Practicum Report Writing
Practicum Report Writing
Practicum Report Writing
20 mm right hand margin
Font:Times New Roman 12 pt for the main text
Page Numbers: to be numbered consecutively (from 1) the Introductory Chapter
onwards (including any
Appendices). Page numbers must be located centrally at the bottom of the page.
Two bound copies of the report must be produced at your own expense. Each copy
should preferably be
bound with a plastic comb binding or wire binding.
The length of your report would normally be expected to be no more than 8000
words. It should not
exceed 100 pages including all tables, figures, photographs, data etc.
Note: There is no correlation between the length of a report and the mark it
achieves. A shorter well
presented report is far more likely to achieve a better mark than a longer less wellwritten and produced
report. Remember: Quality counts, not quantity.
The pattern for the first 6 pages must be rigorously adhered to,and these
will not be numbered. Number pages from the first chapter, i.e. Introduction,
The report cover must have the layout specified in appendix A and should
be on thick white paper/card. The rear cover must be a blank sheet of the
same paper/card.{You may additionally use a transparent plastic protective front
cover if wished}
Page 1 is the title page with layout as shown in Appendix B
Page 2 is blank
Page 3 is as written in Appendix C
Page 4 is blank
Page 5 is as written in Appendix D
Page 6 is certificate of completion of Internship from the Organization where the
student has done his
Page 7 is the letter of request sent by the Department to the Organization for
Page 8 is the Students Declaration as shown in Appendix E
Page 9 is the Abstract
Page 10 is the Acknowledgement as written Appendix F, or perhaps some
frontispiece artwork or blank
Page 11 is the list of Contents
Page 12 contains a Nomenclature list or Glossary or blank.
Page 13 starts the first chapter on the first page which carries a number, i.e. 1.
Note: there is no need to include a list of tables or figures.
Ensure that this describes the project. Use a short title of 15 words maximum on the
first line (and
only this will go on front cover). This may be followed by a sub-title of 1 or 2 lines
where necessary
on the Title page only.
The abstract must be a digest of the report, in a style which would stand alone,
with just the title, in an abstract journal. Only write it after you have finished the
report manuscript. It should bring out the major findings and results of the
research. Your conclusions should be summarized, along with the method of
research and source of data. The abstract must be informative: this was
investigated or conclusions are given are inadequate. It must fit entirely on
one page, and should have as a separate line at the end 4 6 key words.
(4)Contents list
The list of carefully worded chapter headings (not necessarily numbered),
together with appropriate, but not necessarily all, sub-headings, and listed
appendices and pocket items, should give the reader a fair idea of the scope and
balance of the report. It eliminates the need for a waffly introduction. It should fit
on one page only. Type it last, when you have the page numbers.
A typical Contents List would be
1.2Aims and Objectives
1.3Report content
theory/concepts) and/or
EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE (for experimental investigation)
SIMULATION PROCEDURE (for computational/simulation
4.1 General
4.2 Specific to topic 1
4.2.1 Sub-section on topic 1
4.2.2 Second Sub-section on topic 1
4.3 Specific to topic 2
4.4 Summary comments
5.1 General
5.2 Specific to topic 1
5.3 Specific to topic 2
5.4 Summary comments
Remember: pages are not cited in the reference list. For further information on
referencing please visit It would
be expected that a typical MSc research thesis would have 20 t0 60 references.
The style for equations is variable depending largely on the number used, but do
not be too wasteful of space. Greek symbols may be in word processing
packages, or may need to be added neatly by hand; ensure that all symbols are
defined; calculations are not usually worked in full.
The content and naming of the main chapters will vary a great deal depending
upon your particular project. However in general the content of the chapters
should contain the following:
Precise description of any experimental work undertaken, computaytional
packages, design specifications, or theory used so that, say, a student next year
could repeat exactly what you have done (and should arrive at the same finding
Presentation of research findings (such as results, including any preliminary
interpretation/analysis of result, designs or new theory) in a manner which will
be clear to the second examiner of your report., who will be technical nonexpert. You should ensure that the presentation of your work is absolutely clear
to the technical non-expert as he/she will not spend many hours trying to
decipher exactly what you were you were intending to convey.
The analysis and discussion should demonstrate that you have fully understood
your work and can place it in the context of the work of others, such as that
discussed in the Background chapter.
The summary should highlight your main findings and achievements, the
conclusions should refer to your research aim(s) and objectives, and the future
work should describe the next steps that you would take if you were to continue
with the project (with reasons).
Proper reference to previous work is appropriate and necessary, whereas blatant
copying is unprofessional and unlawful. You will need to refer to past work (Able
and Smith, 1978) and also summarize other peoples ideas (Student, 1989), and
any properly credited reference is acceptable. It is appreciated that your
research is building on previous work, but do make clear what is your own
original work and what is derived from elsewhere. Any significant quotation
copied from a previous publication should be place inside quotes and also be
referenced at the end (Thatcher, 1985). A diagram or graph from previous work
should be redrawn and must be referenced (after Student, 1989) in the caption.
