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AIM R16 WS02 Rear Spoiler

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Chapter 2: Rear Spoiler

This tutorial demonstrates how to perform a fluid analysis using ANSYS AIM.
In this tutorial you will learn how to
Import the geometry.
Create a computational mesh.
Set up the simulation which includes setting the material properties and boundary conditions.
Calculate a solution.
Examine the results.

2.1. Prerequisites
This tutorial assumes that you have limited experience with ANSYS AIM so each step will be explicitly

2.2. Problem Description

The goals are to demonstrate the ability of ANSYS AIM to import a CAD model, perform a fluid analysis,
and evaluate design changes using the Workbench Parameter Manager.
You will import a CAD model of a rear spoiler, mesh it, define materials, and solve a fluid analysis. You
will then use the Parameter Manager to evaluate how changing the angle of the spoiler will affect the
air flow.

2.3. Setup And Solution

The following sections describe the setup and solution steps for this tutorial:
2.3.1. Preparation
2.3.2. Starting AIM
2.3.3. Geometry
2.3.4. Mesh
2.3.5. Physics
2.3.6. Results

2.3.1. Preparation

Create a working folder on your computer.

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Rear Spoiler

Copy the file Rear_Spoiler.agdb to the working folder.

Clean up the geometry before using it.

2.3.2. Starting AIM

In this step you will start ANSYS AIM and set up a simulation process.

From the Windows Start menu, select Start > All Programs > ANSYS 16.0 > ANSYS AIM 16.0 to start a
new ANSYS AIM session.

The ANSYS AIM application window will appear. The various Simulation Process Templates are
displayed in the Study panel at the left. The Help window is displayed on the right-hand side. It
contains links to instructional videos and the Help menu. The Workflow tab is displayed at the

Click on the Project tab to go to the Workbench window.

You can see that a Study Component System is present in the Project Schematic window.


Drag the Geometry Component System on to the Project Schematic.


Double click on the Geometry cell (cell 2) to open DesignModeler.


In DesignModeler load the geometry file (Rear_Spoiler.agdb).

File > Load DesignModeler Database...

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Setup And Solution

You can see in the Tree Outline that one of the Body Transformation operation, Rotate is


Close DesignModeler.
You can see in the Project Schematic that a Parameter Set has been added.


You will use this geometry as an input for AIM. Drag the Geometry cell (2) to the Study cell (2). A connection is formed.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

Rear Spoiler

2.3.3. Geometry

Click the Study tab to return to the ANSYS AIM workspace.

Right-click on the Import cell in the Workflow tab, and select Update. The fluid volume from DesignModeler is imported in ANSYS AIM and displayed in the graphics area.

Save the project Rear_Spoiler.


) > File > Save

2.3.4. Mesh

Now you need to mesh the geometry. You can do this by either:
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Setup And Solution

Clicking on Geometry > Add Next > Meshing in the Workflow tab.

Clicking on Add > Meshing in the Geometry panel under Connected Tasks.

RMB in the graphics window and clicking on Add Next Task > Meshing.

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Rear Spoiler

The Mesh panel indicates the Attention required status.


Select Fluid flow from the Engineering intent drop-down list.


Move the slider bar for Mesh resolution towards High as shown in Figure 2.1: Mesh Panel (p. 6).
This will result in a better mesh.
Figure 2.1: Mesh Panel

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Setup And Solution


Under Common Inflation Settings select Layer compression from the list of Collision avoidance.

Stair stepping which was selected by default will create some pyramid elements and
you would like to prevent pyramid elements.


Click on Add next to Mesh Controls under Objects. Select Inflation from the drop-down list.

Inflation is to get a resolution of the boundary layer. In fluid dynamics you need to resolve
the boundary layer.

Right-click in the graphics window, and click on Select All. This will select all the faces of the fluid
volume and geometry. Now deselect the faces of the cuboid volume by holding down the control
(Ctrl) key.

Inflation will be on the mounting foot of the support plate. This is done to prevent
stair stepping.


Click on the + sign next to the Location text box.


Select Last aspect ratio from the Inflation option drop-down list.


Enter 5e-04 m for First layer height.


