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Newsletter 4.29.11

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“Bits and Pieces of Info to Make Life on the Ranch Easier to Manage”

What’s Happening Around Town Answers to Questions on the Ranch

Our last month of school is already here!

Does it seem possible to you? As we begin to A: Kindergarten graduation is quickly approach-
wind down the end of the school year, I’ve been ing! Please mark your calendars for 9:00 a.m. on
encouraged and comforted by Galatians 6:9. It Thursday, May 26. We'd like to get a rough
says, “Be ye not weary in well doing for in due head count for the day to ensure enough cake
season ye shall reap if ye faint not.” Indeed we and punch for everyone, so please email me an
cannot become weary for the same passage of estimate of the number in your party for gradu-
Scripture says we will reap what we sow, and ation!
the last month will packed with opportunities This year, we are going to do try something
to learn and to make the head knowledge heart new to celebrate kindergarten graduation. Lil
knowledge! We would covet your prayers and Angels Photography (www.lilangelsphoto.com)
encouragement on the last leg of our journey will be coming Wednesday, May 4 to be taking
together! individual and group pictures of the kiddos in
This week we will begin our last round of the their graduation garb, which entails a hat and
DIBELS testing, and we hope to complete the tassel. Since this is a Wednesday, the kids will
testing in the next two weeks. Next week, we already be in chapel dress for the pictures.
will only have three days of testing because I will You are welcome to dress your child in a special
be out on Thursday and Friday. I believe Mrs. graduation outfit if you would like to do so.
Chomic will be my substitute. She has been with Each child will have his or her picture taken on
our class before, and I believe she really enjoys May 4, but you then have the option to buy
the students and does a great job with them. these pictures May 26 on the day of graduation.
We will be studying more about Australia this You are not obligated to buy these pictures.
upcoming week because there is so very much
information to learn, especially relating to the
field of science! The students have made a A: Track and Field Day will be held on Friday,
great deal of progress in memorizing addition May 13, on the grounds of Faith Baptist Bible
facts and deciphering coins and their values; College. We are in need of volunteers to help
therefore, we will be working on subtraction and run different events as well as a couple of par-
adding nickels and pennies together this week. ents who would be willing to help our class tran-
We are attempting to use the special sounds we sition to all of the different events. If you are
are learning in our writing more and more each interested in helping, please let me know! Stu-
day, so don’t be surprised to see with words with dents will have the opportunity to participate
invented spelling! The kids are doing a great job! in a variety of activities for God’s glory! They
Reaching for the finish line, are asked to wear their blue, ACA shirts and
Miss Hult bring a water-bottle and sack-lunch from home!
Spotlighting Students and Volunteers A Bible Course Map for the Upcoming Week

I really appreciate the volunteers who - The Rich Young Ruler (Matt.
helped with our trip to the Civic Center! Mrs. 19:16-30; Mark 10:17-31; Luke 18:18-30) A rich,
Rojas, Mrs. Myers, Mrs. Lamberti, Mrs. Kolln, young ruler came to Jesus, and he asked Him,
and Mrs. Crawford all drove students to the “What must I do to get to heaven?” Jesus shared
Civic Center and helped me corral the kiddos! the Ten Commandments with the young man to
I really appreciate their help! show him he was a sinner in need of a Savior.
The Cobb family provided snacks for us The young man claimed he followed all of the
this week, and we greatly appreciate it! Thank commands, but Jesus, knowing his heart, told
you for all who have provided snacks this year! him to sell all he had and give the money to the
It is a great blessing for me to have treats pro- poor. Jesus knew the ruler loved money and wor-
vided each week! May God bless you all! shiped money rather than God. The ruler went
away sad, and Jesus shared with the disciples the
truth that He is the only way to heaven. Those
who yield to Him, will be richly rewarded!

- Review of previous lesson.

- Chapel review and extension.

- Friends at Bethany - Part 2

(Matt. 26:6-13; Mk. 14:3-9; Jn. 11:1-46) While Jesus
visited with them, Martha busied herself with
work. Mary, however, sat at Jesus’ feet and talk-
ed with Him. Though Martha was frustrated
with Mary for failing to help, Jesus commended
Psalm 28:8
Mary for wanting to listen and learn from Him!
“The LORD is my strength and my shield; my
heart trusted in him, and I am helped: therefore,
- Review of previous lesson.
my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song I
will praise Him.”

Quick Glimpse Calendar

Monday, May 2 - Friday, May 6 - Bible verse letter W

Wednesday, May 4 - Chapel
Friday, May 6 - Bible verse quiz letter W;

Friday, May 13 - Track and Field Day

Friday, May 26 - Kindergarten Graduation - 9:00 a.m.

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