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Gelatt Family: A Little Child Shall Lead Them..

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FALL 2016

Gelatt Family
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's
womb. Psalm 139:13

a quick note
It has been awhile since
we have written a prayer
letter, and for the that we are
2016 has been an intense
year for us as you will see in
this letter. God has brought
us through many ups and
downs, both victories and
But all in all, He is still
good. Though we have
endured much this year, we
are committed even more to
the ministry work He has
called us to.
And not only are we
committed, but we are
excited for what lies ahead in

On May 6th, God blessed

us with our 7th child. About 24 hours before she was
born Johanna knew something was not right. The
baby wasnt moving at all, and her Mommys
intuition told her something was wrong. After a few
hours of labor, Naomi Elizabeth Gelatt was
born...but was not breathing. Her cord was wrapped
very tightly 4 times around her neck, and she was
unresponsive for what seemed like forever.
But finally, we heard it. Her cry - and the cries of
a baby never sounded so wonderful! Even though
she was a full term baby, she was only a tiny 4
pounds. The doctor told us that the tight cord had
been cutting o nutrition supply, and our Christian
doctor also prayed with us afterwards and told us
that we have a miracle baby that could have easily
died...but Gods grace poured out on little Naomi!

you for
-Micah &

In August, we had another

scare as Naomi fell while we were traveling in
Arkansas. Johanna and Naomi had to be flown by
hospital plane back to Kansas City because Naomi
had a skull fracture. After being checked out by
multiple doctors for 24 hours, they determined that
she would be just fine. Her checkup a few weeks
later confirmed it as the fracture was totally healed.
Once again - Naomi the miracle baby. Once again,
all glory goes to our great God!


FALL 2016


"Enlarge your house; build an addition. Spread out celebrations, education classes, Bible studies, and
your home, and spare no expense! For you will soon be more. We are excited for the future of this ministry
house! May God use it for His glory!
bursting at the seams. Isaiah 54:2-3
For the last 3 years, we have been praying that
God would make a building available for our growing
ministry. A building for teaching, for outreach events,
and a space for further ministry opportunities. Well,
God has provided! In the Spring, we were able to
purchase an old daycare building that will serve as
our house with plenty of room for our Refugee
Discipleship Center.
Over the last several months, we have been busy
with gutting the building and remodeling it. God has
brought us many friends and church groups to help
us with this task. As of this writing, we have moved
in to the living quarters portion of the house, and
will continue remodeling the rest, which will be our
Refugee Discipleship Center.
In this space, we will be able to do even more to
serve and minister to the refugee community. We
plan to use it for outreach events, cultural


But honestly, its been dicult
on our entire family. This really
shook our kids up at the thought
of losing their daddy. Its been
dicult on Johanna as she has had
to lead this family a lot while
Micah was dealing with mental
and physical diculties.

Therefore we do not lose heart.

Though outwardly we are wasting
away, yet inwardly we are being
renewed day by day.
2 Corinthians 4:16
On July 15th of this year, our
world changed forever. Micah had
a heart attack, at age 42. For
several months, he had become
increasingly tired but we thought
it was because of the work on the
ministry house, being out of
shape, etc. But just a few days
after returning from his teaching
trip to Burma, he had a massive
heart attack.
After two emergency heart
surgeries and a few days in the
hospital, by Gods mercy he came
home alive. His arteries were 99%

and 85% blocked, and he has now

been diagnosed with coronary
artery disease. Regaining his
health has been a dicult journey,
as he has struggled with lack of
energy, depression, and anxiety in
the last 4 months.

But as we continue to cope

with this setback, we strive to see
the good. Micah is alive! His
health is slowly returning, and his
passion for life is getting stronger.
Our vision for ministry as a couple
is once again beginning to burn
strong. We know that Micah is
still here, in part, because his work
on this Earth is not yet done.
Pray that we continue to heal
as a family, and that God will use
all of this for His glory.



Micah and Josiah had an amazing
ministry trip to Myanmar (Burma) this
summer. They had so much fun allowing
God to use their gifts among the people
our family loves so much. And it was a
real eye opening experience to actually
see what third world poverty truly looks
like. It gave them a new understanding of
the conditions our refugee friends
endured for so long.

Light of Jesus in a very dark part of our

The rest of their trip was spent
traveling around the capitol city,
preaching at a Burmese church and
teaching at a Burmese bible college and a
seminary. Micah was able to use his gift of
speaking to challenge, train and
encourage over 300 future Burmese
pastors and ministry leaders on parenting,
marriage, and much more. Yes, God gave
Micah the opportunity to teach a
marriage seminar on the other side of the
world. What a blessing to fuse together
our ministry to the Burmese with our
past marriage ministry experience.

