Practice of Soham Yoga
Practice of Soham Yoga
Practice of Soham Yoga
Soham Yoga
by Abbot George Burke
(Swami Nirmalananda Giri)
vowel sound.
The same is true of the U in ham (hum). As already pointed out, it is
pronounced like the u in up or huntnot like the u in truth or
push, as in done in parts of Great Britain.
A mantra is more eective if it is mentally intonedthat is, mentally
sung on a single note. (The pitch does not matterwhatever is
spontaneous and natural.) This makes the repetition stronger and of
deeper eect, because intoning unifies the mind and naturally
concentrates it.
The way to receive the benefit of a mantra is japa, the continual
repetition-intonation of the mantra. In this way the invoker is
constantly imbued with the power and consciousness inherent in the
mantra. So whenever we intone Soham, we align and link our
consciousness with its originboth within our spirit and Spirit.
all right but keep your attention on Soham. Even though something
feels very right or good when it occurs, it should not be forced or hung
on to.
10) If you find yourself getting restless, distracted, fuzzy, anxious
or tense in any degree, just take a deep breath and let it out fully, feeling
that you are releasing and breathing out all tensions, and continue as
11) Remember: Soham Yoga meditation consists of mentally
intoning Soham in time with your breath and keeping your awareness
centered on the mental sound. At all times remain relaxed and easeful,
without strain.
12) At the end of your meditation time, keep on intoning Soham in
time with your breath as you go about your various activities, listening
to the inner mantric sound, just as in meditation. One of the cardinal
virtues of Soham Sadhana is its capacity to be practiced throughout the
day. The Yoga Rasyanam in verse 303 says that Soham should be
continuously repeated while walking, sitting, or even sleeping. This
leads to ultimate success.
Can it be that simple and easy? Yes, because it goes directly to the
root of our bondage which is a singleand therefore simplething: loss
of awareness.
We recommend a complete book on the subject of Soham Yoga that
is posted on this website: Soham Yoga: The Yoga of the Self.