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T.vamsi kiran G.V.Sandeep

Bapatla Engineering College Bapatla Engineering College
Bapatla-522101 Bapatla-522101
talluri_vamsi@yahoo.co.in sandeep_gv436@yahoo.co.in

Abstract: Spread Spectrum (SS) radio place. WLAN systems based on SS have exhibited
communications is on the verge of potentially enormous growth in popularity the benefits of SS
explosive commercial development. A SS multiple signaling are well known and have been extensively
accesses, such as CDMA, have been chosen for 3G described in literature.
wireless communications. Other current applications
It can provide Protection against jamming .It can
of SS techniques are in Wireless LAN and Satellite
operate with a low power spectral density and facilitate
Navigation Systems. However, SS techniques will
coexistence with other systems it is difficult to detect for
play important role also in future wireless
unauthorized receivers [Moreover, SS provides effective
applications, mainly combined with other
means for communicating reliably over channels that
technologies such as OFDM, MIMO and UWB. In
exhibit multipath propagation .
this paper, after an overview on SS signaling and its
While SS techniques have a predominant position in
advantages, some of the most important techniques
current wireless applications and future wireless
based on SS signaling for current and future wireless
communications. Other technologies have been
applications are described. Particular relevance is
considered for future communication systems, such as:
given to DS- CDMA and hybrid CDMA-based
(1 Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
multiple access schemes, such as TDMA-
(OFDM) based systems, or more in general multicarrier
systems.(2) MIMO systems, which aim at employing
the spatial diversity of the wireless channel.
However, SS/CDMA has still unique features that future
SPREAD Spectrum (SS) radio communications, born systems must take advantage of When multiple
as a military technology, is now widely exploited for access to a common communication means is
commercial and industrial purposes. Applications for considered, characteristics such as soft-capacity, the
commercial SS techniques range from cellular proper use of the power control and flexibility features
communications, Wireless LAN (Local Area Network), that represent requirements for future wireless systems
Satellite Navigation Systems [To Developments in 3G .As a mater of fact, combination of CDMA with OFDM,
systems based on SS/Code Division Multiple Access in different variants is one of the main candidate for 4G
(SS/CDMA) have reached a level of maturity where systems.
commercial products and operational networks are in
The overview on SS techniques that is presented in this performance impact to or from the other systems. This
paper aims at outlining the main characteristics that feature make unlicensed SS operation attractive to
makes SS signalling attractive for future developments manufactures.
in wireless communications. Moreover, the main current
(3) SS wideband signals can be used to construct very
and future applications of SS techniques in wireless
precise ranging and radar systems . This aspect have
communications are presented.
been commonly used in the aerospace field for many


A SS signal is a signal obtained by direct method of the In Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) protocols
data by a relatively wideband signal that is uncorrelated the entire transmission bandwidth is shared between all
with the information signal and it is derived from a users at all time and the multiple access property is
digital sequence. This process of ‘‘spreading the achieved by assigning each user a different code. This
transmission power over a wider spectrum, makes the code is used in the spreading process. The receiver
signal not distinguishable from back ground noise receives multiple wide band signals and uses the code
during the transmission. Therefore, a not intended assigned to the user to transform the received wideband
observer would overlook it. Only the intended receiver signal back to the original signal. During this process,
is able to detect the signal by knowing the sequence the desired signal power is compressed into the original
used for the spreading process. The background noise signal bandwidth while the wideband signals of the
could include other wideband signals with more or less users remain wideband signals and appear as noise
the same power level. In this way, the SS principle can when compared to the desired signal. As long as the
be used for multiple access to the channel. Different number of interfering users is not too large, the signal-
users can transmit simultaneously, in the same band, by to-noise ratio will be large enough to extract the desired
using different spreading sequences, with low cross- signal without error. Thus in this case the multiple
correlation properties. An important characteristic of access protocol behaves as a contentionless protocol.
this multiple access technique is that users can start their However, if the number of users rises above a certain
transmissions at any arbitrary time, No synchronization limit, the interference becomes-too large for the desired
in the transmissions is needed. Furthermore, by signal to be extracted and contention occurs, thus
transmitting a wideband signal and by using a RAKE making the protocol interference limited
receiver it is also possible to get frequency diversity
3.1 Direct Sequence CDMA
gain over a frequency selective channel. Other
properties coming from the wideband noise-like In DS-CDMA, each user’s information symbol is spread
structure of the signal are: over the wideband channel by its unique signature
sequence (c1,c2,…. .. cN) characterized by a chip
(I) A narrow band signal, intentionally transmitted to
disturb the communication, will be spread at the
receiver by the depreading process, thus making his
contribution negligible in the band of information signal

(2) SS signals can be overlaid onto bands where other

where Tc is the chip period.
systems are already operating, with minimal
The number of chips per bit, N, is known as spreading generality it has been assumed that the random delay
factor. The overall spread of the bandwidth is called and frequency phase of the user of interest are zero. n(t)
denotes the thermal noise, modelled as an additive white
processing gain G, defined as the ratio between the
Gaussian noise with to” “sided power spectral density
bandwidth of the transmitted signal and the bandwidth
No/2.The generation of PN codes is relatively very easy,
of the information signal.
a number of shift-registers is that all required. For this
reason it is easy to introduce large processing gain in
direct-sequence systems.

