Evaluation Document
Evaluation Document
Evaluation Document
Group Number: 15
Group Name: Team 15
Group Representative: Syed Hassan Sajid (17020328@lums.edu.pk)
Project Phase: Final - Evaluation Phase
Syed Hassan Sajid
Maham Anwar
Ahsan Hameed
Contribution of Individuals
Contribution Statement
Contribution in Brain Storming
Contribution conducting Interviews
Contribution in writing research
Contribution in developing low fi
Contribution in writing research
Contribution in application testing
Developed Pitch Video
Contribution in creating poster
Contribution in conducting interview
Contribution in writing research
Brainstorming Session
Developed Story boards
Contribution in Sketches, Scenario
Contribution in developing low fi
Contribution in finalizing hi fi
Contribution in writing research
Developed evaluation document
Contribution in finalizing poster
Contribution in writing research
article Contribution in writing
document article
User testing of the final design
Application interface ideas and
brainstorming session participation
Low-fi and HI-Fi prototype testing
Organizing group meetings to meet
the deadlines of the project
Hi-fi Prototype
Hi-fi prototype is developed in Html, JavaScript and jQuery. The Hi fi is developed to
create a system that would help researchers manage their experimental activities.
It has 5 main modules:
Sign In: User will sign up the application using with his basic information and
Gmail id.
A main dash board: To give an overview of a researchers activities. It consists of
a calendar with dates to important events highlighted. Agenda for that particular
day and a to-do list that a researcher wants to create for reminder. It also
highlights the progress of the top most high priority projects. Main dashboard
also has a news feed side bar that shows the most important and relevant
activates other researchers are performing. The feed bar is used consistently
throughout the hi-fi prototype and it gets specific according to the module, the
feed on home page however represents most relevant events among different
activates. The idea behind these items is that a user can know important aspects
of his research at a glance.
Projects: A researcher can be involved in a number of projects. This module gives
the list of all projects researcher ever worked on. The list shows the name,
instructor and state the project is currently in which can be active, completed
or suspended.
A project details include the list of experiments in the project, files associated with
the project and its members.
Experiments: A project may have multiple experiments in it. On clicking the
experiment button list of those experiments appear.
Files: Files associated with project are important part of the project. This files
section shows list of files shared by all researchers that may be working in that
Members: A project can be a research project that involves a lot of students and
their supervisor. This tab shows list of all those members.
Phases: Subdivision of activities and their timeline is shown here to manage the
progress of the project.
Groups: This module is to manage research groups. It Shows list of groups that
researcher is a part of.
File: File sharing was an important aspect of research pointed out by researchers in
user research phase. This module gives list of all files that have been uploaded to
by researcher and also the list of files experiments or projects shared with the
researcher. The idea behind this module was to connect it to Google Drive. The
files uploaded would go to google Drive and the application will get the list of those
files from their as well according to the users google id.
Account: Here user can view and modify his basic account setting information like
name, email id and password.
Horizontal Prototype
Horizontal aspects of hi-fi prototype are:
1. Add a new project.
2. List of all projects researcher is associated with.
3. General news feed related to the projects (experiment, related files,
deadlines) researcher is involved in.
The Experiment
1. Details of account setting
2. Basic user information which can be edited
3. Change password
4. Option synch local account setting with Gmail setting.
1. Go to project Module.
2. Click on Add new Project
3. Add title, PI (Project Instructor) Name, Brief Description of Project and
starting and ending date to New Project popup and click submit.
4. A new project will appear at the bottom of project list.
2. Add New Experiment.
Experiments are part of project. When clicked on any particular project from
project list, elements associated with that project appear one of these elements is
the list of experiment.
Final Questionnaire
Note: The identity of the survey taker will be kept confidential. The results are meant to analyse the
qualitative aspects of the application from a pool of testing users. Usability Testing
Dash Board:
Users were able to immediately identify the components of dashboard which
includes a calendar, to do list and status of high priority project however they
wanted a more detailed view of their ongoing activities there.
Integration with Other Platforms
User A and B said that "I also want Microsoft and Exchange calendar, in addition to
Gmail. Because if you are planning to deploy this application in LUMS, you should
connect it with the Exchange Server."
Current On-Going Research updates
Other potential elements that could be added to dashboard were also suggested.
Testing from instructor resulted in the following feedback, It would be great if this
application starts showing RSS feed of important research journals." User C, a
researcher, also added that "I always go to various platforms over the web to find
research-related updates. I should be able to add science journals and news site for
RSS feed."
Project Creation:
Project creation was the most intuitive feature of the application where users were
immediately able to find their way to the project creation; this module received
very good feedback. Other feedback include
Feed backs were received to make this module more customizable User C said that
"I want to divide my project into sub-projects, and only specific student should be
able to access that part."
Users were generally not immediately able to navigate to experiments and had to
explore the application including attempt to use search option to get help finding
Survey results:
After users were asked to test the application, they were given questionnaire to fill
out to get an insight into the qualitative aspects of the application. The user were
to rate the application on four parameters i.e. Ease of Use, Accessibility, Features
and Task implementation. The results collected from the survey were based on the
personal feedback of the user as plotted in the following graph: