Format For Pre-Bid Meeting, Clarification and Addemdum Notice
Format For Pre-Bid Meeting, Clarification and Addemdum Notice
Format For Pre-Bid Meeting, Clarification and Addemdum Notice
Pre-bid meeting is held on [insert date] at [insert time] (Nepal Standard time) in the office
of .[Insert Name and address of Public Entity], Nepal in the presence of bidder's
representatives regarding the invitation for bids published in the daily [Insert the name of
newspaper] on ..[Insert date of publication] for the Procurement of ..[Insert name of
the procurement] IFB No: .. [Insert IFB No.].
Attendees of the meeting
ON BEHALF OF .[Insert Name and address of Public Entity] ,
Name of
ives Name
1. Mr. [insert designation and name of the coordinator of the
meeting] welcomed all of the attendees of the meeting.
2. Furthermore, Mr. .. described on the code of conduct of the
attendees during the meeting and requested to the bidder to study the
bidding document carefully and explained on the things to be considered
to submit the responsive bid.
3. [List, if there are any questions from the bidder without specifying the
name and address of the bidder. Do not respond the questions in the
meeting, but prepare the response from the public entity in the
clarification format and if there are things to be amended, prepare
Addendum notice also and send in writing to all of the bidders who
purchased the bidding document. You can also send them by email and
post in the website. You have to attach such clarification and addendum
notice to the unsold bid document and you have to hand over such
clarification and addendum notice preparing their "Bharpai" in case you
sell the bid document after you have provided the clarification and
Addendum notice.]
This is to notify that the . [Insert Name of Public Entity] has issued following
clarifications on the queries from the prospective Bidders on the Bidding Documents regarding
invitation for bids published in the daily [Insert the name of newspaper] on ..[Insert date
of publication] for the Procurement of ..[Insert name of the procurement] IFB No: ..
[Insert IFB No.]:
Bidding Document Reference
Bidders's Questions
This is to notify that the . [Insert Name of Public Entity] has made the
following amendments to the bidding document relating with the Invitation for Bids
published in the daily [Insert the name of newspaper] on ..[Insert date of
publication] for the Procurement of ..[Insert name of the procurement] IFB No:
.. [Insert IFB No.]. All other terms and conditions will remain unchanged:
1. SectionHeading ., Page No..., Clause No.../Paragrah No., Line No..
[The word "." After ".." has been replaced as the word " ." ]
2. Section [Insert Section Number of the bidding document], Heading.Page
No., Clause No./Paragrah No., Line No.
[The word "." After the word ".." has been deleted. ]
3. Section [Insert Section Number of the bidding document], Heading Page
No., Clause No./Paragrah No., Line No.
[The Sentence "." After the word ".." has been inserted. ]
4. Section [Insert Section Number of the bidding document], Heading Page
No., Clause No./Paragrah No., Line No.
[The Sentence "." After the word ".." has been deleted ]