FIGURES Drawings/Diagrams/Graphs/Photographs
Style of drawing is your choice, but the quality reflects strongly on your
work. Diagrams may be freehand, highly artistic or produced by computer
Reduction to 70% enhances quality as it irons out quivering of the pen,
and it is impossible to draw as small as one can easily read.
Lettering may be stencil, very neat handscript, letraset or pasted on type,
and should be legible after the chosen reduction.
Frame the diagram and think of page shape when you do so.
Reduced diagrams, captions and page numbers can then all be pasted
onto a page. Either paste down very carefully or recopy on to a single
Remember that pale blue graph grids may disappear on a photocopy.
Remember that only bar scales retain integrity when drawings are copied.
Full page landscape-form diagrams must have their margin right.
reacts with copier ink). Printing of your report will not be a colour copier.
Whole page colour photocopying is expensive and you will have to
produce multiple copies of double-sided sheets yourself if you choose to
use this process.
Figure 2: Essential details for photograph production. Captions prepared as
for figures.
Convention dictates certain requirements of the end material; there is still
scope for personal style, except in the case of the references which must
follow the examples here. You should not have a separate bibliography; any
relevant literature must be referenced in the text and then cited in the
a central zigzag fold to fit A4 size (so the fold is not cut off when the volume is
trimmed). A single sheet up to AO size, folded to less than 190 X 280 mm (for AO
sheets zigzag folding 3 X 7 times is optimum), and/or computer disk, may go in an
end pocket. You will be responsible for producing all copies of large sheets.
Do not use BSME Practicum Report as part of your title. You should use a
concise descriptive of the report which you have written.
18 Place illustrations and tables in the appropriate places in your report, either
within or opposite the relevant text. All figures are best placed at the top or
foot of any page to avoid breaking the text. If they have to go in the middle
of a page, then at all costs avoid widows 1 or 2 text lines that are isolated
and lost to the reader. Do not leave gaps at the foot of a page except at the
end of a chapter. If you are instructing a typist to leave a gap for a figure, ask
him/her to leave it at the foot of the next or previous page; or adjust it
yourself later, on screen or by cut and paste.
19 Try to avoid figures which need page rotation to be read. Most can be reduced
to half page, to read correctly. If unavoidable, always place foot of figure to
20 Do not write refer to figure 4, but use the style of tests showed strength
increasing with temperature (figure 4).
21 The reference list goes before any appendices. It must be a single list in
alphabetical order of authors. Do not have reference lists at the end of each
22 Your references to material cited in your text must follow the style designated
at httt:// Use the Harvard
referencing format. No exceptions will be accepted.
23 Do not include a separate bibliography; if you have used a book or other
written material, and not just casually read it, cite it in your text, and include
it in your reference list.
24 Try to avoid appendices your information should go into the main body of
your written text if possible. Only exceptions are collections of lab sheets or
computer programs, which may be presented in a less polished style in an
25 None are square is wrong; none is square is correct., remember that none
is singular, as it means not one.
26 Do not use Cow Gum to fix photos it reacts with photocopier ink.
27 Remember that photocopying may not be able to have colour on both sides
of a sheet; many machines have a cut-out to prevent copying currency notes.
28 A3 foldouts are added late and you must have the zigzag folds in the centre
of the A4 format a fold in the middle of the A3 lies at the edge of A4 and will
be cut through during binding and trimming. Think about it!
The first element of the reference should be the individual (s) or organization
responsible for editing the proceedings. If these cannot be traced, begin your
reference with the name of the conference. If possible, you should include the
place and date of the conference.
PAEPCKE, A., ed., 1992.OOPSLA92 conference on object-oriented programming
systems, languages, and applications, Vancouver, 18-22 October, 1992.New York:
The Association for Computing Machinery.
CUNNINGHAM, S., ed., 1993.Computer graphics: SIGGRAPH 93 conference
proceedings, Anaheim, California, 1-6 August, 1993. New York: The Association
of Computing Machinery.
If you need to cite an individual paper within published conference proceedings,
the author of the paper becomes the first element of your reference. You should
also include the page numbers of the contributed paper. Eg.,
COOK, W. R., 1992. Interfaces and specifications for the smalltalk-80 collection
classes. In: A. PAEPCKE, ed. OOPSLA 92 conference on object-oriented
programming systems, languages, and applications, Vancouver, 18-22 October,
1992. New York: The Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 1-15
Please note that the above is also applicable for a paper in a journal
ID#: 12345678
Program: BSME
Department of Mechanical Engineering
IUBAT International University of Business Agriculture and Technology
15 April 2015
Students Declaration
This to inform that the Practicum Report Study on Automotive Engine and Car
Air-conditioningSystem of Ford Ranger Car has been prepared only for academic
purpose. I also confirm that it has not been submittedelsewhere for any reward
or presentation or any other purpose.
ID#: 12345678