a single aggregate load or generation
source. Microgrids can either operate connected to the grid, or in
the case of a grid fault, in an islanded mode. In this paper, we use
Matlab Simulinks SimPowerSystems to model a small portion of
distribution network as if it were a microgrid. We add a mix of
renewable DG sources and one dispatchable source, which at
maximum output can produce more power than the average
microgrid load. We then simulate the four major fault types at
each bus in both grid-connect and island modes and analyze fault
currents and voltage levels in order to determine how the
protection scheme of the distribution network would need to be
changed to facilitate microgrid functionality. We show that
standard protection methods are insufficient and propose the use
of digital relays connected to breakers.
Index TermsFault Analysis, Microgrid, Protection.

Due to the increased concern over global climate change,
the demand for clean sustainable energy sources has increased
greatly. One of the major problems with these sources, such as
wind and solar, is integrating them into the larger power grid.
One proposed way is to have distributed renewable generation
sources integrated into a microgrid. A microgrid is defined as
a low to medium voltage network of small load clusters with
Distributed Generation (DG) sources and storage [1]. It can
operate connected with the larger grid or islanded in the event
of a grid fault. A microgrid is controlled by a single controller
and is viewed as a single load or generation source by the
larger system. It can be operated in industrial, commercial,
and/or residential areas. One major challenge with operating a
distribution level microgrid with Renewable Energy Sources
(RES) connected to the system with inverters is protection
against faults. In this paper we analyze fault currents on a
larger system of distribution network than that used in [1], [2].
Our system is protected with a standard distribution
protection scheme. Our
objective is to see how the protection will need to be changed
to facilitate microgrid operation with the inclusion of DG
sources and islanding capabilities. Our system was built and
simulated in Matlab Simulinks SimPowerSystems..


A. System Description
A microgrid usually consists of small segments of a
distribution network connected to local DG units and loads.
The system used in this study is an 18-bus network with a load
capacity of 3.03 MVA connected to a 10 MVA transformer.
This system is the example distribution system shown in [3]
with line parameters and feeder source impedance given. The
phase loads of each bus were also given and are shown in
Table 1. The system is protected using fuses and reclosers on
the overhead lines and breakers on the underground lines. To
this system we added four solar arrays, two wind turbines, and
one diesel generator. The solar arrays are each connected to
three-phase inverters and provide a total of 2,256 kW. The
wind generators provide an additional 500 kW to the grid.
During islanded operations, additional generation and load
following is provided by a 300 kW diesel generator. The one
line diagram of the system is shown in Fig. 1.


IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 1 Issue 6, August 2014.
ISSN 2348 7968

B. Models of DG Sources
The inverter connected to the solar arrays is a current
converter made with a three-phase IGBT/Diode Bridge
controlled by a PWM generator with a voltage/current
controller. The PWM has a carrier frequency of 4,320 Hz.
This is connected in series to an LC low-pass filter for
improved power quality. An additional LC filter was used in
the input to maintain the quality of the dc input signal. The
input is any dc source rated between 50 kW and 570 kW and 5
kV. The output is a three-phase 12.47 kV system. Maximum
allowable current is limited to 90 A, approximately twice the
maximum power current. This is an adaptation of the inverter
used in [4].
The diesel motor model used in this study is a modified
version of the one used in [5] and is connected to a 300kW/12.47-kV synchronous generator Simulink block.
The wind turbines are based on the wind turbine Simulink
model demonstrated in [6]. This turbine is connected to a
100-kW and 400-kW squirrel-cage induction generators. The
turbines are given constant wind input needed for maximum
capacity generation.
The model for the PV modules is a simple single diode
approximation with two resistors as shown in Fig. 3. This
circuit is used to model a Sharp ND-Q0E2U 160-W module
with I-V characteristics obtained from [7]. The resistor values
are computed with the equations given in [8]. Though this
model is not the most accurate, we feel it is sufficient for this
study as the current limiting features of the inverter will
dominate the dynamics in fault simulation. This module
model is used to construct 564-kW arrays.
The DG sources are placed in desirable areas, with the
diesel generator supplying a balanced three-phase load which
will most likely be industrial and have a backup power supply.
The solar arrays are all, with the exception of the array at bus
12, placed with loads to simulate the aggregate effect of
rooftop solar panels on homes and businesses. The wind
turbines are placed on buses without loads as usually large
turbines are placed in wide open areas or hilltops near

C. Modeling of PV Array
PV arrays are built up with combined series/parallel
combinations of PV solar cells, which
represented by a simplified equivalent circuit model such as
the one given in Fig. 4.1 and/or by an equation as in (1).

