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Newsletter 3.9

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“Bits and Pieces of Info to Make Life on the Ranch Easier to Manage”

What’s Happening Around Town Answers to Questions on the Ranch

Colossians 1:9,10, and 12 says, “For this

reason also, since the day we heard, we have
not ceased to pray for you and to ask that you A: The second set of blend cards are com-
may be filled with the knowledge of His will in prised of special sounds followed by a long or
all spiritual wisdom and understanding.... so short vowel. The goal is to help students read
that you may walk in a a manner worthy of the words more quickly by providing them with
Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit practice reading special sounds together with
in every good work and increasing in the knowl- vowels. I believe this is a great time to give
edge of God.” The Lord brought this passage you the second set of cards because we’ve
to my attention while preparing for conferences, learned quite a few special sounds, and I hope
and I hope conferences were just as much an you can practice them with your child using
encouragement to you as they were to me as we some of these fun activities over spring break!
shared about the fruit God is producing in your You may start by having your child “walk”
child’s life! through a blend (st-a) and then “run” through
As we wrap up the last few days before the blend (sta). Encourage them to “run” as
spring break, we are continuing our focus on much as possible! Make sure your child reads a
adding fact families one through seven, identify- mixture of short and long vowel blend cards,
ing the number that comes before another num- and discuss the markings used to remind us of
ber, counting by ones, tens, and fives, and short and long vowel sounds.
telling time to the hour and half-hour. I encour- Another idea is to have a race. Time your
age you to look for ways to practice these skills child each day to see how quickly he or she can
in the daily routine of things over spring break! read a group of ten cards, and record his or
Those simple, short practices of adding two her time. Then, the next day, see if your child
Cheerios plus three Cheerios will make a differ- can beat his or her personal best!
ence! We will be adding special sound spl Allow your child to become an author or
(splash) to our list this week as well. We will be editor while practicing blends. Help them write
adding two new words, liquid and solid, to our words beginning with the blends from a few
vocabulary this week in science, and in history, cards, and then draw a picture to illustrate a
we will review the countries we have learned so story he or she writes using some of the words.
far and will not be studying a new country. Search the newspapers or books (although your
I spring break will be restful and enjoyable! I child can’t mark in them) for blends to highlight
hope this newsletter gives you some ideas to or circle. Also, you may want to label objects in
keep keep your child occupied over break! your house which begin with the blends using
Enjoy! fun post-it notes so your child can practice
Miss Hult reading the environment around him or her!
Spotlighting Students and Volunteers A Bible Course Map for the Upcoming Week

I want to express my gratitude to each and Monday, March 8 - Blind Bartimaeus (Mk. 10:46-
every parent who attend our parent-teacher 52; Lk. 18:35-43)
conferences on Thursday and Friday! It was a Tuesday, March 9 - Jesus Heals Jarius’ Daughter
blessing for me to be able to share with you (Mt. 9:18-26)
about your child’s growth in particular areas, Wednesday, March 10 - Jesus and the
and I hope you found our short time together Children/Lost Lamb - (Mt. 18:1-14; 19:13-15)
a help and an encouragement as we looked at Monday, March 22 - Feeding the Five Thou sand
areas of growth and areas needing growth! I (Mt. 14:13-21; Mk. 6:31-44)
so appreciate your willingness to take time Tuesday, March 23 Jesus Walks on Water (Mt.
from your busy schedule to attend, and, as 14:24-33)
always, please contact me if you have further Wednesday, March 24 - The Triumphal Entry (Mt.
questions, concerns, or thoughts! Thank you! 21:1-17)
Thursday, March 25 - The Last Supper (Mt. 26:17-
35; Mk. 14:12-31)
Friday, March 26 The Garden of Gethsemane
(Mt. 26:36-56)
Monday, March 29 - The Judgment Hall (Mt.
26:57-75; 27:1,2, 11-30)
Tuesday, March 30 - The Crucifixion (Mt. 27:31-
56; Mk. 15:20-41)
Wednesday, March 31 - The Resurrection (Mt.
27:57 - 28:15; Mk. 15:42 - 16:11)
Thursday, April 1 - Emmaus and the Upper Room
Ephesians 5:1-2 (Mk. 16:12-14; Lk. 24:13-45)
“Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved
children; and walk in love, just as Christ also ***I apologize for failing to get the main points typed up for the up-
coming lessons this week. I hope the passages will give you a clear
loved you, and gave Himself up for us, an picture of what will be taught, and it is my goal to return to writing
offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant up the details each week for the Bible lessons after spring break.
aroma.” Thank you for your patience and willingness to bear with me this
week while I am running a little low on time and energy!

Quick Glimpse Calendar

Monday, March 8 - Friday, March. 12 - Bible verse review letters A - T

Monday, March 8 - Early dismissal (2 p.m.) due to Boys State Basketball game at Wells Fargo (3:45)!
Wednesday, March 10 - Chapel
Thursday, March 11 - No school for kindergarten; PTF Family Fun Night at Incredible Pizza
Friday, March 12 - No school for kindergarten

Monday, March 15 - Friday, March 19 - Spring Break!

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