Denoting bi(j) w{±l) with the binary data stream that the
user i intends to transmit (or, the base station intends so
transmit towards the user i), the transmitted signal by
the user (Or towards the user is written as above)

3.2 Recievers for DS-CDMA

The receiver has the task to discriminate among users.

gTb(t) is the impulse response of the transmit filter and We focus on the class of linear receivers, i.e., receivers
I/Tb is the bit rate, Po is the transmission power that operate linearly on the total received signal to
by/towards the user i. It is written as a product of a demodulate the symbol of a particular user.
nominal value P equal for each user and a factor that
3.2.1 Multiuser Detection
depends on the power control strategy adopted. This
notation for the transmission power is useful as Base In a conventional receiver, power control is the only
Station (BS)-Mobile Station (MS) link analysis are counter-measure available for the near-far problem. It
considered where the focus is on the transmission power has bees well appreciated that the near-far problem is
level and not the received power levels like in the not actually intrinsic to a direct sequence CDMA
opposite link. In the case of a general asynchronous system, but it ,is due to the sub-optimality of the
system with K users, the received signal from the user matched filter receiver that is optimized for an AWGN
of interest. channel and does not take into account the structured
nature of the interference. Performance gain can be
achieved with receivers that take into account the real
structure of the multiuser interference. In multiuser
detection, code and timing information of multiple users
are jointly used to better detect each individual user.
Tire subject of the Multi User Detection (MUD) in
where tj and Θj represent a random delay and a random
CDMA system is a hectic research area .It is worth to
frequency phase for thej-th user, Without lack of
outline that, even if MUD receivers have been
conceived to avoid the exploitation of power control to techniques in CDMA systems induces a kind of time
counteract the sear-far problem, power control is still a division in the system. This observation can help in
fundamental resource allocation means . understanding the trade-off and advantages that can he
achieved by combining TDMA and CDMA.
3.3 Power Control
3.5 FHSS
Since spread spectrum systems do not explicitly
schedule time or frequency slots among users, one of The bandwidth is divided in a higher number of
the central mechanisms for the interference management contiguous frequency slots.In each bit interval, the
is the power control. Each user varies its access to she signal occupies one or more of these frequency slots.
resources by adapting its transmit power to the changing The frequency slots to be occupied are chosen, on a per
channel and interference conditions, When the link symbol basis according to the output of a PN
mobile-to-bane station (reverse link) and a traditional sequence generator.
correlator receiver are considered, power control is
needed for facing the near- far problem. In the common
power control policy users equalize their received
powers so that nearby user’s do not dominate over the
far away users. Power control strategies are
implemented through the combination of two different