Fig. 2
The PV cell output voltage is a function of the photocurrent
that mainly determined by load current depending on the
solar irradiation level during the operation.

Equation I
A possible model of a photovoltaic array and inverter [4] was
researched. After
verifying the theory its features were
modeled in Simulink. This proved moretime consuming and
complicated than intended. Like the theory, the modelworked
both under load and no load conditions.Figure 3.4 shows the
model of the PV array system. The blocks of mostinterest
are shown on in the top layer as seen in the diagram

Fig. 3
D. Modeling of Wind System

Fig 1

A generic model of the High-Penetration, No Storage,

Wind-Diesel (HPNSWD) system is as shown in fig below.
This system presented in this uses a 480 V, 300 kVA
synchronous machine, a wind turbine driving a 480 V, 275

IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 1 Issue 6, August 2014.
ISSN 2348 7968

kVA induction generator, a 50 kW customer load and a

variable secondary load (0 to 446.25 kW).
At low wind speeds both the induction generator and the
diesel-driven synchronous generator are required to feed the
load. When the wind power exceeds the load demand, it is
possible to shut down the diesel generator. In this all-wind
mode, the synchronous machine is used as a synchronous
condenser and its excitation system controls the grid voltage
at its nominal value. A secondary load bank is used to regulate
the system frequency by absorbing the wind power exceeding
consumer demand.

Fig 5

F. Matlab Model for Microgrid

Fig 4
E. Modeling of Diesel System
A plant consisting of a resistive and motor load (ASM) is fed
at 12.47KV from a distribution 32 kV network through a 6
MVA 32/12.47 kV Wye-Delta transformer and from an
emergency synchronous generator/ diesel engine unit (SM).
The 32 kV network is modeled by a simple R-L equivalent
source (short-circuit level 1000 MVA) and a 5 MW load. The
asynchronous motor is rated 2250 HP, 2.4 kV and the
synchronous machine is rated 3.125 MVA, 2.4kV. The SM
excitation is performed by the standard excitation block
provided in the machine library. The diesel engine and
governor system are modeled by a Simulink block. Initially,
the motor develops a mechanical power of 2000 HP (1.49
MW) and the diesel generator is in standby, providing no
active power. The synchronous machine excitation system
controls the 2400 V bus B2 voltage at 1 pu. At t = 0.1 s, a
three-phase to ground fault occurs on the 32 kV system,
causing opening of the 32kV circuit breaker at t = 0.2 s

Fig. 6
In this study, we are interested in evaluating the maximum and
minimum fault currents at each bus in the microgrid. The
system was built in Matlab Simulink using the
SimPowerSystem toolbox. The system is simulated using
Simulinks ode3 with a fixed time step of 1 microsecond. The
four major faultssingle line to ground, line to line, double
line to ground, and three phase faultsare initiated in the
system 0.1 second after the system had reached steady state
and is sustained for another 0.4 second. This allows the rms
values of the symmetric fault currents to be measured. The
fault impedance is chosen as 1m. The system is only
simulated in the islanded mode as the fault currents at each
bus for the original system configuration are given in [3].
Faults with DG source contributions in grid-connect mode
can therefore be easily computed using superposition. Fault
currents are measured on both the high (closest to substation)
and low (farthest from the substation) side of the fault as most
locations had generation on both sides. Currents are also
measured at the high and low buses, (where high and low
mean the same as above) that would need to have backup
protection if the devices at the particular bus should fail.


IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 1 Issue 6, August 2014.
ISSN 2348 7968

Additionally, a three phase power flow study is conducted for

three cases: (1) on the original system, (2) on the grid
connected microgrid system, and (3) on the islanded system
with the utility system isolated to compare the operating
currents with the fault currents.
A. Photovoltaic Array System Results
For each power source, the individual components were
attempted separately, as seen in Figure 4.1. The starting point
was modeling of the PV array. It was hard to accurately test
the individual components before the system was completed.
However, when all components were completed it worked as
expected. There was some issues with the system which arose
when a step in insolation was applied to the input of the array.
Further research was carried out to try and understand why
this was happening. As a result of the research, meticulous
checking and testing, the errors have been amended. The
result is a system which very closely resembles the desired
system response [4].

According to turbine characteristics, for a 10 m/s wind speed,

the turbine output power is 0.75 pu (206 kW). Because of the
asynchronous machine losses, the wind turbine produces 200
kW. As the main load is 50 kW, the secondary load absorbs
150 kW to maintain a constant 60 Hz frequency. At t=0.2 s,
the additional load of 25 kW is switched on. The frequency
momentarily drops to 59.85 Hz and the frequency regulator
reacts to reduce the power absorbed by the secondary load in
order to bring the frequency back to 60 Hz. Voltage stays at 1
pu and no flicker is observed.

Fig 8

Fig 7
B. Wind System Results
The wind speed (10m/s) is such that the wind turbine
produces enough power to supply the load. The diesel
generator (not simulated) is stopped and the synchronous
machine operates as a synchronous condenser with its
mechanical power input (Pm) set at zero. The example
illustrates the dynamic performance of the frequency
regulation system when an additional 25 kW customer load is
switched on.
When simulation is run, voltages, currents, powers,
asynchronous machine speed and system frequency on the
two scopes are observed. Initial conditions (x Initial vector)
have been automatically loaded in workspace so that
simulation starts in steady state.
As the asynchronous machine operates in generator mode,
its speed is slightly above the synchronous speed (1.011 pu).

Fig 9


IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 1 Issue 6, August 2014.
ISSN 2348 7968

C.Diesel System Results

In order to start the simulation in steady-state, the
synchronous machine and the asynchronous motor for the
desired load flow is initialized. Specify the desired values by
entering the following parameters:
Load Flow : U AB (Vrms) = 2400 , P (Watts) = 0. Specify
also the ASM mechanical power by entering Pmec (Watts) =
Once the load flow is solved, the three line-to-line
machine voltages and the three machine currents are updated.
The SM reactive power, mechanical power and field voltage
are displayed: Q = 856 kvar; Pmec = 844 W (power required
by resistive losses in stator winding); field voltage Ef =
1.4273 pu; the active and reactive powers absorbed by the
motor, slip and torque are also displayed.
The diesel engine governor and SM excitation system
contain integrators and transfer functions which have also
been initialized by the load flow. The initial mechanical
power has been automatically set to 0.00027 pu (844 W). The
initial terminal voltage Vt0 and field voltage Vf0 have been
set respectively to 1.0 and 1.4273 pu. The value of the
constant block connected to the torque input of the
asynchronous motor has also been automatically set to 7964

Fig 10
In this final chapter the project plan, aims and outcomes
will be highlighted and summarized. The project is discussed
in terms of what it aims and how it could contribute to the
power industrys needs. It also explores how the project could
be extended or improved and how this might be done. This
includes what can be done in the future to understand
micro-grid behavior, with the goal of micro-grids use and
commercial development.

