This document provides information for parents and students about upcoming events at a school or ranch. It includes details about a Christmas concert, wrapping gift boxes for donation, reading activities being sent home with students, volunteer opportunities, and a field trip to an elderly care center. Bible study lessons for the week are outlined. The document mixes announcements, answers to questions, a spotlight on volunteer families, and a quick calendar of events.
This document provides information for parents and students about upcoming events at a school or ranch. It includes details about a Christmas concert, wrapping gift boxes for donation, reading activities being sent home with students, volunteer opportunities, and a field trip to an elderly care center. Bible study lessons for the week are outlined. The document mixes announcements, answers to questions, a spotlight on volunteer families, and a quick calendar of events.
This document provides information for parents and students about upcoming events at a school or ranch. It includes details about a Christmas concert, wrapping gift boxes for donation, reading activities being sent home with students, volunteer opportunities, and a field trip to an elderly care center. Bible study lessons for the week are outlined. The document mixes announcements, answers to questions, a spotlight on volunteer families, and a quick calendar of events.
This document provides information for parents and students about upcoming events at a school or ranch. It includes details about a Christmas concert, wrapping gift boxes for donation, reading activities being sent home with students, volunteer opportunities, and a field trip to an elderly care center. Bible study lessons for the week are outlined. The document mixes announcements, answers to questions, a spotlight on volunteer families, and a quick calendar of events.
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“Bits and Pieces of Info to Make Life on the Ranch Easier to Manage”
What’s Happening Around Town Answers to Questions on the Ranch
Second Corinthians 9:15 says, “Thanks be to
God for His indescribable gift.” Oh, the love of A: The concert is this Saturday at 6:30 p.m. Stu- God is amazing, isn’t it? God humbled Himself dents should arrive at 6:15 p.m. in the gym. and took on human flesh so He might live a sin- less life and then die for our sins! The sacrifice Christ made on the cross IS the ultimate gift! What a cause for joy! A: Thank you for sending in shoe boxes! I now In addition to the excitement of Christmas, have over half of the boxes wrapped with our we have begun learning the procedures and ex- fun, decorative paper, and the rest of the box- pectations for reading circles and center time. es will be completed by Monday. So, although I Your child has been placed in a reading circle had planned on allowing the students to deco- group and will bring his or her first blend book rate their boxes and bring them home today, we home this week! You will receive more direc- will have to wait until Monday! tions on Monday on what I ask students to read The boxes are going to be called the stu- and do at night. The kids are so excited and dents’ AlphaTales box. Each week they will have picked up on things quickly this week! bring home an AlphaTales mini-book. Through- We will continue to work on adding, number out the week, we will be reading the mini-book families, and telling time to the hour in math and doing a variety of activities to build phone- class, and we will be doing a mini unit on states mic awareness as well as reading skills such as in conjunction with our unit on the United retelling and summarizing. States for history. Further information on Bible Parents often ask how they can help and as- can be found in The Living Word Trail section. sist their children, and I hope that the Al- Another exciting event this week will be our phaTales mini-books will be one tool that will “trip” to the PTF Christmas Store! Information is prove to be a great help to you and your child. in your child’s HORSE folder today, so don’t for- Please put the mini-book that comes home each get to read the information AND send money if Friday in your child’s AlphaTales box. Then, you want your child to do a little shopping! read and review the books and do some of the In closing, I wish you a joy-filled and Christ- activities you will find listed on a hint sheet, centered Christmas! May God bless you in a which will be located inside the box. The kids special way this season! have really enjoyed our A AlphaTales book this Basking in the joy of the Lord, week, and they will be excited to show it to you Miss Hult on Monday along with their boxes! A Bible Course Map for the Upcoming Week Zephaniah 3:17 “The Lord your God has arrived to live Monday: (Gen. 27:41-28:22) Rebekah tells Jacob among you. He is a mighty Savior. He will to leave to find a wife in Haran. God protects rejoice over you with great gladness. With Esau from hurting Jacob by doing so. While His love, He will calm all your fears. He will traveling, Jacob stops to sleep, and the Lord exult over you by singing a happy song.” came to him in a dream. God encouraged Ja- cob in the dream by telling him He would pro- tect Jacob and provide for him. There were angels going up and down a ladder, and God was using them to tell Jacob He is a God who forgives sin if we confess it to Him. Jacob then worships God. Tuesday: Review of previous lesson. Spotlighting Students and Volunteers Wednesday: Chapel review and extension. Thursday: (Gen. 29-31) Jacob meets Rachel and The Rojas family provided snacks for us wants to marry her. He agrees to work for this week, and we are grateful to them for Rachel’s father so he can marry her. Jacob doing so! A nice variety of fruits and veg- loves her, so the time he has to work passes gies was a special delight for the kids, and I quickly. Rachel’s father lies to Jacob, and he have to say that I did not know I had so is given the wrong bride. He works seven more many little “rabbits” in my class! The room years, and then, God allows him to marry Ra- was practically silent while the kids nibbled chel. He learns the importance of treating their carrots! Thank you for the snacks! others the way you want to be treated. Also, thank you to those who have Friday: Review of previous lesson. volunteered to help in the PTF Christmas store! We still need more volunteers, though! Please consider serving in this way! I need to extend one last thank you to those parents who have volunteered to transport kids to SunnyView Care Center on Monday, December 13! We wouldn’t be able to go without your help! Thank you!
Quick Glimpse Calendar
Monday, Dec. 6 - Friday, Dec. 10 - Intro. to letter Q; begin Reading Circles; Bible verse F Tuesday, Dec. 7 - Show and Tell; PTF Christmas Store Wednesday, Dec. 8 - Chapel; PTF Christmas Store Friday, Dec. 10 - Bible Verse M Quiz Monday, Dec. 13 - Field Trip to SunnyView Care Center (9:45 - 11:00 a.m.)