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Week 10 Newsletter

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Apostles Lutheran School

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November 1, 2010
e-mail: wcrofts@apostlessj.org

Mrs. Crofts’ Classroom Newsletter

It’s a new quarter again
Zoo-Phonics News
in week number ten! We’ll spend the three short days of this week
finishing with Honey horse since we used some
Thank you for bringing your children to open the
time last week for individual assessments to
musical on Friday evening. They did such a cute
prepare for report cards.
job! 
How’s your child doing with learning his left from
If your child was blessed with a load of candy right? We’re practicing here at school but home
yesterday, I ask that you reserve those treats as reinforcement helps too!
after-meal desserts and avoid sending them for
snack time. Thanks!
Other Classroom News
We had fun last week blowing our horns for the
battle at Jericho. This week we get to blow them
Please be sure to check your child’s folder each again with Gideon. See if your child can tell you
day and go over any school work with him/her. what two strange “weapons” Gideon and his men
Some children have folders that get so full we took into battle. The battle truly does belong to
hardly have room to put the new papers in. the Lord! We will also be covering a whole book of
Thanks for your help with this.  the Bible as we learn about a woman with a
servant’s heart, named Ruth.
It’s almost time for our used book fair that
will take place November 15-19. But we In math we will continue to talk about our families,
introduce sets and work with triangles.
need your help to stock it. If you have
books of any reading level that you would like to
donate please bring them in to our classroom. We welcome Spencer for his first day at our
There is a donation box near my desk. Just for school! We’re excited to have you join our class! 
fun, the class that brings in the most books will win
the prize of throwing water balloons at our principal Thank you to Michael’s family for those
and male teachers! wonderful Halloween goody bags! Everyone
enjoyed them!
On Sunday, November 20 from 2-4 PM we will Upcoming Events
be hosting a kindergarten open house. Please
Nov. 4-5: No School—Teacher’s Conference
refer anyone you know who may be interested in
learning more about our kindergarten or Jr. K
program for this school year or next. Nov. 8: First Quarter Report Cards Distributed

Don’t forget you will need to adjust your Nov. 9: Fun-raising Dinner at California Pizza Kitchen
11AM-9 PM
clocks for daylight savings on Saturday
night. Hooray! An extra hour of sleep!
Nov. 15-19: Used Book Fair 3-5 PM Daily

Nov. 16-18: Parent-Teacher Consultations

Nov. 21: Kindergarten classes sing (late service)

Nov. 25-26: No School—Thanksgiving Vacation

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