A. Project Conclusions
It is hoped that, by making use of the small and varied
sources which comprise it, micro-grids may be able to make a
significant contribution to the power generation and
distribution market For instance, if the sun is out the PV array
may provide power, if its windy the wind turbine, if it is
neither or if more power is needed, mains supply can be used.
The inclusion of batteries in a micro-grid system would also
allow excess power produced to be stored, or alternatively the
excess power could be put into the main grid.
In this way it is expected that micro-grids could reduce
pollution and deliver reliable energy in a variety of situations
as discussed. Micro-grid behavior is on the whole not well
understood. For this reason this project aimed to develop
models suitable for analysis and investigation. The project
aim was to model behavior of micro-grids individual power
sources, and time allowing a micro-grid system.
A final aim was to lay groundwork which would allow
analysis for the further development of a more sophisticated
model. More specifically, it involved modeling a photovoltaic
cell, a wind turbine. To this end the project has been
successful. All models developed will allow for investigation
that will provide an understanding of micro-grids to facilitate
the evolution of a more sophisticated model.
This project was carried out by way of extensive
research, model design, modelling, testing and development.
Each power source model was completed independently
starting with the PV array.
The PV array works as expected fora changing input.
This is a good result that reflects real situations well. The
wind is not yet fully completed. The results thus far are very
good, and it is expected they will improve prior to open day
through further testing and development. These sources will
be connected together to form a micro-grid. It is anticipated at
least two of the three power sources will be connected
together to power a single load.
B. Micro-grid Modelling and the Future
As previously discussed, the goals of this project were
prescribed in terms of how the model developed will be used.
The next step should be to further develop the micro-grid as a
whole. It is important to learn more about how the sources
interact with each other that is do they enhance or interfere
with each other. More specifically their relationship to each
other needs to be defined. I fall goes as anticipated and the
micro-grid system as a whole is developed, the control of the
system will likely be imbedded within the electronics. It could
be possible to use a specialized controller to get a more stable
response and to use each power source more efficiently. This
should certainly be researched and considered once the power
sources interaction and relationship to each other and the
mains has been defined.
Another aspect that could be developed further are the
individual sources within the micro-grid. This could happen
on two levels. The first is the consideration of other variables
for each source. For example, wind speed is not considered

IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 1 Issue 6, August 2014.
ISSN 2348 7968

for the PV array and in some conditions it would prove quite

significant .Also, working in pu is more desirable than actual
values the full conversion of the wind system to pu would be
useful. The other way is to keep the model up to date with the
technology. This means as science and engineering develop
more efficient technology the system should be updated also.
In the area of PV arrays technology is constantly
changing and improving. As there are other power sources
being considered for use in micro-grids there search and
modelling of them will at some point be necessary. The
sources being considered include fuel cells and batteries
which provide electrical storage. They would need to go
through the same process used to develop the other models,
and then be connected into the micro-grid system.
The final important aspect is to obtain some actual
micro-grid data (rather than data from individual power
sources).Due to micro-grids being a very recent idea and
therefore no data being available. As research groups race to
develop accurate models and implement them this will

[5] Performance Analysis of Grid Connected Hybrid

Wind/Diesel /MicroTurbine Generation System,
California Energy Commission,Public Interest Energy
[6] Sharp Electronics Corportation, 160 Watt Spec

MATLAB/Simulink-Based Grid Power Inverter for

Renewable Energy Sources Integration Marian
Gaicean, http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/48489

[8] Modelling of a Micro-grid System,Giuliana Marshall

Supervisor: Dr. Colin Coates


Protection Using a Designed Relay Based

on Symmetrical Components , 1Sohrab Mirsaeidi, 2Majid

Gandomkar and 1Mohammad Reza Miveh ,

[10] Performance Analysis of Grid Connected Hybrid

Wind/Diesel /MicroTurbine Generation System,
California Energy Commission,Public Interest Energy

C. Final Remarks
On the whole, this project The Modelling a Micro-grid
System has been successful. Models which allow for
investigation of the individual power sources behavior have
been developed and it is expected that a micro-grid unit will
be modelled prior to open day. The project was carried out by
doing extensive research and by using a design process to
implement each system individually. Testing and
development through understanding was also a significant
part of this project. The goals of this project have been met
and it is anticipated further research and development will be
carried out on the system, with the goal that micro-grids will
be able to make a valid, greener, contribution to the worlds
growing energy needs.

[1] Microgrid Protection Using Communication-Assisted
Digital Relays,EricSortomme, S. S. Venkata and
[2] "Fault Analysis and Protection of a Microgrid" E.
Sortomme, Student Member, IEEE, G. J. Mapes, B. A.
Foster, S. S. Venkata, Fellow, IEEE
[3] A Photovoltaic Array Simulation Model for
Matlab-Simulink GUI Environment I. H. Altas1,*
and A.M. Sharaf2
[4] Dynamic Model and Control of a Microgrid with
Passive Loads , M. Popov, H. Karimi, H. Nikkhajoei,
V. Terzija


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