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Newsletter 10.8

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“Bits and Pieces of Info to Make Life on the Ranch Easier to Manage”

October. 8, 2010

What’s Happening Around Town Answers to Questions on the Ranch

We’ve come to the end of another week, and I

am ever so grateful for God’s grace and strength! A: Yes, though the details have not been con-
It was a busy week with a couple of special guests! firmed, we plan on taking a field trip at the be-
A former firefighter, Mr. Beck, came to speak ginning of November. We will stay in the
with the entire kindergarten class about fire Ankeny area, and I will get more information to
safety, and students in our class enjoyed a special you in the coming weeks as to the exact details
story time with Kim Lamgo. What a blessing to of our trip! I am also looking into a short ser-
have these individuals come and share with our vice project type of trip to a nursing home at
class! the beginning of December. So, please contin-
In addition to focusing on fire safety, we ue to watch for further information.
pressed on in math, phonics, handwriting, and Bi-
ble! We are concentrating on the ones and teens
families and, specifically, the numbers 11, 12, and 13.
The students are making good progress identifying A: The auction is one of the largest fundraisers
numbers and grouping them according to number for ACA, and it will be held Saturday, October
family. 23rd. The silent auction begins at 5 p.m. Fol-
This week we worked on blend ladders t, l, n, m, lowed by the dinner at 6 p.m. and the live auc-
b, and h. We are beginning to add final consonants tion at 6:45 p.m. Tickets for the dinner are
to our blends to make words (i.e. ma, mat), and the available for $20 per adult plate and $10 per
kids are really enjoying it! What a thrill to be able child plate or one table for eight guests at $150.
to read words! Aren’t you glad the infinite God Each ACA family is asked to contribute in
cares enough about us that He communicates some way to the auction, so if you have not yet
with us? Please continue to review short vowel donated to our class basket, please feel free to
sounds with your child, and practice identifying give a cash donation to purchase a few final
letters and their sounds with games like “I Spy” or items or pick something up this weekend to
other simple games you can play even in the car! add to the basket. Class baskets will be collect-
I want to wrap up by reminding you conferenc- ed on Wednesday, so please consider contribut-
es will be held on Thursday and Friday, October ing an item or money by Monday! I will put the
28th and 29th. If you have not already done so, finishing touches on the basket on Tuesday
please sign up on the sheets outside of our room. and get any last things we need. Thank you!
Conferences are a great time of sharing, and you
can be on the lookout for a special note which
gives you the opportunity to select five questions A: PTF will be selling ice cream this Friday, Oc-
you want me to answer at conferences as well as tober 15th. If you would like your child to have
ask any other questions you may have at this time! the opportunity to purchase ice cream, please
Thanks for your encouragement and support! send $1 with your child on Friday morning. I will
Miss Hult collect money and keep it until lunch!
Spotlighting Students and Volunteers A Bible Course Map for the Upcoming Week

The Lamberti family graciously provid- - (Resurrection of Christ - Matt.

ed snacks this week, and we are ever so 27:57-28:15; Lk. 24:1-12, 35-45) Jesus’ body was
grateful! The students sure enjoyed the buried in a cave for three days, and then,
cheese, carrots, and crackers! YUM! God raised His body from the dead. The
Thank you for providing snacks! stone was rolled away from the tomb, and
I also want to thank Kim Lamgo, a stu- Mary Magdalene, Mary, Salome, Peter, and
dent at Faith Baptist Bible College, for John all came to the grave only to find the
stopping in our classroom to read a few stone rolled away and the tomb empty.
stories to our class. The kids always enjoy Then Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene,
being read to at school, and it was a nice his disciples, and over 500 other people. He
opportunity to finish a few things that I ate, drank, and allowed others to touch the
needed to catch up on this week. wounds in His hands to prove He was in-
One more word of appreciation goes deed the Risen Lord. He returned to his
out to Amy Kolln, our head classroom Father in heaven in His resurrected body to
mother. She will be organizing our parties, prepare a place for all those who place their
and a note from her is attached to this trust in Him for forgiveness of sins.
newsletter. Thank you for serving! - (Review of previous lesson.)
- (Chapel extension, review, and
- (How to Grow Spiritually - 2 Tim.
2:15; 2 Pet. 3:18) God calls us to grow in Him
by reading our Bible, praying, going to
church, and giving. He also wants us to
grow in our character so our words and
actions honor and glorify Him.
Proverb 6:20, 23
- (Review of previous lesson.)
“My son, keep thy father’s commandment,
and forsake not the law of thy
mother....For the commandment is a lamp;
and the law is light; and the reproofs of
instruction are the way of life.”

Quick Glimpse Calendar

Monday, Oct. 11 - Friday, Oct. 15 - Introduction to letters S and C; Verse (Eph. 2:8)
Wednesday, Oct. 13 - Primary Chapel - Theme: Listening;
Friday, Oct. 15 - Early dismissal - 12:30 p.m.;

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