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Notations: Pastor's Notes

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Woodruff Church of God e-Edition Newsletter

February 1, 2011

Pastor’s Notes

We’re right at 1 week of fasting….

How are you doing? Are you staying
committed to the things the Lord had spoken to you? I
hope so…. I believe so….. I can feel the effects of the
fasting in our services and in our prayer meetings.
Such a wonderful presence of the Lord!!!!! Keep it up!
We’ve got a ways to go, but the AFTERWARD is
going to be GREAT!!!!!!!!!

It’s hard to believe that the first month of this new year is already gone. Time is swiftly
moving along. The month of February holds some great things. There will be a
Children’s Service on the 20th, baby dedication on the 27th and preparations for Revival
all month.

One of the preparations that I have thought about over the last couple of days goes back to
some of the Biblical Revivals. You often see where the temple of God lay in shambles
but a Godly king would come to power and clean up the temple. It was necessary for the
House of God to be right so that the worship that went on inside would be right I
personally think that the Sanctuary is a holy place and deserves for us to treat it as such. I
also think that what we do in the Sanctuary prior to worship can adversely affect the
worship and flow of God’s Spirit. That can be both positive and negative. If we were to
spend the time sitting in His presence, meditating on Him or praying for the Lord to
move, what do you think that would do to our services? If we were to talk to our
neighbors, laugh, tell jokes and move about, what would that do to our service? I hope
you understand my point. There is nothing wrong with being friendly or cordial to those
around you, but what are we willing to do in order to see revival come? Would we be
willing to have our conversations in the lobby? Would we be willing to come into the
sanctuary with a prayerful attitude, a seeking heart, a willingness to just sit in His
awesome presence? I hope you will join with me in doing all we can to create such an
atmosphere and see if it will make a difference. I truly believe that God will reward any
people that honor Him and seek Him!

If you did not get to fill out one of the yellow fasting cards, please get one off one of the
tables in the lobby, fill it out and give it to Pastor Terry. Shortly, there will be blue
“afterward” cards for you to fill out as the Lord begins to answer prayers.
Welcome to some new and returning members! We’d like to
welcome to our fellowship Michael Hall, Harold & Peggy
Chesney, Nathaniel Crocker, and Emily Gwinn. We are so
blessed to have them join with our family. If you did not take
the opportunity to join our church, there will be another
opportunity on the last Sunday of February. Please call the
church office (476-2977) and let us know that you desire to
join. If you have any questions or would like to set up an appointment with the Pastor to
discuss it, please call.

There is still time to pick up tithing envelopes! If you haven’t gotten yours yet, get them
off the small table in the hall as you are going towards the restrooms. If you don’t see
your name on a box and would like to join us in the blessing of tithing, see Pastor Terry
and he’ll get the info to the secretary and a box will be secured for you! Thanks for your
faithful and consistent giving!!!!!

Please don’t forget our REVIVAL DATES:

Praise service to end the fast: March 5
March 6 - Sun. - AM & PM
March 9 - Wednesday - Children & Youth to have their own revival service
Adults will meet in the Sanctuary to have a Worship & Prayer Service
March 12 - Sat. - Revival Service
March 13 - Sun, - Revival Service AM & PM
March 16 - Wed. - Children & Youth to have their own revival service
Adults will meet in the Sanctuary to have a Worship & Prayer Service
March 19 - Sat. - Revival Service
March 20 - Sun. - Revival Service AM & PM

PRAYER LIST: Ronnie Richards, Linda Johnson, Diane Arnold, Debbie Waddell,
Evelyn Gwinn, Ronnie Durham, Peggy Abercrombie, Juanita Simpson, Rose Richards,
Sandy Hylton, Mike Cobb, Mike Nobles, Joyce Laster, Bill Seay, Lynda Alexander, Pam
Kelly, Margaret & Richard Griffin, Judy Smith, Carol Hopson, Lillian Caldwell, Denise
Manley, Craig Blackwell, June Vassey, Dale Lollis, Larry Trotter, Grace Couch, Melissa
Carlton, Lane Whitson, Joyce Sloan, Jeannie Arnold, Shut Ins, and Those in Nursing

Christian Sympathy to the family of Helen Collins

The F.R.E.E.D. Christian 12-Step Group will hold their
Open Meeting on Tuesday, March 1, in the Youth Building.
Beverages and snacks will served at 6pm followed by the
meeting at 6:30pm. Our guest speaker will be Andy O. who
will be sharing "his story and journey'' of becoming free.
"Recognition" will be given at this time as well. This is an
open meeting, and your are welcome to join us. If you have
any questions, call John/Jeanne Nemitz at 476-2819.

