The Final Months: Events
The Final Months: Events
The Final Months: Events
April 19th
Early Release- 12:00
(C.A.S.E. is available)
April 27th
Class Photo at 9:35
Japanese Field Trip
n Un i t
Special Friend’s Day
On Friday, May 14, the entire
first grade will be going on a
Mark your calendars for Special trip to the Kenny Center to
Friend’s Day on Friday, May 7th. visit a Japanese Restaurant,
On Tuesday the children should Bakery, Market, and Gift Shop. We are beginning our unit of study
have brought home the The students will be eating on Japan. The students will be
lunch at the Japanese learning about Japan’s culture and
invitation they made to send to
their special friend for this day. Restaurant and will have their comparing/contrasting it to the
Don’t forget, students will be choice between a chicken or United States. They will be
dismissed at 11:00 a.m.! noodle dish. We will be asking studying different Japanese
for 4-6 parent volunteers to genres, such as Haiku poetry,
help out on this trip. If you are Japanese fairy tales, fiction
available and would be (historical fiction), and non-fiction
interested in joining us, please (alphabet, question/answer)
literature. This is to prepare the
First Grade Field Day contact Leslie Leis.
students to write their own
On Wednesday, June 2nd our creations for our annual “Authors’
class will be having our end of Celebration.” Hopefully, this
the year Outdoor Game Day. experience will inspire the children
All four first grades will be Closing Program
to write more of their own stories!
participating here at school.
Please see page 3 for a more
Several outdoor activities are
being planned for the children On Friday, June 4 the Lower detailed explanation of our
with a tentative cookout or School (Pre-K -2) will have their Author’s Tea Celebration.
pizza for lunch to follow. The Closing Program from !
activities will begin at 9:30 8:30-10:00.
and finish by 11:30 p.m. Leslie
Leis will also be asking for
volunteers to help with the
games and possibly lunch. Special Activities for
More specific details to come!
the Unit
as a way to celebrate the writing we by indicating your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd
have worked so hard on throughout choice, and return the form to me as
the year, the children will be creating a soon as possible. If your schedule is
final book. The children will take their flexible, please indicate that, and I will
writing through the entire writing make the selections accordingly. The
process and even create their own form is attached, but will also come
hard-back book. home as a hard copy.
These books will be shared at one of
three Author Teas. We have decided to On the day of your child’s book
have 3 Teas on three different reading, your child should wear special
mornings. It is our hope that this occasion clothes, such as dresses for
schedule fits better for our parents. girls and long pants and nice shirt for
boys. Some boys may want to wear ties
or suits. Please send a change of
I would like to schedule the Teas on
clothes (dress code) for after the Tea.
the dates listed on the calendar and the
attached sheet. (Please note, the June
Re f re s hm en ts aft e r the t e as
Re f r e s h m e n t s
Donut holes
Cinnamon rolls
1. _________________________
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3. _________________________
4. _________________________
5. _________________________
6. _________________________
1. _________________________
2. _________________________
3. _________________________
4. _________________________
5. _________________________
6. _________________________
1. _________________________
2. _________________________
3. _________________________
4. _________________________
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