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Pastor's Notes:: Woodruff Church of God E-Edition Newsletter January 13, 2015

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Woodruff Church of God e-Edition Newsletter

January 13, 2015

Pastors Notes:
Sunday morning, we had a
tremendous moving of the Spirit
in the service. The choir sang
wonderfully and the messages of their songs were
so directed of the Lord..He is FAITHFUL. Then the Holy Ghost began to speak to us and
reminded us that He keeps every one of His promises In other words, HE IS FAITHFUL. Then
one after another began to testify of Gods faithfulness. From taking care of touching a failing liver,
to removing heart pain and difficulty during the Christmas season, to speaking directly to a mother
and saying if you can trust me to heal bodies, why cant you trust me to save your son?. In other
words, GOD IS FAITHFUL! I wanted to testify to you about something I often say. I often tell
you that while the message may not be for you right now, you may very well need it later or you may
need what you learn to help someone else along the way. Sunday night I went to my office after
church and saw where I had text messages that came during church. It was a young woman whose
father had been involved in a car wreck. I went to the emergency room and the pain this gentleman
was in was incredible. I prayed and prayed again, but nothing seemed to help the pain. But then I
began to sing to him. Peace of God cover me, cover me, cover me. Peace of God cover me,
through the storms, cover me. Only in You I am safe. Only in you Im secure. Only in you I find
peace, so cover me, cover me. He began to sing with me and for moments at a time, while
singing, the shaking of his body stopped and the pain seemed to be bearable. I saw with my eyes the
peace of God and the faithfulness of God. We never know what the next moments or the next days
will hold. Never allow any service to go by without that service holding some meaning or place of
importance because it could be what helps you over the next hurdle or make it through the next
storm. I am so thankful that our God loves us the way He does. Arent you?

If you read the Bible through in 2014, there is a sign up sheet on one of the bulletin boards in
the long hallway leading to the restrooms. Sign your name so certificates can be prepared at
tthe State Office. I am so proud of those who read the Word of God through each and every
year. Ps. 119:11 says I have hidden they Word in my heart that I might not sin against you.

INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY - Should there be inclement weather on a Sunday, the

policy of the church is to have 1 service at 2:00 PM. The announcement of the implementation
of this will be announced by using the Phone message that we send out and also local radio and
TV stations. Should there be inclement weather on a Wednesday, you will be notified by phone
message and radio & TV.

We are in need of some people to be GREETERS! Wed love to have some married couples as
well as individuals. Must be dependable, joyful, excited about Jesus and happy to serve. If
that is you, please call the church office at 476-2977 and give your name(s) or see Pastor Terry
at the church and let him know of your interest! You are important in being among the first to
greet our members and especially our guests!
PRAYER TIMES Although I did not get to preach Sunday morning, I did give you the points
to the message. Why dont we have revival? The points were: 1) we dont pray for it, 2) we
dont expect it, 3) we dont recognize it. The first point had to do with prayer. I just wanted to
remind you of some corporate prayer times this church has. First of all, MONDAY night
intercessory prayer at 7:00 PM. This group meets in the Church Sanctuary. This prayer
group has been going for about 18 years or so. It is a time to pray for ourselves (to be in right
standing with God), to pray for needs (typically done at the beginning of the prayer time) and
then to intercede on behalf of others. We specifically pray for the needs listed on the banners
hanging around the walls of the church. Secondly, we have a prayer meeting on Wednesday
morning, down in the prayer center in the old part of the church. It begins at 9:00 AM. It was
started as a Mens Prayer meeting and at the moment is still made up of men. However, we
would never turn anyone away who wants to meet for prayer. Wed also love to have the 15-30
minutes before the Sunday night service to be a prayer time as well. Wed love to see people
gathered around the altar areas praying to God. Would you please consider adding these
prayer times to your schedule and join us for corporate prayer? GOD responds to our
You still have time to sign up for the Married Couples Retreat. The dates are the end of this
month, January 29-31. We arrive anytime on Thursday after 3. If you cant get there on
Thursday, come on Friday. We had such a great time last year! The sessions were wonderful
and challenging to us as couples and the fellowship together was also great. We are blessed to
have Byron & Frankie Powers to be with us again this year. They did a wonderful job in
leading us and we are blessed to have them again. PLEASE.consider joining with us. Cost is
$250 per couple and includes 2 nights lodging, 3 meals (2 breakfast buffets & one lunch on
Our annual FAST will begin on February 15th and will go for 21 days. Mark your calendar
and plan to be part of this fast with us. We have done this for the past 5 years as preparation
for our Revival services in March. Some things only come about by prayer & fasting.

REKINDLE Revival Services are scheduled for March 7-8, March 14-15 and March 21-22. Please,
please, please..go ahead and mark your calendars and reserve these Saturdays and Sundays for
these services.
If anyone is interested in being an Usher, please see Charles OShields or Bobby Brown.

WWV Home Group will be held at 6:30pm at the Nemitz Home on Friday, Feb 20.

