Importance of Tax
Importance of Tax
Importance of Tax
A tax is a compulsory contribution of a person or entity to the state as per the rules.
The tax payer does not receive direct and or special benefit in return.
It is spent by the government for the common interest and benefit of the people.
It is paid only by those persons and entities who earns income exceeding a certain
specified limit.
Custom Duty
Custom duty is the tax charged on the goods dealt in the foreign trade especially on the
imported goods to encourage and promote export and to protect national industries.
Government simply gives exemption of this tax on export trade and imposes on import trade.
Custom duty may be export duty or import duty as its nature and imposed to the trading
Land revenue Tax
Land revenue tax is the one, which is imposed to the landlords on the revenue generated
from land especially while selling or purchasing land.
Value Added Tax (VAT)
Value added tax is the tax levied on value added on the price of the product at each stage of
production, and or distribution activities. Value added is the difference between sales values
and purchase value or the conversion cost plus profit. Conversion cost means the expenses
on rent, depreciation, maintenance, insurance, salary etc. It is imposed on the goods at
import, production and selling stages.
What are the objectives of Tax
The concept of tax was initiated with a view to generate government revenue in its very
beginning stage. In course of time it has been utilized for various purposes.
Tax is a major source of government revenue and its contributes for the overall
development and prosperity of a country.
Raising government revenue in terms of income tax, custom duty, excise duty,
entertainment tax, VAT, land revenue tax etc. from various sectors in order to initiate
development and welfare programmes.
Maintaining economic stability by reducing economic inequalities by means of
equitable distribution of wealth by way of imposing tax to the income earners and
improving the economic condition of the general people.
Regulating the economic sectors into right direction by encouraging the production
and distribution of useful goods and discouraging the harmful products by imposing
high tax rate on them.
Building and strengthening the national economy by encouraging and protecting
national industries and promoting export trade.
Reducing regional economic disparity by encouraging the entrepreneurs to establish
industries in remote and backward regions by giving tax exemptions, rebates and
concessions etc.
Tax should not be discriminatory in any aspect between individuals and also between various
Taxation System in India
India has a well-developed tax structure with clearly demarcated authority between Central
and State Governments and local bodies.
Central Government levies taxes on income (except tax on agricultural income, which the
State Governments can levy), customs duties, central excise and service tax.
Value Added Tax (VAT), stamp duty, state excise, land revenue and profession tax are levied
by the State Governments.
Local bodies are empowered to levy tax on properties, octroi and for utilities like water
supply, drainage etc.
Indian taxation system has undergone tremendous reforms during the last decade. The tax
rates have been rationalized and tax laws have been simplified resulting in better
compliance, ease of tax payment and better enforcement. The process of rationalization of
tax administration is ongoing in India.
Important Direct and Indirect Taxes
Direct Taxes
Income Tax
Income Tax is paid by an individual based on his/her taxable income in a given financial
year. Under the Income Tax Act, the term individual also includes Hindu Undivided
Families (HUFs), Co-operative Societies, Trusts and any artificial judicial person. Taxable
income refers to total income minus applicable deductions and exemptions.
Tax is payable if the taxable is above the minimum taxable limit and is paid as per the
differing rates announced for each tax slab for the financial year.
Corporation Tax
Corporation Tax is paid by Companies and Businesses operating in India on the income
earned worldwide in a given financial year. The rates of taxation vary based on whether the
company is incorporated in India or abroad.
Wealth Tax
Wealth tax is applicable on individuals, HUFs or companies on the value of their assets in a
given financial year on the date of valuation. It is taxed at the rate of 1% of the net wealth of
any assesse exceeding Rs 30,00,000.
Net wealth here includes, unproductive assets like cash in hand above Rs 50,000, second
residential property not rented out, cars, gold jewellery or bullion, boats, yachts, aircrafts or
urban land. It does not include productive assets like commercial property, stocks, bonds,
fixed deposits, mutual funds etc.
Levied on