Enter 5 for Maximum layers.


Return to Mesh in the navigation bar. You can see that it is Out-of-date now since the sizing is changed.


Generate the mesh by clicking on the Generate Mesh button (with a lightning bolt) in the panel (top and
next to Output), or Workflow tab or you can right-click and select Generate Mesh from the context

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Rear Spoiler
Figure 2.2: Mesh

As you see the mesh has inflation layers and is reasonably good.

Click on Statistics under Output. You can see that the Number of nodes is about 2.05 E+05 and the
Number of elements is about 8.58E+05. A mesh of this size is appropriate for a tutorial to give good
results. You might want to have a finer resolution mesh in reality.

2.3.5. Physics
Add a Physics task. You can do this by either:
Clicking on Mesh > Add Next > Physics Solution in the Workflow tab.
Clicking on Add >Physics Solution in the Mesh panel under Connected Tasks.
RMB in the graphics window and selecting Add Next Task > Physics Solution.

In the Physics panel you will start by defining the Physics Region.

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Setup And Solution



Click on Physics Region.


Enable Fluid flow in the list of Physics types.


Enable Body selection (

). Click on the volume in the graphics area and then click on the + sign
next to Location text box in the Physics Region panel. This selects the whole volume.


Click Apply.

Return to Physics panel. Click on Add button next to Material Assignments under Objects, and click
on New using from the list.

Material is important because some of the default settings will depend on the material
selection. If it is compressible or incompressible or structural or fluid or solid.

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Rear Spoiler



Select Air. This opens the Air Assignment panel.


Enable Body selection (

) and select the volume in the graphics area and then click on the + sign
next to Location text box. This selects the whole volume.

Return to Physics panel. Now you will add boundary conditions. To add boundary condition click on Add
next to Boundary Conditions and select Inlet from the list.


Enable Face Selection (

) and select the face of the volume as shown Figure 2.3: Face Selected
for Inlet Boundary Condition (p. 11).

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

Setup And Solution

Figure 2.3: Face Selected for Inlet Boundary Condition


Right-click in the graphics window. Select Add > Boundary Conditions > Inlet from the context


The Flow specification is set to Velocity by default. Retain the selection.

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Rear Spoiler




Enter 80 m s^1 for Magnitude. This is the speed of the air at the inlet.


Retain Normal to boundary selection for Direction.

Add another boundary condition. Select the opposite face as shown.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

Setup And Solution

Figure 2.4: Face Selected for Outlet Boundary Condition


Right-click in the graphics window. Select Add > Boundary Conditions > Outlet from the context


The Flow specification is set to Pressure by default. Retain the selection.

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Rear Spoiler




Enter 0 Pa for Gauge static pressure. (The gauge pressure is set to 1 atmosphere).


Retain the other default settings.

Select the three remaining faces of the cuboid except the symmetry plane as shown in Figure 2.5: Faces
Selected for Opening Boundary Condition (p. 15).

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

Setup And Solution

Figure 2.5: Faces Selected for Opening Boundary Condition


Right-click in the graphics window. Select Add > Boundary Conditions > Opening from the context
Here the air is allowed to flow in and out.



The Flow specification is set to Pressure by default. Retain the selection.


Enter 0 Pa for Gauge entrainment pressure. (The gauge pressure is set to 1 atmosphere).


Retain the other default settings.

Now select the face which includes the spoiler face as shown in Figure 2.6: Symmetry Faces Selection (p. 16).

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.


Rear Spoiler
Figure 2.6: Symmetry Faces Selection


Right-click in the graphics window. Select Add > Boundary Conditions > Symmetry from the context

Now you need to set the base of the spoiler as a wall. Select the face on the base as shown in Figure 2.7: Mounting Face of the Spoiler (p. 16).
This is the mounting foot of the spoiler unit.
Figure 2.7: Mounting Face of the Spoiler


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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

Setup And Solution


Right-click in the graphics window. Select Add > Boundary Conditions > Wall from the context


Select Free slip from the Flow specification drop-down list.

This is not a friction wall. In practical conditions this base will be mounted on the car.



Return to the Physics panel.


