New Constraints On Relative Motion Between The Pacific Plate and Baja California Microplate (Mexico) From GPS Measurements
New Constraints On Relative Motion Between The Pacific Plate and Baja California Microplate (Mexico) From GPS Measurements
New Constraints On Relative Motion Between The Pacific Plate and Baja California Microplate (Mexico) From GPS Measurements
Accepted 2007 May 14. Received 2007 May 14; in original form 2007 March 13
We present a new surface velocity field for Baja California using GPS data to test the rigidity of
this microplate, calculate its motion in a global reference frame, determine its relative motion
with respect to the North American and the Pacific plates, and compare those results to our
estimate for Pacific–North America motion. Determination of Pacific Plate motion is improved
by the inclusion of four sites from the South Pacific Sea Level and Climate Monitoring Project.
These analyses reveal that Baja California moves as a quasi-rigid block but at a slower rate
in the same direction, as the Pacific Plate relative to North America. This is consistent with
seismic activity along the western edge of Baja California (the Baja California shear zone),
Data analysis
For the Pacific Plate we use only continuous GPS (CGPS) with
Plate rigidity is a key assumption in plate tectonics. While this as-
time-series longer than 3 yr, giving time-series durations from 3
sumption works well for plate interiors, plate boundaries can include
to 10 yr (Table 1). Compared to previous studies of Pacific Plate
a broad region of deformation and the development of multiple
motion we add four new sites from the South Pacific Sea Level
blocks or ‘microplates’. This is particularly true for the Pacific–
and Climate Monitoring Project (SPSLCMP) improving kinematic
North American Plate boundary (e.g. Atwater & Stock 1988). Iden-
constraints in the central and western Pacific. To reduce the uncer-
tifying these rigid blocks provides important kinematic boundary
tainty in the time-series of GUAX on Guadalupe Island, we added
conditions for tectonic studies of western North America.
episodic GPS (EGPS) data from GAIR through a vector tie (Sella et
Constraints on North America–Pacific Plate motion are also im-
al. 2002), which extends the time-series back to 1993. The uncer-
portant for kinematic tectonic studies of western North America
tainty of this new time-series, here called GUAZ, is reduced by 40
and parts of the circum-Pacific region. Models of this motion on
per cent, while the velocity changes only by 0.1 mm yr−1 in all three
geological timescales (e.g. DeMets et al. 1990, 1994) may use
magnetic anomalies from the spreading centre in the southern
Thirty-two of 33 GPS stations in Baja California are episodic
Gulf of California. However, evidence is accumulating that Baja
GPS (EGPS) sites. We use EGPS data from sites with at least three
California’s motion is distinct from that of the Pacific Plate (Fig. 1)
occupation episodes of two and more 24 hr days and a minimum
and thus behaves as a separate block or microplate (Dixon
total time span of 6 yr since 1993. We did not use data from before
et al. 2000b; Fletcher & Munguia 2000; Gonzalez-Garcia et al.
1993 due to incomplete orbit information.
2003; Michaud et al. 2004). Here we use new GPS data to
All data were processed using GIPSY/OASIS II, Release 5.0
quantify current North America–Pacific Plate motion and inves-
software and non-fiducial satellite orbit and clock files provided by
tigate coupling and rigidity of Baja California and the Pacific
the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Zumberge et al. 1997). The data
analysis follows Sella et al. (2002), but the daily solutions are
aligned to IGb00 (Ray et al. 2004). The velocity and its uncertainty
for each site are then calculated by linear regression. Outliers with an
∗ offset of more than three times the formal error are not considered in
Now at: Pennslyvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA.
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Table 1. GPS data used for the computation of Pacific Euler vector and their residual rate.
