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Newsletter 4.8.11

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“Bits and Pieces of Info to Make Life on the Ranch Easier to Manage”

What’s Happening Around Town Answers to Questions on the Ranch

A bold declaration of God’s logic and purpose in dying in our

place is made in Romans 8:32, which says, “He who did not A; , at , students are to arrive to find their
spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also seats in the gym for our beginning at
with him graciously give us all things?” God did the unthinkable 7p.m. Chapel dress is requested for the event, and families are
by giving up His own Son to take the wrath and punishment we invited to enjoy artwork displays in the school lobby before and after
deserve. Not only does He graciously grant salvation from His the concert! , from , ACA will be
hand, He also gives us “all things good” for our growth and His hosting the . Admission to the
glory. This week, at times when “all things good” seemed less than event is free, and baked goods and lunch will be available!
desirable, God faithfully reminded us of His work on our behalf
and His desire to bless our obedience!
Therefore, this week, we worked hard at learning and growing A: Students may bring a dollar this upcoming Friday, April
in various areas. In phonics, we did quite a bit of review of the 15th, if they wish to buy ice cream for dessert at lunch!
special sounds we have learned so far. I encourage you to help your
child in their reading books so they will
be able to read more smoothly by chunking sounds together. Then, in
math, we began a unit on measurement and focused on a tool (ruler) A: We will be attending Sones De Mexico's "Fiesta Mexi-
used to measure length and height as well as the units of measurement cana" at the Civic Center in Des Moines. The performance
( ) on the tool. We have also been practicing telling time to will begin at 12:30 p.m., and we will be leaving school around
the hour, half-hour, and , so please look for 11:30 that day. Permission slips were sent home this week, and
opportunities to discuss the parts of the clock as well as what time the they need to be signed and returned along with $1 at your earliest
hands tell us it is at different times throughout the day! We have convenience. It appears that we have enough drivers to transport
turned our attention to the countries of and , and we all of the students in our class, so thanks so very much for all who
also began our series of lessons on the last days of here volunteered to help provide transportation!
on earth! I am so excited to see what God has in store this month!
Philippians 4:19 A Bible Course Map for the Upcoming Week
“My God will supply every need of yours
according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” - The Last Supper (Mt. 26:17 - 35;
Mk. 14:12-31) Jesus shares a meal with his disciples for the
last time here on earth. He serves them and teaches them about
His coming kingdom.
- The Garden of Gethsemane (Mt.
26:36-56) Jesus humbles Himself in prayer before God the
Father and asks that the Father’s will be done in His life, even if
that means Jesus would give up His own life.
- Review of previous lessons.
- The Judgment Hall (Mt. 26:57-7
5; 27:1,2, 11-30) Jesus is placed on trial before Caiaphas.
The people want Jesus to be killed so they attempt to trick Him
Spotlighting Students and Volunteers and get Him to condemn Himself by asking Him if He is
“Messiah the Son of God.” Then, Jesus appears before Pilate,
We wish to extend our gratitude to the Swartz family for and though Pilate believes Jesus is innocent, he allows his own self-
providing us with snacks this week! Again, your willingness to ish ambitions to get in the way. He gives the people their way and
serve by bringing snacks is much appreciated! I also wish to orders Jesus to be crucified. Jesus is then beaten with a whip and
thank Mrs. Kolln, Mrs. Lamberti, Mrs. Myers, and sentenced to death.
Mrs. Rojas for volunteering to drive for our field trip! - Review of previous lesson.
Indeed, you are all so thoughtful , and I am ever so grate-
ful for your willingness to help and provide for our needs! Thank
you for allowing me the privilege of teaching your child!

Quick Glimpse Calendar

Monday, April 11th - Friday, April 15 - Letter U Bible verse
Wednesday, April 13th - Chapel
Friday, April 15th - P.T.F. ice cream sales at lunch
Friday, April 22nd - No School - Good Friday

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