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Focus On Who You Want Your Kids To Become: Pastor's Notes

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Pastors Notes:

It is hard to believe but school

has started back. Where did the
summer go? Actually, Im kind
of glad to see the summer go. Im ready for the
family unit to get back on a more structured schedule. Wait a minute.did I just say that? Is it
possible to be on a structured, monitored schedule? I honestly think it is possible, but you have to
want to do it. You have to recognize that is it necessary. I recently read an article by Anna Collins
that I wanted to share. Please take time to read it and think about it. Sometimes, we think that we
are doing our family a favor by going so many places and involving our kids in so many things. Here
is the article by Anna Collins. It is entitled 5 ways to make the best out of this school year.

1. Focus on who you want your kids to become - A new school year is a good time to re-evaluate
our goals as parents. We get caught up in good grades, how athletic our kids are, or whether they get
a role in the school play; but this is not where our focus should be. 1 Thessalonians 2:4 says, We are
not trying to please people, but God, who tests our hearts.
What if this school year we focused more God's plan for our childrens lives, not who we want them
to be. Chances are they will never be paid to act or swing a bat, but God's plan for their life can
change the world.
2. Prioritize your Jesus time - In the school year, its easy to live life on autopilot. There are
breakfasts to make, lunches to pack, homework to finish, papers to sign and poster board to buy.
Busyness is Satans best friend. In Mark 6:31, Jesus instructs his disciples to come away with him to
a quiet place where they can rest. Take what Jesus says, and do it! Get away to a quiet place each
day and be with Jesus.
3. Take charge of your family's schedule - Your family's schedule reflects your priorities. If you cant
hear Gods voice over your family's go, go, go routine, your kids cant either. Busy is the new
normal, so be weird! Romans 12:2 reminds us not to conform to the patterns of this world. Don't
force God to fill the gaps of your schedule. Build your calendar making time with Jesus, church
attendance and family time a priority. Then allow other activities to fill the gaps.
4. Dont leave Jesus at church - What our kids get to experience every Sunday is awesome, but it's
not enough. Deuteronomy 6:6 instructs parents to teach our children daily about Jesus. Our children's
spiritual walk is our responsibility. Make Jesus a part of your daily routine this school year:

Woodruff Church of God e-Edition Newsletter
August 19, 2014

* Post Bible verses for your family to memorize.
* Help them look up verses about situations they experience at school.
* Pray with your kids and encourage their relationship with Jesus.
5. Cover your kids in prayer - We can do all the right things, but at the end of the day, it is Jesus
who is going to set our kids hearts on fire. Philippians 1:9-11 is an awesome prayer to pray for your
kids: And this is my prayer: that (child's name) love may abound more and more in knowledge and
depth of insight, so that (he/she) may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless
for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ --to the
glory and praise of God.

Bible Study continues on Wednesday nights during August led by Pastor Emeritus James H.
Shealy. What a powerful time we are having. You still have a couple more Wednesdays to
attend. Be in the sanctuary at 7:00 PM this Wednesday.

For your calendar: August 13, Wed night Prayer for school children/teachers 7:00 PM
August 17 6:00 PM Service Jamaican Missions Team
August 31 9:30 AM Opportunity for Church Membership
August 31 10:30 AM service Baby Dedication

If you have a child that needs to be dedicated to the
Lord, please get your information to our church
secretary by August 28
. You will also need to
provide 3 pictures of your child for us to use during
the service. Remember, dedication is as much as
about the parents/guardians as it is the child. So, at
least one of the parents/guardians needs to be a born
again Christian who accepts the responsibility of
being the priest in the home.

COMMUNITY REVIVAL is planned for September 21-24. Please mark your calendars and
save those dates so that we can come together as a community and honor and bless the Lord. We
also ask that if you are asked to participate in some capacity to please accept the request and help
us represent our church well. Thank you in advance!

WOMEN Walking in Victory Home Group: Please plan to attend the WWV Meeting at the
Nemitz Home (1478 Price House Rd, Roebuck) Friday, 8/22, at 6:30pm and bring a finger food
to share. We will be having a testimony so you won't want to miss it. Don't forget to wear those
"shoes" because we will be taking our picture again. MEN (hubby, significant other) John &
Craig will be serving Hot Dogs in the "Cottage" for you (red metal bldg located behind our
home). This will be a time of fellowship, food & sharing. Please call John at 476-2819 if you
plan to attend so they know how much food to prepare.

Prayer List

AMERICA, Kim Roberson, Megan Laster, Tommy Wallace, Brenda Cobb, Frank Patterson,
Beatrice Granger, Tonya Gibson, Judy Smith, Jason Ball, James Tillman, Kay Simmons, Larry
Buchannan, Curtis Thackston, Brenda Brittian, The Pendley Family, Patrick Teague, Ammie
Wyatt, Danny Lanford, Cindy Taylor, The Beck Family, Brianna Smith, Drew Nabors, Amanda
Scott, Greg Williams, Haily Tillman, Destiny Leonard, Thomas Cannon, Sylvia, Carol Hopson,
Amy Tillman, Rhonda Kay Arnold, The Anderson Family, Melody Coleman, Lisa Smith, Marvin
Chesney, James Morgan, Culbertson Family, Ella Weathers, Mertice Whitmore, Joe Smith,
James Dame, Dwayne Tucker, Those needing jobs, Caregivers, Shut-Ins, & Those in nursing

The choir will wear Yellow on Sunday.