Opens-Loop power control to compensate the path

attenuation and the slow shadowing. Such a control is
based on an estimate, of the deviation of the received
pilot power with respect to its nominal level. This 4. SS AND CURRENT SYSTEMS
estimate is used to correct the uplink power, assuming
4.1 CDMA 2000
symmetry in the loss between downlink and uplink.
In the frame of the evolved 2G system, cdma2000 is the
Closed-Loop power control, to provide fine correction
evolution of the 2G IS-95 CDMA system .To be
of signal level variations, and to compensate for MAI-
backward-compatible with IS-95 networks, cdma2000
induced impairments. A quasi-real time estimation of
retains many of the attributes of the IS-95 air interface
some parameters used to measure the quality of service
design. This compatibility stems from adopting a chip
at the receiver is performed at the other end of the link,
rate that is a multiple of the IS-95b
According to this estimation, incremental adjustments of
the transmitted power are then sent back by the receiver Adopting a synchronous mode of operation,
in the form of in-band signalling packets. transmission and reception timings of cell sites are
synchronized by a single common timing source such as
3.4 TDMA and CDMA
the Global Positioning System (GPS). Variable length
When there are structured and foreseen asymmetries in Walsh codes (from 4 to 1024 bits) are used for the
the traffic or channel characteristics, the fixed allocation spreading on supplemental channels to support various
achieved in TDMA systems could he mote efficient in information rates .In the forward link Walsh codes are
the resource exploitation with respect to CDMA unique within channels of the same user as well as
systems, Actually, effective resource allocation across different users in the same cell. Cell separation is
performed by two PN sequences of length 2^15-1 chips, channel quadrature phase shift keying modulation is
one for the in-phase channel and one for lie in adopted on the reverse link, where the reverse link
quadrature channel, Shifted version (in multiples of 64 Dedicated Physical Data Channel (DPDCH) and the
chips) of the same sequences are used in different cells. Dedicated Physical Control Channel (DPCCH) are
Each cell uses a unique PN offset to distinguish its mapped to the land Q channels, respectively. The I and
transmission from its neighboring cells. Q channels are then spread to the chip rate with two
different channelization codes and subsequently
Reverse link, cdma2000 also uses Walsh codes to
complex-scrambled by a MS-specific complex code.
differentiate between channels from the same user.
4.3 WLAN
User separation is achieved by user-specific long PN
codes. All the users mall cells use the same long code, Wireless-LAN systems is a technology that can provides
However, the ‘transmission from different users is offset very high data rate applications and individual links,
by different number of bits. This offset is achieved by e.g., in company campus areas, conference centers,
using the Electronic Serial Number (ESN) which is airports and represents an attractive way of setting up
unique to each mobile station, cdms2000 introduces a computers networks in environments where cable
dedicated and common control channels to provide installation is expensive or not feasible, They represent-
efficient packet data services. Fast power control with the coming together of two of the fastest-growing
an update rate of 800 Hz is applied only in the reverse segments of the computer industry, LANs and mobile
link of IS-95. Its implementation also is the forward link computing, than recalling the attention of equipment
provides significant performance improvements in low manufactures.
mobility environment where most of the high data rate
applications will occur.
5.1 Multicarrier CDMA and 4G
Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMT)
The use of conventional CDMA does not seem to
is the European version of IMT-2000 3G cellular
realistic when the data transmission rate goes to the
system. W-CDMA (Wideband - CDMA) supported by
order hundred megabits per second due to the severe
groups in Japan (ARIB) and Europe and backward
inter-code. Interference and the difficulty to synchronize
compatible with GSM, has been selected for the UTR
such sequence. Techniques of reducing both the symbol
frequency division duplex (FDD).
rate the chip rate are essential in this case. OFDM
In FDD mode, a physical channel is defined by its code combined with CDMA can solve this problem. Such a
and frequency and possibly by the relative phase. They system that combine orthogonal multicarrier modulation
have the following structure: a frame length of 10ms and CDMA is usually referred to as multicarrier
organized is 15 time slots. The frame is the minimum CDMA or OFDM-CDMA Various multicarrier CDMA
transmission element in which lie in information rate is schemes have been proposed in literature .The common
kept constant. The source bit rate can in different frame point of these proposals to change the conventional
by frame while the chip rate is always kept constant. A serial transmission of data/chip stream into parallel
time slot has a duration of 10/15 ms and it is the transmission of data/chip symbols over a large number
minimum transmission clement in which the of narrow band orthogonal carriers, hence the bit and
transmission power is kept constant. Power control can chip duration is increased proportionally. Multicarrer
update the transmission power level each time slot Dual CDMA schemes are:
1.spreading in the frequency domain techniques have opened new and unexpected research
areas in a field that have been already extensively
2.spreading in the time domain similar to conventional
exploited by the wireless community.
DS-CDMA scheme.

5.2 UWB and SS

UWB technology has attracted considerable interest in
the research and standardization communities, due to its
Vol 51, no.1 Jan-Feb 20005 pp5-18.
promising ability to provide high data rate at low cost
[2]. Shinsuke Hara , Ramjee Prasad,
with relatively low power consumption. When the
Multi carrier technologies for 4G mobile
multiple access to the channel is required, several
choices can be considered: TDMA, Carrier Sense
[3]. Dinan H E and Jabbari,
Multiple Access (CSMA) and CDMA
Spreading codes for direct-sequence
Systems using CSMA techniques to access the channel CDMA and WCDMA cellular networks
are efficient when on average no more than one user is
[4].Prasad R., CDMA for wireless personal
accessing the channel at any given time. CDMA
systems are more efficient when there are many users, communications
or when the duration of channel access is long, For
instance, for video delivery in home there maybe only a
handful of links active

at any given lime, but these are likely to be of extremely

long duration. When all links are uncoordinated, CDMA
can be an effective method of sharing the network under
heavy load since collisions do not necessarily result in
lost packets, CDMA systems on overlay networks will
reject the other networks in the same manner as
interferers on the same network. CDMA also offers the
possibility, of using techniques such as multi-user
detection to boost the system capacity.


No need of’ synchronization when accessing a shared

channel, flexibility in supporting heterogeneous services
both in terms of data rates and QoS requirements,
capability of coexistence with other systems operating
in the same frequency bands, are some of the advantages
of SS.based systems that make them an attractive
solution also for future wireless applications. UWB
technology, combination of SS with OFDM and MIMO

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