Prayer List

AMERICA, Lucas Lundberg, Tommy Wallace, Houston & Brenda Cobb, Tonya Gibson, James
Tillman, Terry & Kaye Simmons, Larry Buchannan , Curtis Thackston, Ed & Brenda Brittian,
Patrick Teague, Cindy Taylor, The Beck Family, The Smith Family, The Nabors Family, Destiny
Leonard, Ella Weathers, Mertice Whitmore, Lisa Cooley, Darryl Crowe, Eddie Foster, Kim
Roberson, Tim Horton, Larry Trotter, Betty Frazier, Donald Laster, Samuel (SJ) Woodruff, Allen
Bragg, Dale & Julie Lollis, Alberta Brown, Carolyn Browning, The Waldon Family, Jim Roach, M.L.
Knighton, Scott Adams, Anna Frady, Megan Laster, Duane Melton, Lib Patterson, John Painter,
Frank & Lori Patterson, Melody Hood, Nyummisha Johnson, Gladys Ball, Jeanette Mixon,
Jonathan Ballard, Sheryl Love, Those needing jobs, Caregivers, Shut-Ins, & Those in nursing
**Christian Sympathy to the family of Lucille Blackwell & Charlie Sarg Hand

The choir will wear black on Sunday.

January is the month to join the choir! If you love to sing, worship the Lord and are committed
to ministry, we NEED you! See Todd or Vickie right away for more information!

SALE-SALE-SALE---- We are having a sale in the Ladies Ministries Office.

50 % off of the following:
Most Dip Mixes
Soup Mixes
Boxed Greeting Cards
Youth and Children's Jewelry
CRAFT SALE---- During the month of February, the Ladies Ministries Office will be accepting craft
items from the talented members of our church. We would like for you to donate 2 of your own
creations. This will help the Ladies Ministries and it will advertise your item for future sales for

VALENTINE BULLETIN---For $1 you can wish a Happy Valentine's Day to a friend, BFF, boy/girl
friend or spouse. For $5 you can write a short message on 1/2 page. See Judy Crocker in the
lobby to sign up.
ITEMS NEEDED FOR OUR APRIL HONDURAS TRIP--Place items in the container in the cloak room.
From Dollar General-- hard plastic plates, bowls and cups
From Dollar Tree--$1 sewing kits
Trial size lotion
Inexpensive necklaces

Special thanks to all of you who participated in our Divine Healing service last Tuesday. We
had an excellent attendance and a wonderful service.


There will be a special Leadership Meeting on Tuesday Jan. 27, at 10 AM in the Dining Room at
the CLC. If you are part of this group or wish to be, please be present and on time.
Our first Joy Club meeting of 2015 will be held on Thursday, Jan. 22 at 6:30 PM. The sign up
sheet is on the bulletin board along with the food you will need to bring. Go by and sign up this
week. We are expecting a great time.

January on Saturday the 24th we will be going bowling at Paradise Lanes in Spartanburg starting
at 2:00 where games are $2 each and shoe rental is $2. After that we will all go to dinner
somewhere that we can all agree on.
In February on Saturday the 7th we will be going to a Greenville Growl hockey game that starts
at 7pm. We may be able to get a group discount if we have enough people commit ahead of
In March on Saturday the 21st we will be having a 70's night at our gameroom that will include
mirror ball, strobe lights, fog machine, decorations, and 70's music. Everyone should dress in
attire from the 70's as we will be voting for prizes on several categories such as most original,
best dresses, etc. Each person is asked to bring some finger foods. This should be lots of FUN!
There will be sign-up sheets on our bulletin board in the hallway at church for each of these
upcoming activities.
Please invite others that don't usually participate as people hesitate until someone extends a
personal invitation and shows an interest in getting them involved so they can get to know others
in the church.

Sunday, Praise and Worship at 5:00 and Drama at 5:30

Upcoming Events:
January 24: Extreme Kidz Skating we will leave the church at 11:30.
January 25: Children's Board Meeting @ 5:00 in CLC
January 25: Last chance to Order Extreme Kidz T shirt, order date will be January 28.
February 28: Lunch to the Community & Clothes Closet will be open to community.
March: Revival Month
March 21: Lunch to Community
April 4: Family Picnic and Egg Hunt on New Church Property
April 24-26: Kidfest... More details to come
May 2: Spring Thing
May 16: Picnic in Park

Ministry Leaders for This Week

Sunday Greeters- Janet Sloan & June Grubbs
Sunday School Greeter Robert D. Sloan
CLC Greeter Paul Lundberg
Crossing Guard- David Hoyt
Head Ushers Charles OShields & Bobby Brown
Finance Committee Ryan Ballard & Danny Knight
Usher Team #1 Brian Arnold, Harold Chesney, Dennis Crocker, Kenny Waddell
Wednesday Bus Pickup: Phillip and Jason
Bus Take home: Clint and Daniel
Van 1 Pickup: Richard and Buster
Van 1 Take Home: Garren and Thomas
Van 2 Pickup: Tabitha and Brian
Van 2 Take Home: Tim and June
Late workers: Donna and Lynette
Nursery Wednesday- Izzy Nichols AM Ann Knight & Mariah Coffey PM- Ashton Garrett
Kiddie Church Genise Watson & Faith Burdette
Music- Wed-Jeanne Nemitz
AM- Brantley Burnett
PM- Amy Arnold
Praise Team-Gold
Guitar- Korey, Duck, John

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