Angermann 1999
Angermann 1999
Angermann 1999
Express Letter
GPS data from four sites in the Nazca Plate (Easter Island, Galapagos, Robinson Crusoe and San Felix Islands) and
from five sites in the stable core of the South American Plate enabled us to estimate the Euler vector of the Nazca Plate
with respect to South America. The observed velocities of Easter Island (6.6 cm/yr at 102.3°), Galapagos (5.1 cm/yr at
90.0°), Robinson Crusoe (6.6 cm/yr at 80.1°) and San Felix (6.0 cm/yr at 82.1°) are significantly slower than the global
plate model NUVEL-1A velocites for those four sites. Our estimated Euler pole is located at 48.8°N, 91.7°W with a rate
of 0.59°/m.y. The NUVEL-1A and earlier space-geodetic studies give rotation rates that are 20% faster. © 1999 Elsevier
Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Global Positioning System; movement; plate tectonics; Nazca Plate; South American Plate; plate convergence
0012-821X/99/$ - see front matter © 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All fights reserved.
PII: S001 2-821X(99)00173-9
330 D. Angermann et aL /Earth and Planetary Science Letters 171 (1999) 329-334
VEL-1A [1]. The predicted convergence is highest GALA is poorly estimated [16], we used the CODE
for RM1 (11.0 cm/yr at 40°S, 74°W) and decreases solution [17], which results from an observational
successively with more recent models. NUVEL-1A time span of 9 months for GALA.
predicts a convergence rate of 8.0 cm/yr at the loca- The GPS data was processed with the GFZ Soft-
tion of the 1960 Chilean earthquake. Space-geodetic ware EPOS (Earth Parameter and Orbit System) [ 18].
estimates of the present-day Enler vector for the The processing procedure of this software package is
Nazca Plate are given by [3,4] and [5]. The results based on undifferenced phase and pseudorange ob-
reported by these authors are based on the data from servations. The network computation is done in the
two stations on Easter Island and the Galapagos Is- form of daily solutions with ionosphere-free linear
lands, motion at the latter being derived from two combinations for the carrier phases and pseudor-
different site locations. Since a minimum of two anges, using an elevation cut-off angle of 15° and
sites is required, the uncertainties of the estimated a sampling rate of 4 rain. The combined IGS orbits
parameters (Euler pole and rate) for the Nazca Plate and the corresponding Earth Orientation Parameters
are large. [3] and [4] estimated a convergence rate (EOPs) [19] were fixed and all station coordinates
at 40°S, 74°W of 8.2 cm/yr and 7.8 cm/yr, respec- were solved for without constraints (fiducial-free
tively. These estimates are in close agreement with solution). The ambiguities resulting from the iono-
the NUVEL-1A prediction of 8.0 cm/yr. sphere-free linear combination of phases were ad-
This paper focusses on the estimation of the Euler justed as free parameters (float solution) along with
vector for the Nazca plate with respect to a stable the receiver and satellite clock parameters for each
South America. The solution is based on four GPS observation epoch and the tropospheric parameters
stations on the Nazca Plate, viz. the IGS stations for each station (estimated at 4-h intervals). The
located on Easter Island and the Galapagos Islands, SAGA data were processed simultaneously with data
and the stations on Robinson Crusoe and San Fe- from the IGS station network to transform the SAGA
lix Islands (Chile), occupied periodically as part of network into the ITRF96 frame. Global network so-
GFZ's SAGA (South American Geodynamic Activ- lutions were computed using about 20 globally dis-
ities) network in the Central and Southern Andes tributed IGS stations, whereas regional SAGA solu-
[15]. tions used only IGS stations in South America [20].
Two methods were used to assess the quality
of the SAGA network coordinates. (1) The daily
2. GPS data and processing repeatability estimated using the residuals of a
Helmert-transformation between mean and daily net-
The two SAGA sites on the Nazca plate were work solutions as the assessment criteria. The mean
observed simultaneously with about 100 SAGA sta- station coordinates residuals are of the order of 1-3
tions during two large GPS campaigns in March mm in the horizontal and 5 to 6 mm in the ver-
1994 and November/December 1996. In 1994 both tical direction. (2) The network accuracy estimated
island stations were occupied for two weeks. For lo- by comparing the SAGA network solutions with the
gistical reasons only the station on Robinson Crusoe ITRF96 station coordinate solution. The means of
Island could be observed during the main SAGA' 96 the residuals after a Helmert-transformation between
campaign. Fortunately though, the station on San the global SAGA 94/96 solutions and the ITRF96
Felix could be reoccupied for a three-day session station coordinates (19 IGS stations) are 1 cm hor-
two months after the main campaign. The IGS sta- izontally and 2 cm in the vertical direction. The
tion Easter Island was not operational during the regional network accuracy with respect to the South
SAGA'94 campaign, so for this station the ITRF96 American reference frame is assessed by comparing
station coordinates and velocities based on GPS and the regional SAGA solutions with the 1TRF96 coor-
SLR data were used. The GPS station Galapagos dinates of the IGS stations in South America. The
became an IGS station at the beginning of 1996, accuracy of the regional SAGA solutions is of the
and only few observations exist for the years 1996 order of 2-5 mm horizontally and better than 1 cm
and 1997. Since the ITRF96 velocity for the station vertically.
D. Angermann et al./Earth and Planetary Science Letters 171 (1999) 329-334 331
0° 0o
.20 ° -20
°,40°¸ ~40 °
4. Nazca-South America Euler vector and tot (pole and rotation rate) for the N a z c a Plate with
discussion respect to the South A m e r i c a n Plate in a least squares
adjustment, T h e results o f the e s t i m a t i o n are s h o w n
T h e horizontal relative v e l o c i t i e s o f the four in Table 2, along w i t h the c o r r e s p o n d i n g N U V E L - 1 A
stations E a s t e r Island (EISL), G a l a p a g o s ( G A L A ) , values and the G P S results o f [3] and [4]. T h e esti-
R o b i n s o n Crusoe ( I R C R ) and San F e l i x Island m a r i o n o f the rotation rate (0.59°/m,y.) d e r i v e d here
(ISFE) w e r e used to e s t i m a t e the relative E u l e r vec- differs significantly f r o m the N U V E L - 1 A prediction
Table 2
The Nazca-South America Euler vector (pole ~md rotation rate) obtained from different sources
.120 ° .90 ° .60 ° we estimated the Euler vector using the two stations
60 ° 50 ° Easter Island and Robinson Crusoe. The resulting
Euler vector differs by 3.0 ° in latitude, 0.9 ° in lon-
gitude and 0.02°/m.y. in rate from the final 4 sites
solution including the 4 sites. The small insignif-
icant differences between the 2 site, 3 site and 4
site solutions (see Table 2) demonstrate that the re-
300 30 ° ported results are stable. The Euler vector computed
in this study suggests a 17% slower relative motion
between the N a z c a and the South A m e r i c a n plates
than predicted by N U V E L - 1 A .
0o 0o
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