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WWV Home Group Will Be Held at 6:30pm at The Nemitz Home On Friday, April 24

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Woodruff Church of God e-Edition Newsletter

April 7, 2015

Please continue to pray for

our Honduras Missions Team
this week!!

Please make plans to join us for Wednesday nights at 7:00

PM in the Sanctuary. Pastor Emeritus, Rev. James Shealy, will
be ministering to us all month long. You are SURE to be

We have added additional fire extinguishers to our church facilities. The extinguishers are
red, easily seen canisters that are hanging in various locations throughout all the buildings. Each
one is clearly labeled for easy access in the case of an emergency. We want to insure that our
properties are safe!
WWV Home Group will be held at 6:30pm at the Nemitz Home on Friday, April 24
Our Next Meetings will be: May 9 (Saturday morning 10am brunch)
June 12 (Friday night 6:30pm)
Ladies Munch bunch will meet at Romas on April 8th for Breakfast at 9:00. This is a Dutch
Treat and all ladies are invited.
Prayer List

AMERICA, Lucas Lundberg, Houston & Brenda Cobb, Tonya Gibson, Terry & Kaye Simmons,
Larry Buchannan, Ed & Brenda Brittian, The Beck Family, The Smith Family, The Nabors Family,
Johnny & Mertice Whitmore, Kim & Ricky Roberson, Betty Frazier, Frank, Lib & Lori Patterson,
Judy Crowe, Danny Cooper, Charles & Ethel Cooper, Larry Letourneau, John Mathis, Kathy
Simmons, Kathy Arellano, Sammy Watson, George Lankford, Robin Phillips, Brance Veal, Tiffany
Cartee, Tiffany Crocker, Robin Harris, Derrick Cooper, Harold & Peggy Chesney, Tiffany Burnett,
Johnny & Shirley Lawson, Bobbi Jo, Melissa Lida, Zellie Snyder, Allie Ruth Richards, Hailey
Riddle, Tommy Fortner, Tripp Rhodes, Polly & BJ, Donald Tucker, Those needing jobs,
Caregivers, Shut-Ins, & Those in nursing homes
**Christian Sympathy to the family of Barbara Dewitt

You are Invited to a

Baby Shower
Brooke Terry Jones
Sunday, April 19
Registered at
BuyBuy Baby
**Huggies Pure &
Natural Diapers

A great big THANK YOU to everyone who worked so hard to make Easter a wonderful day of
worship. To the choir, musicians, media and sound technicians, you all are THE BEST!
There will be no choir practice this Wednesday April 8 or Sunday April 12. Everyone is
encouraged to meet in the Sanctuary this Wednesday Evening as Pastor Shealy will be bringing
the Word. We will resume on Wednesday April 15th. We will start accepting new choir
members on April 15th also! Come join us!

From North Greenville University
Will be ministering to us on
Sunday, April 12
At 6:00 PM
You dont want to miss this wonderful
group of anointed young people!

Belk Charity Sale will be May 2:00-10:00. $5 Tickets are available now in the Ladies Ministries
Mothers Day Bulletin --- for $1 Honor or Remember a Mother, friend, or special Lady on
Mothers Day. No special messages for this bulletin. Sign up in the lobby.
Ladies BanquetMay 12 @6:30. This year the theme is Purple Passion.
Sister2Sister Talk with Lisa Terry
I get car sick, do you? Part 2
I am often bothered by this thing called Car sickness or Motion Sickness. In my particular case,
I get a headache and nausea. In extreme cases, I lose it and you know what it is. I toss my
6 specific things cause me to get car sick.
1. Riding in the back seat.
2. Curvy roads.
3. Frequent start and stop motion (Either slow traffic that stops and starts and stops and starts or
a driver who is constantly accelerates and backs off..on and off.
4. Rainlooking through rain drops on the windshield-- if Im a passenger.
5. Looking/Talking to someone in the backseat.
6. If it is Hot in the car.
As, annoying it is to read that list, it is 100 times more annoying to be plagued with it. I can get
just as sick riding to Greenville as I can riding around the roads in the mountains.
As stated last week, these 6 things remind me of things Christians sometimes face. This week we
will look at the second condition---curvy roads.
Sometimes life throws us curves. We may have plans to start at A, move to B and finish at C. We
may have plans to graduate from high school, go to college or work, meet that one true love, get
married, have some kids, build a little cozy house and live happily ever after. Or Maybe you did
all of that and you planned retirement by a certain age. However, things just never turned out like
you wanted them to. Lifes curves messed up your plans.
The children of Israel left Egypt and were headed to the Promise Land. The route to the Promise
Land wasnt that far. A smaller caravan could have arrived in about 11 days. Since they were a
very huge group, they still could have arrived in just a few weeks. However, God changed their
route. God told them not to travel directly to the land because the Philistines were there and they
didnt need to deal with that yet. If you look on a map in the back of your Bible and see the route
that the children of Israel took, you will see that it was not a straight route. No. They took many