FALL 2016

Prayer Items
For improvement in his
health and his mind.
For a renewed passion
for life.
For strength and
stamina as she
continues to keep our
family together.
Praise that she is alive
and healthy!
A few months ago, she
accepted Christ as her
Lord and Savior. Pray
for her continued

The first few days were spent in a
remote village near the Thailand border.
A few years ago, they would not have
been allowed to enter this area, but by
Gods grace, the country is opening up
slowly to outsiders.
But due to years of isolation, Micah ,
Josiah and the other missionaries on the
team were the first non Burmese people
to enter that village in generations. The
local government Buddhist school
cancelled school for the days the team
was teaching in the village because they
were so curious to see non Burmese
people. The village experience was just
what you might imagine a third world
village to look like. The houses were huts
built on poles o the ground, made from
bamboo with tin roofs. But for 2 straight
days, they were able to teach the truths of
the gospel to well over a hundred
Burmese villagers, from sunrise to well
past sunset. And they also ate meals with
the villagers...laughed together and played
a game of soccer in a cow pasture. God
used them greatly to speak about the

Pray that we can

connect with many
refugee families in
need this Christmas.

Finally, Micah and Josiah and the

missionary team spent time visiting some
Burmese orphanages, teaching about
Jesus to these mostly Buddhist children
and blessing them with many gifts they
brought from home.
Gods hand was in it from beginning
to end, guiding the team and allowing the
Gospel to be shared with a few hundred
people by this small team. Thank you for
your prayers and for those that gave
financially. It was worth every single
penny to share Jesus in Burma!

Burmese Marriage
We are still putting
together plans for a
Burmese marriage
conference. Pray that
this will come together
Burmese Pastors
We are also finalizing
plans for our first ever
Burmese Pastors
conference. Pray that
Micahs brain can have
clarity as he puts this
all together.
Ministry House
Pray that we can finish
the remodel of our
ministry house so that
we can use it fully for
Gods glory among the


FALL 2016


Each of you should use whatever gift you have
received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's
grace in its various forms. I Peter 4:10
Shortly after Micah and Josiah returned from
Burma, we held our 4th Summer Outreach in early
July where we once again taught many Burmese
women and held a VBS for their children.

leading a Spring and Fall Outreach in 2017. These will

be held over just a weekend, or perhaps a longer
holiday weekend, and focus again on education, but
also the gospel and developing relationships. Please
be in prayer as we work on plans to expand our
outreach eorts in this next year.

This year, our team of over 50 American

volunteers helped us love, serve and teach over 35
Burmese mothers about so many topics they want to
know about. Also, our volunteer team ran a super
organized Vacation Bible School for over 70 children,
where the truths of Jesus were taught and impressed
upon these young hearts.
This yearly outreach is so much fun as cultures
collide. Although it is held here in America and in a
mostly American neighborhood, as soon as you step
in the door of the church, it sounds and smells like
you are in Burma! It is absolutely wonderful and we
love doing this every year. Our goal is to begin

good health, stamina, and wisdom
to do what He has for us.

Let us not become weary in doing

good, for at the proper time we will
reap a harvest if we do not give up.
Galatians 6:9
We have much work to do!
But we need you!
God has brought us through
so much in 2016. The purchase of
a much needed ministry building,
the growth of our ministry, an
overseas missions trip, a heart
attack, a dicult delivery,
emergency room visits, and more.
But He has also used us in many
ways to teach others and to reach
others with the gospel. We look
forward to more of that in 2017!
We have a consistent, large vision
for Open Door Refugee Ministries
in this next year, and we need your
support to get there.

First, we need your

prayers. Would you please
commit to praying for us
consistently in the next year? We
know that God has many ministry
opportunities for us, and we need

Second, we need financial

support. With the extra burden
of health challenges, the purchase
of a ministry house that stills
needs to be completed, and
upcoming outreaches that need to
be funded, we find ourselves in
need of increased financial
support. Would you consider
giving a portion of your Year End
financial gifts to help us begin 2017
with a strong financial foundation
for our ministry? It would be a
huge blessing to our work here at
Open Door Refugee Ministries.
If you feel led to give, please
follow the directions on the
Giving Page on our website. May
God bless you as you consider

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