The choir is accepting new choir members throughout the month of August! Now is the time
to join this important ministry. See Todd or Vickie for more information.

We will begin collecting hotel sized shampoos, conditioners and lotions for our second annual
"Miracle on Poole Street". Look for the collection bin in the foyer! Thanks for your help and

Here are some important dates to remember:
Aug. 23 @ 10:30 am - Committee meeting for Miracle on Poole Street at 10:30 am
Sept. 7 - Music Department Appreciation Meal - for all choir, band, media and sound members
and their immediate families
Sept. 10 - Choir kickoff meeting at 6:30
Sept. 21-24 Community Choir (Rehearsal dates to be set on 8/25)

All Breast Cancer Survivors will meet in the prayer area on August 31, during the Sunday
School hour to shoot a short video for this years Pink Sunday. Please make plans to be there
so all can be recognized.

Toy Closet- Its time to start collecting toys for our Christmas Project. Item to purchase this
week is Basketballs.
Dont let these young men go hungry. Your $2.00 will feed them.
Mark on your tithe envelop "Arm" or "Arm n Arm beside
Ladies Ministries.

Hey fellers, Hope you are off to an awesome week. Just a few quick notes for all of us. The
fishing trip for BOB is now full, all spots are taken. We really appreciate the overwhelming
response. This will be an annual event for us so let's make plans for next year to be an even
greater success.

Band Of Brothers sends out a very special invitation to the "Men's Bible Class" to be our guest at
the next Band of Brothers meeting on September 4th at 6:30 in the Man Cave (under the
sanctuary). We will have a Hobo supper that you will not want to miss. We are talking about
BEING a disciple of Jesus and we need the wisdom of our older brothers to help us. And who
knows, you might just learn a thing or two from our middle aged and our younger guys.
Brothers helping brothers, disciples guiding disciples, Iron Sharpening Iron. Can't wait to see you


Our outing at Shealy's BBQ is coming up in just a few days. If you plan to go with us, please sign
up this week. Also, remember when you sign up, go ahead and pay for your meal.($13.00 per
person) This will keep down a lot of confusion when we get ready to check out at the
restaurant. Remember the date for this outing is August 28 and we will be leaving the church
at 4 PM. Our reservation is for 6 PM.

We will be singing on Sunday evening, August 31
. Please meet us in the choir loft at 5:00 PM
for Rehearsal. If you have not become part of this special choir, this would be a great time to

We will be having a special Senior Adult Revival on October 14 & 15. The time will be from
10:30 AM until 12 Noon, both days. Rev. Vernon LeBuhn has agreed to be our special speaker.
He has served as one of our leading evangelists and pastors and also served as our State
Evangelism and Home Missions Director for four years. He is an outstanding preacher as well
as a great singer. You will be blessed by his ministry.

If you would be willing to help in planning and promoting this meeting, please see Pastor Shealy
immediately. We need greeters, ushers, phone workers, letter writers, and Home Prayer Group

Richie and Shannon Bishop have agreed to host this month's activity on Friday August 29th.
Each family attending is asked to bring something to eat and drink so there will be no other
cost. There will be a sign up sheet on our bulletin board in the hallway at church. Their address
will be on the sign up sheet. If you are 35 to 50 we hope to see you there!

Drama Practice Sunday at 5:00.
Praise and worship Practice Sunday at 4:30

Children's Board Meeting on THIS SUNDAY, August 24 in CLC at 5:00.

If anyone is interested on helping plan Truck or Treat this year please see Ms Donna. We will
have a meeting September 14 @5:00 in CLC, we are wanting to make some changes to Trunk or
Treat this year so please, if you have ideas, come share them at the meeting.

Worker Appreciation Meal- September 21
immediately following the morning Worship
Service. You and your family are invited to join us, but we have to have an RSVP by September
for the caterer. No additions can be made after the 14
. RSVP to Mrs. Donna.

Upcoming KIDZ Events:
September 20- Pumpkin Patch for 2-7 year olds
October 18: Carowinds Trip for 8-13 year olds
October 29 Trunk or Treat

Ministry Leaders for This Week
Sunday Greeters-Pat Chappell & Robbie Gwinn
Sunday School Greeter Robert D. Sloan
CLC Greeter Paul Lundberg
Crossing Guard- David Hoyt
Head Ushers Charles OShields & Bobby Brown
Finance Committee Ryan Ballard & Charles OShields
Usher Team #2 Ryan Ballard, Sam Garrett, Walter Housand,
Paul Lundberg, John Nemitz, Paul Nichols, & Phillip Pruitt
Wednesday Bus Pickup: Phillip and Rob Take Home: Clint and Rob
Van 1 Pickup: Richard and Buster Van 2 Pickup: Tabitha and Brian
Van 1 Take home: Garren and Thomas Van 2 Take home: Tim and June
Wednesday Late Night: Donna and Patsy
NurseryWednesday- Izzy Nichols AM Ann Knight & Jillian Kennedy PM- Ashton Garrett
Sunday PM Kiddie Church- Genise Watson
Music- Wednesday-Jeanne Nemitz AM-Jason Hayes PM-Tiffany Burnett
Praise Team-Maroon Guitar- Korey, Duck, Greg

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