curves along the way. Along these curvy paths, the Israelites got nervous and complained. We
dont have water. We dont have food. Moses has been on the mountain too long.
God was taking care of the people and He knew how to best protect them. He used the many
curves to teach them who He was. He demonstrated His power to perform miracles, his
unconditional love for them and his holiness to them.
Today God does the same thing to us. He has some divine curves in life to teach us and protect
us. We dont understand them. We dont like them. We want to change them but God knows
best. He has planned out this wonderful life for us and this plan includes curves.
Ecclesiastes 7:13 says Consider what God has done. Who can straighten what he has made
If the curves in our life is the plan of God, dont try to straighten them. Just hang on for the ride.

Hey guys!!! I aint even gonna beat around the bush, if you were not at our meeting last Thursday
at the Pavilion, you really missed a good one. Our Band Of Brothers Chef, brother Wayne
Bishop worked his skills on a low country boil that was the best one he has ever made. I mean
that thang was some more good and don't you forget it! After the food, we had a great time just
hanging around the fireplace and talking about what Easter really means to us. Man alive, how
the Lord Jesus has blessed each of our lives! Aint nothing no better than "Real Men" having a
great meal and helping one another to grow in the Lord by sharing what the Lord has done. We
love the Lord and we are not ashamed to say so! And brothers, I want each of you to know that I
love you, Band Of Brothers loves you and our church loves you. You guys are the best!!! Can't
hardly wait til next month. Til then...keep listening to the voice of the Lord and let's do what He


If you have any interest in any of the trips coming up, please meet with Pastor Shealy at 5:30 PM
this coming Sunday evening in the Ladies Bible Class Room.
The 2015 Senior Adult Retreat will be held May 22-23 at the Mauldin Campground. A sign-up
sheet will be on the SAM Bulletin board this coming week. Please remember, you must pay for
this retreat, then if you attend the meeting, your money will be refunded.

Youth Scavenger Hunt - Saturday, April 18 at 5:00pm. We will meet in the youth building and
proceed from there.

Extreme Kidz would like to invite you and your family to the service this Sunday April 12
@ 10:30! The Extreme Kidz will be leading Praise and worship, performing dramas, and
our new Mascot SHAY SHAY will make her grand appearance too! You don't want to miss
this service! The sermon title is ARE YOU ALL IN!
Ladies!!! Sunday April 12 from 1:00-2:30 the Extreme Kidz is having a Fundraiser, build
your own bangle bracelet. Each Bracelet is $10.00, and all proceeds go to the upcoming Kids
Fest retreat at the end of April.
WE NEED YOU... It's VBS time again and we need your help! If you are intresting in helping
this year for VBS there will be a meeting this Sunday April 12 @ 5:00 in the CLC gym.
Sunday April 12 all balances and monies should be turned in for Kids fest. If you want to
pre order your kids fest shirts, this money is also due. If you have any quesitons please see Ms
Upcoming Events:
April 4 Family Picnic and Easter Egg Hunt
April 12 Children's Service
April 24-26 Kidfest
May 16 Bike Ride and Picnic in the park
July 27-31 VBS

Ministry Leaders for This Week

Sunday Greeters- Janet Sloan & June Grubbs
Sunday School Greeter Robert D. Sloan
CLC Greeter Paul Lundberg
Crossing Guard- David Hoyt
Head Ushers Charles OShields & Bobby Brown
Finance Committee Ryan Ballard & Bobby Brown
Usher Team #1- Brian Arnold, Richie Bishop, Harold Chesney, Darrell Cooper,
Dennis Crocker, Mike Lawrence, Jason Tucker, & Kenny Waddell
Wednesday Bus Pickup: Garren and Jason
Bus Take home: Garren and Clint
Van 1 Pickup: Richard and Buster
Van 1 Take Home: Tim and June
Late workers: Donna and Staci
NurseryWednesday- Izzy Nichols
AM Ann Knight & Cindy Cooper
PM- Ann
Knight & Faith Burdette
We will not have Kiddie Church this Sunday Night
Music- Wed-Jeanne Nemitz
AM- Childrens Service
PM- Joyful Sound
Praise Team-Gold
Guitar- Korey, Duck, John
Keyboard- Kim

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