Click on Add next to Boundary Conditions and select Wall from the list that appears. Now all the
remaining elements the geometry which are not defined, will be defined as wall.


Retain the default selection of No slip from the Option drop-down list under Flow Specification.

Return to Physics panel. Retain the default options under Solver Options.
Now you are ready to solve.

10. The Physics task is now ready to be updated. You can update it by either clicking blue lightning bolt next
to the Out-of-date message near the top of the Physics panel, the blue lightning bolt next to the Output
tab near the bottom of the Physics panel, by selecting Update under the Workflow tab, or by RMB
within the graphics window and selecting Solve Physics from the context menu.
You can see the status in the progress bar. In the Workflow tab you can also review the progress
using the Transcript tab.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.


Rear Spoiler
In the transcript you can see:
Number of CPU used for solving
A list of all the boundary conditions
Partitioning factors
Initialization values set by default
Iterations solved and the residuals of continuity, momentum equations, turbulent kinetic energy,
and turbulent frequency.
You can also check the Solution Quality tab which shows the convergence plot.
11. When solving is finished the Physics panel shows the Up-to-date status.
12. Periodically save the project.

) > File > Save

2.3.6. Results
Add a Results task. You can do this by either:
Clicking on Physics cell > Add Next > Results Evaluation in the Workflow tab.
Clicking on Add >Results Evaluation in the Physics panel under Connected Tasks.
RMB in the graphics window and selecting Add Next Task > Results Evaluation.


In the Results panel click Add next to Results and select Contour from the drop-down list.

Select Symmetry 1 from the Location drop-down list.


Select Pressure from the Variable drop-down list.


Click Evaluate. See Figure 2.8: Pressure Contours (p. 19).

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Setup And Solution

Figure 2.8: Pressure Contours

You can hide the other faces to get a better view. To hide a face first ensure that Face Selection
) is enabled. Then select the face, RMB and select Hide Face from the context menu. To
see the influence of the support unit, define a plane parallel to the symmetry plane which
goes midway through the spoiler. This will give an undisturbed pressure contour at the wings.

Click on the Y-Axis of the coordinate system to align the view towards this coordinate system.

Return to Results panel. Click Add next to Construction Geometry and select Plane from the list.

In the Plane panel retain the selection of Origin and orientation for Construction method.


Click on the > button next to Origin and Orientation Definition. In the list that opens up click on
Axis 1 > Direction> Vector> Cartesian


Enter 1, 0, 0 for X,Y, and Z respectively under Cartesian.

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Rear Spoiler




Click on the > button next to Transformation. In the list that opens up click on Offset.


Retain the selection of Magnitude and direction for Define by.


Enter -0.35 m for Magnitude.


Click on the > button next to Direction.


Retain the selection of Cartesian for Coordinate type.


Click on the > button next to Cartesian.


Enter 0, 0, 1 for X,Y, and Z respectively under Cartesian.

Now you will add a velocity magnitude contour on the plane you just created. Return to Results panel.
In the Results panel click Add next to Results and select Contour from the drop-down list.

Select Plane 1 from the Location drop-down list.


Select Velocity Magnitude from the Variable drop-down list.


Click Evaluate. See Figure 2.9: Velocity Magnitude Contours on Plane (p. 21).

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Setup And Solution

Figure 2.9: Velocity Magnitude Contours on Plane


Return to Results panel. Click Add next to Results and select Isosurface from the list.

Select Q Criterion from the Velocity drop-down list in the Isosurface panel.


Click on the > button next to Isovalues.


Select Set values from the Isovalue specification drop-down list.


Enter 0.01 for Isovalues.


Click Evaluate. See Figure 2.10: Q Criterion Iso Surface (p. 22).

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Rear Spoiler
Figure 2.10: Q Criterion Iso Surface



Return to Results panel. Click Add next to Results and select Streamline from the list.

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Setup And Solution



Select Wall 2 from the Seed location drop-down list in the Streamline 1 panel.


Retain Uniformly distributed from the Distribution drop-down list.


Enter 300 for Approximate number of points.


Retain Forward from the Direction drop-down list.


Click Evaluate.

