Sauerbier Lambers 2003
Sauerbier Lambers 2003
Sauerbier Lambers 2003
Commission V, WG V/6
The Nasca Lines or geoglyphs in the desert of south Peru are among the most famous cultural heritage sites in the world.
Unfortunately, their investigation and interpretation has been hampered for a long time by the lack of an accurate documentation.
Based on aerial imagery that was especially acquired for this purpose, we produced a virtual 3D model of the northern part of the
Nasca region, around the modern town of Palpa. The slopes and ridges of this area are covered by more than 1500 geoglyphs that
are shown in the model. This 3D model of Palpa, presented at the workshop for the first time in its complete form, is the result of 5
years of archaeological and photogrammetric fieldwork at Palpa jointly conducted by geodetic engineers of ETH Zurich and
archaeologists from Germany and Peru. The model consists of a DTM, photorealistic texture based on an orthomosaic, and a vector
layer showing the geoglyphs. These high-resolution datasets are needed to ensure accurate results of the intended archaeological
analysis. The overall file size of the 3D model is about 3 GB. Such an amount of data could not be visualized in real time until
recently when more powerful hard- and software became available for PC systems. For the Palpa model we use Skyline by IDC,
Switzerland, to visualize the terrain and the geoglyphs. The advantages and shortcomings of this software are discussed in the
present paper. Furthermore, the use of the 3D model as a valuable tool for archaeological research is described.
On the south coast of Peru, the Ro Grande de Nasca and its
tributaries crosscut a vast plain at the foot of the Andean
mountains that forms part of one of the driest deserts in the
world (Fig. 1). The slopes and plateaus between the fertile river
oases of the Nasca region are covered by a spectacular
conglomerate of ground drawings of pre-hispanic origin,
commonly known as Nasca Lines or Geoglyphs. The drawings
or carvings, which were made by removing the upper level of
darkly oxidized stones to expose the brighter sandy level below,
show a wide variety of sizes and forms: straight and zigzag
lines, large trapezoids and rectangles, and biomorphic figures.
Though enlisted as World Cultural Heritage by UNESCO in
1994, the meaning of the Nasca Lines is still largely
unexplained. Only their cultural affiliation has been reliably
established: while the first geoglyphs date to around 400 BC
(Paracas Culture), most of them were made during the time of
the Nasca Culture (approx. 200 BC to AD 600) (Silverman,
Proulx, 2002; Reindel, Lambers, Grn, in press). A culturalhistoric interpretation of the Nasca Lines is fraught with
difficulties, since so far only a few important geoglyph
concentrations have been documented in detail, whereas the
vast majority of lines and figures remains unrecorded. Any
effort to map the geoglyphs by traditional means usually
available to archaeologists (like theodolite and measuring tape)
faces serious problems, like e.g. the hardly accessible terrain,
the sheer number and size of the geoglyphs, and their poor
visibility on the ground. Thus, it comes as no surprise that most
available maps of the Nasca Lines are of poor quality and show
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. XXXIV-5/W10
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. XXXIV-5/W10
Planimetric or spheric
UTM, custom coordinate systems can be
Grid data: XYZ-ASCII files, Z-ASCII
files (dimensions, coordinates of upper
left corner and mesh size are given
DTED (US military format)
BMP, TIFF (gray values)
RAW plug-in allows the import of other
formats (RGB, Byte, Floating Point,
Double Precision)
ArcView Shapefile
DXF (AutoCAD R12)
Worldfile (tfw): unit per pixel, rotation,
coordinates of upper left corner
Polygon with feathering
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. XXXIV-5/W10
Figure 2: User interface of the Skyline Terra Explorer Pro (showing geoglyphs on the Pampa de San Ignacio)
Several useful tools support the production of a correct 3D
model, e.g. radiometric feathering for images with different
radiometric properties or different resolution and for the
creation of a smooth boundary for the model. Another helpful
tool is the clipping of areas using polygons to cut out subsets of
the whole area. The processing of 3D vector data can be
managed in two different ways. One is the integration of the 3D
vectors into the DTM, importing the vectors height attributes.
This allows the display as real vectors with the result that lines
appear as thin lines with a constant thickness, independent of
scale. The other method is to omit the height attributes of the
3D vectors and project them on the DTM surface. As a result
they appear fragmented to single pixels inside the texture so that
each pixel has the same size as one pixel of the orthomosaic. A
radiometric correction of images can only be done via two
sliders (to adjust luminosity and gamma, resp.), so especially for
radiometrically heterogeneous color imagery it is
recommendable to import already corrected images. Terra
Explorer Pro allows the integration of additional information:
on the one hand into the 3D model itself (e.g., text labels, Quick
Time files, moving 3D objects), on the other hand via lateral
windows (e.g., georeferenced maps, web pages; see Fig. 2).
A strong point of the Skyline software is its performance
regarding real time visualization of very large datasets. The 3D
model is loaded to random access memory in a data stream
continuously. This method allows for a real time performance
that is almost independent of the amount of data. Nevertheless,
it is possible to split large datasets into smaller parts. The
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. XXXIV-5/W10
Figure 3: View of a geoglyph site on the Pampa de San Ignacio generated with ERDAS Imagine 8.4
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. XXXIV-5/W10
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. XXXIV-5/W10
We are grateful for the generous financial support granted by
the Swiss-Liechtenstein Foundation for Archaeological
Research Abroad (SLSA, Zurich/Vaduz), the Swiss Federal
Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich), and the German
Archaeological Institute (DAI, Berlin).
Aveni, A. (ed.), 1990: The Lines of Nazca. American
Philosophical Society, Philadelphia.
Grn, A., Br, S., Bhrer, T., 2000: DTMs derived
automatically from DSPs - where do we stand? Geoinformatics,
3/5, pp. 36-39.
Grn, A., Beutner, S., 2001: The geoglyphs of San Ignacio new results from the Nasca Project. In: International Archives
of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information
Sciences, Ayutthaya, Thailand, Vol. XXXIV, Part 5/W1, pp.