IGb00 Residual to PA1c PA1
Site ida Lon. Lat. T Ve σ Veb Vn σ Vnb Rate σ b rate Azi. Importance
(◦ E) (◦ N) (yr) (mm yr−1 ) (mm yr−1 ) (mm yr−1 ) (mm yr−1 ) (mm yr−1 ) (mm yr−1 ) (◦ )d (per cent)
chat1 −176.57 −43.96 10 −41.2 0.3 32.3 0.3 1.0 0.5 78 –
CKIS2 −159.80 −21.20 4 −63.5 0.8 33.8 0.5 0.4 0.7 −46 13
guaz4 −118.29 28.88 12 −47.7 0.3 23.4 0.3 2.0 0.6 149 –
hnlc1 −157.86 21.30 5 −63.6 0.8 33.8 0.6 0.9 0.9 −71 –
KIRI2 172.92 1.35 3 −67.10 1.1 30.7 0.6 1.4 1.0 50 8
KOK11 −159.76 21.98 7 −63.0 0.6 33.8 0.4 0.3 0.5 −22 21
KWJ1 167.73 8.72 6 −69.7 0.7 27.7 0.4 0.6 0.5 176 10
MARC3 153.98 24.29 5 −73.3 1.4 21.5 1.2 2.3 1.4 −138 5
maui1 −156.26 20.71 7 −63.3 0.4 32.8 0.3 0.9 0.4 −142 –
mkea1 −155.46 19.80 9 −63.7 0.4 33.4 0.3 0.7 0.5 −96 –
POHN2 158.21 6.96 4 −70.2 1.3 26.5 0.8 1.6 0.9 −7 7
THTI1 −149.61 −17.58 7 −66.6 0.8 32.6 0.4 0.5 0.6 −159 20
TRUK3 151.89 7.45 4 −72.0 1.6 22.5 0.9 1.5 1.6 −83 6
TUVA2 179.20 −8.53 4 −64.2 0.9 31.2 0.5 1.1 1.0 97 10
a Only upper case sites are used to compute the Pacific Euler vector. 1 IGS, 2 SPSLCMP, 3 WING, 4 SCEC time-series has been tied using guax and gair.
b Uncertainties are 1σ .
c Velocity after removing rigid motion of the Pacific Plate (PA1) from the IGb00 velocities at each site. See Table 2 for angular velocity.
d Azimuth is the angle of the rate residual in degrees clockwise from North.
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Pacific Plate and Baja California microplate kinematics 1375
Angular velocity of PA1 relative to IGb00 in cartesian coordinates with covariance matrix. The X , Y , Z axes are parallel to (0◦ N,0◦ E), (0◦ N, 90◦ E), and
(90◦ N), respectively.
Omega (10−3 rads Myr−1 ): omegaX = −1.8186589 omegaY = 4.9377246 omegaZ = −10.6312041.
Covariance matrix (10−6 rads Myr– ): xx = 0.0064931 xy = 0.0006229 xz = −0.0002533 yy = 0.0010012 yz = −0.0000000 zz = 0.0026199.
Angular velocity of BAC1 relative to IGb00 in cartesian coordinates with covariance matrix:
Omega (10−3 rads Myr−1 ): omegaX = −1.3575097 omegaY = 4.5444985 omegaZ = −10.0461015.
Covariance matrix (10−6 rads Myr– ): xx = 0.0865653 xy = 0.1960590 xz = −0.1088797 yy = 0.4638906 yz = −0.2558797 zz = 0.1455125.
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30˚ MARC
200˚ 204˚
2mm/yr CHAT
(Table 3). The Agua Blanca fault along with the San Pedro Martir other stations within the geologically rigid block are unaffected by
fault marks the northern boundary of the block (Fig. 1). The south- strain accumulation. Therefore, we believe our Baja California Eu-
ern block boundary includes the Bonfil fault, the Carrizal fault and ler vector adequately represents the rigid microplate motion within
the San Jose Cabo fault (Fig. 1). We exclude GPS stations LOSA the defined uncertainty limits.
and SPMX, located close to the Agua Blanca fault and San Pedro We find that sites AGUA, CARD, TOSA and CABO in the south-
Martir fault, respectively, and possibly influenced by strain accu- ern network move with very similar rate and direction with respect
mulation (Dixon et al. 2002). The shape of the Baja California to rigid Baja California. Therefore, our geodetic measurements can-
peninsula poses problems to an Euler vector calculation due to its not resolve motion across the Carrizal fault, which has sometimes
limited east–west extent, reflected in the orientation of the ellipsoid been described to cut through the peninsula (e.g. Hausback 1984).
describing its uncertainty (Table 2). The best fitting Euler vector This suggests that the southwestern tip of the peninsula belongs to
has a reduced χ 2 misfit of 3.5. All residual rates within the geolog- the rigid microplate (Fig. 4). Other stations in the southern tip of
ically rigid block are within uncertainties at 95 per cent confidence Baja California may represent the motion of smaller blocks that are
(Fig. 4; Table 3). However, the azimuths of the residuals do not ap- bounded by active normal faults. This is compatible with the recent
pear to be randomly oriented, as the northern network has its residual geological observations of Busch et al. (2006).
