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Misshumowitz'S4Th GR Ade Class: What'S Up This Month?

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October Newsletter

M iss Hum ow itz's 4th

Gr ade Class
Which Ghost is t hebest

WHAT'SUPTHISMONTH? Par ents and students,

dancer ?
Thank you all so m uch for a gr eat m onth of Septem ber ! Not
only did our class r ead the m ost books last m onth, but also donated
the m ost for our anim al shelter supply dr ive.
Students, be sur e to keep up w ith your r eading log and jour nal r eflections. I w ill collect these on
Fr idays to ensur e you r ead and under stand w hat our w eekly book is about. Also, star t thinking of w hat
exper im ent you w ould like to do w ith a par tner. Ideas ar e fir st com e, fir st ser ve, so m ake sur e that you
and your par tner have a backup plan! Rem em ber that our class
spelling bee is on October 3, so be sur e to study the list of w or ds you
r eceived! You ar e all doing so w ell and I am so pr oud of you. Let's
keep up the gr eat w or k!
UPCOMING Par ents, please ask to see your child's agenda book ever y evening to
m ake sur e all of their w or k is done and that they behaved w ell in
October 1- After school help
class. I am asking you to sign these ever y night as a gr ade. It is
cr ucial for them to keep up w ith their w or k, but it is even m or e
cr ucial that you ar e able to help them w ith assignm ents and hold
them accountable for tur ning com pleted w or k in on tim e.
October 3- Class spelling bee
October 15- After school help
October 18- Field tr ip
October 22- After school help St ar St u den t Parents please also sign up for who
Cor n er is bringing what to our end of the
October 31- Hallow een par ty month Halloween party. Please only
two parents per item.

THIS Parent 1 Parent 2

MONTH'S Paperware

October 5- Denny
and cups

October 7- Annie
October 12- Wendy Cookies

October 21- Car l Jr.

October 30- John
Congratulations to Matthew! Matthew won our class round of National
Geographic's geography bee and will go on to represent our class in the Other
school-wide round. We are all so proud and can't wait to cheer him on!

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