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Newsletter 12.17

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“Bits and Pieces of Info to Make Life on the Ranch Easier to Manage”

What’s Happening Around Town Answers to Questions on the Ranch

Merry Christmas! I trust you and your family

will enjoy a wonderful Christmas break begin-
ning Thursday, December 23rd! At this time, I A: Yes! I spoke with the activity director right
am not planning on putting out a newsletter after school was finished on Thursday, and she
next week and will just update you via email would like us to come this
with any further information. Please feel free , if possible. We are tentatively planning on
to contact me at any time if you have questions going Monday at 9:45 a.m. We will arrive around
or concerns at any time over break! 10:00 a.m. and will begin our short program soon
This week, we finished up work with our thereafter! Therefore, I need your help! Please
blend books and have moved on with Books A make sure you
and B in our reading circle series. Hopefully we , and if you are
will be able to start Book C before break. I en- , even if it means bringing younger
courage you to continue to read as much as pos- siblings, . I am going to give
sible over break. Your child will have four the final call to the care center on Monday at
AlphaTales books in addition to his or her read- 8:30 a.m. to let them know whether we will be
ing books to review over Christmas, and it would able to come. I apologize for the short notice,
be a great idea to pull out the blend cards and but I trust God will work all things out if the
Rarin’ to Read activity sheet if you get a chance 20th is the date He wants us to go! Thanks for
over the holidays. your help! I appreciate your cooperation!
We are wrapping up our unit on United
States history, and we have had a lot of fun
learning about states, landmarks, and symbols of
our nation this week! We hope to finish our unit A: Yes, on Wednesday, students will be having a
in the coming week. Then we will begin our trip Christmas gift exchange. is asked
around the world and will spend the spring to
semester studying a new country each week! . Please wrap your gift and make sure to
The unit is lots of fun! include who the gift is from. I will distribute
I want to wish each of you a wonderful your child’s book to another kindergarten
Christmas, and I pray that the truth of a Baby friend in the afternoon. I will have some extra
born only to die and become our Savior would books wrapped in case someone forgets or is
give you great cause to celebrate this Christmas! unable to bring a book. The kids always enjoy
Merry Christmas! our book exchange, and I really like watching!
A Bible Course Map for the Upcoming Week Matthew 1:21b
“Call His Name Jesus for He shall save His
The kids have so enjoyed opening one of our people from their sin.”
Christmas gifts each day as we read through the
book ! The first
four gift boxes had mini figurines of the angel
Gabriel, Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus. Next
week, the students will open the last three boxes.
Like the first four boxes, the next two Christmas
gifts have mini figurines, which contain a shep-
herd and a wiseman this time. After studying
God’s gift of His Son to us and the responses of
the angels, Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, and the
wisemen, the students will be given an opportuni-
ty to respond. Inside of the final Christmas box,
there is a mirror, and it reminds us that God
Spotlighting Students and Volunteers
wants our hearts for Christmas!
Though this is my first time using the book, I
I want to take the opportunity to take the
enjoy using it in the classroom. I trust God’s
Crawford family for providing snacks this
Word will penetrate the hearts of the students’,
week! The popcorn, crackers, fruit snacks,
and I would ask that you continue to pray that
and other goodies were greatly enjoyed by all
the students would come to see their need for a
the students! Thanks so much!
Savior and would receive the greatest Christmas
I also wanted to thank those of you who
gift ever given, the gift of eternal life through
were so flexible on the day of the field trip!
Jesus Christ our Lord!
Several of you stepped in to provide transpor-
After we return from Christmas vacation, we
tation at the last minute, and then, I felt so
will begin our study of the life of Joseph! It is
badly that it was canceled! Thank you for
one of my favorite studies, and I trust God will
your willingness to serve in any way!
help us to apply the lessons we learn from his life!
As Christmas approaches, I want to thank
all of you for your encouragement, support,
and prayers! It has been a special blessing to
team with you this year, and I am grateful to
God for His provision of you and your family
in my life! Merry Christmas!

Quick Glimpse Calendar

Monday, Dec. 20 -
Wednesday, Dec. 22 - - 10:00 - 11:00 a.m.; Primary Chapel - Christmas Theme;
; show and tell
Thursday, Dec. 23 - Sunday, Jan. 2 - Christmas vacation
Monday, Jan. 3 -

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