motion directed towards the south and vice versa (Fig. 4). For the
northern network the mean residual rate is 1.7 ± 0.8; for the south
Pacific – Baja California motion
it is 1.3 ± 0.8 mm yr−1 . This apparent convergence may reflect data
uncertainty, or perhaps internal deformation of the block. In the lat- We tested the significance of a separate Baja California microplate
ter case the average shortening strain rate between the two networks compared to a larger Pacific Plate including Baja California by ap-
is ∼1 × 10−16 s−1 . Additional EGPS data from Baja California will plying the F-test (Stein & Gordon 1984). Baja California acts as a
be required to distinguish between these hypotheses. separate microplate with 99 per cent confidence. Since Guadalupe
We tested for the effect of elastic strain accumulation at the Island shows significant residual motion with respect to our Pacific
edges of the microplate using the block model code DEFNODE Euler vector PA1 we also tested the possibility that it may be part of
(McCaffrey 2002). We found that stations LOSA and SPMX are the Baja California microplate. The F-test indicates that this is not
affected by strain accumulation when assuming a standard lock- the case at 99 per cent confidence, implying that the western border
ing depth of the block bounding faults between 10 and 20 km. All of the Baja California microplate lies east of Guadalupe Island.
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Pacific Plate and Baja California microplate kinematics 1377
Table 3. Velocity of GPS stations in Baja California and residual motion with respect to the stable Pacific Plate PA1.a
IGb00 Residual to PA 1 Residual to BAC1
The magnitude of relative motion of Baja California with respect cated on Isla Margarita, shows a velocity with respect to the Pacific
to the Pacific Plate depends on the chosen stable Pacific Plate refer- Plate that is zero within uncertainty (Fig. 5b).
ence frame. The relative motion increases when using PA1 + CHAT,
while it decreases when using PA1 + GUAZ, with a range of dif-
North America–Pacific motion
ference of 1.8 mm yr−1 for the mean relative motion. However, all
models lead to significant relative motion of the Baja California mi- The precision of the geodetic estimates of NA-Pacific motion has
croplate with respect to the Pacific Plate at 95 per cent confidence improved with time, as more stations become available and GPS
interval. In the following we use model PA1. time-series become longer (Argus & Heflin 1995; Larson et al. 1997;
Except for WMAR, all the EGPS velocities in Baja California DeMets & Dixon 1999; Freymueller et al. 1999; Beavan et al. 2002;
relative to the stable Pacific Plate are significant at 95 per cent con- Sella et al. 2002; Gonzales-Garcia et al. 2003). Our result for NA-
fidence interval (Table 3; Figs 5a and b). On the rigid microplate the PA1 together with previous results is listed in Table 2, and illustrated
average velocity with respect to the Pacific Plate is 4.9 mm yr−1 , in Fig. 6.
ranging from 3.2 ± 0.7 (AGUA) to 6.4 ± 0.9 mm yr−1 (CADG). We obtain a shift in the location of the North America–Pacific
The average rate of the northern network (CADG, COLO, LOSA; pole of rotation (Table 2) when we use PA1+CHAT or PA1+GUAZ
MELR; SAIS, SLRE) is 6.2 mm yr−1 . In the southern network instead of PA1 for the Pacific Plate. The results are comparable to the
(AGUA, CABO, CARD and TOSA) the average rate is 3.7 mm difference in location of the North America–Pacific pole of rotation
yr−1 . Outside the rigid microplate, deformation of parts of the plate from Beavan et al. (2002) compared to the one of Gonzalez-Garcia
boundary zone can be observed. The northern part of the penin- et al. (2003). This may be because Beavan et al. (2002) use CHAT
sula shows an increase of velocity from west to east, approach- and EGPS data from the Campbell Plateau (analogous to PA1 +
ing the North America–Baja California boundary, that is, the San CHAT), while Gonzalez-Garcia et al. (2003) use one CGPS and
Andreas/Gulf of California system. The velocity reaches 12.8 ± three EGPS stations from Guadalupe Island (analogous to PA1 +
1.5 mm at MAYO, indicating significant strain accumulation along GUAZ).
the northern faults (Fig. 5a). In the southern part of the peninsula no Comparing our Euler vectors we see that the North America–
such pattern is observed. West of the peninsula, station WMAR, lo- Pacific rotation rate is significantly faster than North America–Baja
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32˚ his velocity (51.6 ± 1.9 mm yr−1 ) agrees with our results (Fig. 7).
This implies that the average spreading rate in the Gulf of California
during the past 3 Myr is comparable to the geodetic rate over the last
decade and the same is true for the rate of North America–Pacific
Plate motion. We can exclude thermal contraction of the seafloor
to be responsible for the velocity difference between Baja, and also
30˚ Guadalupe, with respect to the stable Pacific Plate as the contraction
can explain only ∼1.35 per cent of the spreading rate (Kumar et al.
2006), not the observed ∼10 per cent of difference.
26˚ ELMO
32˚ ELAL
2mm/yr SLRE
31˚ SPMX
Figure 4. Stations on the Baja California microplate: residual motion with
respect to Baja California Euler vector (Table 1). Error ellipses indicate 95
per cent confidence interval.