JOY Club News

Special thanks to Pastor Jason Fowler as well as the workers and young people who
prepared a wonderful meal for the Senior Adults this past Saturday. If you missed this,
you are the loser. It was well planned. The building was beautifully decorated and the
food, delicious. Thanks again for thinking of us!

Note to all those 50 and over: Please mark your calendar now for Feb. 24. This is the
date of our next Senior Adult Fellowship meeting. The time is 6 PM. This will be a
special vision casting meeting and we hope that every senior adult will get involved in at
least one area of ministry. This will not be an eating meeting. We may have a snack for
you but noone is asked to bring food. We look forward to sharing this time with you. Go

Ladies Ministries News:

1. This is the last week to sign-up for the Valentine's

Bulletin. See Judy Crocker in the lobby to wish your
BFF or Sweetie a Happy Valentine's Day.

2 A new order of soups, dips, cheeseball mix and knives

has arrived in the LM office.

3. Our annual Ladies Valentine's Salad Supper will be Tuesday,

February 8 at 6:30 in the CLC. Sign up on the bulletin board near the LM office.
Upcoming Events: Youth Drama Practice Sunday, 2/6 at 4:30.
Youth Prayer Service Monday, Feb 7 @ 7pm
College and Career Bible Study, Tuesday, Feb 8 @ 7pm

WinterJam Concert at the Bilo Center, Friday, Feb. 11. Meet at the church at 4:30pm.
See Pastor Jason for details.

Attention all ACTS Student Ministries PARENTS. Starting in March we will be

sending out Parent Newsletters monthly. In these newsletters we will inform you about
upcoming important dates, articles, statistics, parental helps, and other important
information. If you would like to receive this newsletter, please email your email address
to pastorj@woodruffcog.org, along with the word "Newsletter" in the subject line. If you
have any questions please see Pastor Jason for details.
Please start making your reservations for Valentine's Child Care. ACTS Student
Ministries will sponsor a Child Care Night on Saturday, February 12 from 6pm to 10pm.
During this time your child will be fed and will have a great time. The proceeds from this
fund raiser will go to the Jamaican Mission Trip. Cost for this service is as follows: $20
for 1 child, $30 for 2, and $40 for 3 or more. To get these rates children must be brothers
and/or sisters.

T-Shirts: Don’t forget to pick up your Extreme Kidz T-shirts! Only $10 and can be
picked up at any service time.

FUNDRAISER: Extreme Kidz are selling Carolina Girl t-shirts. If you would like to
order one please see Donna Burdette or Garren Burdette.

Upcoming Events: Princess Night out for the Extreme Girls on February 11, 2011 in
CLC 6-8.
Extreme Kidz Fun Day is February 12, 2011 we are going skating.

Kidz Jam: June 03, 2011 here at Woodruff Church of God. Each child must be pre
registered. Cost is $5.00 a child or we have a package deal were you can pay for register,
t-shirt, and glow stick for $20.00. Registration dead line is March 30, 2011. See Donna
Burdette or Garren Burdette to get your Child registered. This is going to be a night that
the kidz will enjoy. We have Kevin Hand and his band for Praise and Worship, Caleb
Stone as the Speaker, and we will have door prizes, snacks and much more. This will
include our church Kids and other surrounding Churches.

Practice this Sunday: Praise and Worship practice at 4:30 and Drama at 4:50

Spotlights: Happy birthday to our dad, Palmer Sloan,

and to our daughter, Ashton Garrett
Love, Sam and Pam Garrett

 Greeters - Kathy Arellano and Carolyn Everette

 Sunday School Greeter - Robert Sloan
 CLC Greeter - Paul Lundberg
 Head Ushers - Charles O’Shields and Bobby Brown
 Usher Team # 3-Tracy Grant, Buddy Arnold, Lamar Crowe,
Clint Letourneau, Marion Simmons, and Houston Cobb
 Finance Committee - Ryan Ballard and Sam Garrett
 Van Drivers - Van 1: Kathy Arellano and Carlyon Everette
Van 2: Tim Vassey and Clint Leutourneau
 Nursery - Wednesday - Genise Watson
Sunday A.M. - Ann Knight and Lynette Tucker
P.M. - Ann Knight and Faith Burdette
 Kiddie Church - Lori Crocker and Genise Watson
 Music - Wednesday - Jeanne Nemitz
Sunday A.M. - Brad Burnett
P.M. - Lisa Terry
 Praise Team - Maroon

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