Return to Results panel. Click Add next to Results and select Contour from the list. You can use the
streamline created to color the streamlines by velocity.

Select Streamline from the Location drop-down list.

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Rear Spoiler

Select Velocity Magnitude from the Variable drop-down list.


Click Evaluate. See Figure 2.11: Streamlines Colored by Velocity (p. 24).
Figure 2.11: Streamlines Colored by Velocity



Return to Results panel. Click Add next to Results and select Calculated Value from the list.

Rename the panel to DownForce.


Select Wall 2 from the Location drop-down list.


Select Sum from the Function drop-down list.


Select Simple from the Weight type drop-down list.


Select Force Z under Force/Moment from the Variable drop-down list.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

Setup And Solution


Click Evaluate.


Click on the triangular button next to the resultant Value and click on Create named expression /
value (


) button.


Enter DownForce for Referenced by name.


Click Create.


Click on the triangular button next to the resultant Value and click on Parametrize button.

Return to Results panel. Click Add next to Results and select Calculated Value from the list.

Rename the panel to DragForce.


Select Wall 2 from the Location drop-down list.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.


Rear Spoiler

Select Sum from the Function drop-down list.


Select Simple from the Weight type drop-down list.


Select Force Y under Force/Moment from the Variable drop-down list.


Click Evaluate.


Click on the triangular button next to the resultant Value and click on Create named expression /
value (



) button.


Enter DragForce for Referenced by name.


Click Create.


Click on the triangular button next to the resultant Value and click on Parametrize button.

Now you will be creating a named expression for the pressure coefficient. Click on the > button next to
Study in the navigation bar and select Named Expressions / Values from the drop-down list.


In the Named Expressions / Values panel click on Named Expression from the drop-down list of
Add Named Expression.


Rename the Named Expression panel as PressureCoefficient.

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Setup And Solution


Enter Pressure/(0.5*Density*(80[m/s])**2) for Expression.

Definition of Pressure is (Absolute Pressure Reference Pressure). Pressure coefficient is this pressure value divided by half of density times the reference velocity

10. Return to Results panel. Click Add next to Results and select Contour from the list.

Select Wall 2 from the Location drop-down list.


Select PressureCoefficient under Expression from the Variable drop-down list.


Click Evaluate. See Figure 2.12: Pressure Coefficient under the Wings (p. 28).

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Rear Spoiler
Figure 2.12: Pressure Coefficient under the Wings

11. Now you will be creating a named expression for the ratio of down force and drag force. Click on the >
button next to Study in the navigation bar and select Named Expressions / Values from the drop-down



In the Named Expressions / Values panel click on Named Expression from the drop-down list of
Add Named Expression.


Rename the Named Expression panel as DownForce_2_Drag_Ratio.


Enter -DownForce/DragForce for Expression.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

Setup And Solution

Since down force is a negative value you have added a minus sign to the expression.

12. Periodically save the project.


) > File > Save

13. Now return to the Workbench Project Schematic by clicking on the Project tab. You can see that the
Parameter Set is now in a closed loop. Double click on the Parameter Set to access Parameter Manager.

In the Outline of Parameters panel, you can now see one Input Parameter and two Output Parameters (DownForce and DragForce), are defined.

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Rear Spoiler

In the Table of Design Points you can see all these in a row. Right click on row DP 0 (Current) and
select Duplicate Design Point from the context menu. Do this one more time.


Set P1 AoA_Rear_Wing to 0.017 and -0.017 for DP 1 and DP 2 respectively.

0.017 radian is approximately equal to 1 degree. So you will be checking how a
change in one degree of the angle of the rear wing on either side affects the drag
and down force. You can add design points of your choice to check the results.


Click on Update All Design Points.

2.4. Summary
With ANSYS AIM interface you can perform a static structural analysis. You learned how to:
1. Set-up a structural analysis in AIM using a template,
2. Import CAD geometry with parameters,
3. Create and modify a mesh,
4. Assign materials from existing libraries,
5. Create and assign new materials,
6. Apply boundary conditions,
7. Solve the analysis,
8. Post-process results, and
9. Assess design changes using design points in the Workbench Parameter Manager.


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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

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