California. At the location 23.5◦ N, 108.5◦ E, at the spreading cen-
tre in the Gulf of California (DeMets 1995), we calculate North 27˚
America–Pacific motion to be 51.1 ± 0.4 mm yr−1 at an azimuth
of 125 ± 1◦ clockwise from north. Relative motion between North CONC
America and Baja California at the same location is only 46.8 ±
0.4 mm yr−1 , 124 ± 1◦ clockwise from north. This leaves a residual
motion of 4.3 ± 0.8 mm yr−1 between Baja California and the Pacific 26˚
Plate. The negligible difference in azimuth, which is also indicated
by the proximity of the two Euler poles, shows that Baja California AGUA
is moving in approximately the same direction as the Pacific Plate
with respect to North America.
Along the Gulf of California, the geodetic rate for North 25˚
America–Baja California derived from our Euler vector decreases
from south to north, 46.8 ± 0.4 mm yr−1 (23.5◦ N, 108◦ W) to WMAR
43.1 ± 0.4 mm yr−1 at the Colorado River delta (31.8◦ N, BLND ECER
−114.5◦ W).
A key constraint for the North America–Pacific Euler vector mag- CARD
nitude in NUVEL-1A (DeMets et al. 1994) is magnetic anomaly data ANCN
from the Gulf of California. Due to the rigid block motion of Baja RIVE
California and incomplete coupling with the Pacific Plate, this rate BURR
must in reality represent North America–Baja California relative EMIR
motion. When we compare our geodetic rate for North America–
Baja California (46.8 ± 0.4 mm yr−1 ) with the NUVEL-1A rate CABO
(47.4 ± 1.2 mm yr−1 ) at the latitude of the spreading centre (23.5◦ N, 3mm/yr
108.5◦ E) we see that these rates agree within uncertainties. On the
other hand, when we compare at the same location our geodetic
North America–Pacific rate (51.1 ± 0.4 mm yr−1 ) with an estimate Figure 5. Northern (a) and southern (b) GPS network on Baja California:
of DeMets (1995) that excludes the magnetic anomaly data from the velocity with respect to stable Pacific Plate Euler vector 1 (Table 1). Error
Gulf of California and other problematic data sets from NUVEL-1A, ellipses indicate 95 per cent confidence interval.
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Pacific Plate and Baja California microplate kinematics 1379
Omega & Normark 1979; Legg et al. 1991; Fletcher & Munguia 2000;
[°/Myr] Michaud et al. 2004).
A possible explanation for why the Baja California microplate is
NA-BAC1 B02 0.78
50˚ only partially coupled to the Pacific Plate and for activity along the
REVEL western Baja California shear zone (Dixon et al. 2000b) is the colli-
0.76 sion of the northwestward moving microplate with North America
along the Transverse Ranges and the big bend of the San Andreas
48˚ fault. This impact may cause the microplate to shear off the Pa-
cific Plate, along an inherited weak zone, the former Farallon–North
American Plate boundary along the western coast of Baja California.
280˚ 288˚ 0.72 In this case the shear zone may have formed from north to south. This
may explain why the northern part of the Baja California microplate
Figure 6. Location and magnitude of North America–Pacific (NA-PA) Eu- shows larger relative motion with respect to Pacific Plate than south-
ler vectors and North America–Baja California (NA-BAC1) Euler vector. If ern part. An alternative explanation for this observed pattern, also
not otherwise indicated, results are from this study. NUVEL-1A (DeMets consistent with the idea of collision along the northern boundary, is
et al. 1994), Revel (Sella et al. 2002), B02 (Beavan et al. 2002) and GG03 internal deformation within the Baja California microplate.
(Gonzalez-Garcia et al. 2003). Ellipses show the 1σ error from a 2-D distri-
52 including the South Pacific Sea Level and Climate Monitoring Pro-
gram funded by the Australian Government Aid project operated by
51 Geoscience Australia, the member institutions of IGS, the Western
50 Pacific Integrated Network of GPS (WING) operated by the ERI,
and SOPAC. Some of the EGPS data was collected by SCEC, in par-
49 ticular Javier Gonzalez Garcia and Duncan Agnew. We express our
48 gratitude to all people that helped in the collection of the GPS data,
in particular the technicians from CICESE. We are very thankful to
47 Paul Umhoefer for providing fault map data, and to Kevin Furlong,
46 NA-Baja Jim Ray, and the reviewers Chuck DeMets and Joann Stock, whose
NA-PA NA-PA comments helped to improve this paper.
NUVEL-1A DeMets(1995) This study REVEL B02 GG03
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